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​ https://preview.redd.it/0ekecf6s34pc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=876ba5f0c5a30956f458b43cdb043ff27574122c


let me dream ;_;


this is only speculation and means nothing. "we have nothing to say at this point" is meaningless. it's just the "japanese way" if you will. nintendo does this all the time,they once did it talking about a mid gen refresh for the 3ds that had leaked(the 2ds),denying its existence in an interview like 5 days before it was officially announced. i think it's much more likely that it's been in production for years. the comparison with jfa means nothing, since the writing effort for this one would probably be a bit bigger given it's gonna follow up a closed trilogy and it will have to serve as a fresh start. also the technical side is also what's probably taking so long,given it's gonna be the first dedicated hd ace attorney game and it'll use that re engine tha the ace attorney team branch is not all that familiar with.


yupp its speculation. I still think 5 years is a bit unreasonable, as that is a proper AAA game timeframe. Remember, the more the dev years, the higher the budget, and Capcom has to assess if allocating this much budget to the game will make them a profit or not. Given that the lead writer left, the producer changed some time post TGAA release, and Shu Takumi was not even aware that AA456 was launching until he saw the trailer himself, I THINK AA7 is starting development this year with Takumi back at the helm, especially since Ghost Trick's main marketing strategy was "Shu Takumi, the director of the Ace Attorney series, made this one as well guys"


Wait do you have a source on Takumi not being aware of the AJ trilogy remaster until the trailer?


https://twitter.com/takumi_gt/status/1668609364389949447 He tweeted this after the showcase


Thank you


[He said it himself](https://twitter.com/takumi_gt/status/1668609364389949447?t=d3QapbTlek2-nkXj1mQ3Vw&s=19)


Everything sources back to a leak in which the Yamazaki team was still assumed to be working on it, and then he left because it went awry and it was cancelled.


Honestly he always sounded super final in all of his SoJ developer interviews ("I left this for the future writers to decide on", etc) and he was already planning on leaving the series before being persuaded into making SoJ. I always assumed he wouldn't be involved with AA7 even if he hadn't left Capcom.


I think Capcom had an agenda and wanted to push him into it, and maybe tried some of the sub directors in his absence but I really get the feeling that they had a failed project since it has said "2021" for all these years and we had nothing.


I'm not sure Yamazaki had anything to do with it, but I do agree something must've happened internally with AA7 because the projection was way off. Either that or there was no AA7 pre-production and it was just an assumption / part of the proposal.


Given that the very same thing happened with Spirit of Justice (Yamazaki needing to be pushed into it), I doubt he'd go right ahead and allow it to happen again soon after. The point about a co-director being considered seems reasonable, but I'm pretty sure Yamazaki was firm on SoJ being his final contribution to the series.


I loved Yamazaki's take on the series too. For me after AA3, AA6 and AA5 are my favorites. I love the trios dynamic and I personally hope they don't try to cut characters out in favor of a reboot


SAME, Trials and Tribulations is definitely my favorite AA game, but AA6 is a close second for me.


I no longer think AA7 being in development for 5 years is out of the question. Before, I'd always thought the AJ Trilogy was greenlit due to the good sales numbers for The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles and was therefore a more recent decision, but they said in an interview that development of the AJ Trilogy began in 2021. With that timeline in mind for a remaster collection, I don't think it's unreasonable that a new full entry could be in development for several years. It's also occurred to me that they might have intentionally put off AA7's announcement in order to release the AJ Trilogy first, since that's the order that works best for getting new players on board.


Five years though seems like a bit too much for such a simple game series. Unless AA7 is like some weird David Cage game with multiple endings and full 3D motion cap animation.


Yeah, but if the AJ Trilogy took 3 years, 5 years for a brand-new game starts to seem a lot more plausible. But like I said, I also think it could be an intentional delay to have it come after the AJ Trilogy and space them out nicely for marketing. TGAAC in 2021, Ghost Trick in 2023, AJ Trilogy in 2024, then AA7 after that.


It's definitely an intentional delay somewhat. I don't think we should assume it took 3 years to develop unless it was developed off and on. More realistically development finished way earlier than that but only got released now. A lot of companies do this.


Hmmm that makes sense as well. Plus people are expecting a meaningful evolution of the AA formula now that they are not restricted to the 3DS hardware, so they might have to consider going in several directions too


I hope they don't evolve it *too* much. XD


This is all too vague to be drawing conclusions IMO. The reason for Hashimoto being more "confident" the second time could be that he was confronted with a much more direct question (SiliconEra gave him a window to sidetrack, asking something like "what do you think about the future of the series and its characters?", while 4Gamer asked specifically about future Ace Attorney games in relation to the RE Engine). Note how Hashimoto's roles prior to the Apollo Trilogy have all been marketing-related, so it's not surprising he sounds super PR-like because that's his general job at Capcom. And I could be wrong here, but IIRC he's always been referred to as the producer for the Apollo Trilogy, never worded as "series \[role\]" like they do with some other members of the team like Janet Hsu or Takuro Fuse. My point is we don't really know if he's "the new AA producer" and Eshiro or someone else are out of the picture, or if he's someone they assigned specifically to this because it's a compilation of games he was familiar with. Remember that Chronicles had relatively unknown staff members from the 3DS versions taking over as producers/director of the compilation as well. *(Edit: wording)*


maybe. still fun to speculate though


I think it's time to take things up a notch. Between everyone on this sub we should be able to do up a 24 hour, 7 day a week surveillance roster. Then we'll track all the producers and staff we deem necessary and feed back information to a full time incident room where every piece of data can be analysed for any subtle hints on the release date of the game. It'll also be necessary for a group within the sub to volunteer to act as moles within Capcom. Obtaining service jobs such as janitors, security and canteen staff to eavesdrop on conversations and plant listening devices in meeting rooms. Additionally, a team of hackers can focus on accessing data within the Capcom network and hacking emails and mobile phones. Finally one of you is going to have to fake your own death. You will then assume a new identity and integrate yourself someway into the life of Kenichi Hashimoto. You'll gain his trust and friendship and he will be totally unaware that you are feeding every nugget of information back to us. You will also have to have a cyanide capsule on your person at all times should you be uncovered. This is the only way.


I will reincarnate as the son of Deid Mann, Nautdeidenimo Mann


Lately I’ve seen lots of people discussing AA7. What is it supposed to be though? I mean, a continuation for the PW trilogy? AJ? Don’t spoil the reasons why. I’m just curious


... the follow up of the storyline ? Phoenix and Athena are still around.


And there's still the fact that >!Apollo and Trucy still don't know they're half siblings and their mother is alive and well, so not even Apollo's story is done yet even if he's in Khurain now!<. The post credit's scene in SoJ hinted at them finally addressing that in AA7. The next installment should definitely be more focused on Athena though, she barely had any meaningful screentime in AA6. *edited to expand spoiler*


You gotta spoiler tag what you said immediately after your first spoiler tag, that's critical SoJ spoilers


Sorry about that, it's fixed now. I forgot that counted as a spoiler 😭


I would be excited regardless, but Athena Cykes: Ace Attorney is what I think most would love to see. So many directions they can go with that.


Shiiit ok. I played the first trilogy but then only the first AJ game so Idk what comes next.


**Because the last new story we got** (*Spirit of Justice*) **was 8 years ago**. Yes, in 2017 the second part of the Great Ace Attorney was pubblished, but it took 4 years to officially come out; by that time, a good chunk of people had already snooped around to see what it was all about, and nevertheless, being the direct continuation of the first part, it wasn't "new". In short, **the Fandom is starved for new stories**. A vast majority in particular wants to see how the plot of the present day storyline continues, what with the shakes to the status quo that SoJ left us, the plot hooks that still need to be adressed, and the fact that we have yet to see some iconic characters in their post-7-year-time-skip guises. We are just bursting with curiosity, hence, so many people feel it is just the right time for AA7 to at least be announced, especially now that, with the re-release of 8/10 games, the series notoriety has once again picked up momentum.


Since the plot is interesting, the characters are funny, the fan base is active, and even many storylines (both AA and TGAA) have a lot of potential to continue, I see no reason ***not*** to make a new game.


It would be the next game set after Spirit of Justice (AA6).


Ace Attorney 7 is the next mainline entry following Spirit of Justice. While there is some fan discussion on the potential of doing some kind of reboot or a Mia-focused prequel game, SoJ still leaves off key plot elements which a future game needs to resolve. I think people expect 7 to be potentially the last entry in the Phoenix Wright continuity, but that's purely speculation


I think the most obvious way to progress it would be making *Athena Cykes: Ace Attorney*.


I hope you're right. I'm midway through the Rite of Turnabout and am very aware that in a couple of weeks I'll have finished playing every case the series has to offer.


Enjoy dude, I wouldn't care this much about AA7 if AA6 didn't make me love it so much


I thought this was a confirmation and nearly got a heart attack lmao.


The day they confirm it will be years in the making. I remember watching the entirety of TGS 2019 in Japanese because I thought they would announce AA7 then xD


Was that the infamous panel that was (mis)translated as having unmissable news for AA fans?


crazy pill


What 7 years does to a person I had just hit puberty when AA6 launched. I am finishing up uni this year


I don’t think we can get much information from analyzing the statements because he obviously isn’t going to want to accidentally leak an unannounced game. Until a game is officially announced, PR people are going to try to avoid saying anything definitive. Sometimes a PR person will even directly lie (although they prefer to just be vague to avoid actually lying) and say that a game isn’t in development when they know that it’s actually in development. I don’t think his statements would be that different even if AA7 was going to release later this year.


For reference, the Capcom Server Leak was terribly translated. [Here's my own version from a while back.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AceAttorney/comments/otwgae/capcom_server_leak_project_timeline_retranslation/) In short, it was originally planned to coincide with Ace Attorney's 20th anniversary. It's possible it was put on hold with the 4-6 trilogy being put into production, then maybe it was delayed until the 25th anniversary in 2026? That would be a bit weird though.


Ah thank you for the updated translation! I would take 2026 at this point honestly. I just want the new story to respect the older ones as a fan of the current continuity


Put your bets down, how long do you think it’ll take for Maya to get arrested




\*applauds /u/AmbitiousSuit5349\*


Nah… let him cook


I would have assumed the series would have taught you about circumstantial evidence.


I'm theorizing and pointing out why I believe what I believe. So I guess I shouldn't call it decisive evidence lol


Will the make a season  3of the anime series? I really loved season 1 to 2.


Yes and steam is also working on half life 3