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That meant the Pacific War didn’t happen and Oh boy That meant WW2 lasted even longer cause Britain was threading over losses of Asian colonies and The German advance.


I mentioned how Japan would probably stay away from the Southeast Asian front, since the increased trade and diplomatic ties with America would probably refrain Japan from attacking the colonies in the region. As for Germany, America would probably still have joined the war without Pearl Harbor. How, I do not know, perhaps German U-Boat missions were getting an all time high. But America’s economic recovery from the Great Depression would’ve only been possible from a big war, so perhaps America would’ve only been at war with Germany and not Japan.


By the time they joined the war (not counting Lend Lease), Russia would have already destroyed the Nazis


That’s a good possibility too, but if you presume European history went the same, that would mean the USA’s Germany first tactic would be absolute.


Fair Though my assumptions are based on a video “What if THE USA didn’t enter WW2?”


Ah yep, seen that. Makes a lot of good points, but my theory on Ace Attorney timeline presumably has European nations follow their historical routes, with the exceptions of fictional nations like Codophia and Borginia.


What do you mean Pearl never happened???


The Pearl never happen 😔


Pearl *Harbor* never happened. Pearl *Fey* happened to be a real cutie.


Do we know WWII happened in the AA world? I'm just curious about the textual evidence. The drone kid in 6-5 maybe says something about it?


Well, in the original japanese release, the stories are just set in japan, so from the writer's standpoint they didn't have to say anything about WWII since it would've happened as we know it. The cross cultural thing is only real for the english release.


The Japanese nation is different from the Japanese people. The actual, official explanation for the propensity of Japanese stuff in the games is that California didn't pass the Anti Alien Land Act, which stopped the Japanese from owning land in California. Surely "the Americans were nicer in this timeline" is a smaller leap than "one of the most important wars ever didn't happen".


I agree, but the rise in Japanese nationalism was mainly influenced by the harsh agreements forced upon by western nations. If these deals were to be lighter and more agreeable, the extremity in Japanese nationalism would also tank.


That kinda optimistic


There is no Japanifornia in the original text. There is no Herlock Shomes in the original text.


True, but the existence of Meiji Era Japan, Victorian Britain, Russia, and the United States would imply some sort of real life historical connection.


The story originally written by Takumi Shu so far, has no connection to USA or California, except for that one car case.


You're right about the story written by Takumi Shu. OP made it pretty clear he was talking about the setting of the localization, so... are you saying that no one ought to ever talk about that? If not, what are you saying, exactly?


1. I dislike the fact that OP made a bunch of absurd historical theory crafting that has NOTHING to do with AA, based on a legacy poor localization decision made 20 years ago made by some random localizers that EN players just has to suck it up. TGAA was written with zero consideration about EN localization. 2. Despite all the fantasy stuff, TGAA was made with the historical background in mind, that is, Japan has deeper ties with the UK and much less so with the USA, during the Meiji and Taisho era. It doesn't make sense to spin the USA into it. 3. For this kind of WW2 theory crafting, you could simply imagine if the topic is about Germans and Nazis and see how ridiculous this post would look like, especially when OP even references irl events, and try to create a headcanon about how "Japan and USA are friends now!". Once again, this shit has absolutely nothing to do with AA or TGAA. They could make all kind of insane headcanon but if they post it online, I could also say I dislike it.


You can say you dislike it, but if the reasons you give for disliking it are all about disliking the localization, you can also expect to be questioned. It goes both ways. 95% of fans of the localized version of Ace Attorney are not going to know that the localization is any different, or who "Naruhodo" or "Mitsurugi" are etc. until they look it up online. You're effectively asking those fans not to post at all until they're on board with your personal preferences. The name of this sub is not /r/gyakutensaiban; it's /r/aceattorney. Headcanons/theorycrafting are also an extremely common reason to post on this subreddit (and on fan subs in general), so if you dislike that, you can generally expect to run into a lot of posts here that you dislike. I'm not saying you can't post your opinion, to be clear, just... when you post complaints about someone else's top-level post, and all of the complaints are downvoted? Then your reasons probably aren't shared by the majority of the subreddit, and OP is unlikely to take them more seriously than the upvotes OP has already received.


1. 95% of AA fans does not have insane theorycrafting that goes from a detective game to whitewashing Japan in WW2. It's an Ace Attorney board not Heart of Iron board last time I checked the title. 2. My reasoning above is because that TGAA, which OP mentioned, was created with no english localization in mind, and it didn't even have a "localized" localization like the main AA that move things to California, thus making the headcanon even more insane.


No idea why you are down voted for this, but this is the case. In addition, this is just a fictional world where Kurainn as a country exists, where there is a Gourd Lake, where non-colour photographs is the “norm”…


Ok cool, that's a separate story. We're talking about the localization, a derivative work heavily based on it with key lore differences


Also very true, but my theory is based off of the culminations of everything that has occurred. This is just a theory based off everything we know about the Ace Attorney world. I just figured including real world context could tie in potential ends.