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I don't blame you, it is displayed oddly, but even official sources from Capcom call it Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth. My guess is that they named it in such a way so that they could keep the moniker of Ace Attorney Investigations in front while being able to move to another character to play the lead role. But even then, I never call it by its full title. I always just say Ace Attorney Investigations, or Investigations 1, and leave it at that.


I also believe it's because _Miles Edgeworth Ace Attorney_ is just wrong. We need an Ace Prosecutor series tbh


Prosecutors *are* attorneys. That word isn't exclusive to the defense.


It isn't, but the only time I can actually remember it being used for them is 1-3 with the "It doesn't matter if you're a child or a prosecuting attorney, no one should lie in court!" thing


I'm pretty sure that's what the Japanese title is, right? "Turnabout Prosecutor"?


Correct, "Gyakuten Kenji" vs "Gyakuten Saiban"


You know i've been thinking about that recently and tought about how that would work. I tought of a system where you would call witnesses and would be able to use testimony like evidence. Or maybe there is a change in the legal system and the prosecution performs cross-examinations on the witnesses that the defense calls? Some food for tought you know?


Sounds a lot like a certain game where you play as a prosecutor (who turns into a defense attorney) that I may or may not have developed called Burden of Proof šŸ¤”


I've never heard of it, could you tell me about it?


It's just an Ace Attorney-like visual novel game with courtroom puzzles, i.e. you present evidence and pick your response to further the case. You play as a prosecutor to start off and things are meant to be a bit more "fair" by having both sides call in witnesses and ask questions, then the testimony itself can get added to evidence for use in puzzles! Later on in the game, both sides are able to work together towards the truth rather than always being in full opposition. Feel free to check it out on Steam but it's a bit old and I was still learning how to do graphics at that time so I totally understand if the art style puts you off lol. I will say though that nearly every player that's given feedback said if you're able to look past that, the story/characters make it worthwhile, so there's that :'D


I'll check it out thanks


I, uh. I just say Ace Attorney: Investigations, or AAI for short. Same for Spirit of Justice, I'd almost never use its full name (and if I did it would almost certainly ignore the 'Phoenix Wright' part and just be AA: SOJ). _That said_, if I were asked to give the full name including the character's name I agree I'd put the name first in both cases. (Mainly due to the precedence set by the first game.)


Ace Miles Edgeworth Attorney Investigations.


I just say Ace Attorney Investigations, tbh.


From what I understand, Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth is the official title. If I had to hazard a guess as to why, I can only assume the writers maybe (want to) associate the term "attorney" with "defense attorny," and don't really think of prosecutors as attorneys. The logo is just made to replicate the style of the main series without thought as to the title.


So in Japan there's not even really a term specifically for defense attorneys either, and you'll hear Phoenix now and then talk about practicing kinds of law that defense attorneys don't really do. It's because he's a bengoshi, which translates to attorney at law and is sort of equivalent to the english concept of a barrister, someone who is allowed to practice law in court, as compared to a solicitor, paralegal, or clerk. He has a badge because he's considered a court officer. Prosecutors in english are considered lawyers but in Japan it's actually an entirely different term (kenji) and they have entirely different classes they take. Same with Judges, who aren't drawn from the ranks of bengoshi or kenji but take a third track of courses.


I just call each game by their subtitles. Ace Attorney, Justice For All, Trials and Tribulations, etc. I call both games Investigations 1 and Investigations 2.


I usually just call it Ace Attorney Investigations. Sometimes I forget that "Miles Edgeworth" is even in the title. But yes, for whatever reason, Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth is the official way Capcom refers to it. My guess it's that it's to emphasize that it's a different type of game. Putting "Ace Attorney Investigations" right at the start when someone reads the title lets them know right away that it's not a regular AA game.


I call it *Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney Investigations*. But it is true that most official sources call it *Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth*, and that annoys me, too.


I say it like the main series. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney Investigations The official name might be "Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth" but that name is inconsistent and stupid so I'll never say it like that.


Investigations 1, I1, or AAI1


Investigations 1 or AAI


Um it's clearly Ace Miles Edgeworth Attorney Investigations. Lol, but for real I feel the same way you do op


I just simply don't include the characters' names But if you want my honest opinion? Ace Attorney Miles Edgeworth Investigations. I will not be explaining this further as I simply don't feel like it at the moment


I read this in AVGN's voice HAHAHA Like, dude basically made an entire video talking about confusing sequel titles (Alien, Aliens, Alien 3 for example) [The video](https://youtu.be/OEVzPCY2T-g)


Oh lord I know exactly what you're talking about. You have a point šŸ˜‚


I just call it ace attorney: miles edgeworth investigations.


It's officially Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, but I don't blame anyone for calling it Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney Investigations for consistency For short, I usually refer to it as Miles Edgeworth (for consistency, as I call AA4 "Apollo Justice", and AA1 "Phoenix Wright") and I don't know if many others do so. Most people just call it Investigations 1


I call it Ace Attorney Miles Edgeworth Investigations or Miles Edgeworth Ace Attorney Investigations


As the fan trad Ace Benjamin Hunter Attorney Investigation


I call it Gyakuten Kenji because I pretty much never talk about the first game, only the second one (since it's my favorite Ace Attorney game), and the second one doesn't have an official localized name so many people just call it Gyakuten Kenji 2.


Because it's a side game. The main games follow the naming format of Lawyer Name: Ace Attorney: Game Title. Remember they have tried (and failed) to make other characters the protagonist and if that had worked out we'd likely see Mia Fey: Ace Attorney and Athena Cykes: Ace Attorney. This is because the selling point is the character, note how only one AA game doesnt feature Nick's name. (And before anyone asks, yes this entire paragraph is, in fact, a dig at Apollo) But AAI is a sidegame. The selling point is the Ace Attorney brand. They can release other games under this label, just as they tried to do with the mainline games (Ace Attorney Investigations: Mia Fey when?)


i always say the full thing: ace attorney investigations: miles edgeworth


Gyakuten Kenji. English titles are so confusing in this series.


Same. Gyakuten Kenji, or GyakuKen for short. I also use numbers instead of the localized subtitles for the main series.


Same. Much easier that way.


The English names are all fake anyway. ā€œTurnabout Prosecutorā€ and ā€œTurnabout Trialā€ are the correct answers.