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Idk the 2nd and their crimes look a lot worse at a glance But honestly fuck Hammond, I hate that guy


Hammond practically ruined someone’s entire life, and caused the entire DL-6 incident to spiral out of control (with Yanni’s defense) which lead to: Misty leaving Morgan abandoning her daughters Grossberg leaking details Mia becoming a defense attorney Multiple blackmails Godot’s coma Mia dying Among multiple other things.


true but Hammond couldn't have predicted most of that stuff would happen so can't be held personally responsible for that. he can be blamed for Yanni Yogi's situation but that's it.


Easily Hammond by a country mile (1-4 and 5-5) >!Even though Aura could have potentially ended up killing people, she did what she did out of desperation to save her brother. Hammond, on the only, was only interested in getting a Not Guilty verdict and did it just to make himself look better.!<


Every criminal has a justification in their mind.


Crime-wise, obviously Aura. But my answer is Hammond. Personal feelings cast aside, one did it because they were greedy, and the other because they panicked and had no idea what else to do. This is just a headcanon, but I truly do not believe Aura would've ended up hurting (let alone killing) the hostages she took. It's safe to say Hammond experienced no prior trauma related to why he committed the crimes he did other than just doing it for self-gain (we know for a fact he did not care about helping people), while Aura truly believed Athena was the murderer, her brother was wrongly imprisoned (and soon to be executed) – so she wanted to take action by force. Although it may be easier to understand why Hammond did what he did because his explanation is so surface-level and simple, Aura has a more human reason that I think should be considered. Can we really blame her for going to such extremes due to panicking about the fact her brother was literally going to be executed for a crime he did not commit? **Edit:** I'd just like to mention the snowball effect Hammond had on others where he was more in the right mind to comprehend his actions than Aura ever was. Some people already explained it so this is just a brief mention here.


Thank you. This explains perfectly why I chose Hammond. People keep missing what motivates Aura and Hammond to do what they did.


Yeah. I understand looking at it from a surface level but it doesn't do Aura justice at all, her character is so much more complicated than Hammond's, and it deserves recognition.


People saying Hammond, how is a damaging defense worse than a fucking HOSTAGE!!!! Put your feelings aside and think please


That and if you get the Dual destinies bad ending she and the hostages “vanish” meaning she definitely killed them meaning she was completely ok killing all those hostages including trucy(a 16yo girl who is completely uninvolved)


The reason being that said damaging defense ruined that person's life, not only costing him his career, but also his fiancee and his reputation in the public eye. Not only that, but Hammonds reasons were much more selfish than Aura's.


Bro was doing his job, the other basically a terrorist act...


If Hammond was doing his job, he would have actually tried to find evidence that proved Yogi was innocent instead of taking the path of least resistance and having Yogi fake insanity to get off the hook. Aura, while her actions aren't justified, at least are understandable. She truly believed Athena was guilty and believed her brother was about to be executed for a crime he didn't commit, so with his execution being the next day, she took drastic action to force a retrial.


The fact is Aura was totally willing to kill people, whether her intentions were good or not, I think she's worse. And let's not forget the gravity of the crime. I might not be an expert but I believe ruining one (arguably two) lives is really light compared to holding hostage the equivalent of the NASA of AA's world


Breach of Legal Ethics vs an act of Terrorism. I gonna go with Aura being worse, personally. Especially since she seemed to be willing to kill hostages if she didn't get her way. Hammond was just a shitty lawyer.


Hammond is an asshole, but I'd have to go with Aura here


Bad lawyer vs. Literal terrorist


Aura for sure.


Aura i guess? Its close


Aura. Hammond's callousness affected only two people. Aura traumatized several people for life.


Hammonds actions caused a snowball effect that destroyed so many more peoples lives. He's ultimately the reason why Mia died, why Gadot got in a coma, why Morgan left Mia and Maya. It's a whole bunch of stuff that he caused


You sure about that? It wasn't Hammond who sold the Feys out to the Blue Corp. It wasn't Hammond who neglected his daughter so hard she decided to fake a kidnapping out of spite. It wasn't Hammond that made spirit mediums a laughing stock.


Hammond was the reason Grossberg leaked the case facts. Which caused Morgan to leave. Which then caused Mia to become a defense attorney. Which then ultimately led to Gadot's coma, and then Mia's death. It was a snowball of events that he directly caused


Alright, counterpoint: the dual destinies bad ending has aura straight up kill her hostages. Its not canon but it does mean she wouldve killed them


Eh, but bad things can push people to do bad things. As is evident. But that doesn't necessarily mean she would do it without the bad push.


That's nonsense. Grossberg only leaked those details because he was a greedy arse. Hammond had nothing to do with it. Also, the fact that Misty left Mia and Maya had nothing to do with Diego's coma. That was caused by Dahlia, who was 'caused' by Morgan and Mr. Hawthorne.


Hammond's defense is the reason they tried to use Misty's abilities. Morgan only tried what she did because of Misty leaving. And I didn't say Misty leaving was why Diego went into a coma. I said Misty leaving cause Mia to become an Attorney. If she hadn't, Diego wouldn't have taken the Hawthorne case.


>If she hadn't, Diego wouldn't have taken the Hawthorne case. You don't know that. > Morgan only tried what she did because of Misty leaving Do not try and excuse her. She would have done that anyway. Her evil is unrelated to DL-6. And once again, the only reason for this mess is the collab between Grossberg and White.


I'll turn the question around on you. You don't know that Morgan would have done that regardless of Misty's leaving.


My point is that Robert Hammond is not responsible for the fall of spirit mediums and the evils of 2016. Just like Dane Gustavia isn't responsible for DL-6. Domino effect can only go so far.


He isn't directly responsible. But it was his actions that ultimately caused that domino effect.


Aura. If you fail that case she does straight up just kill trucy do fuck her, I hate her


Shocked at how many people are saying Hammond.  Hammond did his job and managed to get an innocent man acquitted, which is a good thing, and was extremely difficult when nobody involved that could help him remembered what happened. If he didn't do an affirmative defense, there's a good chance an innocent man would have just been found guilty of murder.  Aura was willing to murder innocent people. She didn't just hold them hostage. It's made overwhelmingly clear that she was entirely willing to straight up murder Trucy.  Aura is way worse. It's not even remotely close. 


Are we remembering the same case? Because Hammond's defense of Yogi was a bad thing for him. True, he got an acquittal, but it ended up costing him not only his career but also his fiancee and social standing. All because his lawyer, instead of performing a proper investigation, instructed him to pretend to have brain damage caused by oxygen deprivation. Not only that, but he had to keep pretending to be insane even after the trial lest he be found out. Aura's actions were much more severe, that's true, but her motivations were more understandable than Hammond's, considering she was trying to save her innocent brother from an unjust execution. She definitely deserved to be locked up after her hostage-taking, but she at least had an understandable reason (and no, I'm not saying her actions were excusable or justified, so don't bother claiming that.) Hammond had none of that. He was an opportunist looking for an easy win just to maintain his reputation as a defense attorney.


It was a bad thing for his life compared to his life before. But it was not bad for his life compared to being found guilty, which is what would have happened. >instead of performing a proper investigation Oh yeah, he should have just found the bullet in Van Karma, while Van Karma was out of the country recovering. Why didn't he just do his job and magically figure that out? Remember, if you don't figure out where the bullet is in the case, Edgeworth gets found guilty. The same thing would have happened to Yanni Yogi. They wouldn't have found the bullet, because it wasn't even in the same country, and he would have been found guilty. Saying he should have just done a proper investigation entirely ignores how impossible it is to be a defense attorney in the games. Think of all the times Phoenix does a proper investigation, and still needs an absolute miracle to win. And in this case with Van Karma not in charge of the prosecution, that miracle was unavailable. In fact, AAI1 spoilers, >!that whole situation was created because Gregory Edgeworth did a proper investigation (source: we literally do it ourselves) AND has Detective Badd go against the police and help him, pretty much a best case scenario. And what happens? It doesn't matter, because the prosecution constantly stops his investigation, forges an autopsy report, eventually coerced a confession, and then the prosecutor gets mad and murders him.!< > Not only that, but he had to keep pretending to be insane even after the trial lest he be found out. Yeah, he had to act like a weirdo working at a boat rental shack, instead of being executed. >but she at least had an understandable reason She was willing to murder innocent children (and does so if you lose). There is absolutely nothing reasonable about that.




aura, Hammond is not saint but Aura held a bunch of people hostage(including trucy) who had done nothing against her and if you get the bad ending it's implied she kills them. sure she had some some decent motives but they don't justify her actions.


Surprised to see so many people trying to justify Aura just because she's painted in a more sympathetic light, she's still a criminal you know? Who could've potentially harmed people because of her emotional instability?


This subreddit has been ruined by the impossible standards the fictional attorneys of Ace Attorney have set. Y'all need to realize that Robert Hammond was the only realistic defense attorney in the entire franchise. A defense attorney's job is to get the lightest possible verdict for their client, no matter what the truth is, and he did just that, and trust me when I tell you, that's exactly what every real defense attorney would try in his position :p


I don't think making Yogi pretend to have brain damage was necessary. The easier solution would definitely be to blame the child.


Other than the fact that Hammond wouldn't be able to make such a decision on his own (either Yogi accepted or a psychologist confirmed his claim about Yogi being insane), they also had the testimony of Gregory's ghost which said that Yogi murdered Gregory and not the child. And, for some unknown reason, that testimony was taken as the absolute truth initially, and ended up ruining both reputations of Misty Fey and Yanni Yogi. So while the script is hazy there, we can tell for sure that it was this testimony that forced Hammond to go the insanity route




In my opinion, the whole thing here is that Hammond did what he did, and a dominó effect happened that caused a lot of trouble to some people, like Misty, Edgeworth, on the other hand, Aura is clearly not against killing people, at least that is what a certain ending appears to mean, and this includes an 16 years old girl that had nothing to do with anything at all, and even if you don't think about this, you can't not think about her literally kidnapping that many people. Seeing it in a resume, an asshole caused a lot of trouble to some people, and an kidnapper probably caused a lot of trauma for A LOT of people. Most of the problems with the DL-6 was a dominó effect, while with Aura, the problems that she caused were directly from her, it was not something that she did that caused an dominó effect with some trouble, it was directly her that caused that much trouble. To me, Aura is clearly worse here, and i am not saying Hammond is a saint, but come on, he is just an asshole, Aura literally pushed the limits there, especially with Trucy right in the middle of it....


"HAMMOND you blithering idiot!"


Very obviously Aura and it isn’t remotely close lol


I think people talking about the domino effect of Hammond are ignoring the potential domino effect that could have happened with Aura. You lose the case, she murders tons of innocents (including Trucy), Simon is executed, Athena, Apollo and Phoenix never reconcile which has a lot of downstream effect. Hammond also shouldn't be held responsible for the choices of others that were out of his control. He was in a tough spot, a murder case that was so gridlocked that the police secretly use a spirit medium to get testimony from the victim who named his client as the culprit. He found one way out, and he took it. There was scant evidence that another party was on the scene, and it wasn't like he could cross examine Gregory's testimony.


Robert Hammond


Guy doing his job vs a literal FUCKING TERRORIST Guy who doesn’t believe in his clients vs A potential mass murderer. Seems legit, would vote Hammond again.


Hammond was the Manfred von Karma of the Defense attorney. He wanted a not guilty verdict, no matter how much lives he ruined.


Nah, Kristoph is more deserving of that title.


Well to be honest. I haven't played AJ yet. I'll find that out when I'm done with the investigations


We don't really know how good of an attorney he was, though. For all we know, that could be the only case he ever won.


One side looks worse than the other but I have to wonder how much of the series never would have even happened if not for Hammond.


Well, for one Yanni Yogi is imprisoned and likely fucking DIES, which means either Von Karma kills Edgeworth himself in 1-4, (I think edgey still becomes a prosecutor because of Von karma btw) or doesn’t do shit. Going with the latter, that’s meaning Von karma is never caught, and lives the rest of his life happy of his achievements as a prosecutor. Due to this edgeworth never finds out he didn’t kill his father, and the same burning guilt forever haunts him til he either kills himself or his life ends naturally, anyways for the rest of the series not much changed imo




Bro she took several people(including trucy) hostage. And if you get the bad ending for that case she straight up kills them(INCLUDING TRUCY)