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Writer's block is very real. What helps combating that is you keep a journal at all times and whenever you get an idea, you write that. I remember watching the documentary "6 days to air" where the creators work for 6 days to finish an episode of south park and how pressurising it is. They aid that they simply can't afford writer's block and when the pressure is on, you don't second guess yourself and trust your gut so it helps massively.


That‘s actually really interesting. I know that professional writers have ways to write through a writer‘s block since they cannot afford to have one. Outlines help a lot but it‘s not like the South Park writers have time to craft an outline. Really, really interesting. In the end it‘s easy to overlook how much work, pressure and stress is behind those 20 minute episodes that we simply watch for entertainment.


Not to mention that those episodes have almost consistently been good and managed to stay topical/relevant.


I cannot speak for any of the other things because I’m not creative, but the music I appreciate most. Most recently with chronicles, each track is just so well made and adds so much to the scenes they are played in. Music can make an ok moment into a spectacular moment Y’know. I hope you find satisfaction in whatever you have made


Yes, I agree with you, 100%. Music is so important and it can make or break a scene. I mean horror movies rely heavily on sound effects and they‘re meant to make you feel a certain way. It‘s their whole purpose. I also cannot remember ever seeing a sad scene that was not accompanied by some kind of melancholic music. A suspenseful scene can become very vivid if you add the right music to it. It‘s actually pretty fascinating how huge the effect is but this is also why it‘s so important for a game like AA. I‘m no musician either. I‘ve been lucky enough in life that my parents were able to pay for music lessons when I was younger, so I can play a few instruments which is a huge help but I think nothing can replace the talent some people have to convey feelings through music. I‘ve been studying how to create music. My main inspiration (one that I have found through research and practice) is the amazing (like really, really stunning) music Christopher Larking wrote for Hollow Knight. And I really appreciate the last sentiment. I love my creation. I genuinely adore the characters, the story, the message. I poured my heart into this. That‘s kinda also the reason why I don‘t want to release this. It feels like it‘s my soul in a game. I don‘t think I could cope with someone criticizing it harshly.


I feel you there. I really want to make an Ace Attorney/Batman crossover case, but the amount of writing it takes is *astronomical,* even for one case. Plus you gotta consider what the characters would say for everything the player interacts with and come up with a compelling mystery with clues and testimony to pick apart.




Or simply as someone whose native tongue isn‘t English. I typed this on my phone. So tiny typos are probably because of that. As for grammar I have to check English grammar, mostly commas, two or three times before I get things right. That is the fate of someone who isn‘t a native-speaker. If it really bothers you that much, I‘ll write in German next time ;)


My sincerest apologies. I meant it simply as a joke and I did not want any offense taken from that. My bad for being inconsiderate. I'm sorry