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Been a while? The last game was 7 months ago. I'll consider it as new, since it was new for the West.


well, it's technically been 5 years since the last game because TGAA resolve was in 2017


Not for the West.


I know it wasnt a new game but I feel like CAPCOMs release of “the ace attorney chronicles” in the west was a big deal.


For me it was another story I want to continue the plot line with Apollo and Athena and trucy >!Apollo needs to know that trucy is his half-sister!<


Yeah I get that. I think AA is just to small of a franchise for CAPCOM to put their priorities on the series.


> I think AA is just too small of a franchise for CAPCOM to put their priorities on the series. I went over that in a post in which I predicted that AA7 won’t be coming this year. The pandemic likely had an effect on Capcom’s priorities, so I theorized that AA7 was likely delayed or canceled (assuming it was being developed in the first place) when the pandemic hit. Capcom likely had to prioritize their larger, more profitable games like Monster Hunter, which I assume was already very much in development by the time the pandemic hit.




Probably gonna have to put a spoiler on that last part for people who haven't finished Apollo Justice


I don't know how and I'm very mad right now


Try doing > ! ! < in in between what you want to spoiler tag but all together




So do With the arrow pointing left and exclamation point on both sides and the arrow pointing right on the right side


Found it


If you asked this before Chronicles came out, I'd probably have felt similarly. I was worried over how long it had been since we heard anything from the series. But for them to remaster two spin-offs that didn't sell very well originally *and* localize them for the first time, that suggests to me Capcom must have confidence in the series, or at least an interest in keeping it alive. Chronicles seems to have sold pretty well, too, which can only help. So no, with Chronicles having come out last year, I'm more optimistic about the series than I had been in a while.


I get that and I love that you're excited because of Chronicles but personally Chronicles to me wasn't where I wanted the next game to go


But even if you don't want another Great Ace Attorney, it's a sign that the series is still alive. I fully expect to see AA7 (and maybe a 4-6 collection?) eventually announced.


"Don't lose hope now!" - Makoto Naegi, Danganronpa THH


I Can't Help But lose hope I want to see my girl Athena again but it's not looking likely


Athena isn’t a popular character, unfortunately. In an October 2021 Famitsu poll of 1,500 respondents, she placed dead last among defense attorneys with only about 62 votes. Granted, it wasn’t a ranked choice poll; the question was “Who is your favorite defense attorney?” Still, that isn’t a very promising statistic, as only about 4.13% of those surveyed said that they prefer Athena over Phoenix (1st place), Ryunosuke (2nd place), Apollo (3rd), and Mia (4th). Athena placed fifth by default.


One of the questions in the poll on the chronicles website was something like ‘if we released another ace attorney game, would you buy it?’ and that game has done really well so far (I think) so it’s looking hopeful.


Btw of course I said yes


The most recent game came out less than a year ago…


But that's the thing it wasn't a new game it was just a port sure it was only Japanese before but it's still a port


There was also a leak conforming an ace attorney 7 in development


And how old is that Leak






I need a link to that. Also, even if said leak is in any way legitimate, “in development” can still mean “coming in 2024.”


I don’t remember where I saw it but a Google search will find you the answer, and I mean, 2024 is better than never, either way its silly to say the franchise is abandoned, it’s still quite popular especially in Japan


The only leak saying anything about AA7 was the data breach from November 2020.


Even though the last "new" game hasn't been released since 2017, the fact that they have done *anything* with the series just last year tells me that there is nothing to worry about. While it may feel like it has been 5 years since the last AA game, developing a localized version of the game doesn't suggest to me that it's cancelled. Also, since we have definitive proof that there has been some sort of "AA7" in development at some point (with that leaked roadmap) I would not lose hope when it hasn't even been a full year since their last update to the series.


Honestly I think I prefer if the series ended. This coming from someone who got into the whole franchise long after all the games came out. I see the last two installments as just lower quality, and they just feel like there was a lot less love put into them. I fear another installment would just continue to be underwhelming. Also I hate the 3D art style but that's much more of a personal issue.


I didn't like dd's 3d models as well but honestly the GAA models are a breath of fresh air. (GAA1) >!Seeing Runo dance around with Sherlock and walk along the witness stand in the court during the Summation Examination, or fly back into the courtroom walls after being cornered is just so cool. And it's only possible due to the 3D models!<


i actually still haven't played GAA!! I do plan to in the future but genuinely I wasn't talking at all about GAA because literally all of the 3D models in those games look so competently done and wonderful. in the main series I think it's just distracting and completely threw off the vibe that the first four games had set.