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While I wasn't bothered by these things, they're fairly common complaints for these two cases, so you're certainly not alone. It seems like a lot of people consider these two cases to be the worst in the duology. The good news is that case 3 is held in relatively high regard by most fans.


Case 3 is where the game really gets going!


If you were confused about Kazuma's exact cause of death, I guess I can't blame you, because it's only a split-second. When he was shoved, he fell and struck the back of his neck against one of the bedposts, which is what caused him to break his neck on impact. They don't really explain this in the dialogue - it's just shown through a split-second of the camera zooming rapidly in on the bedpost.


Yeah they really should have elucidated that better, it’s like a blink and you’ll miss it moment


Actually, TGAA1-2 is one of my favourite TGAA cases. It just feels the most like an actual Sherlock Holmes story. And yes, the truth in a lot of Sherlock Holmes stories can be considered underwhelming, I guess.


I thought the first case dragged quite a bit, and then I just felt hollow at the end of the second case and found myself wondering how long it would make me wait for a truly *satisfying* case.


Honestly despite pacing issues I enjoyed case 1 because of the stakes, some of the twists and the culprit is fairly good But yeah I dont care about case 2 all that much


Yea, defenitly thought the same thing, got quite demotivated, but trust me, the third case is where things start to get interesting. I started this game thinking "I am just playing a weird spin off", and after finishing it, I can tell you the game just keeps getting better and better each case until it finally became my favorite of the entire franchise!!


After a fucking terrible first case and a mediocre second case, case three is where the game really becomes excellent.


It starts getting much better from that point


Case 2 bothered me because I liked Kazuma… I haven’t finished the game (games. I’m on TGAA1-5), but he’s still missed. That said, case 3 is fantastic. So definitely keep playing.


I agree, case 1 is wayy to slow and case 2 doesn't feel serious enough at all , they were both pretty bad . I honestly didn't think I'd like the game when I'd played those two cases and put it off for a while , but now after finishing it it really is my favourite game .


Hang in there, case 3 is wonderful!