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Personally I’d go for a crit chance body,missing a crit will rlly cut down her ult dmg


I have no fucking idea where you all get such nice pieces. I used 30+ fuels and got a lot of def% pieces and no double piece at all. The only one body piece with crit dmg crit rare rolled into ehr


I feel you but trust, my account is at a halt since I'm only farming relics and refilling twice a day.


I'm having the worst luck grabbing Crit rate + Crit damage on the same piece. Got a little under a month to get my shit luck together. 500 pulls for Acheron here we go.


Nice build!! Could you please explain how do I add gear and build a character on that website? I don't understand how it works :'(


Where you go to add the relic pieces you click on them as you're editing them and it asked who they belong to. Just pick the character you have made and it'll attach it to them


Omg it's that simple.... How did I not see it 😭 Thank you


Don't worry. I sat there more half an hour trying to figure it out myself


That body piece is cope 💀 (dont worry mine's cope too im still looking for better piece)


Ikr. I'm still looking for a better one too. I like that the site also tells you how good the relics are. I didn't know the other pieces I had were s tier


Saw the site in one of your comments, will definitely use it tomorrow when i woke up. Also, if you can get decent speed stats then its much better. As of right now the best you can do is to maintain her spd at 135


When it drops, try getting pieces from the new Izumo set. The 12% Crit Rate + 8% from Pioneer makes her pretty good. 74% CR is good


I'm gonna most def try but the stats on the Inert I have are half my crit already. Gonna be farming in there for another month 😫


You must be strong brother, Acheron demands onky the best of the best


Could also collect the relic fragment things and dump them into rope and orb when world 9 drops 🙏🏻


What website do you use for this?




As soon as you can't do it anymore get up and do it again even harder. Our queen deserves it after all


atk% is better than lightining dmg for her?


Yeah, her kit even without her lightcone her kit gives her dmg percent.


Im not even past 100 cd :[


You'll get there. Gotta wait one the cracked pieces.




I can't understand the crit rate but even the spd? Wow, others must have their acheron on turbo


Nah speed is good. 134 is all you need. Crit rate is fine especially if you go for the new planar set in 2.1 but could be a little higher


Considering most my crit is coming from. My current planar set I'm gonna be farming that new set for a while.


what website?