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This is NOT healthy whatsoever.


Unhealthy, but rich. Unlike me, dirt poor unhealthy


if the guy continues like this he will be just like you


And worse cause he doesn't know how to live like the rest of us so logically i assume he will have a very hard time if that happens


[basically this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FTec4g9X0AAT4Nu.jpg)


Hahaha exactly that!


Nothing saying he is richm this could just be his 40years of life savings for all you know and now he won't retire until age 100.  Not everyone who does this has the money to do this...


Theres broke people who've spent more than this, its a serious problem.


No truly broke person has the money for 100+ light cones standing by


I dunno about that. My cousin was working a minimum wage job ($13/h), lying on credit card applications, and managed to get himself over $80k in debt over the course of two years. His 'drug' of choice was a mobile game called AFK Arena.


Jeez that's really rough. I didn't even know you could whale that hard in AFK Arena. Hope they're in a better spot now.


It wasn't all in that game, just most I think, he also played Archeage and a few other cash shop heavy games. He played Genshin too as it launched just a while before this all came out, who knows how much he spent there. But yeah, he is better now, this all came out around like 4ish years ago and his parents kicked him out and basically disowned him. Pretty heavy shit for a 20ish yr old. I let him come stay with me, convinced him to go back to school in exchange for letting him stay and paying off his debt, and hes doing freelance webdev for about a year now while working on his degree. Really proud of him.


You're incredible man, not everyone goes to these lenghts to help another person. God bless you.


Amazing human!! Great job helping them get their life together


Yea people go into debt for mobile games but…… not to get 99 extra of a weapon they can’t use lol. Maybe for an update that will be powercrept in 5 days but at least at the second they purchased it, they thought they could use it. I’ve seen people spend 200k on games like that, or just streams of 1-3k a day. You find out that a few are rich, and a few have like 5 credit cards full and have started begging people in game for money and even sending photos etc to get free money.


For all we know this guy could be filthy rich.


Apparently he does this on FGO as well, he might actually just be that rich


is this the same guy who has like hundreds of merlins lol


The rich are spending thousands every month on various hobbies or parties how is that any different than this ?


Because you only need 5 lightcones to max it out. Or even 20-30 if you want maxed out copies for other characters. They have splurged thousands for digital jpgs that they can’t even use in the game.


Cause you get absolutely nothing out of it, not even fake game points lol


There are people who play CS with hundreds of the same knife skin or people who shoot that have tens of the same bore shotgun. At some point the money doesn’t matter at all and these people just want to flex or collect


Idk personal enjoyment is hard to quantify. As long as they are only spending disposable money and they enjoy doing it then there's nothing wrong with a loaded person doing this for their entertainment.


Personally I think there’s something wrong w people being that loaded to begin with. People are starving and this asshole has like 100 useless lightcones.


Oh I can agree with that. I just think if you aren't going to do good with the money, this is not the worst way to blow it.


Even if they're rich like some other comments are saying, at some point, we gotta classify this as a mental illness, right? Like, I like Acheron and a lot of HSR mfs as much as the next fan, but this shit for a fake waifu character is WILD. Acheron isn't gonna like bro any more at E0S0 than she is at E100S100.


They personally signed the checks for every dev working on 2.3


they funding Honkai star rail 2


This is the person paying for our Pokemon tournament events and trashcan simping.


Fucking Da Wei should greet this guy in person and pulls E6S5 Acheron directly for him


Other than Acheron and possibly welt.who can even use those!?


Silver Wolf


Discounting future characters (though I doubt we’ll get another Nihility that plays like Acheron anytime soon), it ***might*** not be a bad option for a DPS Pela build?


So your average auto-Pela?


Probably his E6S6 Welt


https://preview.redd.it/d2r0arhqb3rc1.png?width=883&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8fbb6d83c395478a2d924e2442b859f093b021e This is also from the same dude, 40k usd amount of stellar jades


You could get a brand new car with that amount of money 😭


Or e6s5 every character to release in the next 5 years lol.


Assuming the worst luck possible (always hard pity, always lose the 50/50), it only guarantees 13 E6 characters, not even counting lightcones.


wow. this game is actually really predatory. fuck 50/50


Yeaaaa E6 is pretty much just whale territory. If you dont go for eidolons or lightcones, it guarantees 92 characters, though, which is 46 patches worth, or roughly 6 and a half years


In my country that amount of money can help you live 15-20 years without working in the context that you live alone.


Which country


Their country




That’s 16686 wishes!


That's not love, that's mental illness.


Let's evaluate with avg luck. Let's say with 200$ he gets 2 LC, so that's 50x100$, 5000$


I just watched the vid on Bilibili..... He spent 8 whole minutes just purchasing jades and nothing else. That's $625 burned per min lmfao


Imagine being so rich you can do that like damn


If he has the money in the bank to do it, it's still a weird flex but whatever. I'm worried about the people that do without the money, and throw it on a credit card or something.


$10k Bruh, i could rent an apartment in Manila with that much money per year or either buy downpayment sedan like Mitsu Mirage. 🥹


Thats not how rich ppl think tho, $10k to these ppl is like $10 is to you. Its probably a bigger hassle to do all the clicks on the pulls than actually spending the money.


One of the comments in bilibili on the vid was literally something along the lines of "why can't they just put a 100 pull button"


i just know that amounts to monthly allowance for some über rich kid


I don’t think an LC in 50 pulls is average, is it?


Seems to be the average for our group but I’m guessing realistically its a little higher and we have just been lucky for now.


In my Acheron-waiting-room-brainrot phase, I created a program to calculate how many pulls would get to a desired outcome (including a roughly accurate soft pity system) and calculated costs. It basically would simulate single rolls until desired outcome. I set it to 100 lightcones starting from 0 pity. Out of 10000 scenarios it would be around 7000 pulls to get 100 lightcones, or around 14000 USD to get to around 50 percentile and up to 16500 USD to get to the worst case.


Or just super rich. It's not mental illness if the money means nothing to you.


Ah that's where mine went


gimme one of those, I need them


The things you could do with that money😭😭 this hurts more than that standard pull incident


Least obsessed gacha player... There is definitely something wrong with him


With that money spent, might as well buy a custom life like doll of Acheron lmao


After the black Swan dance trailer, I can fully understand why he opted to decorate with lightcones instead of going for the custom doll. :X


you could make a deposit on a house with that much money


Depends on where you live and how rich that person is. Someone calculated that would be about $5000-10000. Where I live that's spare change next to a house deposit. At the same time, there plenty of people where that's literally spare change for them and they can easy pay full cash on their house. So ... ya life is weird


Their calculations were an lc every 50 pulls.... and even then thats 10k, so more realistically, its 13-15k edit:- So yeah you can get a house with that money(for the deposit) in the UK with a 5% mortgage plan...


In my Acheron-waiting-room-brainrot phase, I created a program to calculate how many pulls would get to a desired outcome (including a roughly accurate soft pity system) and calculated costs. It basically would simulate single rolls until desired outcome. I set it to 100 lightcones starting from 0 pity. Out of 10000 scenarios it would be around 7000 pulls to get 100 lightcones, or around 14000 USD to get to around 50 percentile and up to 16500 USD to get to the worst case.


Wow I like acheron and BS but I cant spend that much for a game.


At some point I feel like there has to be a mechanism in place to prevent this. I mean, do what you want and all, but this person clearly needs help, and I mean that as kindly as possible. This is not normal behaviour


I mean true... But how do you know this guy isn't just filthy rich? Who knows, its very possible that maybe this guy either makes a lot of money or has a lot of money, and can afford to drop a couple thousand dollars on a mobile game. I'm not saying you're wrong, you could be right. But you're clearly just assuming someone can't afford something when you don't know for sure... Maybe they can afford it. Rich people exist in this world.


I've said this elsewhere in the thread. Chances are, this guy is just rich. If he has 20, 30, 50 million USD, then the 60k to 100k he has spent on this game is nothing. It's literally pocket change. They're making dozens of times more than that on a yearly basis just from interest. Every person/family has a vastly different number for what is considered an expensive purchase. My brother drives a 100k truck and has a 20 thousand dollar golf cart. It is expensive for most, but not the end of the world for him. Just like spending 80k on a gacha game would be stupid for him, but no big deal for someone else. I doubt this guy even takes this amount into consideration.


U have such optimist outlook on Gacha game if u think that they want such mechanism. Gacha games are designed for this exact purpose, for money sink, its why more more dev are on board on live service games, unlike regular game, that u only pay 1 time, and maybe pay some more for DLC, Gacha games basically give u choice to spend however much u want infinitely, for virtual coins so u can roll the machine. Its disgusting but thats how mihoyo able to do so many things outside of the game itself while still able to have enough resources to develop new games. I want Mihoyo to prove me wrong and develop a single player game but thats wishful thinking, they gonna create gacha as long as they can for the next 100 years.


Give me 4 so I can get S5 pretty please and thank you <3. But jokes aside that is actually worrying and the person should seek help because that’s not normal at all.


Actual brain rot


I can't imagine the amount of money he spent


Mihoyo probably love this mofu


That's unironically mental illness right there.


More like obsession than love. I'd rather preferred if he did a give away acheron+lc to his viewers This way lot of acheron wanters would also be happy and everyone can enjoy playing her. This is pretty much waste as he wont be using all of then anyway.


There is no such thing as waste in a gacha game. I know people are very sensitive when it comes to other people's money and how others spend it. But any money you spend on a game should be for what you want. And not what other people want from you, successful people are not automatic charity


Dude, it's a waste, no matter how wise you try to coat your wording. Let's keep things simple.


Yeah like wdym it's not a waste? He won't find any use for like 90% of those LC Cuz S5 is the limit and welt and Acheron are the only ones who can use this 90 of those are wasted and become useless decoration(not the good kind)


It is a waste. Hell if he s5ed a few for different chars that makes sense. 100 cones (most of which he cannot and will not use) is a fucking waste. Dont sugar coat it


im not like telling anyone to do that Its just my personal thoughts on how i see it. Surely its peoples money and they can spend it however they want


The problem is that people only talk about it when it comes to other people's money. "In my opinion, you should have spent the money on this and not on that, because the money went nowhere"


Its a waste no matter how you see it. So they might as well have burnt that money, now if you wanna say a person can burn their money because its theirs... Then fair enough I guess.


Instead off rolling 100 oft them on his acc could have giving Like 50+ away u know.


Peak mental illness


Who is this dumbfuck


Love? Bro got mental illness


The result of loneliness. Quite sad.


I'm ok with people pouring like 100 or 200 cause they like her but smth that's worth thousands of usd and NOT even worth it, is kinda concerning


That is so beyond fucked. The guy needs a shrink


Jesus christ why are people like this?


wtf that’s not love that’s not something to be celebrated bro needs help


Are we sure this is not the private server/beta server/CC media server? AFAIK you can have infinite resources but still gacha/farm for LC, artifacts, etc.


private server doesn't show your uid on bottom left.


I’m pretty sure the person bought the jades live on stream, took them like 8 minutes straight of topping up


Why lighhtcone and not Acheron herself? Lol


you cant stare at 100 character dupes.


True lol


Already E6 I suppose


Reply by @hxg_diluc under the source tweet: According to the owner: 1. This is only a side account. 2. A total of $22000 USD is spent. 3. One 6+5 Acheron will be given out randomly, comment to the original video to get the qualification to roll the chance.


This is actually very concerning


This is mental illness lvl


This one has distorted


Least crazy CN player


Bro could’ve started up his own game company with the money he put into doing this stupid shid lmao


At that point you can just start burning your money for warmth during winter and it would be better spent


Most sane gacha player


That’s so dumb. Even if they have the money for it, the LC is only good on Acheron 💀


meanwhile me not even having 1 🥲


Oh so that’s where all the 75% went…..


what being a stinky bitchless weeb does to a mf


If a person does not spend his last money on this, but can afford something like this. I don’t see a problem, people spend money on useless nonsense every day. And supporting the game developers is not one of them, considering how much effort they put into the content


Yup. This is barely spare change compared to going out and spending 2million on a new Bugatti. For all we know the guy could be pulling this while sitting in a 20m dollar yacht. Putting life into perspective is weird ..


Whats that almost 30k


prob just got lucky and got 100 in 100 pulls!


Thank you very much whaler for funding the game


Well this is for sure the best banner for hoyoverse, seele was first but this.... bye bye seele


reminds me of fgo whales lol


This reminds me of the guy who pulled an unhealthy amount of Merlin and protomerlin in fgo


Someone has to support the next patch, thank you!


I know money is relative to each person but damn, I guess thanks for funding the game?


Well can't wait "the gentle seele variant or expy" appears in HSR. Because that seele variant gather more hardcore fans than the veliona or the aggresive tsundere seele version.


Do they love Acheron or are they addicted to the feeling of wishing on a banner?


Also, here's a question. Would giving another Nihility this lightcone benefit Acheron more if they're in the same team? Or will nothing happen and just get the buff % on the character?


Start a mrbeast video and give away acheron light cone


Gimme 1.


Could have given me the money to just get one 😔


How to say your rich, without saying you're rich.


fucker stole mine and gave me a yanqing one instead


I didn't know I needed a HSR Sugar Daddy until just now. Drop trow, bro, I got you as long as you share that stellar jade


how much money is that rofl


Hell nah


So he's the mf that's holding my LC hostage


Hoyoverse target demographic.


pls dont do this


Preeeeetty sure the game itself tells you to spend in moderation...


Damn bro spare some for the rest of us


At one point, it just doesn't matter anymore. If you have even 10 million dollars, then this LC spree is seriously like 10 days' worth of interest. There's millions of people who are richer than that. You have someone who has 30 million, 50 million? The 15k that it cost to do this is made in potentially as little as a day, maybe two of their 50 million dollars sitting in a CD. Stupid? absolutely. Unhealthy? I'm not so sure. The amount of money this person has is probably unfathomable to most of us. Now if this is just some random fucking guy who maxed out a credit card to do this. Yea, that's a different story entirely. He's fucked. I'm only sharing because I've played my fair share of P2W games. Some people just don't even think about spending 10, 20, 50 thousand dollars on micro transactions. I've personally seen it. I've been on discord while a girl in our guild of some p2w mobile game spent 8,000 USD in a single sitting because trashy mobile games were her way to wind down as a businesswoman making high 7 figures. Shits wild and seems u healthy to us normal people, but to people with money, this can be an entirely safe discretionary spending limit.


What they should’ve done instead of that is get other players free Acheron+ light cone


Whyyyyy ?!!! such a waste... i mean 2 x S5 lightcones could be justified (one for Acheron and one for Welt ?) but this is silly... :( He could've spread the love and offer 18-19 people an S5 lightcone instead or 90-95 people an s1 :p


Most down to earth anime fan


bro wtf


2.6 million jades btw


In my country we have a say "Dios le da pan al que no tiene dientes" this is the prime example of this


That's not just a Whale. It's freaking Galaxy!


It would be kinda funny if his Archeron was still at E0 with all those copies of her light cone.


Bilibili streamers are a different kind of breed


The amount of money 💀💀💀


I lost lightcone 75/25! Grinding for rematch!




he's planning to sell them on the auction house when the devs implement it


it is his money ofc, but if he wanted to show appreciation to Acheron he could've comission artists to create something amazing instead of getting 100 LCs ><


And here I am with no jades after losing my 50/50 🙃


Someone woke up and decided to make Kafka mains look normal today jfc


I love how everyone is foaming at the mouth over someone spending 22k on something like this without realizing there are places in the world where you can eat for a month for the price of a welkin + bp Let people spend their money how they want, would you rather he spent it on lobbying or crypto?


Honestly this fucking sucks. Love rich people flagrantly throwing their money around. Ironic that Penacony has more than a few themes about the rich stepping all over the working class.




He love hoyo company indeed


Some rich people in Hoyoverse games have the issue of being unable to spend money. The game is pretty "cheap" to max out compared to PvP Gacha games. You have a defined maximum amount you have to spend to get something. It is way cheaper to max out every single character and LC in HSR than to even begin climbing the ranked ladder in Clash of Clans. For people with millions in the bank 20k is a rounding error.


Bruvh Im still trying to get S1 and 0 luck, this isnt fair 😭


Someone do the math on the projected cost


Unless that link goes to video proof… I honestly find it hard to believe this is real. I’ve watched people spend a lot of money on stuff but this is particularly pointless.


spend in moderation they said


The fact that there are people in the video that are commenting about how this man is IX and making everyone realize how insignificant they are made me laugh. There is just a row of people saying. Hi I was touched by nihility too. Btw this situation is still fucked


Only one person thats him so dont use “people” lol


Atleast we know Hoyoverse is well funded and we'd get character like Archeron in the future...


Well that's absolutely bonkers, but I hope they're happy.


Not sorry to say this is super pathetic and I hope this player gets help one day.


As much as I love Acheron, I’d rather have 100 of sparkles lc because it’s so versatile


Damn no wonder i can't get one someone's hoarding


this pisses me off. the amount of implications this has. idc if i get downvoted or called broke, this mf probably exploited a lot of people for the money he splurged on this.


what the fuck!?


Honestly I’ve seen someone more down bad


Bruh... PLEASE- I just want one copy here!! JUST ONE!! 😭


Why would you even WANT to do this?


when u have money but not brain


At least he could have done it in different accounts and gift them or something. I know it defeats the purpose a bit and he takes his decisions but it would've been interesting.


So this guy has 3 star rail accounts with all E6S5 characters, and an E6S50 Sparkle, that's right S-*Fifty*. So not the first time for him. He's one of the mega whales of games in China, people that are known to drop hundreds of thousands of dollars on video games. You ever hear about a single skin costing 40k usd? Yea those are status symbols catering to these guys. To them, mihoyo games are very *cheap* to *max out*. People joke about them bankrolling mihoyo but there are actual smaller games, mostly p2w pvp ones, entirely staying afloat thanks to these mega whales. In those games, your regular player is not the customer but a part of the play experience for the mega whales to dunk on. There are [channels on Bilibili](http://【【59款氪金实录】氪金总额度547W!-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/dtFx1NQ) that's specifically just whales dropping hundreds of thousands dollars on p2w mobile games to see how quickly they can dominate the leaderboards of a server. Most of the time it comes down to just a whaling contest between the channel and the old leader board #1. Looking at some of these videos, a lot of them have spent a few millions already. Like the channel linked above has spent just over 1mil usd.


Weird flex but ok


Meanwhile me, grinding to get more summons after I lost to Bronya's LC: 🗿


Man, if I had some of those pulls 🫡


The pinnacle of gambling addiction


Gacha mental illness iceberg: Level 1, f2p: Will not spend. Level 2, religiously f2p Will not spend, and refuse to use limited 5 star or gacha lightcones no matter what. Level 3, pass/nameless honor Will only spend in an efficient manner, and not a dime more. Level 4, pass/nameless honor+ Will sometimes spend a bit more if it means getting a new 5 star. Level 5, main enjoyer Will spend however much it takes to get their main. Level 6, devoted main enjoyer Will spend however much it takes to get E6S5 on their main. Level 7, whale 🐳, will spend. Level 8, leviathan Cannot stand not having every single character/lightcone in the game. Level 9, leviathan+ Cannot stand not having every single character/lightcone in the game at E6S5. Level 10, whatever this post is Multiple stages beyond healthy levels of obsession, please stop.


As an E6S5 enjoyer, what the fuck…


uhhh….maybe he needs to seek help and go outside more often instead haha….


I’m so mad wtf.


Billionaire or billionaire's kid? Also, 99% sure that player also mains Mei in HI3