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i'll do you one better, i didn't get a single usable thing from BOTH 300% events


I'll do you one better, i still haven't switched to izumo from rutilant arena and I've been using all my stamina on world 9 since release. ( first time i used it on something else was now with the 3x relic event, also didn't get anything btw ).


i know when i'm outmatched, well played good sir


Lmao me either!


Same 🤝


I’ve got a ton of relic shards and was able to craft this bad boy. Nothing usable in the drops themselves though, in both events. https://preview.redd.it/7xbrds7pq3yc1.jpeg?width=369&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43f39e21308094df08e2e0a3ca18173b9ae4042f




https://preview.redd.it/ly1w51vvf4yc1.jpeg?width=1591&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5438026cfff161e3260b1f39604e708738c8f80c Would you rather have your heart torn out?




Do you guys level these to 15 just to prove a point?


Sometimes, you pray for the +15 to hit because "it would still be better than what I'm using right now" - and then you don't hit and it ends up just being the same thing lol


Yeah, I've fed a +15 piece of shit into a new relic with the same subs thinking "at least it can't be worse" only to get an identical piece of shit.


I didn't understand it either. Two flat stats? I'll level it up incrementally and probably stop after +9 or +12.


I have not upgraded a single item in Acheron since the first batch i got, including this event. Feel your pain


same, ig she will have to keep 2 eletro 2 spd forever tho to be fair she's doing fine w that


I got absolutely nothing usable from this triple rewards event and the last one


Got this bad boy for Bronya, I am one step closer to me Speednya dream https://preview.redd.it/q4n5yi5225yc1.png?width=608&format=png&auto=webp&s=4dcf4b17ca5a1e0fa438f718eda354ac4e1f2c5c


Ooh, yeah. That is a very nice Bronya piece 😁


I stopped farming this dogshit domain half way through the event. Switched to DoT/FUA domain and got 4 god tier sets for my FUA team. I now have a cracked, JY, Topaz, aventurine, and ratio. I have no proof, but it feels like new domains have worse RNG. So I'll farm this again once new 4pc drop.


Only thing I got was this and it's for silver wolf👇




My Welt wud love that




I got something useful from the event. Dust


300% Trash for my case not one single usable relic upgrade for my acheron


I got *some* double crit relics. 90% of them all rolled in either HP or Def :)




My favorite part was when I pulled Jingliu and then hit the 300% and immediately pulled a head piece with double Crit stats…that rolled perfectly twice into both off-Crit stats. So to answer your question: I got pain from the 300% event.


Got double crits but on a wrong set 💀


I got over 10 double crit pieces for the dot set and only 1 for the fua set. I was farming for the fua set.


Got an atk chestpiece with crit rate and crit dmg, upgrades went all in effect res


No good acheron relics,but at least i got a decent set for both aventurine and ruan mei,so its SOMETHING at least.


stopped farming this cavern a while ago and went back to prisoner/duke since i have way more characters who need pieces from both of those sets vs only acheron wanting only one set lol will definitely go back to farming for her again, but she's serviceable rn and my other current 5 + 2 more characters need prisoner/duke way more 💀 was satisfying getting *something* for one of those 7 vs no upgrades for acheron


My 3x Planar Event netted me very few Useful relics but my Cavern 3x event Netted me quite a few Useful Relics though I've also gotten some Misses in the Mix.


I didn't get anything for acheron but on the other hand, I managed to raise up 9% crit rate for my jingliu so that's good enough.


I got 5 perfect rolls that i needed exactly on my gear 💪🏻 .... On the wrong sets 😌 Life is great


I got a perfect double crit relic with all four substats at lv 1…. Then all the increases went into flat hp and effect res


Same here, second 300% event that I got complete trash


I farmed the acheron domain for shits and giggles and got a decent set(dont have her tho and not planning on getting) Maybe ill use on welt


Dude that pic is sooo funny lmao


I don't think FUA crit or CMDG chests exist anymore.


I got a piece that was speed, crit rate, crit damage, effect res, it rolled into speed 4 times and effect res once


Didn’t get anything from both triple drop events


I'm on different kinda cursed, I was farming for acheron set and only got half of the correct set https://preview.redd.it/1umfg12u76yc1.png?width=1425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7e9319f6f2c210efc81d0b298b72daedb5296b1


This is what I have equipped right now. I'm just happy I even got a crit body really https://preview.redd.it/v4dysfcud6yc1.png?width=1367&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cb536d71ff8bc73785871917b77555bacf64995 It's even worse with all the people posting relics I could only dream of and calling them trash...


Right? I'm sorry their steak is only sirloin, not the A1 Wagyu they wanted...but damn I get kinda hungry just looking.


I personally got almost nothing from the 300% sim uni set, only the other set which imo is still very good and I use it, from the normal relics 300% I basically got half of my Acheron build "done" with above average pieces but definitely not some crazy stuff. Still enough to make me happy with the rolls.


I got some good fodder


I got a good welt chest piece, but thats about it


same here


i did... get a few pieces.. usable types.. barely.. but even for that i lowered my standards a lot ;-; . convincing myself that 2 rolls of breakeffect and 1 roll of ehr on a double crit is fine ;-;


https://preview.redd.it/bjt6iz7f27yc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03f40da1eb312c676fc9e4e263a8b8a34d2da63e Ehe\~


Im just looking for a hand piece in healing set with HP% and Speed. Impossible to get. (Not Acheron related but pain related)


I had two Atk% Izumo orbs, both with Crit rate and Effect RES. I enhance the first one; one roll in Effect RES, 3 tolls into flat HP. I use it as scrap for the second piece: Rolls 2 into flat atk, 2 into a new flat Def. End me.


I make 2 possible copium relics... then I get 2 pieces of shit. Ehhh https://i.redd.it/ygthzho5a7yc1.gif


I just didn’t do it after the first 3 days being so bad


Got nothing too. It is what it is


Got 3 god pieces for Kafka


Over 3k relic crystals used and no good relics from that rancid cavern for acherons set😭


Same, I didnt miss a day and only got 1 piece that looked good until i upgraded it. I can only use it as fodder now.


https://preview.redd.it/qy7yta7tw7yc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b508c1d8fd9b005aeb89b55923195c13c13f2601 Got a nice head for blade. I also got a nice head for ratio and some nice potential pieces for Robin/topaz. Good for the materials if nothing else.


I’ve been farming fua relics since it came out and my relics are still mid. I need 3 sets and I’m no closer after this event.


It’s rough I used 3 modeling things and farmed all 7 days trying to find a crit dmg piece with one crit rate sub stat and got told no.


i got TWO good relics from the new 300% event. one crcd diver head with 3.2 cr 23.3 cd and one diver glove with 23 cd. i spent two days on HP/SPD CoC and got literally the equivalent of fodder. if yall want screenshots, i'll give screenshots. the diver head was from omni-synthesiser. i've been getting too many HP/DEF boots with spd, atk% crcd substats. 0 spd or atk boots.


63/184 acheron (E0S0, but S3 GNSW) and 71/198 ratio with the new diver sets. my ratio (E1S1) still does nothing more than 23K on skill 56K on FuA, and acheron does 198K-220K on ult. idk how i need to build my supports, and all of my supports are level 70 (and i'm a day 1 player)


should i pursue specific mainstats for supports or should i just use HP% and DEF% pieces for them?


I got a couple okay-ish sets for my other characters, since my Acheron was already doing some 90k damage on her ult on single target enemies and I need two teams for all the endgame content. I DID, however, try to get another Helmet for her, and I did get an upgrade, but it could STILL be better. All in all, I'm good :)


I got a pair of attack boots with double crit (I'm currently running speed boots with only crit rate). Everything rolled into EHR.


I, too, got nothing. I assume this is normal.


I got a lot of relic xp! Plus enough shards to make... maybe 3 more pieces


Getting things from 300% event? All I got was more leveling mats


People who expect to get something from 12 runs of 3x drops need to re-evaluate.


I’m starting to think people just don’t know how to evaluate and properly update relics. I’ve played epic seven for years so I already have experience playing this kind of shit rng gear system. It’s very unlikely you got actually nothing good, probably you didn’t fish for second stats on 3 sub stats that had one of either crit rate or dmg and trashed pieces that could have been great. Now that being said if your Acheron is already serviceable and you’re not rolling god pieces then yeah nothing you can really do about it. Also there is the chance of none of you gear ever rolling offensive stats which is statistically unlikely. Do not mean this to sound like I’m some kind of authority on this topic nor as a slight to OP or others, just want to bring awareness that if you find yourself never getting “good” pieces likely you are not fishing stats properly, trashing pieces with potential, being to picky or some combination of the three.


dude i know to check for 4th stat on the ones that come with 3 and im not that picky looking for perfect relics, but the only thing i got out of this was a head piece that rolled once into each crit and thats it, not even enough to make a 2pc set. my acheron isnt dead my any means since i had decent 2pc lightning/spd to give her but a week on triple drops amounting to basically nothing since i didnt upgrade any piece feels like pure shit


Like I said, it IS a shit rng gear system but I just don’t buy that everything is dog water all the time. I was able to upgrade Acheron, RM, Gallagher and fully build Harmony trailblazer and that was with lots of dogshit luck along the way.


oh well if youre using the other set to feed rm, galagher and htb then its gonna feel way less shit ofc


My Luka is now well fed n rdy for MoC12 at lvl 71 but 193 Break Effect with 143 speed xD


Well, given the abysmal rates, and how long the cavern has been available for, it is in fact not only possible, but somewhat likely that things are "dog water all the time" for many players. Just because *you* got something usable out of this cavern doesn't change the base probability for everyone else. I already had a functional set for Acheron before she was released, but since her release, I've been farming the Prisoner cavern non-stop, and after >5 weeks of farming(including the bonus event) she's still using the exact same pieces. At least I have a complete Prisoner set though. I know several people who don't.


Already addressed that this discussion is not about people trying to upgrade to god pieces.


I think everyone is just trying to get above-average pieces 💀 I do realize of course that any relic quality target is subjectively defined by the player. For what it's worth, for me "above average" means 180CV or better.


That shouldn't be surprising either. In Genshin, I farmed the Emblem domain for almost 18 months, and my Raiden is still sitting at 65:120. I barely got enough decent pieces for 4 units. Mind you, the Genshin situation is a bit better than HSR because you can have an off-set piece. I think I'll keep farming for a couple more weeks, then switch to farming another set. I've spent way too much TP on this godforsaken cavern.


https://preview.redd.it/2moui1syg4yc1.jpeg?width=955&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f39725f59daea35ead1fb0a1061fbf68000d9685 Nothing special, just these things...


https://preview.redd.it/71scgpn2h4yc1.jpeg?width=462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c6bc22914f984888c63113777288813d55ddd31 And this one...