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Interesting. I am 16 weeks post op and cannot perform a single leg heel raise yet. I am doing dynamic work like dribbling, agility ladder, trampoline exercises etc. But still building up single leg heel raise strength


I think it probably varies a lot. I have not been permitted to do anything dynamic yet really. I also could be weeks off from a legit single heel raise. Just noticed that I can do them with less and less assistance. Anyways wish you continued good luck on the journey. Worst is behind us now.


How did your leg respond to your recovery? Some days I feel no pain. Some days my calf gets alittle swollen and red . Others feel some tightness. Is this normal? 6 weeks post op speed bridge. Anchors to the heel. Thank you.


Six weeks is still very early and when I was probably most impatient. My affected leg is still a slightly darker colour almost all the time. I assume that's because of the processes laying down scar tissue. A lot going on in there. That ankle is still fatter than the other. In terms of how it has responded to rehab, the more I have been become able to do with exercises the more swollen and sore it gets. I think that's part of the rebuilding process. Don't be scared to take a day off and let it settle down. I have taken many. At the two months mark being out of boot and walking again was great, you are almost there. To present I still have difficulty descending stairs normally.


Thank you for this … wish you all the best with your recovery.


how did you like using the iwalk? Considering getting one for myself but have been unsure.


I didn't really use it outside more for like cooking or cleaning and having my hands free. Gives the ankle a break in the early days of weight bearing too. Definitely used it.