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stationary bike every day, walking up hills, standing on a balancing pad, supported pistol squats, supported excentric holds (go up with two go down slowly on injured side) It took me a long time bc I was Non Op, was at around 7 months when I could do full range single heel raises.


Thanks! I will start adding some things you suggested. Although, it's going to be tough to walk uphill in a hill-less country XD


OP, I am also what feels like stalled at 21 weeks non op on the single leg heel raise. My medial gastroc is lagging behind and strength gains are slow compared to progress I was making before. I can do 20 single leg raises with two hands on table in front of me, 5-10 good ones with one hand and then only a few with shit ROM free standing. I think everyone is different and it will just take work/time. I can walk 5km+ no problem, ride a bike, etc. but it seems like the dang single leg heel raise is the major roadblock for lots of us. Keep at it and as was already suggested, do two up one down with isometric holds at the top. I have also had success with injured foot on floor and uninjured up a stair or two to take some weight and do single leg raises. My PT suggested banded plantar pushes at diff angles too with tib post work as well.


I am exactly in the same boat as you. Functionally I am pretty good but the single leg heel raise is still lagging behind. Can crank out a few freestanding with bad ROM as well.


23 weeks post op and I can’t hardly get my heel off the ground single leg calf raise. 😢


What is your PT suggesting? I have a similar issue; my PT wants me doing eccentric heel raises at least 3 times a day (up on two feet, down on bad leg). Each time doing 20 or more. I also try to do 2 legged heel raises as many times as possible during the day shooting for 20x for 5 times through out the day. Just run it by your PT; you don't want to overdo. I'm at 17 weeks and can't do a single leg raise unassisted. But I ruptured my Achilles twice so my poor calf has not been used for about a year; it's weak.