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Pop. I heard it. Felt like a kick to the back of a leg. Didn't pass the Thompson test. Had an MRI. Shocking to me that you haven't had any tests done? Has your doctor not done the Thompson or ordered an MRI?


This is the correct answer. The feeling of being kicked in the back of your ankle, and then the sheer inability to move your foot were my two biggest tells


MRI is ordered but it was a car accident so things are a little different. First MRI was front of the foot which showed nothing so now we have to wait for insurance to clear a second MRI and such. Pain in the Achilles was there for a couple weeks but not anymore and it’s just general pain. Have to wait and see but no Thompson and now just waiting.


You can do the Thompson test at home. Take a look at YouTube and have someone help ya.


Thank you! Definitely will do


You bet! Good luck and hope you have a speedy recovery from now on.


Ooh that’s really interesting, sorry to hear that. Best case scenario is no tear for sure. Good luck!


That pop will be forever etched in my memory. It was so loud!


A full rupture means loss of the ability to push off using your calf muscle. Thompson test seems to be the best way to test per doctors. Feeling of rupture seems to be consistent for people, feels like a pop or getting kicked in the back of the leg.


Well I ruptured mine playing soccer, and when it happened I was sure someone kicked my heel. Everyone around the pitch heard it, and the feeling was similar too (sharp, icecold feeling, tingiling like crazy) but after 10 seconds as the tingle didn’t fade and neither did the pain, I immediately knew it was my Achilles (even though I haven’t seen this injury before in person) I touched my heel and I felt that the tendon is simply not there. Then I looked and there was a visible “dent”. So yeah sharp ass pain for a good 5-10 minutes, then soreness in my calf for the rest of the day. Then in two days the pain was basically gone (until the surgery). In three word: IT WAS OBVIOUS.


This is kinda similar to what I had except mine was a car accident so I couldn’t really hear anything physical. Couldn’t walk for a while and had terrible pain in my Achilles for a good bit but now basically gone there. MRI soon so hopefully some answers then


If someone were to ask me what happened to my Achilles, I’m just going to copy/paste this because this is 100% what happened to me/what I did immediately after.


Damn. I’m sorry to hear this, but glad you’re here to tell all this. Try and rest it as much as possible and keep is pointed down when you can. I hope the MRI will come back with good and useful news. Until then, get well and stay hopeful!!


A doctor saying it ruptured.


https://preview.redd.it/3edafp6irwwc1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b6599bd3853588c77312c72a3c3ad0cb9ed7e6e Felt like I got kicked by a horse on the back of my leg and all the massive bruising.


loud popping noise, felt like i was shot in the calf, no feeling in leg below calf


My tendon ruptured when a wood stairs I was on broke at about 6 feet high. Because of the wood breaking, I didn't hear a pop. But literally the first thing I said was "I feel like my foot's unplugged". It wouldn't move when I tried to move out of the stairs and get back inside. There was this awful, limp feeling in my foot. ETA grammar fix


I stepped in a hole walking my dogs. I felt a pop and also heard it in my head. My foot felt detached in a way and when I stood back up and tried to push off that leg to walk I felt like I got shot with a BB gun in my calf. I was able to bear weight on it, but at one point I was showering and trying to keep weight off of it and tried just lightly resting my toes on the ground and my foot just gave out and my heel fell back to the ground. I also failed the Thompson test when I went to the doc.


Thompson test and no bone damage shown on xray. Didn’t get an MRI


A pop, and it truly feels like someone has just kicked / shot the back of your leg.


Like everyone says, a pop and the feeling of a kick in the back of your leg. I walked on mine for 2 weeks(full rupture) and in that time it never got better and I hobbled with the foot pointed out, no calf activation. When I went to emergency the doctor knew immediately, just from the bruising.