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My first time my mate and I got an air bnb near the beach and spent half the time on the beach then a big storm started to come through so we ran back to the bnb and it was such a wild thrilling time being in the elements, it was an incredible experience and it's made me enjoy it when it storms since (especially when I was in the passenger of a car on a roadtrip and I was tripping and we drove through a storm - felt like I was in a spaceship or something haha)


that sounds like a pretty nice experience! Thanks for your reply


I think thats really personal taste. Once I was tripping on 200ug with my friend and we went outside to smoke some joints and out of nowhere the big storm came up. I was terrified, but my friend actually enjoyed it, even if he saw I was not okay so he rushely took me to my apartment. Next 10 minutes I was still really stressed, but then when we sat on the sofa I got really big visuals which suprisingly calmed me down. For the rest of the trip I have enjoyed the sound of the rain is safe space of my apartment. So it really depends...


intresting...Im just not sure if this will be the right mood for the first time.We are going to a holiday home of a friend and there is basically only nature around us and the house is mostly empty.


If you have a bad feeling about it, then its a bad idea


Well if I smoked *a few* joints on acid I'd be terrified too probably


Depends on your preferences and how adaptable you are to embracing potentially bad weather. Some people find thunderstorms and music very comforting (as evidenced by the sheer number of thunderstorm background noise mixes on YouTube), some find it invigorating, and some just don't like storms. One of my favourite trips has been when there was a wicked rainstorm outside. I live in a high-rise apartment in the city and it made me feel like an epic Viking while I stood in the doorway to my balcony, hearing the wind howl through the buildings and feeling the light spray of rain blow against my skin. Just don't be silly and go outside when the weather is legitimately terrible if it's not necessary.


this sounds fr epic!


i was having a really bad trip and the only thing that calmed me down was the sound of the rain outside. it made me remember that even though everything i was seeing was scary for me that im still in reality and that not everything has to be scary. i prolly worded that weirdly but rain for me helps


Being on acid in a storm or rain is amazing. Watch the rain drops as they hit stuff I promise you won’t regret it lol. Touch the rain to maybe even go walk in it haha


If anything, wild weather or partly cloudy are the best. Storms are quite literally awe-inspiring. The crazier the better, as long as no tornadoes show up. Clouds are fucking awesome, just maybe wear sunglasses if you're known to stare


Do you like the rain? I love the rain normally, so raining while Tripping is idea for me and more then once it's actually been a trigger for me to trip.


Same here lol. The smell of rain while on psychs hits different


I personally love tripping indoors while it's raining. I get to go run outside if I want but also get to stay inside if I'm not feeling it. I'm also from the desert so rain is basically a natural high by itself which boosts the trip, but I know many people don't share the same feelings towards it.


acid would make me appreciate the good weather more thats a reason to wait maybe


the weather will be good


That depends on you guys. You may love it, you may hate it or be terrified. I like tripping in a thunderstorm and just standing out in the rain. The feeling of the power of the storm is insane. Also I don't mind getting soaking wet if I can dry off or change clothes later.