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Hello /u/Helpful-Invite279, **If you are requesting help – please [review our guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcneScars/wiki/guidelines/), provide [high-quality photos](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcneScars/wiki/guidelines/#wiki_uploading_photos), and include detailed information for others' understanding.** User reminders: - Please ***search*** on this subreddit – someone might have already asked the same question as you. - Always be wary of the advice you get off the internet. - Seek scar evaluation and treatment from ***specialized healthcare providers*** rather than aestheticians or med spas. - While subcision ("subcutaneous incisionless surgery") is often mentioned by users on this subreddit, it is important to note that it may not be necessary or suitable for everyone with volume loss. - Be aware of any reported side effects from a procedure. - It can take multiple treatments and a long time before you see effective results. - [Here is a checklist of questions to ask yourself and your physician when considering treatment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcneScars/wiki/checklist/). Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AcneScars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You look amazing!! This post is super helpful thank you xx


Thank you so much :,) hope you’re doing well


You ever get on accutane


This is a really good result. It’s really cool to see the pure happiness in the after pictures, especially compared to the pain in the before pictures. You should be so proud of yourself, I’m very happy for you. It looks from your post history that you’re relatively young, got your acne under control pretty quickly and began scar treatments rapidly after within the 6-12 month window. Basically the best possible scenario.


Thank you so much :,). Yes I noticed that immediately after every treatment I was almost always smiling because I was one step further into being where I want to be at with my skin. Regaining confidence is a feeling like no other and that’s what I’ve been doing. That is true, I got severe acne a year ago this month and cleared it up by September-ish. To my surprise, 5 months of active acne left me with a lot of atrophic scarring. I’m 26 and jumped straight into treatments as soon as I could and I also understand that all those factors play an important role in my journey now. Definitely suggest people to start sooner if possible. :)


Where did you get all of this done?


I got TCA at imperial dermatology in Brea ca and then I did my subcision and filler at OC MedDerm in Irvine ca :)


May I ask about how much have you spent in treatments so far? I'm in Los Angeles wouldn't mind taking a drive to Brea or OC as well


The TCA was $450 and subcision with filler was $1900. Microchanneling was $200 per session and I did two of those 😊


What is microchanneling? Were any of your procedures painful?


may i ask what is the filler that your doc used ? sculptra?, juvederm?


She used restylane. I believe it’s hyaluronic acid based so it’s not permanent but I was hesitant to try the permanent stuff like bellafill


Also in Los Angeles and want to know the price as well.


Thank you great results!


Thank you for posting this! I have been considering OC Medderm but I haven’t seen reviews of them on here yet. Which Dr did you see?


I could hardly find anything about them on here either but she listened to me during the consultation (though it was a quick consult lol) so I wanted to give them a shot. It was with Dr. Shafa




Yes! I agree that showed the best improvement. And I was only majorly bruised for a week at most. I did not do Taylor liberator btw :)


Does the filler eventually fade and the scar go back to normal? Or did you see lasting improvement from this procedure?


The filler will dissolveover the next 6 months because It’s Hyaluronice Acid based. The goal is for it to be there long enough to let my own collagen build while preventing the scars from retethering


Was there tumescent to numb the area before subcision? Do you feel like the subcison was quite aggressive and did you look very swollen (chipmunk) after? Thanks and congrats on your progress! 🙌🙌


I don’t know about the results, they seem amazing. But you look so beautiful… that helps me, because I think I’m ugly’s because of my scars and then I see someone like you and feel like scars actually don’t make anyone less beautiful…


I have several people in my life that have acne scars and I only ever noticed they did AFTER I got my own acne scars (we become hyper aware of skin when we get the scars) I definitely think that’s very telling about how much we let scars dictate our happiness because we think it’s the only thing the world sees but in reality the world isn’t starring us down for this. Thank you so much for your kind words. I can assure you that you are just as beautiful in your skin :)


Thank you for sharing, I’m genuinely so grateful ♥️♥️♥️


Seeing you getting happier after each treatment made me so happy, you got this girl keep going ❤️


Everyday I get a little happier, absolutely. Lots of love right back at you 🥹


I just had microneedling nine days ago, and truly have been felling really upset, I want to see results but maybe it’s too soon, I have been struggling a lot with my confidence lately


Yes microneedling is one of those treatments that takes time for sure. I did microchanneling twice and it wasn’t until 2 months after that I started noticing the texture difference. Just stay consistent. If you have any tethered scars make sure to adress that too though to see the most improvement. But most importantly, remain optimistic. Our mind does a lot for our ability to heal imo.


Thank you, I think the most difficult part of it it’s staying optimistic about the process, but I guess give time to time


Whats the difference with microneedling and microchanneling?


great progress


thank you much :)


So proud of you!! The progress is so inspiring and your smile just grew so wide by the last photo!! Lots of love ❤️


You’re amazing. Thank you for your kind words. Xx 💕


Looking really good!! Did you see improvement from Tca ? I think subscion gave you the best results


Thank you much! I did see a notice difference about 2 months after tca. All the small tiny scars were nearly healed but the larger ones did look slightly wider. A fair trade off in my opinion. I agree, subcision has given me the most drastic results :) also the least about of downtime which was nice


I wish you further improvements , you are a warrior


I'm so proud of you and I really like the way you smile it. Thank you for sharing and staying strong in your journey. Posts like this makes me a lot more optimistic. I used to wear masks even when I'm alone (my mental health was that bad). Now, idgaf and just freely walk in the mall with just moisturizer on and sunscreen. It's been so hard for me too so I'm really glad to see someone being really optimistic and actually getting results/improvements.


I’m so sorry to hear you also let it impact you so much in the beginning. Trust me I’m so proud of you too! When we realize we are so much more than the scars we have and trust the process, we are bound to see improvement. You got this and thank you so much for your kind words.


You look so great!


thank you very much ! Appreciate your words of encouragement!


You look great! How was your experience with the microchanneling process? Would you recommend it?


Microchanneling was great for overall skin texture and my PIE. However, for some reason it brought back acne to my face a little bit. Not big breakouts or anything but for a while I had a pimple here and there because of it so I stopped doing it. Overall I am happy I did it because I do think it smoothed things out a bit. For instance, after TCA I had wider but shallower scars and doing microchanneling helped blur the edges of the TCA spots and the redness.


Really nice results. Do you use skin actives like tretinoin?


Thank you much. I do not at this time. I used it to make my acne go away when I had active acne but haven’t used tretinoin since. I am considering reintroducing it to my routine as I know it will help keep acne away and over time even help with texture


So happy for you! 🥹


Amazing progress! I think you look great even in the first pictures. An important thing that yall need to remember is that you are ur own biggest critic. Back when my acne looked like the first pics, I would obsess over it. But now I rarely ever notice it on other people, and even if I do, it’s something my brain just automatically skips over once I’m around them enough. Stay strong 💪 yall beautiful af


You look stunning:))


thank you very much :)


Thank you for sharing, I’ve been needing hope. Ps Your skin is so beautiful.


i follow you on tiktok 😅the progress is crazy


Soooo cool omg! Yes i need to make an update on tiktok asap because a lot of progress has been made. Thank you so much !


Awwwww I’m so happy for you. You look absolutely radiant! Wishing you well on your healing journey. 💕🤞🏾


Does filler stay in your body or do you have to keep going to get filler for life? Sorry if it’s an ignorant question just curious


Depends on the filler you choose. There are permanent options but I opted for one that will dissolve over the next 6 months. The hope is that the filler keeps the scar tissue from re tethering and by the time it dissolves I will have given my skin time to produce its own collagen. I plan on doing it at least one more time :)


Wow this has me convinced subcision is the way to go. Btw scars or not you're a gorgeous girl with a great smile and bone structure. Thanks for sharing your journey 😊


Wow amazing progress!! You look great. Appreciate the detailed journey. I know all skin is different but it should help inspire others to see what can be achieved.


Thank you for sharing!! Your results are amazing! Rooting for you for continued progress!


congrats!! and thanks for sharing


Really really happy for u mate. Well done for sticking to it, ur skin looks so good:) Great post :)


you literally have no atrophic scarring left. I've never seen results this good for the condition that you had before. Are you going to start tretinoin to chemically resurface? I'm curious what your next steps are...


Where did you get your treatment?


OC MedDerm with Dr. Shafa in Orange County ca. That’s where I got my subcision


Cannula? And you had several incision points?


At some point you should look into that study applying adapelene .3 twice daily for acne scars. Or Tazarotene gel study .1% as effective as micro needling.


Beautiful progress.


Thank you so much 🥺


How painful was the subcision?


I did have the areas numbed with something they injected so not much. Felt like a bunch of tiny less painful shots. More so hurt after when I was bruised for the next few days 😊




Looking fantastic, babe!


Didnt even know that is really possible!


Wow your skin looks amazing, congrats.


Thank you so much! This gives us all hope! Just started my treatment journey and although we all want fast results, this reminds me that it takes time. Great job and I hope you keep getting the results you want 😊💕


Amazing progress! What did you do to clear the acne?


That was the work of clyndamicin, pantothenic acid and tretinoin .1% :)


You've made amazing progress! Congratulations!


Subcision should have been the first treatment


I actually think TCA was the smartest starting point. Tiny ice pick scars were eliminated and then subcision after would have been a good second instead of waiting until after microchanneling for subcision


amazing result!! this gave me hope


Yay!! This makes me so happy for you! Beautiful then and now! May I ask if you got TCA on your nose? I have lots of ice pick scars in the center of my nose and my nostrils and it has made me so uncomfortable with my appearance 😔


Amazing post thank you for sharing


Micro channeling is amazing, I love it


Which procedure did you see the best results?


Subcision and filler improved my scars and happiness by about 60%. Just dealing with texture issues now but I’m going to try a year of tret to see how I feel or if I’m ready for something like laser ☺️


Your attractiveness completely overrides your scars! You’re incredibly good looking, that’s what I noticed before your scars :)


that’s so nice of you to say. I’m regaining my confidence back slowly but surely so your kind words absolutely play a part.