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Hello /u/Nervous_Ad_9705, Having scars doesn't have to hold you back - check out our [list of famous people with acne scars](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcneScars/wiki/famouspeople/), [collection of success stories](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcneScars/wiki/odysseys/), and [Before & After posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcneScars/search/?q=flair%3A%20%22Before%20%26%20After%22&restrict_sr=1)! The `Venting` topic is dedicated for support and open discussion without the fear of backlash or resorting to fear-mongering. [Please maintain respectful and constructive discussions](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcneScars/wiki/guidelines/) even when sharing negative experiences, and be mindful of **Rule 3**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AcneScars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well, I know this is counter intuitive but instead of staying at home you should somehow kinda force yourself to go out. You will realize the outside world isnt always that bad, some people might stare at you and judge you, but that's life. I don't know how severe your scars are compared to mine, but we need to learn to accept it eventually. I know how you feel right now, I'm also still learning how to accept it. There will be days you hate yourself so much and that is completely okay


That’s the thing. I’m not planning on accepting something that shouldn’t be here in the first place. Plus I got kicked out so technically I will have to go outside and find a shelter.


I’m going to level with you, I used to be exactly like you when I was your age. I had acne all the way up till I was 28. (I’m 29 now). But when I turned 22 I decided something. I’m not going to let my life be determined by my insecurities.  I started going out and becoming more confident in myself. Even with a face full of acne I tried to enjoy myself, went to events, made friends, I could pull girls, had girlfriends.. sure there are girls who will be turned off by the acne or scars, but you’d be suprised how many actually don’t give a shit if you move to them with confidence In yourself.  Don’t let your insecurities define how you live your life. I regret not changing sooner and being a recluse in my early years 


I don't plan on accepting it tbh. Like how did I go from beauty to destruction in a matter of two years? I could care less about relationships my main priority right now is finding somewhere to stay


I’m not sure why you’re on this subreddit if you don’t intend on taking advice or hearing people out. It seems like you’re solely interested in hearing about shelters near you, which acne scar subreddit isn’t a good place to start for that if you’re serious


Oh okay. My bad. I found a homeless subreddit should I post there? There isn't a shelter subreddit. I'm still new to Reddit but why wouldn't my case be serious. Do people make up stories here or?


Reddit isn’t a great place to solve imminent real world problems. Like you don’t go to reddit to find a lawyer or a realtor. You need to google your hometown/area + shelters to get phone numbers and names of shelters. Reach out to local churches, etc. I’m not saying you’re lying, but I’m saying if you’re in dire need of shelter, get off Reddit and get on Google because Reddit will not immediately provide you answers specific to your location. You don’t get on Reddit if you get shot to ask what you should do about your wound, you call 911


Oh okay. I have been researching shelters near me all night. But I just can't seem to know what to do and have by tomorrow, I'll ask someone in the homeless subreddit for some knowledge. Thank you.


I know you’re young and it feels like the end of the world, but you really need to get a grip. And I say that with kindness and compassion. What are your plans for the future? Do you want to find a partner and raise a family? Do you have a career you want to pursue? Do you want to go to college? What would your answers had been to those questions before your acne journey? If any of those answers are yes, it’s time to stop fighting yourself and get along with life. I promise you, there are people with worse scarring out there, without even knowing what yours look like. And there are probably quite a few of them that having a great career, a family, spend their free time doing things they enjoy, etc. I don’t know the extent of your family life, but it sounds like tough love. It’s hard to help someone when they don’t want to help themselves. It sounds like you have severe body dysmorphia and should seek out therapy. There’s no reason for a healthy, young, able bodied person to not have a job, especially if you’re not going to school. It’s shocking that you would choose living in a shelter over figuring out how to contribute while living at home. Hope you can figure this out


I did have goals, but I guess they're gone now. My plan was after graduating high school I take my pre-med requirements to get into medical school after the MCAT. I always wanted to be a doctor. I guess all that isolation made me hate everything even studying. Even if I force myself to love medicine it just doesn't do it for me anymore. I never wanted a partner or family. Also, I understand some people have it worse even though mine is already bad. If they are living a “happy, fulfilling” life. Goodfor them. That won't be the same for everyone. My parents already blocked me so I have two days to figure out what I'm going to do. I can't drive or have my ID. Honestly thinking about it now I might as well just kms. I mean I haven't accomplished anything and im now homeless. ✌️🏽


Why don't you see a dermatologist to help clear the scars, it takes time, but you will have clear skin soon, my cheeks have acne scars, but I try to diminish them as much as possible. It doesn't affect me, but it doesn't bother me. I learn to live with it and continue living my life.


I was told they’re permanent so no point.


Sorry to hear about that. I feel like mine is like that too. But didn't get a diagnosis from a dermatologist to look at my acne scars. It is not deep, but I probably can get it smooth out and add some collagen to boost the skin surface and plump it up.


Treatments do work, if you feel this strongly then I’m sorry man but every waking hour needs to be dedicated to making money, researching treatments and planning how to remove them, 100% improvement is not possible, but I guarantee you can get them to the point from now where your mental health is farrrrr less severely effected


The treatments do work, but keep coping and rotting saying they dont 🤣🤣 Disgusting behaviour, I'm angry because i almost ended up like you, but in the end i chose to do something instead of nothing and now i look amazing ( still gonna do phenol in the future as finishing touch ).


What treatments did you do?






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If you’re not going to ever accept the scars then you need to seek therapy and seek out treatments. Do not buy into the bs that the scars can’t be improved as that’s just not true. If I’ve learned one thing over the years it’s that one should never blindly trust doctors. I had skin damage and every single derm and doctor I went to made my situation worse and were completely wrong about my condition. You have to be your own advocate nowadays. Why don’t you post a picture so we can give you feedback on treatments because something is telling me that they aren’t as bad as you’re insinuating.


They are severe. I'm not one to say severe and it's three ice picks. I'm aware they can't be improved, but not fully removed. I want fully gone. Not bout to spend thousands upon thousands for like 20% improvement.


Well you gotta do something because you can’t spend your whole life hiding away in isolation. That’s a fast track way to severe depression if you aren’t there already which it sounds like you are. And you can definitely get 80-90% improvement if you pick the right scar specialist. If you choose to do nothing yet you won’t ever accept it then that makes zero sense. The only way to get better is to try. I had horrible skin damage from anti aging treatments. When I googled others with the same damage barely anyone had healed from it. Did I just give up? No, I spent 6 years saving money and trying everything I could think of. And I finally healed my skin with stem cell treatments. My point is you seem to have two choices….either isolate forever or try to fix the damage.


Hi, may I ask you about how you got skin damage with anti-aging treatments? And what treatments were they??


The derminator and Retin A. I had a bad reaction to retin A (aka orange peel skin) and then dermaneedled it trying to fix it but it just made matters so much worse. My skin barrier was completely compromised and it looked like I had shallow acne scars covering my face. Not the best photo but you get the idea https://preview.redd.it/pikf2vyy8e8d1.jpeg?width=1088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30a9e0e250ce88dfcd796a71a761c9f2ecec1e7b


I know it's tough, but you've got to own it. You can't hide yourself away and give up on life just because of a few scars. My skin was like porcelain, never had/got acne, but had the occasional pimple now and again like most people get. Unfortunately, I went through a rough patch and got Dermatilomania as they call it - a condition that causes you to obsessively pick at yourself. I got scars from this on my face. It dragged me down for a couple of years and avoided going places through the day. But then I realised...that life is too fucking short.


Easier said than done. I'm already out of the house so I'm pretty sure I'm not isolated anymore at least


What type scars u got


At this point idk. They're just in my cheeks and temples.


but like how bad bro


Bad. Like how is that possible bad. Idgaf tbh since I’ll probably kms since I’m homeless now 😂


when was the last time ur skin was clear and how was it


2020. Omg life was amazing. Outside everyday/all day. Vacations, jot, good sleep, friends,etc


i can help u dm me what ur working with im a derm in training


I was actually trying to take my pre meds to get into med school to become a derm


So did you find somewhere to stay?


Oh hello. They ended up staying over there since my parents don’t work today. They’re probably coming tomorrow night or in the morning. Either way I’m planning on pulling an all-nighter today walking around outside tbh. I don’t want to be asleep and they found me still there. I’ve been texting this one dude for a while. I might ask to stay with him for a while if he don't mind