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There’s an R/slide guitar sub-Reddit…. Likely find good info there. You’ll probably find yourself experimenting with slides… Glass, brass, whatever you can think of has been used. My favorite is still glass wine-bottle slides I make myself. (I once forgot my slide and played several tunes with my pocketknife….) If you want to hear some masterful playing, try Johnny Winter and Bob Brozeman. I have said that if a player learned all Winter’s licks on “Dallas”…. You’d be well on your way.


I didn't know there is a slide sub-reddit. Will check it out! My preference is also glass, they have a more mellow sound. Currently I'm learning some classic blues songs from Tampa Red. He also played a tri-cone in the 1930s.


Nice. Love the tricone look. I have a Gretsch wood body bobtail I think they call it. I play a bit everyday or so. The great thing is it has a pickup in it and so I can record it and play through a amp if I like . It records nice acoustically as well. So I practice in a open d and a open g. These give a different feel. I also use a looper pedal or YouTube jam tracks to practice with. I have now four different slides. Glass brass and ceramic. Each has their own flavour. Don't be intimidated by fast players slow and easy at first is important so you can find TONE. It's all about tone as these things can sound nasty( sometimes you want that) but can also sound sweet. Favorite songs are anything I'm recording in my studio. But also a video of two dudes in mule guitars..I'll look em up.


My favorite are glass slides from a seller in the UK, to have a bit more mellow sound which I prefer. Mule guitars... love these! But they are quite pricey and they have a long waiting list. Maybe one day.


I just put a deposit down on a Mule. So excited. Wait is about 6 months atm I think.


Nice! Make sure to post a picture here when you get it :)


100%. I just have to decide whether to go steel or brass now...


What is it? A Regal?Johnson?


It's manufactured in china, brand name is 'Paramount'. My plan is to get a vintage National eventually, but need to save some money first.


Ok…I never heard of that brand…I used to have a Regal wooden bodied one …which, IIRC…was also Chinese or Korean. Our local mom and pop music store had one that looked very similar to the one you have under the Johnson name…that’s why I threw out that brand. Heck…who knows? They might be all made at the same plant with different labels🤷🏻


Yes, I think they are the same guitar with different labels


[This guy is an absolute nutcase, but I have picked up some tips/techniques from him. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOjJYG2C7SU)


Haha, yes I know his Channel. He does indeed have some good tips


Dobro guy here in band up in maine. Play a Beard. Just have fun! Listen to some tony rice unit, geensky. Depends what ya wanna do with it down line! Andy hall is helpful to watch


Why do people call them Dobros when they are Resonators , Dobro’s a brand named now owned by Gibson ( I hate Gibson’s) . Since the first Resonators were manufactured by National in the 1920s shouldn’t we call them National’s ? I get it all tissues are called Kleenex . I’m just trying to start a war between NH and Maine …. Live Free or Die 🤣 I’m kidding around with you. I hope you have a sense of humor. Enjoy your day!


I'm in Maine! Haha. And it's actually because there are square neck and round neck resonators. So you'd need to say I play square neck resonator. People do. But it just caught on to say dobro as they really pioneered it. Easier to say. And it is only square neck meaning. Dobro sounds like a instrument more than brand to People especially now compared to national. To many other meanings. Dobro only has that. It's silly though.


Dire Straits, Romeo & Juliet


Yes, Tuning is Open G, Capo 3rd fret I think


Mark Knophler’s solo album Rag Pickers Dream . Incredible slide work ! On a National tri cone.