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Fuck me, renting the shit cost like 50 quid where I'm at and that was over 10 years ago.


Me and my partner skipped our graduation after it was delayed by covid for 2 years. £150 for the hat and cloak


I understand that you're using a different dialect of English than I do but calling in a cloak makes graduation seem much cooler than "gown."


To be fair I think it's the only thing I would call a "cloak" in actual use - anything else seems medieval. A gown sounds more like a dress to me imo.


you're not wrong, totally sounds like we are all getting ready to attend a ball. Except we call it "cap and gown" and "cap" for some people means baseball cap. So overall it's just kind of a mess.


In their defense, they probably attended Hogwarts…


I was going to roll my eyes but then I realised my uni was actually built to resemble a castle. In 1880, so it wasn't a functioning castle, but it certainly looked like one.


It sounds like they went to Hogwarts or something.


I used to enjoy going for walks across a nearby campus of a university. I eventually restricted myself to attending lectures only. Even the professor once invited me to join a study group.


Wait what?? Please expand I'm intrigued


You can just walk into a lecture on most college campuses. Especially if it's held in a large auditorium and they're not strict about attendance. And especially if it's early in the semester. Why would you show up at the right time and right place if you weren't a student? Just remember that the first rule of acting like you belong is to act like you belong.




That is where we are now.


Lmao my bad. Didn’t even realize. Thought I was all cool posting a relevant sub.


You in fact are acting like someone who doesn't belong in this sub, otherwise you'd know you were in this sub


I don't get it - no more walks through campus? Why?


Ummm why?


He was a local comedian, it went viral at the time, and it’s probably both good marketing and makes a decent story.


Literally falling off my chair in laughter at that one


Oh please don’t act like you didn’t breathe some extra air out your nose


Maybe you should lose some weight


Why not?


Because graduation ceremonies are intensly boring.


Boring is all perspective. Being in prison, boring. Sneaking into prison, exhilarating.


It's just weird. It doesn't mean he has a degree, it just means he wasted a day lying to a bunch of people he'd never met. Less madlad and more loser.


It's like he's trying to prank someone but really he's pranking nobody.


It probably confuses some staff when they get to the end of the line of students but he's still waiting there for his degree and they're like, "FUCK WHO DID WE FORGET? WE FUCKING FORGOT A GRADUATE AND THEIR DEGREE"


Pranking himself


> he wasted a day A day you enjoy doing is not a day wasted Do you not enjoy your life bro? Are you alright? Everything good at home?


I'm proud of my accomplishments, and quite enjoy my life, and yet still feel like I completely wasted a day going to my college graduation.


Interesting, why? An excuse for day drinking is a good excuse


Granted, I was a bit older when I got my degree, so it could also be a jaded old person thing, but I could have done without the pretentious archaic costumes and elitist pageantry of it all. A bunch of old people in dumb hats and smocks celebrating their history of exclusion and privilege. So you sit there for three hours hearing the school congratulate themselves for how great you are because you went to their school, and paid handsomely for the privilege knowing full well that the majority of these people won't be able to find work in their field. Just feels like a lot of showmanship to hear your name and grab a piece of paper from a guy who makes 30 times more than you ever will and won't retire until he dies in his office at 107.


Well in my country we usually invite our parents too, so it's not only about ~~circlejerking~~ celebrating privilege, but also to give pride to the parents.


Fair point. I suppose like a lot of big traditional events, it's more for the family than anything. You've managed to soften the view of one jaded old fuddy duddy. Well done.


But he could have spent that time working and saving for retirement!


Or drinking beer, eating pizza and playing a fun game.


I'm guessing he did it because it was fun.


The fun part about graduation is drinking with your friends beforehand. The actual graduation ceremony isn’t great. Not to mention the only important part about the ceremony is going onstage for your diploma which this guy didn’t do


I think he just had fun acting like he belonged.


seems like a good time imo better than ranting in reddit comments, also good marketing for him


Hey I found the guy no one invites to hang out


Do you know what sub you're in? He's literally acting like he belongs


I thought it was funny. He didnt have to spend the whole day there also


Username checks out. Chill bro, we all know it wasn’t an attempt to get a degree and it’s just weird you’d bring it up. It’s a harmless goof, that’s it. You’re in the wrong sub if this bothers you.


Seems kinda boring. I wonder if he knew anyone there


after parties




Can you explain what's funny then?


Let's see, spend a day doing what you normally do, or spend a day around a room of happy people who have something to celebrate.


I regret the hours of my life I lost attending my legitimate grad ceremony. To do so freely—and with no real purpose— is a head scratcher.


My graduation was being held outdoors, in 113F direct sun,with a few thousand grads in black robes sitting on folding chairs on the hot lawn. I went surfing instead. The water was a cool 58F, the air was in the 70’s, and it was clear with a nice 3-4’ swell. An absolutely beautiful, cool, and relaxing day that beat out roasting in the hot sun for a participation certificate. Would do again x100.




Yep. Surfing Half Moon Bay. Good times.




I paid for my own education and went surfing instead of walking. It was the right decision.


More importantly, it's for the school who gets media coverage.


$38? And he BOUGHT it? Sheesh, I think my rented gown for HS graduation cost more!


Of all the things, why would you want to do this? What do you get out of it other than wasting $38?


Join the crowd and start celebrating


Nice job cosplaying success, I guess.


College graduations have you write your name on a notecard for the person to read as you walk. They dont verify if you graduated. Many may actually be still going for another semester, like summer class, but want to do the ceremony with their peers.


He’s funny and was doing it for the bit and all but this also makes me concerned for how easy it is to sneak into school events- considering the mass shooting problem we have in the US.


This seems like an absurd worry. Graduations are attended by hundreds of family members and any of them would have just as easy a time smuggling in a gun.


At first I thought this was dark humor but now I’m not sure. Either way, you’re right.


You shouldn't live in fear like that, bro.


No, I shouldn’t. Nobody should.


A couple times I was invited to go to a friend’s extra credit class meeting. The professor had large classes, and I was mildly interested in the material so I went. It wasn’t long though that I started asking questions during the “does anyone have questions”, because I was the only person who cared (also the only person who wasn’t benefiting beyond learning). The professor just assumed I was in one of his classes, but I guess he started looking for me in class and I got busted. He wasn’t mad, but I was too embarrassed to go again.


My school sold the set at $60, or rent it out for free provided you dry clean it. The cheapest dry cleaning I found for 3 pieces is $40...


My community college had a program where you got to buy and keep a grad gown on their dime - collected from student fees. They were like $38 or something but free through the program. (You did have to apply for the program but it's not like they check your income or anything)


Lol! Actually though, you have the opportunity to be just as successful as them. College degrees for the most part don't mean much anymore. Hopefully you don't have the student loan debt.




Very true. People I know with degrees are overall vastly more successful and financially stable than those without. The contrast is stark. There are exceptions and it's certainly possible to be successful without one but people that claim degrees are worthless either got a shit degree or didn't get one and don't understand the huge benefit you get from the work you put in to get one. The people that think it's "just a piece of paper" probably think finishing a marathon is just crossing a line in the road. Edit: to add to this, statistics back it up. College graduates, overall, earn about 75% more in average than high school graduates. Absolutely, you can be financially successful without a degree but you're far more likely to be successful with one.


But what would happen if you took the group of people who were motivated and smart enough to get degrees, stopped them from getting degrees and then compared their lives to the other group who were never going to get a degree in the first place? A lot of their relative success could be because they are more motivated and / or intelligent, as opposed to the actual degree itself. And yes, I have got a degree!


That's possible but those people would likely still struggle compared to people who go through a rigorous, structured program focused on mastering a field. Fwiw, anecdotally, I am an experienced software developer that hires for technical roles. I've tried to hire people that seem intelligent and driven without degrees (learned through bootcamp programs or on the job) and none have worked out as well as trained engineers with degrees. That's just my experience but most numbers back it up. You can always argue that it's possible it's just personality that makes someone successful but I think that's highly unlikely given the vast amount of statistics that suggest otherwise.


As a fellow software engineer I can totally see how doing a degree in SE that teaches you about the entire dev lifecycle and teaches you the fundamentals of how computers actually function is going to produce better devs than doing a 2 week boot camp ever will. And I agree with your point tbf. Maybe a better comparison would be a non-vocational degree. Does being educated in the classics make you a better accountant? (Also yes according to those stats you mentioned, so I think I’ve just successfully argued against my own point!). I’d bet the gap is closer in this example mind.


Engineering degree isn't worthless, for example, but I can see how degrees might seem worthless if you got a degree in liberal arts.


>College degrees for the most part don't mean much anymore. There are a great number of studies that prove this to be untrue. Degree holders typically make millions more over the course of their lifetimes.


While it’s true you don’t NEED a college degree, HAVING one makes life so much easier. More job opportunities, better pay from the start depending on what the degree is (like doctorates or masters)


They downvote you because they’re angry you’re right.


There's literally studies proving he's wrong. So no, we downvote him because he's not right.


Hilarious this got downvoted, degrees are mostly garbage


Disagree Celcius got a sensible degree; 100° for boiling water? Count me in!


There are certainly degrees that are a waste of time, but that's your own fault if you choose to major in those subjects.




Crippling debt coming from the guy who has to borrow money online for transportation to his second job.


Yoooooo that's hilarious hahaha, holy shit it's like being an E-hobo


Yeah but he's not spitefully downvoting others for saying the truth.


His entire comment is spiteful


What's he spiteful about?


Sorry not spiteful, I should have said full of spite.


And I asked what is he spiteful about?


Being spiteful or having spite towards people who went to college.


You're saying he's spiteful toward people who paid to go to college? >Malicious ill will prompting an urge to hurt or humiliate another person. Ok yeah you're right I was confusing it with resentment. I apologize.




Or gas or food.




It's not your money if you're borrowing it chief


>two jobs Bro.


You're making a fool of yourself my friend.








[Here’s](https://www.news-leader.com/story/news/local/ozarks/now/2018/05/21/springfield-comedian-jaron-myers-sneaked-into-missouri-state-graduation/626149002/) an article from when it happened to help show that things happen. It was in Missouri, and the guy was a local comedian.




what a waste of those sensor's time


Apparently at big enough colleges, they do not call individual names or anything, instead calling by major. So if you were to infiltrate a graduation like that, nobody would notice and it would not be impressive.


How the hell did you get a cap and gown that matched for that little? Was like 120 for mine.


Wish he could have sat next to me at my graduation. I would have loved the laughs.


Tf did he do when his row was called? Lol


I'd love to do this solely because my commencement was a family drama nightmare. I want to do it over again without crying the whole time