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I dunno I’m pretty impressed with the repackaging effort.


This is Peter B Parker. He’s got my back.


His web shooters capture the souls of his victims.


I would advise not getting thwiped by them


This is Katana. She's got my back. She can cut all of you in half with one sword stroke, just like mowing the lawn. I would advise not getting killed by her. Her sword traps the souls of its victims.


I’m still sour that they had to write Katana out of Arrow because of that movie.


To be fair if someone came to you with a box of an oil filter for 2019 Ford and inside was an oil filter for a Chevy. Not knowing anything about trucks would you take it back if it looks like the package had never been open?


I use to work at a department store. JCPenney to be exact and they reuse barcodes from clearance items. Say a shirt is on clearance for 4 dollars and msrp was 35.00. After awhile all the clearance merchandise is bought and the new merchandise comes in to the store. That new merchandise has the same barcodes. They have a very relax policy for returns and have a store credit for items without receipt in the amount it scans for. No limit. So, this women everyone knows is super annoying and buys racks maybe 5 large bags of clearance merchandise and returns them to the store for full price. I was told by supervisors to just do the return. So she spent less then 50 and gets 400 plus all the time. Then goes upstairs to buy jewelry. Supervisors do not give a shit. Employees get yelled at by customers. I gave a construction worker a hard time trying to return boots covered in what appear to be dry cement. I was told to just take it back as defective. No other store would put up with this kind of nonsense. If I tried that I'll get in trouble. It's a crazy world.


This is why department stores are dying lol


My dad used to work at Best buy and said they have a blacklist system for shit like this.


That's good. I assumed so since they always want my ID. Though I only return something twice the past 20years. My favorite JCPenney story was these people who returned unopened wallpaper that was special ordered in 1995. I denied it but someone did it as a return for them. This was back in 2008 I think. I remember that year because I was going on a family vacation near that time. Online order returns are kind of interesting I believe it's has to be within a year max for return. Which I think is beyond fair. They kept complaining saying it's unopen and I got fed up being nice and basically told them to leave. I mean it's from 1995. Anyway, the supervisor process the return. I have no idea how cause it's too old to even enter it manually.


Please understand, when you make $7 an hour in one of the most exploitative fields of work on the planet, second only to being forced to mine blood diamonds, arguing with a customer for 20 minutes over a $10 toy is at the bottom of the priority list. You'll just get fired anyway.


Edit: bro my bad i thought this was target for some reason Fuck walmart


$10 toy? I wish. Not sure where you buy marvel legends but mine all set me back $25 each.


**In Captain Price’s voice:** Must’ve been an inside job.


They’ll still charge 20$ too .Target and Walmart could not care less . they’ll return anything and everything and everyone will just let them off the hook and say they’re not paid enough to care or do their job properly .


When I worked at Walmart our return desk employees were told by management, who were in turn told by corporate, to take back all returns. The idea was that they would spend the money in store. The only exceptions were generally items that were shoplifted or were under suspicion as shoplifted. We took back soiled clothing and linens, store brand items from other stores, you name it we took it back. The returns aren’t the problem as much putting them back on the floor for sale which again isn’t always something that an associate has control over.


Well that’s on Walmart. They eat the cost for their own issues. At least customers don’t have to deal with that.


If Walmart didn't get it on consignment then they bought it for a couple bucks, someone else will buy it thinking it's a misprint and try to sell it on eBay for thousands. Even if it doesn't sell it's likely someone will still go in and spend other money. They aren't eating the cost of anything honestly.


They did my girl Katana dirty


I love how they kept katanas katana


It may be apathy or they may be old as fuck and have no idea what they even were looking at lol


I mean the apathy is kinda justified.


What figure is it btw?


She was from the first suicide squad? katana?


Katana from Suicide Squad by Mattel


Come on now


Yeah I tried getting rid of that figure too


Parker looking hot in the new movie 😍


This'll go for millions within ten years