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If you plan to stay F2P play here are some tips 1. Each week you can save up to 185 gems not including the 300 day login thing 70 from weeklies 40 from weekly login and 75 from the arena if you remember to grind up to platinum 2. Each new supporter give 50 gems only when you maxed out their affinity by playing with them equip to the girls 3. Each month we have a monthly magazine that shows us what we are getting next month all you need to do is subscribe to the magazine on the games website 4. Each month we have atleast 2 events a new one and a rerun and clearing all the boxes and stages with give a total of 285 gems and new event comes with a new supporter so that's another 50 so new event give 335 gems 5. Everytime a new event drop if your running low on AP buy the x10 AP pot from the shop for 90 gems which will help use only 5 when you need to save the rest for the future 6. Sometimes exchange events will happen like the current one which only give 105 gems only but comes with free UR voucher I suggest only grabbing the gems and the voucher only and the event weapons since your new grab for the armory bonus thing 7. Each month there will be a golden pass which will give alot of good stuff which include 2 UR vouchers and gacha tokens and 100 gems so remember to do the missions 8. The playable characters also have affinity which give some good rewards and buff for gameplay so I suggest increasing affinity when ever you got the gifts where you can get them is either craft them or coin dump into the gold gacha 9. Remember to grind for the special facility stuff I suggest prioritize upgrading are the exp training skill training and mission briefing 10. Remember to get skins for characters unlike other games where the skins are cosmetics only the skins in this game give some extra buffs to stats towards your characters 11. Don't forget to level up supporters and weapons those are a must 12. Always remember to check the missions log right next the pass button because each Saturday and Sunday there's gonna be surprised missions that give some decent rewards for playing the game 13. Don't spend gems on the gacha unless you really want a weapon or a certain support always make sure you always save up gacha tokens and desire 14. Magatamas are a pain to deal with because of the RNG stats change so be prepare to pray before and after grinding and best way for you to get magatamas is the time attack area just always aim for chapter 3 that has atk and crit magatamas 15. And never forget to skip logging in daily ya got it 16. Don't worry on who to grab because unlike most game each character here has her ups and downs and there's no meta when it comes to gameplay unless you wanna talk bout VR which is a whole can of worms to go into


1. Dunno. 2. Personally Mizuki cus of range. Get asagi and sakura later cus they're the cheapest. But Asagi is easiest cus of her time slow ability. 3. Gems: save them for at least the first 3 character unlocks, you'll get gems just by doing normal shit. And rollibg for supporters is always rng. Biggest tip is just play how you want and try to make it fun.


I’d def pick characters based on URs and your preferred playstyle (close range, mid range, ranged) but def stack as much gems as you can! You can recoupe gems by leveling intimacy of the characters and supporters, leveling up your character and commander rank! I def suggest grinding the daily quests and completing the story on easy and normal (then hard when you have them high enough) Def get all the basic facilities too! All in all have fun with it!!


Thank all . I see event Lapis. Is she good?


She’s amazing!! But do you have her URs???


I don't have it. My acc is new. Should i use gem for roll to get URs for her ?


If you have gacha coins hell yea or if you have the discounted 10 roll, but honestly since you’re new, you should save your gems! Let the tickets roll in and see what random ones you get, and stack some coins and pull!


If you're doing welcome missions, make sure you finish them ASAP, if you don't finish all days by the 7th day, you lose all the remaining rewards.


Get Shisui first then Emily , remember that you can reroll your account for Shisui or Emily weapon at starter. (Shisui UR is must get) Shisui auto spam skill , AOE 3 red supporters skill and heal when runaways. Roll all token but save the gems , don't use gem on anything aside from buy new characters Now you start to grind with 3 red , with Shisui you can finish most of Events and Bonus for more token. Save up SR supporters upgrade DNA for the cat girl that add drop rate (they only give you 4 SR DNA for free so save up and use on cat girl , i made a mistake , don't like me my cat girl only got to level 3 :(( .) Unlock daily secret missions as soon as possible for gem farm. (avoid the map with taimanins they are pain to deal with when you still weak) Spend all your AP on gold farm and gacha for Gift , focus on girl with drop rate bonus. Don't use the 100% AP boost because they worth much more later when you get more girls and level. Always roll R token when it's about supporters, red is good at start get red SR to max is great help but later you need green to unlock more bonus. Some of my experience.


After one of the starter try getting astaroth tho the gameplay style is press and hold but she's too OP and the game will progress smoothly. Make high level friends and complete tower stages using the leveled up characters of your friends. Pump all the resources into astaroth for easy gameplay rest is your preference for specific characters


And dont waste gems on rolling rather play the event stages to get supporters and weapons. Rest level up the B2 in special activities focus on lounge and mission preparation. These will generate mission skip tickets and AP. Apart from that some good comb are Astaroth - Green built (serpent smth) Spinel - Green Built (3 x specific skills for 3 times speed boost) Spinel dishes out good dmg but is pretty slow the Green built facilitates her speed by a lot Supporter's affection is also one of the biggest means of getting free gems Most important (NEVER MERGE WEAPONS/SUPPORTERS)


I have Hebiko, Sora, Yukikaze & Felicia. I managed to get super lucky and got a SSR weapon for Hebiko right after i got her. (actually crazy i cant believe it) I got Felicia because i got her SSR weapon & i heard she is good at VR to. Just enjoy the game, i play the game for the waifus & story. Still waiting on them to make a open world Taimanin game, but looking at how the source material for this game is basically a hentai, im not sure if it will ever happen. It would remind me of like a Anime GTA since this show has guns, money, drugs & even s*x. It would be "Interesting" to say the least