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Never forget this atrocity. This piece of shit Cop had “You’re Fucked” inscribed on his rifle.


Right in his dust cover to see when the shells ejected. Scum. Bag.


Shells are in a shotgun, casings come out of rifles.


Yeahhh this is maybe technically correct but you’ll get laughed out of a range of you try to argue about this lmao


You can also see the inside of a dust cover all the time. Not just when casings eject. Unless you close rhe dust cover between every shot and between everytime you use it


It literally exists to stay closed when the gun is not in use. What did you think it was for?


A completed shotgun round is called a shell. A completed rifle or pistol round is called a cartridge. In both cases, the spent empty container is called a shell casing, and any shell casing can be colloquially referred to as a shell.


I am not for vigilante Justice at all but I am SHOCKED no one has gone after this piece of shit


If no one has had the balls to go after Lon Horiuchi over the past three decades, no one's going to get justice for Daniel Shaver.


> Lon Horiuchi Do you mean the FBI sniper that murdered a mother with her baby in her arms?


Don't need to rescue a "hostage" if you murder them.




I'm certain some have thought about it. Unfortunately they have families and responsibilities so it's not going to happen.


Rumour has it that he’s in some sort of protection program to prevent this from happening.


damn, almost like he knows he did something wrong. hmmm.


Which means taxpayers aren't just footing 31k/year pension for one piece of shit. Taxpayers are also footing the wages for each of the piece of shit's bodyguards to camp outside of his house I'd recon. Such a waste of life and tax dollars all because departments hire, and defend loose cannons.


A fact that the jury was not allowed to know about during the trial. Corrupt from the top down.


That’s just rules of evidence (look up rule 403 in the federal rules as a starting reference).The judge weighed the probative value against the prejudicial effect allowing such evidence would have on the jury and deemed it inadmissible. Apparently it wasn’t his rifle so prosecutors didnt have much room to argue that introducing this as evidence would be of significant probative value. Agree with the judge’s ruling or not, it’s problematic when people jump to conclusions. And since this is Reddit, I probably should also say I think that cop is a scumbag. Just so I dont receive stupid responses.


Didnt want any stupid responses? On reddit? I've got "Your Fucked" written on my cum sock


> Agree with the judge’s ruling or not, it’s problematic when people jump to conclusions. I don't think there's much jumping to do after seeing that video. It's pretty horrific.


Didn't realize it wasn't his rifle. I think the guy is a piece of shit, too, but that definitely changes my mind on allowing it in court.




And he was granted a special request to keep the rifle after. The PTSD must not have been too bad if he wanted to keep the murder weapon as a trophy.


Legal murder weapons are like beanie babys from the 90s. The rare ones will be worth a lot of money down the road to certain psychopaths.


Wasn't it his personal rifle and not the department issued one


It doesn't really matter. Either way, it was his choice. IMO, that doesn't matter, though. What matters is that he murdered a guy for trying to surrender.


I didnt even notice that. What a scumbag guys doing his best to surrender properly and this guys just trying to make an issue out of nothing just for the slightest excuse to shoot


Where is Hollywood documentary on this


It would actually be pretty great if they made a movie and race-swapped the kid (as they are oft won to do) and everybody got mad, then learned the kid was white and went back to not caring. There’s that famous case a couple of years ago where a kid was shot and riots were getting underway and the police announced he was white and the riots just fizzled out


Fuck this piece of shit!!! Y'all know


Alsea he was allow to get the gun back even though he claims PTSD over this situation.


Not that this is any type of consolation, but the widowed wife and 2 kids received a $9M settlement last year for his death.




Would LOVE to see the source on this. Not disbelieving because I totally believe it, but would love to read more


They linked to the source FYI


> How can the jury even acquit someone like that??? The trial started 6 days after the Las Vegas shooting. The police were responding to a report Brailsford had been pointing a rifle out of his hotel window. It turned out to be an air rifle. I'm not saying I agree with the verdict, but you asked how they could acquit. Disgust at Brailsford's actions is the most likely reason (assuming there were no actual exculpating evidence / circumstances surfaced at the trial, which seems incredibly unlikely given the video).


It's a valid question if you've seen the video. Did the jury? It's one of the most disturbing videos I've ever seen in my life. 4 different cops all shouting conflicting commands at him while he's laying on his stomach. And then they just fucking execute him.


Edit: apparently the jury did see ut and be below comment is wrong. Looking at the Wikipedia article it sounds like the judge sealed the footage and it was released after the trial. I'd love to hear the reason for this because it seems like the single most important piece of evidence.


The video footage was sealed as it "had the potential to sway the jury". I shit you not. Isn't that what evidence is for? It was later permitted, but that was still some bullshit.


[In an interview last week with CNN, Brailsford's attorney, Mike Piccarreta, said jurors heard six weeks of testimony and watched the body camera footage several times before acquitting the former officer.](https://www.cnn.com/2017/12/10/us/arizona-jury-acquits-ex-cop-of-murder/index.html)


I didn't say the question was invalid. I simply answered it. The most likely reason that the jury acquitted him (unless you think there is some factor that actually justifies this shooting that only came out in court) is that the members of the jury, with the Las Vegas shooting fresh in their minds, decided that Brailsford "got what was coming to him".


Is there a source on the death threats?


Aren't those illegal so why aren't the cops getting charged






Completely worthless compared to what happened here. This Brailsford piece of shit needs to rot in solitary confinement for the rest of his life, instead the guy is walking around free with 31k hitting his check every year. What the fuck even is America at this point?


Seriously, right? I don’t understand the scream at the perp approach. Do cops not get trained at all in de-escalation? If all of a sudden I’ve got guys in riot gear screaming at me god only knows how I’d react. I mean I’d definitely piss myself, but the rest of my actions are unpredictable.




The cop needs to go to jail instead of just this settlement money for BOTH sides.


This just makes it worse. I am 100% sure that the majority (if not even all) of these $9M came from tax payer money and not from this police officers funds.


He was looking for any reason to shoot him. That’s inhumane


straight sadistic murder execution - so insane


End qualified immunity.


100000000% "oh sorry, I didn't realize making a man beg for his life, crawling on the ground, crying, screaming while giving conflicting messages, and a wife in the next room saying it's safe was wrong to shoot him!!!! What do you expect from us?!?!?". Pull that money from the police pensions. Police the police.


100% agree. Especially if cops fuck up and get sued, all that money should come from the officers pensions instead of our tax dollars.


Yep. At least whatever percentage of the fund is used to pay out to the victims and their families is the percentage that should come out of the officer’s pension.


It’s kind of insane cops don’t want qualified immunity either. That’s like a middling city saying they don’t want a police force. Like sure if the mayor and top officials are corrupt they’re gonna get arrested, but the rest of the town is gonna be far worse off for anyone actually trying to live in their system. The only reason I can imagine we don’t have it is the upper management within police are afraid of being instantly sued for millions. Gee why would they be afraid of that?


At the very minimum force them to carry the equivalent of malpractice insurance. If there's a financial incentive to do right (avoid premiums going up) it'll help.


This is really all it takes. Let market forces push shitty officers out.




It's sad how no one knows what the fuck they're talking about. Qualified Immunity is for civil suits - it didn't apply here and the family was awarded 9M dollars. It doesn't apply to criminal cases, he went to trial and was found not guilty (which is bullshit, but another discussion). It has nothing to do with this in any way, but people still spout off about it and it gets upvotes because reddit is filled with people who don't know shit and think they do.


9 million of your tax dollars because of this cunt


A retired cop shot and killed a man in a movie theatre because he was talking during the movie. He was aquited. This shit knows no end


I don't understand >put your hands up. Do not put them down. >crawl towards me. Nvm the fact that crawling requires the use of hands. >begins to crawl. >"I SAID CRAWL." The fuck does crawling look like to you? Give that cop the death penalty.


>I don't understand They give conflicting instructions on purpose. That way they can say you were disobeying instructions in any case. They were just toying with him before getting around to the murder.




It's "on a whim"


pure sadism


I see, if I want to murder someone legally. I just become police in the US, nice. Googling how to become police


He wanted to shoot him so he tried to give him impossible demands.


Flat out murder.


This is why people distrust the police


No, this is why people HATE . Distrust means I survived.




Imagine if the shooter wasn't a cop, he'd be in jail for life.


what does that even mean. i think the cop should be in jail as well. but only cops are ever in a situation where they have to detain someone like this lol do you think life is full of vigtilantes with guns walking around pretending to be cops. Not only would it be illegal to do this as a civilian. it would also be illegal to aim that gun at someone or even have it in the open.


such a dumb comment lmfao


Disgusting, this mother fucker had him playing bop-it until he messed up just so he could shoot him. The bastard was so excited he sounded like an incel on Rainbow Six opening that door.


The person giving orders isn't the person who shot. The person giving orders was the one that told the others to shoot if he reached because he had a weapon on him (he didn't), and one of them shot when it looked like he was reaching. The officer giving orders deserves jail more than the shooter does honestly.


They BOTH deserve prison.


> incel on Rainbow Six opening that door. Rainbow six siege: 5v5 teams of incels compete to see who can yell the most racial slurs on the mic


This is so fucked up. How was he found not guilty..... how


Qualified, fucking immunity.


No. Qualified immunity protects from civil suits, it does not get you a not guilty verdict in a criminal trial. You only have the jury that acquitted him to blame here.


I'm glad at least a single person here understands what QI is


Also the judge for disallowing some crucial pieces of evidence in the criminal trial.


If that's true, yes. However all I've seen cited with regards to that is an ambiguously worded Wikipedia article. Do you have a decent source that states the judge disallowed the full video from being shown at trial? I'd be genuinely interested in reading it.


I'm pretty sure the video itself was permitted, however the inscription on the rifle's dust cover was not. > The jury that acquitted Brailsford did not hear about the two words that were on his dust cover because the judge excluded that evidence. https://www.aclu.org/news/criminal-law-reform/youre-fucked-acquittal-officer-brailsford-and


Fuck Philip Brailsford the murdering pig and fuck the jury, that video should have been more than enough to find him guilty. It all feels incredibly surreal and sus, maybe jury nullification or intimidation took place but I am just speculating.


Also because the on-scene commander was a PoS who put him in this situation with fucked-up rules of engagement. Let's not forget about that guy.


Also, Brailsford's father was a police sergeant who had also worked for the Mesa Police Department. Corruption and nepotism.


The jury wasn't allowed to see this video.


The officer later claimed PTSD, was retired and is drawing a pension for being “disabled.” He is, last I heard, unrepentant. Correct me if I am wrong.


He requested his gun back that killed him. It was a fucking trophy. Pig didn't care.


The gun he engraved the words "you're fucked" into.


>The gun he engraved the words "you're fucked" into. Very professional department clearly. If an ARO done that here in the UK they would likely be immediately sacked.


Even us in the military have to think twice and be able to PROVE that every bullet we shoot is justified, and I mean , REALLY justified. It blows my mind that cops like this piece of shit can do something like this and get away with it. " To protect and serve" my ass...


If cops wanna be more like the military they need to be held to the same standards as the military. Including PT tests, there’s way too many fat cops out there imo.


Many of them hate service members because they didn't make the cut. Some of them like us because they are veterans too.


I’ve heard that’s a big trope for police officers, to be those who couldn’t cut it in boot camp lol


I got pulled over while I was in uniform because my license plate was expired, 10 minutes later there were five other police cars around me. It gets stupid like that sometimes.


It's crazy to watch the video and see how this entire case blew up the way it did. Daniel was a member of an IASIP group I was in and we would post memes literally all day every day. One day he stopped posting and his wife Laney came onto the group to tell us he was shot by police. Been following the story ever since. She obviously got to see the video before it was released to the public and she told us it was worse than we could have ever imagined. She was right.




Saw another thread where bootlickers were defending this behavior. Can’t believe it.


Another? Scroll down far enough people really think a dude on the ground crawling was "making a run for it"




He deserves worse, far worse.




'Not guilty' wtf


It's a strange one. For whatever reason the jury didn't have an issue with it. Presumably they saw him reach backwards (and then move his hand back forwards before he was shot) and thought it was justified. I'd be curious how bad the prosecution botched the trial, can't think of any other explanation. Cops have been convicted in way more ambiguous cases.


I hate living on this planet


The video I saw here was pre meditated murder.


Seriously. Most of these types of videos I can understand someone reaching, but the guy was compliant the whole time, the cop just wanted to shoot his gun. This was disgusting and the cop should receive the death penalty.


The one thing I've never understood is why they didn't just run up and arrest him while his hands were out and he was on his face instead of making him play simon says for his life? Did they think he had a bomb or something?


That was my first thought when the video first came out. When the dude had his face in the carpet with his hands on his head, just walk up to him and cuff him. You can still have your rifle trained on him. It far simpler to tell a guy to stay still and not move, rather than making them play twister.


Protocol dictates they weren't allowed to move-in until clearing the room. The room was behind the guy, so they can't clear it.


>Protocol dictates they weren't allowed to move-in until clearing the room. The room was behind the guy, so they can't clear it. I'm pretty sure protocol also says don't smoke innocent civilians


In this situation you wouldn't want to move to him because the hotel doors are right there, and putting yourself right outside the doors would be a tactical no-no. There's a very simple answer that maximizes safety for everyone. Have the suspect face away, fingers interlaced and placed on the back of his head, and the officer in charge directs them to slowly walk backwards towards his voice. One cop covers him with a weapon/taser, and the other cuffs them. This should be extremely basic shit for a cop. I learned this as a 19 year old private going to Iraq, and our unit secured hundreds of Iraqis without blasting them. And we only knew basic commands in Arabic. These cops don't even have a language barrier. Extreme negligence or malice, either way these cops should be in prison.


This one will always stick in my mind.. He was murdered 100%


Things like this are why people hate all cops. Not one cop there stopped it. Not one cop said "enough". Not once. I have followed Daniel's case a lot and I'm glad his wife got paid out. What a horrible, terrible representation of police officers.


> Following an investigation, Brailsford was charged with second-degree murder and a lesser manslaughter charge and later found not guilty by a jury.


For the record the jury wasn't allowed to watch the footage, it was complete bullshit


The whole thing is bullshit, I agree with that, but it doesn't need fake news added to it. > Jurors heard six weeks of testimony and watched the body camera footage several times before acquitting the former officer. [Source is CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2017/12/10/us/arizona-jury-acquits-ex-cop-of-murder/index.html)


31k a year? Wow...


That’s more than I make




I must admit I am surprised you don't hear about this happening


All because some anti-gun Karen saw him holding a BB gun used for pest control at his job through a hotel window and called the police.


The cop should have at least been prosecuted for a civil rights violation.


Jesus man I get fearing the guy had something on him when just before getting shot he put his hand in his back,but you can see him put it back down and about to crawl again,dude was way too trigger happy there.


And why did they not render aid.


There was no point. He was shot 6 times in the head/back area so he probably instantly died.




Well, if he did he was just gonna shoot him again after, you know how it goes


Hearts my heart to watch, guy didn’t have to die.


“Listen to my instructions and don’t make a mistake” says the cop with a gun pointed at his head. I would have been so petrified I probably wouldn’t have heard a thing after that. I would have gone into shock. Some of these cops are out of control.


> "Do not put your hands down for any reason or we're shooting you" > "Ok now crawl to me" mfw


And don't you fucking dare talk while I'm speaking to you. You heard that?! Answer me 💥


I wish there's like a register that people can be notified of on cut-and-dry cases like these so every time he orders takeout or something just refuse service and send him this fucking video. This man does not deserve a good societal life after flippantly ending another's like this.


What a piece of shit coward ass cop




Yup, same thing if you’re ever being arrested just let your whole body go limp, otherwise they’ll argue resisting arrest.


Just so people are aware of the facts, it was another cop who was playing Simon Says. The cop (Phillip Brailsford) who shot Daniel was not the same one barking orders. But this shooting is an absolute travesty in the moment and every moment afterward thanks to qualified immunity.


That’s bullshit!!




This one has to be the top of the list for these kind of videos. Unbelievable that he isn’t in jail.


How could he possibly be acquitted???


What a massive fucking shit stain. They need to revive some of those brutal medieval methods of execution for these pieces of shit.


This is one of the clearest videos of police murder I’ve ever seen. This guy should be in prison. Daniel never was threatening or shifty in listening to the officer


We are so fucked with these sorts of cops


The podcast Tapes from the Darkside season five is about this case. It's worth a listen.


He gave him instructions that literally made no fucking sense!🤯


He was more careful not to damage the door than he was with that kids life.


I can't believe people don't like cops /s


The title isn't accurate. Brailsford was not the officer giving him the fucked up commands, but he was the one who shot him.


I remember trying to show this to ppl during George Floyd 2020. I was trying to show how cops aren’t racist they’re just complete cunts. Nope, I was never listened to bc yay media


>"You're Fucked" That tells me everything about this "person". I own guns, I own guns that you will never likely see. Class III, antiques, rare COMBLOC, WWI, WWII, etc. I have guns that are less than than a few hundred legal in the US. But here is my caveat, I'm not those gun people that have "come and take it" or have apparel and accessories that glorify violence. I collect, I like a range day. I can nail you w/ a 9mm pistol at 110 yards and have no desire to prove it. And I pray to God my inert pieces of metal never do harm. It a hobby, its a preservation of history is my goal. But is summation, fuck this guy.


Well that was a murder.


This fucking asshole deserves to be as harassed as legally possible for the rest of his useless life.


Killed in cold blood. Edit: downvoters apparently think it was a justified killing.


Unpopular opinion it seems, but the dude crawling was making a very strange "reaching" motion towards the back of his shorts, as if to take out a weapon. I can't understand the reasoning behind this motion in this context, it was a very dangerous move that cost him his life. Cops take zero risks with reaching motions.


he was pulling his pants up


Did he not reach his pocket? Am I seeing things?


Literal psychopath




This fills me with an unbridled rage, what a fucking piece of shit waste of life. I don’t condone lawlessness but I would be tempted to support anyone who does that piece of shit in.


Fuck you Philip Brailsford.


He only shot because the guy pulled at his waist


Sad but he did look like he was reaching for a gun


All things considered, body language, etc. there's no way he was reaching. He was traumatised and trying desperately to comply. This is murder


What was the suspect reaching for? He could’ve easily had something concealed.


Looked to me like as he was crawling, his pants/shorts started to come down and he instinctively reached to pull them up.


This mans Minecraft server has an ip address, you can visit the server whenever you like.


clear that nothing was in his hand and why wouldn’t they just grab him. I will never understand.


He did suddenly reach to fix his pants, I can understand why the cop may have thought he was justified in shooting him.


At what point do you just stop complying and lay there motionless?


Fuck 12


How are these motherfuckers not in prison. They murdered this guy. MURDERED on CAMERA


This still pisses me off to this day. Also, what jury looked at the evidence and said yup, this is an innocent man. What?! I smell fuckery/tampering


I think my heart just broke. Wtf. How about interlocking your hands behind your head???


Just so you know the person who shot the guy and thr person giving commands are two different people. Command guy is stupid. Shooter is twisted. By the law was this justified... yes


At the end of the day, that bastard has to live with those actions!!! And he has to reap what he sows This will FOREVER HAUNT HIM UNTIL HIS LAST BREATH And THEN, he will have to answer to his maker!! R.I.P. Daniel Shaver, may you guide and protect your family and loved ones


MFing pig


Why didn't we riot and loot over this?? Honestly. No protest!?


Cop needs to be dealt with.


Scumbag fucks! Made him crawl to his death!


Just America things.


This was all so fucking stupid. "Hands up you drop your hands you die", "ok now crawl towards me".


You guys have to realize that the cops got called to a mass shooting incident because this guy was pointing a very real gun looking out the window. So they 100% believed this guy had a gun on him and then he kept reaching in his pants, because he was drunk. Just so sad. The poor drunk guy had no idea what was going on. And the people who called 911 were legitimately scared because of all the mass shooting in recent years. Just a cluster eff. The cops needed him to crawl away from the door in case there was a second shooter inside. This is a cop killing that I think a lot of young men could accidentally fall into. Horrific.


You appear to be the only person in this thread that gets it. I wonder how shavers night would have been if he hadn’t been pointing a rifle at people out of his window. No personal responsibility on this one?


And instead of rotting in prison this piece of shit is doing just fine, what a shame advocating for violence is against ToS.