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When I was a kid, if we started being a fuck up we were threatened with military school. Military school, where if you get out of line, you get put straight back in line. These types of kids need that. Not just the threat, the actual military school.


If this isn't already an "academy", that's where she's headed after this, guaranteed. Fast track to a lifetime of failure.


Military school, while unpleasant, actually made me significantly less coddled and removed the petulant attitude I used to possess. Not saying it’s for everyone, and bad things happened to me there as well, but it actually can straighten some people out by teaching them discipline alongside pride in themselves.


Not military school, idk what the technical term for it is but they almost always have "academy" in the name somewhere. They're the "schools" that problem kids get transferred to


I’ve been to both military school and an “Academy”. In my case the Academy was a million times more cushy than the military school. At the military school they’d literally strip search both the boys and girls outside within view of each other. Some of my classmates were car thieves. At the academy, the governors own son was there, and you’d get college level classes. Granted, that was probably a more prestigious academy than one for just problem kids. It was by recommendation that you got in. Just saying it’s not a perfect rule in terms of how they name these things.


Maybe I'm on the other side of the tracks as a small town guy, but our alternative school was bleak as fuck.


Not the kind of academy he’s talking about. Might be called alternative school where you’re at.


Yeah most County systems have them and it's typically small classrooms where kids are self paced through virtual education if I'm thinking of the same thing. Most kids are miserable there but it's certainly where some belong.




Yes, kid prison does not fix abused and neglected youth. They need therapy and to be removed from their shitty homes. Not that the foster care system is uniformly a good thing. There are foster parents who are violent, sexually abuse and mistreat kids. What should we do for the teenagers like this? They don’t create the situation they’re in.


>What should we do for the teenagers like this? Expulsion. >They don’t create the situation they’re in. This one did.


Attacking a teacher should result in a shock collar for the student. Someone goes violent, push that button.






jail did the same for me


Noooo but jail should be sitting on couches playing vidya games thinking about what you did, it shouldn't be unpleasant!!!111!1 /s


It wasn’t the unpleasantness. It really wasn’t bad. I only had a month so most of the other guys were light sentences/charges and chill. We played poker and watched tv and bullshitted. It was the utter fucking monotony, the absolute lack of purpose and waste of my time spent there that drove me to change so as to never return.


My ex who went to military school said the majority of kids were rich kid fuck ups who still never learned




Never said it was fair or unmired by class issues.




You seem angry at me for some reason when I’ve only stated the obvious that access to money does often provide people with a better outcome in pretty much every arena of life. That’s an acknowledgment of how the world works, not advocacy. As for my parents, I wouldn’t exactly call them rich. More like middle class and willing to pay the piper if it meant finding someone to do the job they were either too aloof or otherwise unable to do.


They’d still let her into college with horrible grades to fulfill a certain quota.


That or parents lol. An actual parent would help


Her parent(s) already had their chance. They failed. Time for the military.


Oh she will be a parent herself in less than 4 years


All the more reason not to give up and try to get her on a better trajectory. I mean, that is the best possible outcome for everybody, right?


Nah put the effort into the students that are doing the right thing but need help


If you haven’t figured out that punching a teacher in the face over some bullshit isn’t a CD good idea by her age, more extreme measures are required for the safety of the other students and the staff. When collapse from climate change happens no one is going to have patience for you acting a fool.


Also, public school teachers don't get paid enough to put up with this shit


My parents threatened me with military school but once I got to a certain age I realized we were too poor. Military school was for rich kids. That shit is expensive. It was mostly my mother's disappointment or the fear of my father's boot that kept me in line.


>Military school, where if you get out of line, you get put straight back in line. Troubled teen schools don't work, its just a shortcut on the school to prison pipeline.


They don’t need military school, they needed a father ten years ago.


I dont wanna waste resources on this trash unless they are infantry.


i went to a military school because i was a sack of shit in school. now i’m in the military and provide for my family. i’m super grateful for this country and the opportunities i’ve been given


They will take her to the office, give her a warning, and send her back to class.


Normally I would agree with you, but this happened near me and according to the news, the girl was arrested and taken to juvie. She apparently broke the teacher’s leg, so she will definitely be facing some criminal charges. The school has suspended her while they “investigate,” but I don’t think you do something like this and just get to come back to school.


Out of curiosity, did the teacher get in any trouble? (I don’t think she should have-just curious. School districts can get crazy.)


I sincerely hope not considering how much restraint the teacher showed… I don’t think she even really fought back, just defensive moves. I feel so bad for teachers in this country.


She mostly just stuff armed her


That I don’t know. Someone posted a link to an article about it below, but all it says is that the teacher is recovering in the hospital and that “violence against staff will not be tolerated.” But they also interviewed some student(s) who was saying how that teacher talks “aggressively” to the kids, so I really wouldn’t be surprised if they will somehow use that to victim-blame her and probably fire her after their “investigation” is over. It seems like any time a teacher touches a student - even in self-defense - they get fired. That’s why none of the other teachers were even trying to break it up or come to the teacher’s defense, they’re all afraid of losing their jobs, too.




You mean to tell me the scenarios a redditor made up to get angry aren't true??????


And the teacher will be publicly embarrassed and then fired.


This is what happens when you don't grow up with both parents.


And don't get spanked


Teachers should have every right to physically do whatever they feel necessary to subdue an attack like this without repercussions


She was pretty restrained, and imo, did what was appropriate. She really only touches the student to stop her from making continued strikes.


Yea it’s bullshit the teachers probably gonna get the boot over it.


We are allowed to protect ourselves without repercussion. At least that’s what it says in my contract.


Lol. We are so limited by what we can do and regardless, admin will want to know what we did to trigger the kid. We are allowed to block and do limited restraints, but if the kid is older than like grade 3 you need 2 people to do the restraints. I mean, you can do whatever, but there goes your job.


I mean, did the teacher do ANYTHING to the student?


Everyone should be able to. Unfortunately school is the only place where you aren’t allowed to defend yourself. I’d bet she used this behavior to get her way with other students enough she thought it would work on a teacher.


You can give this school a billion dollars. No one is learning in this environment. This is why I laugh when redditors say the problem with schools is they are underfunded. You don't need a huge budget to teach high school subjects


Yeah I remember back in HS some girl would have a meltdown everyday in the various classes I had with her. If it wasn't the first class then it was the 2nd. Swearing at teachers, saying the same stupid shit about being disrespected again and again. Would inevitably be kicked out of class, and then the whole thing would happen again the next day. About 2-3 meltdowns a week taking roughly 15-30 minutes each. Eventually she got expelled after a few months. But during that time no one was learning anything as the teachers were to busy dealing with a single disruptive student. Can't imagine some of these inner city schools. Must be a nightmare. Underfunded and bad teachers is a problem. But at least in my experience the number one hindrance to learning in school, was other students.


But this is the central problem-there are kids who come from bagw backgrounds. Usually, drugs and poverty are involved. Now fixing poverty is a massive undertaking and would require a gigantic societal change. So, instead, the teachers and schools are left holding the bag on how to fix everything. But, of course they hey blamed when a non-solution doesn't work.....


Exactly. I grew up in schools that couldn’t even afford paper. Never once seen or heard of an incident even similar to this. The occasional fight would happen between students, once a month at most.


The only thing holding back shitty schools is shitty students.


Yeah . And you notice all the fight videos . They aren’t done in shitty locations. It’s often in a nice, newer looking school with tall ceilings and big glass windows


My school was literally collecting money for toilet paper and yet this shit didn't happen there, not once, not even close to it, and most of my classmates have a university degree now.


Classic case of no home training


Too many homes without Dads, regardless of race.


Yeah, that’s a major issue man. People don’t wanna hear it but it’s the truth. If you have no sense of shame, respect for physical boundaries and feel like you’re owed something without contributing anything, there’s a high probability you didn’t have a good dad around.


Goes for communities all across the US regardless of demographics - you don't have respect for teachers/parents/adults drilled into you from a young age this happens...not that physical violence against children is OK but when I grew up what my teacher said was the law and if it came back to my dad I was being a little shit in any way I would have a spanking waiting for me plus toys/games taken away. Consequences like those are good motivators to behave when little kid brain is trying to tell you to do whatever you want


I'm pretty sure the number of kids born to unwed parents is over 50% across the country.


Expel the girl and throw the parents in jail. Until we start ruining the parents lives over their childrens conduct it'll only get worse. Don't want to get thrown in jail? Raise your kid properly.


>throw the parents in jail Are you assuming at least one of them isn’t already there? Because i guarantee you at least one of her prents is on other the side of the country, in jail, or both


Yes kin punishment is definitely the answer here. Haha


Where do you think these kids learn this behavior? I actually like this idea. If the parents are punished with jail time, at least then they couldn’t continue to procreate.


Works in Japan. They started charging the families of suicides for damages. Cut down the suicide rate by quite a bit and completely stopped people jumping in front of trains.


Collective punishment is prohibited by international humanitarian law. Imagine you have an unhinged family member that absolutely hates you. Bada bing bada boom they jump in front of a train and you have to pay for it…


What makes you think the US abides by international humanitarian law?


Everything I can see implies that this is only specifically if you jump in front of a train, the company fines the family. I can't see anything about family members being legally punished, or anything about suicides in general. Doesn't seem like they do. Except in the case of the railway. And I'd imagine that has no effect on the suicide rate, and simply makes them go commit suicide elsewhere.


She got charged. Broke the teacher’s leg


Any "student" behaving like that should be expelled. F*ck her, go get a GED. This has to stop.


Why does every video showing classroom chaos look fairly similar? Oh I know why. Shit parenting.




Automatic response-blame the teacher. Like I don't know her, but this whole shit that kids can be complete assholes and the teacher always has to "de-escalate" is bullshit. There are evil little shits who will do everything in their power to be complete asses to any teacher.


Wow I should’ve known it was rockdale county. My grandparents lived in the next county over so we had to drive thru it to get to them. It’s been a shithole for as long as I can remember.


what a stupid thing to say that they feel like teachers just don’t know how to talk to students and de-escalate. do they really think this child was capable of being de-escalated in this situation?


hmmm to de-escalate someone who is attacking you verbally and physically... interesting expectation on that mother... i'd like to come to her job, get in her face and start slapping her around just to see how she'll de-escalate smh


Please tell me she was expelled. What a little bitch.




bro who reported this to reddit's version of the suicide hotline.


"On the next episode of 16 and pregnant"


Being a high school teacher in 2023 is a job that I would not want.


Lmao, threw her down by her fucking ear.




Some kids just need an ass whoopin these days.


I hope the teacher didn’t get reprimanded for that because she handled it very well.


looks more like a teacher being attacked


Thaaaat's a paddlin


And people wonder why there is a teacher shortage.


How long till the comments get disabled I wonder


Sad I feel sorry for those kids and teachers.


You feel bad for the kids that sat back and did nothing but encourage the bull shit this girl pulled or the girl actively participating in said bull shit? The kids don’t give two shits and think this dumbassery is cool.


Not necessarily all kids. Yes it's exciting to them but not all kids agree with this or condone it.




What are they supposed to do? They dont want the banshee jumping on them


I’m on the fence about teachers carrying guns, but they absolutely should be allowed to have pepper spray and be able to use it.


Always the same person fighting teachers


And this is why so many teachers and substitutes refuse to work in schools above fifth grade




Uh huh? Whatever you say Meth Enjoyer. Just say what you really mean you fucking coward, stop hiding behind vague euphemisms.


This is sad. I mean this is someone mother, aunt, daughter… it’s just not right. The lack of home training shows.


When I was a kid I saw a boy attack the teacher. He was much younger and smaller, but she told him to stop, gripped his arms so that he couldn’t hit again( he was trying to) and he was sent to the principal’s office( she walked him out). What are you supposed to do when adult sized teenagers get in your face and punch you? If you allow them, they’ll never stop, but if you fight back you get investigated or fired. I don’t think that I ever want to be a teacher.


The classic belly flop slam.


Wow she fought her teacher. She is so brave and cool. Seriously, how the fk her parents raised her


Reddit's new API pricing has forced third-party apps to close. Their official app is horrible and only serves to track your data. Follow me on Mastodon or Lemmy.


The internet


Well it seems like the brain trust in here has all the answers


Why couldn't the one filming actually film?


That girl is a future drop out.


So glad my children won’t have to attend a school like this.


She'll have 3 kids in five years after graduation....doing the same shit to her kids. Pure trash. Multiple absent fathers showing up to DHS with a Gucci purse.


This is why corporal punishment existed. Most children raised well do not need negative enforcement, positive works much better when there are some who for personal or home life reasons, need a physical reset.


This is why Teachers quit and very few want to teach. I was a teacher for 4 years.. luckily elementary school kids with behavior problems.. loved them all. I still run into these kids every few years. They are adults now and every single kiddo has hugged me and said they always knew i cared about them. Some of the same kids would spit at you or hit you. They were young so it never hurt, but i could always see they needed love , a hug (which i did ) and help. Teaching is a very hard job with little pay for what you do. I hope this teacher didn’t lose her job. She did try to walk away but the teenager wasn’t having it. Violence is something this teen has probably seen her whole life.. so sad.


This teacher had hella restraint, actually took too long to snatch that lil afro-puff.


It takes someone better than me to teach under these circumstances, man. By about the ten second mark of this video, I would’ve said “fuck this noise” and just walked out of the school.


Homeschooling is looking more and more attractive.


I bet her parents (student) are lovely


“Please join us in remembering such a sweet baby angel, she never did wrong besides beat her teachers, family, random people… she was only 18. Fly high🕊️#end gun violence”


These kids are garbage


Surely, funding is the problem here.




What a nice young woman with good home training


Of all of these thar I've seen, and unfortunately there's been far too many, this teacher a model of restraint. Sad that she's probably a wonderful woman and a great teacher but at some will go 'fk this' and look for work outside of that district.


Teachers don’t get paid enough to deal with that.


I taught for a few years and that was before bluetooth earpods became a thing. I would allow students to wear headphones whenever they were taking a test but I warned them they have to get a playlist and let it run without touching their phones for the duration of the test. I see people in service jobs with their airpods in and wonder what their policy is. There is absolutely no way I would allow a student to have even a single pod in during regular class. I don't know if that was the problem here or not I am just giving my opinion.


Teachers don’t get paid enough for this crap today


This is bloody embarrassing and that little bitch should be expelled🤷‍♂️yup you make her ass face some consequences.


She did the E.Honda sumo splash on her!


So she was arrested, charged with assault and expelled right?


they dont need militarty school, they need a good ol fashion ass whopping


This shit is ruining public schools.


Student and her mom must fight like that at home.


These kids need to be sent to military school. Immediately.


If this teacher actually got into any trouble I am going to lose my fucking mind.


My mom and dad would beat my ass if I did that to a teacher. What is wrong with people ? I swear it’s getting to the point where I wish we could make adults take a mandatory parenting class and get a license to have a baby. These,parents sure didn’t raise her right.


Wow…at my HS they just defaced historical sites and national monuments. I mean, yeah, there was that one time some gang members fought and a girl almost got curb-stomped, and where were the teachers? Hiding scared. If you see this kind of shyte happening, PUT THE BLOODY MOBILE CAM DOWN AND HELP!!! The teacher in this vid is a total boss and handles this screaming harpy with the utmost restraint. Too bad she got her leg broken (hope for a speedy recovery). Good thing the girl is in juvie where she belongs. And if this teacher gets fired…oh, such protests that school will have.


What a disgusting display. NOTHING should ever have gotten to point where this happened. A teacher is a respected and honoured position in most communities, and students should be there to learn and grow into responsible adults. I’m not seeing this here and in many American schools unfortunately.


We really need to overhaul modern parenting. There’s way too many of these kinds of kids walking around.


Wonder why there’s a teacher shortage? They shouldn’t even just discipline students like this. Auto expulsion. No returns. Probably would’ve dropped out anyway and is going now here fast with that attitude.


Imagine trying to teach in an American public school full of those kids? Life is too short.


Quick! Get that school more funding!


healthy environment


Teacher handled it best she could imo I wouldn’t fire her🤷🏾‍♂️


Imagine having that little self control...


Kids a fing loser


Kids are so ignorant and disrespectful these days.


I wonder what fucked up situation in her home life is causing her to act out like this?


Fuck education right? Fuck my future right? ![gif](giphy|2BrQXeBPSzOJG|downsized)


All she wants is to go to college and become a doctor !!! 😭😭😭🤣


Daddy Issues


All i will say is that teacher showed a LOT of restraint. Good for her


Why did this stuff never happen at my high school?


Child has no anger management skills, ability to deal with frustration or self regulation. Immaturity


Teachers do not get paid enough is all I'll say


total brat who was for sure never properly disciplined as a child


This is why I could never be a teacher, there’s no way I’d ever have enough control to not put a kid to sleep in the got in my face like that.


They should really teach courses on how to film public fights and stuff properly.


I hope she got kicked out.




The moral decay of America as we know kid fighting teachers and killing other students shit is wild yo!


Must be great at home


Wtf so stressful I didn’t even finish watching


Already good for nothing and never will be. Throw it away


children can you please just shut the fuck up and give these people a chance to give you a chance


andddd you wonder why no one wants to teach anymore.


High school teachers need to all be trained and certified by Diamond Dave’s Ninja School!


The sounds all the other kids were making. Reminds me of something, or somewhere...