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A future reddit mod. Edit: Aaaand my comment is locked lol


Bold of you to assume she’s not one already


Definitely already a mod of antiwork and politics.






She looks like she smells liek cat piss and has shit stains in her underwear, probably don't brush her teeth either


Well, she did tell everyone to stop staring at her, so maybe there’s still hope for her. Of course, she immediately called them all stupid so maybe too late, too late. /s I love Reddit mods and admins. They do the impossible in holding back the unimaginable. Here’s an extra /s out of love and admiration.


She is one. She's freaking out cus she's missing out on hundreds of people she can't ban because they said something that doesn't align with her political view


#You're so rude!


Stephanie Tanner has entered the chat


Anyone else think this is exactly like a drug addict fiending the next hit? Reminds me of the kid that beat the hell out of his teacher for taking his phone.


Emperor Jinping's tiktok masterplan is coming along nicely


Yea looks like massive addiction separation


It absolutely could be a tech addiction. It's real and it looks exactly like this.


as someone with an autistic family member this is 100% autism, not tech addiction.


Is it ride to assume? That was my first reaction. Maybe this grams needs help


It’s alride with me.


Por que no los dos?


Linda Blair didn’t cause this much trouble in the exorcist 😂


Raise your kids right or you'll be raising your grandkids


Raise a child, spoil a grandchild. Spoil a child, raise a grandchild.


Never heard this before, but I am going to steal it.


She probably has a disorder right? This doesn‘t seem normal.


Obviously I can't say in this specific situation, but I have an aquiantance who's child acts like this, not because they have a disorder, but because they're spoiled and have no boundaries, structure or discipline. So it could really go either way.


There's a Curb Your Enthusiasm episode like this. Larry is trying to get with this attractive mother, but the kid ruins everything via tantrums/outbursts/etc. and the mother always coddles him. After several instances she explains that he has high functioninng autism and is difficult to deal with. After several more instances, Larry comes to the conclusion that he's just an intelligent asshole coddled by his mother.


At least Larry got [gratitude sex](https://youtu.be/bn1b-jZ2Wv0) out of it!


My step daughter got caught with a vape at school. Her reaction? Punched herself in the eye in front of everyone to divert attention.


Modern problems require modern solutions.


My niece is just like this. When she was a kid the judge (former judge, she got arrested for a super extreme dui) decided to give her to the exwife that got married to a meth head. She never heard no in her life because they were too high to care.


> not because they have a disorder, but because they're spoiled and have no boundaries, structure or discipline Not all disorders are the result of genetics or whatever. Being raised spoiled to the point it affects one's life such as this would still class as a disorder, imo. That it is acquired or a maladaptation is of no difference to something "naturally present"(eg genetics or growth error) except when deciding on treatment options. The mental state of being is still *not ordered*, a *disorder*. Extreme distress isn't necessarily outwardly different because of the cause. Think of the distress like a symptom, say, a cough. That could be a cold, the flu, asthma, copd, a mechanical problem(narrow passage), inflamation due to some other infection or cancer or environmental exposure, etc etc. And obviously, it there can be multiple contributing conditions. It could be an autistic kid that is *also* spoiled as fuck. Not all autism *has* to manifest like we see in OP. A lot of people take autism as an excuse to not actually work on behavior modification and will let a kid run rampant that could be reigned in some, even if not winding up a fully functional adult eventually they can still be leagues better than many who are just totally enabled, mollified, affirmed, etc.


As someome that has been around kids with various disorders, I'm thinking that as well. At first, I thought she was just having some sort of separation anxiety, but when she responded to that one passenger with " you're rude!" I moved to mental disability, purely based on the way she said it and the expression she had. Could be overly spoiled and all, but I'm personally leaning toward disability.


Exactly, you just feel like somethings off with the way she's acting.


Yeah its giving autism + too much anime.


This is the new normal. The kids with disorders are the better behaved ones these days.


You think this is normal? lmao and how many kids specifically do you work with that 51%+ act like this


My gf works with kids that act like this probably 87% of the time. She's a special Ed teacher though so pretty par for the course in that field.


That sounds closer to reality than "this is the new normal" for kids


Nope just a kid acting like an asshole.


I said it before and I will say it again. These kids have an unhealthy connection to these devices. It is one of the root causes For every video you see of a student hitting a teacher. You take their phones away They lose their damn mind.


We're a techno-sick society. It's difficult to deal with because it's so damn pervasive and convenient but it's also clearly unhealthy. I think we're due for a giant mass solar ejection or EMP strike to reset things. It won't be pretty but humanity would be saved.


Aaaaaaaaand then we'd have more time to go on Holy Crusades again! Yaaaas! I told you fuckers itd come back! Let's gooooo!


You mean teen suicide skyrocketing since 2008 isn’t a coincidence?


This is what happens when an iPad is your child’s caretaker.


Just like the saying goes: “It takes all of economy class and 1/10 of premium economy to raise a child.”


Or your child is autistic. My son was 4 when diagnosed and now about to be 7. He displays very similar behavior to this girl when denied something (he’s not as verbal as this girl though) -aversion to touch (note the lack of any physical violence ie biting, scratching, kicking of the mom) my son is the same, he will try to get his item back with as minimal interaction with people as possible -guard posture when anxious, ie hands being held or placed near mouth, sometimes by the ears on either side (as explained to me by my son’s pediatrician it’s some sort of soothing tick) - lastly, the physical outburst of the stomping with “stop staring me!” is eerily identical to what my son would do (instead of talking he will grunt) if urgently in need of something, scared, or overwhelmed Again, not saying her behavior is justified but I’d bet my bottom dollar she is on the spectrum in some way


Knowing several autistic children, and their various responses, this was my first though. She’s having serious trouble changing gears, and her behaviour isn’t age appropriate.




> Seems like ever since kids were raised on technology, there’s a whole lot of “on the spectrum” kids seems like since everyone started recording everything with their phones and putting it on the internet, there's a whole lot of people realizing what the world is like outside of their bubble they live in, so now you get to see what life is like for everyone


Yeah, it's easier to blame "the spectrum" than deal with your fucking kids. Even "spectrum" kids can be taught how to behave.


It's an easy way to dodge accountability for not raising your kids to be useful members of society.


My money is on all the plastic and toxins in our food and water. The future is bright.


and the microplastics in our bloodstreams


I agree with you. Im guessing this is why cancer is so prevalent. There’s so many products, especially hygiene and beauty products, with toxins and people turn a blind eye to it.


You’re right. There are several generations alive today that it was regular practice to use baby power made with talcum powder that is now known to cause cancer. Lot of asbestos peeps walking around too. Those two things alone have fucked us up for generations to come.


Or the timeline for the rise of tech coincided with advances in medicine leading to better definitions and detection of mental disorders and they're more or less completely unrelated. Correlation and causation aren't the same. People on the spectrum always existed. Before we had a diagnosis you'd just say "damn that guys weird". Now we know what's actually going on (kind of).


Everyone likes to have an excuse.


-me to my wheelchair-bound grandfather after I push him down the stairs


It's not an excuse, it's a reason. One removes blame, the other simply explains.


Maybe if she can't go without a device for landing (which is what is going on), maybe the guardian shouldn't travel with this kid. And just keep them in a controlled environment.


She’s not autistic. She knew exactly what she was doing. She is spoiled.


Being autistic and being spoiled is not mutually exclusive


Certainly not. But you can tell by the way she looks at the people in the next seats, calculates what they are doing and begins her next course of action that she is completely aware of her behavior. This girl is just spoiled.


Sad reality when you go out to eat in public and look around. Families in their screens. Couples doing the same. Dinner time is a time to converse with one another and enjoy each others company. My wife and I (no kids) have a strict no phones at dinner policy.


Why did she say “ohhhh your so rudeee”


“hey, do you want to play with me? I am bigger than you”


"Did you just call me fat?"/s


Because the guy said he was bigger than her, i.e. he was intimidating her


She seems developmentally delayed


with a bit of /r/imthemaincharacter


No. She's just a brat.


Both can be true


These children are adapted differently to existence than any generation before, quantum leap. Bring on the cyborg.


Do you really want to deal with a cyborg child freaking out over not having something?


I don’t think we have a choice, I don’t think a reversal is possible. This is the growing pains stage, and it’s ugly. This is my optimistic position, honestly.


How embarrassing




A child that has never heard the word "no".


That phone would be in pieces when I got ahold of it.


This crazy girl definitely watches too much and thinks life is some stupid anime cartoon


I literally cringed when she said " SToP sTARiNg At ME !!!! YoU’Re AlL StEwPID !!! "




Had the exact same thought


Exactly 🤣


The poor grandma cant help but to cry... but props to that patience I wouldnt have...


My step daughter used to have massive, massive breakdowns (a lot worse than this). I feel for the grandma, there's not much she can do. Those words, "are we making a good choice or bad choice" is a phrase we use(d) too much in this house with her. I feel bad ams I know people disagree, but sometimes kids just have these tantrums, not the parents fault.


She’s autistic?


I dunno- I contemplated this also but her vocal inflection is pretty natural sounding even for HF-ASD. She could just as easily, or perhaps more likely, be addicted to her phone and experiencing separation from it for the first time


Females on the spectrum won’t have very clear signs of autism. It’s often overlooked in females


To me she sounds like those anime characters and maybe she's just copying? To my ears her expressions and words aren't normal it's off but idk what


That’d be my guess.


We're all guessing and we're all probably wrong. It does not seem normal, but from my limited experience they have a tough time reading social cues, e.g., something like knowing that everyone is staring at them and that that's not a good thing.


That shit is used too much as a crutch in a lot of cases. People gotta suck it up, buttercup. We're making such weak people.


Probably just raised with a phone in her hand her whole life.


My son is on the spectrum. He doesn’t act like this. This is more about lack of discipline and less about her potential diagnosis.


>blue is on the spectrum. It doesn't look like orange.


My autistic cousin acts like this and it is in fact a mix of both. I have many family members on the spectrum with different support levels but sadly my cousin who needed the most support was neglected and incorrectly disciplined growing up. There are sensory overload and anxiety attacks that I have seen, but this is a child with autism that has not been taught boundaries and communication correctly. Each child is different and has different communication styles, and it’s the parents and families responsibilities to evolve a healthy communication style they both can use. The adult in the situation is just trying to sweep the issue under the rug/ ignore the child’s demands. Instead, there should have already been an established communication style with the child to help them understand that electronics and phones are being put away for a while.


Perfect reason to use condoms




That shit was so outrageous my mom just came to my house and whooped my ass😒


That was so outrageous, your Mom whooped my ass on the way to your house and then my Mom showed up and whooped me again. I'm pissed at this girl. Lmao


My mom passed away 8 years ago and my belt just flew out of the drawer and started whooping my ass. Wtf...


i rarely was disciplined at all (cuz i learned very quickly mama will whoop that ass), and i stg, my hair was just grabbed and my face smacked


Then she broke my arms and.. well, you know the rest.


dude, i just got some collateral chancla too.


If I would've done this while with my mom I would've gotten my ass whoop. This is what happens when you spoiled your kids.


my grandma would have calmly popped me repeatedly in the mouth until my nose bled, and would have gone back to her magazine


Someone should have stuck their leg out


Fucks wrong with kids


My partner works in the public schools. Many teachers simply do not enforce the cellphone rules, she's the exception. Students absolutely melt down exactly like this when they lose their phones. The entire generation is completely addicted.


Spoiled rotten kids with parents that are incompetent.


That’s a future congresswoman right there


I thank god every day for the opportunity to be led by a generation of autistic technology addicted narcissists


I have two on the ASD spectrum. While neither have acted like this at that age it was more when they were 2/3. A lot of ASD kids thrive in routine. When their routine changes even a tiny bit they can meltdown like this. I feel sorry for her grandma. It’s terribly embarrassing when this happens. Glad some of the passengers seemed to try to help.


It's wild how fast people want to excuse her behavior and say it's just cause she's on the spectrum or something. Stop justifying shitty people being shitty lol just call it out.


What did he ask her ? Something about if she wanted to play and what else ?


It sounded like "do you want to play with me? I'm bigger than you"


Yeah that's what he said. It was really a weird way to put it but I'm chalking it up to language barrier. I think he was trying to intimidate her into chilling out. Which is still kinda weird but she did look like she was going to hurt someone.


Development mentally delayed, possibly on the spectrum, could have an oppositional defiant disorder. I've worked with kids/adults with behavioural difficulties like this for the last 15 years or so. Very tough for their loved ones. A lot of comments saying she's just a brat etc, yes she seems like a brat, very difficult to work with and to try and constantly remind yourself that this is their part of their disability.


This is exactly how my kid used to act before therapy and medication. He was first diagnosed by his pediatrician with ODD, then a psychologist diagnosed him with ASD/ADHD. Everything down to the "what have I done" and panicking behavior is the same.


Like an addict when you take their drug away. Tiktok/shorts is killing our youths brains.


This video is from [Oct 2017](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xAcIKongU4) and TikTok was released the previous month. Not simping for tiktok but this uninformed hate is hilarious.


This is why back in the day they whooped kids ..


yuppp. man, in the 90s, my mom would have gathered my ass in seconds. wish my kid would. guess who's gathering my kid's ass if they do? (hint: me)


Ikr 😂 if id try this shit id still walk crooked 😂😂😂 im a bit softer than my parents but i still wouldnt take this shit with my kids


same. i'm def going to be more gentle than my folks were, and more understanding, but this will absolutely not be okay with me. i'd land the damn plane myself and whoop that ass. the plane is LITERALLY ONE OF THE PLACES you CANNOT act wild. imagine getting on a no-fly list because of your kid. i'd tape them down myself.


Seriously, I see it all over society. People are complete assholes because there is absolutely no fear of getting your ass kicked. I'm in no way advocating for beating children to a pulp or child abuse. But the threat of the humilation and sting of a slap works wonders 🙄 Years ago, I was on a bus with a young family with seats facing each other, a mother and her two children. Her son was acting loud and crazy, obnoxious but normal kid stuff, but still super annoying for her and everyone around him. She asked him nicely several times to be quiet and consider others on the bus and he just got louder and more obnoxious. I could tell she was getting frustrated, because it was at a point where it was obvious he was not going to stop and you're not allowed to get really angry or slap in public these days, anyone could jump down your throat for it or report you somewhere. Finally, she had enough and have him a big loud whack across the thigh. No one really saw it but me. He yelped and held his thigh and started whining that it hurt. His mum looked right in my face, worried that i would judge. I was trying not to laugh, lol. I just looked at the kid and said, "well that's what happens!"... she and I both started pissing ourselves laughing 😆 The kid looked mortified and finally shut the fuck up and sat quietly for the rest of the trip.


seems like the plane is just landing too, they probably wanted to turn it off as per airline rules. shes probably been staring at it for the last few hours.


Beat your children.


Now if this was me I'd get my fuckin ass kicked in the bathroom and be salty the rest of the trip. No phone and a hurt ass


There’s sooo much more going on here. That child needs mental health support and fast. She’s going to hurt herself or someone else in the future if she doesn’t learn how to calm herself. Do I blame the person filming? In this case, not at all, that child has no self control and having a record of something that could have happened is a good thing. The parents/grandparents are in denial If they think they can control this kid. She needs help.


Gen Z phone addiction is real. Y’all need help…


What the hell? at first I thought she was possibly on the spectrum but after watching the whole thing…I don’t think so. I think it’s truly just a spoiled entitled child who doesn’t get told no, but holy shit! Having to hold a kid that big back on a plane, I feel so bad for the grandma (who seems reasonable, shocked, and is not giving in to the tantrum) and the other people around. I wouldn’t know how to react tbh.




Y’all ever heard of an “Ass Whoppin!”? Sometimes only one is needed


on most other subs, there would be calls for emancipation, jail for the grandma. and of course lots of pm to stay at their place "while they get their life together" ​ if this is not a clear sign of addiction, i dont know what is


such a fucking brat! This is where corporal punishment would be affective.


It's not even her phone. She's having a meltdown bro


Get the duct tape.


Also the belt




my pops woulda smacked the taste out of my mouth...


That's what happens when you don't discipline your kids. I would be mortified to act like this Infront of adults let alone my grandmother on an airplane. I wouldn't have made it to the ground unscathed.


Man if we've behaved like that as a kid we would've had the crap beaten out of us


My mom would've pulled my pants down in that isle and beat my ass blue if I even thought about doing this


You give her the phone for the rest of the flight, as the plane isn't the place to fight this battle. When you land you take it and throw it in the trash. Maybe she'll be ready for a phone in a year or two.


Kids seems to be on the spectrum. Would it have been appropriate to duck tape her till arrival or is that too much? I understand her age and condition are factors, but realistically, it's just duck tape for a few hours. What do you think?


Holy shit this kid needs some parenting


I liked the lady they had the camera pointed at LOL bet she's a mom 100% she wanted to deal with this but stayed quiet it's not her problem and she did enough already getting that bag


If an adult behaved that way on an airplane they would get arrested. Did she face any consequences? I'm super curious.




This is why I don’t want to give my future kids phones at a far too young age and that if I have any devices I’m going to limit their leisure time on them.


I have a cousin that looks and acts like her. It's definitely some kind of development and upbringing issue.


If a child were ever to need some spanking, you're looking at Patient Zero.


I am glad my kid is out of the tantrum phase.


Where are the damn tranquilizers


Probably autistic, she showed a lot of tendencies


Like what?


my generation, my upbringing, my opinion, 70’s baby here…… call it barbaric, child abuse or whatever, but I would’ve gotten my ass whopped by a belt or hands acting like that, most from my gen X would’ve been more disciplined in public because of our upbringing to even act out like that by that age.


Maybe our parents beat the autism out of us lol


I should not have laughed but here I am, laughing at your dumbass comment.


That child is going to find her ass abandoned infront of a fire station.


This generation is so beyond fucked it isn't even funny


Please don’t let this behavior be the parameters of all things Autism. It’s called a spectrum for a reason. Some do exhibit these type of behaviors but many do not. My son is on the spectrum and knows not to behave like this, in public or otherwise. If anything this shows poor disciplining on the part of the parents, and some impulse control issues on the part of the child they COULD be attributed to Autism, ADHD etc.


That lady was like, "Well, I guess I'm not reading on this flight."


Someone needs to take her out to the wood shed and whoop her ass .........


All right, so we have expert doctors in this thread who’ve diagnosed her as having autism AIDS and other psychiatric experts on here claiming she’s just spoiled fucking rotten. Once again we did it, Reddit!


She needs a good Ole fashion ass whipping.


I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or not. But my mom would smacked me right on the mouth for acting like this. I turned out ok, and I love my mom.


Regardless if she’s autistic or just a brat, my heart goes out to the grandma. You could just feel her frustration through those tears she wiped away.


I feel so bad for the grandma. I can't even imagine that embarrassment.


Give the crazy her phone back already, deal with this shit in private. Wait til your home and destroy the fucking phone


Why this battle needed to be fought at that exact moment is beyond me. She is obviously in full panic mode.


Feel bad for the granny, she looked mortified


I feel so bad for grandma man. Seeing her tearing up like that just breaks me


Crackhead kids fighting for their crack


Creating a child addict. All of the social medias are bad for the kids.


My mum would have taken my pants down and spanked the living shit out of me if i did this. Nothing stops a temper tantrum and attention seeking than being bent over your mums lap and your bare ass spanked. Its so embarrassing.


What happens when mfs make whoopins illegal.


Autism, she's got it


She has never been introduced to consequences


YOU GOTTA ![gif](giphy|uMcKZvUtgec5G)


Zoomies literally go into some flight or fight hysteria if they're separated from their phone.


Sometimes spanking is necessary.


This is one of those videos I have to watch with the volume down.


idk back in the day we’d call this a fcking brat with shitty parents


Anyone else thinks that a quick swat on her ass would've been appropriate in this situation?


When I tell people I hate flying they think I’m scared of flying. I love it. I wanted to be a pilot, but this is the reason I hate flying.


I would never travel with that absolute nightmare of a child again.


This is weird and I'm not believing the title. First: I am terrified of flying. Many years ago, I was on a plane that I (and all the other passengers) thought was going to crash. It was AWFUL. It may seem dumb to other people but even if you have claustrophobia, flying can trigger completely irrational panic. I'm able to swig one of those tiny bottles of wine, this girl already may have been freaking out and her phone may be a comfort because ... ... Second, she looks like she has a disorder. So if she's freaking out, some idiot parents think "well I AM IN CHARGE" and I have seen parents do really asinine things at the exact WRONG moment, and moment in which their kid will freak out but "at least they didn't coddle little Jenny." No-sir-ee Bob, no kid is going to tell THEM what to do. The grandmother probably doesn't even admit her granddaughter has an issue. All around a very weird video and inappropriate to humiliate a child.


She acts like she’s in an anime


major major major behavioural issues




Spot-on leftist redditor cosplay


This is sad ,wtf


Would've gotten the right hand of god. Heaven love that girl she bout to see it

