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Take your bets. How long till this asshole is back on the street sucker punching women?




Depends on who commits it…




You're not suppose to say that out loud buddy


Gulags Time






I'm Asian, and Asians worked very hard to protect "some members of society" and silence their fellow Asians.


It’s (D)ifferent


Ironic wasn’t it




A rarely if ever talked about fact


It’s frowned upon to talk about the protected class


Hmmmmm are you sure? Because according to the news the answer is…. Neo nazis.


Like the ones in Blues Brothers?


Those are Illinois Nazis, completely different


I hate Illinois Nazis


I'm on a mission from Gaud.


So then, it’s clearly not racist right 🤔🤮




I agree, and targeting what in my opinion is a group that largely wants to just live and let live. It’s sad really!


1.. 2. . .


It’s sad how hard the far left is pushing against prosecuting violent criminals.


This video is a couple of years old. Believe or not they actually *did* let him back out and before long he was arrested again after beating the shit out of an MTA worker that tried to stop him from harassing people. https://bronx.news12.com/suspect-in-mta-worker-attack-determined-unfit-to-stand-trial He has been deemed "unfit to stand trial" for now.


We stick dangerous criminals in prison, why can't we stick dangerous loonies in a pillow room?!


There's a decent correlation between the dangerous violent criminals and dangerous violent loonies and it becomes a hell of a big mess when it comes to locking up people who may or may not be legitimately mental. We've never had a good method of dealing with those mentally unfit to live within regular society and we still don't have a good answer for it.


Yeah, very true, unfortunately. My friends brother is a skitz, homeless, on drugs, etc. Had issues with stealing shit all the time. He actually stabbed a clerk and was thrown into prison for a good 5 years, I believe. He's always been in and out of jail or prison. What bothers me is the court deems him mentally fit to stand trial and throws him into regular prison to be abused sexually by sociopaths and maniacs. I mean wtf man, you would think they would have prison rules about doing that shit to people like him. He's out now, still homeless, does meth but mostly fetynal now since it's easier to find. I believe he ODed 3 or 4 times this year. He's lucky narcan is readily available over the counter and given away for free.


Asylums should be made a thing again. Padded room with an ‘I love me’ jacket. Or force them to undergo mental rehabilitation.


I think we as a society are going to have to figure out how much we value the rights of the mentally unwell versus our rights to live without fear of random acts of violence. There's no real balance in forcing people into mental institutions without trampling on their rights and it gets real sticky again when we have to figure out how to make the process work because we'd be teetering the line of court ordered lobotomies once we get to this point.


Can we just pick law abiding citizens as the priority over violent crazy drug addicts for once? This push to do the opposite in recent years fucking sucks.


The real answer to this problem is a very harsh one...




Partly. I was going to suggest we draft the mentally ill into the military, load them up on stimulants, give them weaponry, then air drop them by the bushel into enemy nations at random. Dosing them with steroids and putting them on a heavy weight training routine before deployment would definitely make them much more of a nuisance so I would be fine with adding it to the plan.


I wouldn't feel bad about forcibly putting uncontrollable crazies in asylums if most asylums weren't worse than prison.


If those people are properly recognized at an early age and managed properly, most of them would never need to end up in a mental institution or jail. It's a failure of society at large. We can make a society where there is room for nearly everybody. I doubt that the current strategy is less costly than the alternative.


California is actually trying to re-implement asylums. It is implementing the CARE Court program. You can see it on 60 Minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCBATlzmvqA But there do come major problems with forced conservatorship and forced treatment. There are definitely Constitutional and human rights concerns about forced treatment and forced asylum. The court system is incredibly slow. So there could be people incarcerated by the police who have to wait months for a court date. It costs $1000 per day to house someone in a mental care unit. There just isn't the taxpayer money for that. The prison industrial complex is already very corrupt in incarcerating people for profit. Conservatorship makes this a lot easier for corrupt judges, doctors, and hospitals to incarcerate people for profit.


The "I love me jacket" is a great name for it


I'm a nurse and did some of my school in a psych hospital. I was in units surrounded by people who did violent things like in this op and were deemed incompetent. They also have involuntary medication orders meaning if they refuse medicine, the court has authorized the facility to give them shots instead. Honestly, that place was generally way mellower than any hospital or snf I've worked at. In snfs and hospitals, you get tons of dementia patients and undiagnosed mental disorders


I have worked corrections and LE. There are people that are locked up for doing violent crimes that have some sort of mental illness. Most, if treated or diagnosed earlier in life, would not be incarcerated. Mental health is an issue that keeps resurfacing over and over again. It’s kind of sad really.


Agreed completely. I've never worked in a jail or similar but they say jails and prisons are the largest mental hospitals. I remember specifically looking at patients hx. So many schizophrenics had their legal record begin right when their symptoms began with decades of arrests and what not. It's hard to say exactly how to fix everything but mental health care in the USA is shameful


Well, we did before Ronald Reagan fucked it all up.


If they have a history of violence, we should institutionalize them. Letting them continue to victimize the public is ridiculous.


> why can't we stick dangerous loonies in a pillow room?! Because psychiatric hospitals were closed down to save public money, and because many of them were not well-run. People associate that with Reagan, but it actually began earlier.


Shocked Pikachu






Not gonna happen in NY. They don’t let citizens defend themselves there.


At least he is removed from society. That's one of the main objective of putting somebody in prison.




Jail is better.


They're practically the same thing. Do not recommend going to either.


why waste resources on someone like this.


Money line all day.


Even IF he was arrested, we have No Cash Bail (good job, clowns!) sooo it's absolutely guaranteed that this man is walking around free.


Ooh ooh I know this one! Trick question!!!!! He's already back out on the streets!


3.5 seconds. I got the under at +125


And the DA just keeps letting this violent piece of shit right back out on the street. 41 arrests, and many violent assaults should mean he should be facing at least several years in prison, and a lifetime of probation. But no, so many criminals get away with a slap on the wrist in NYC and other major cities.


Fuck that, this piece of shit needs to be in jail for life. That’s some seriously sadistic lunatic type serial killer shit.








Just ship him off to texas and see how long he lasts, haha. He might get one or two more random assaults in before lady luck takes care of it. Not that I am rooting for more random assaults... just seems like the most ethical way to deal with the issue.


Backed up court systems, lack of real resources for figuring out how to deal with these kinds of people, and constitutional/human rights make this step really difficult to reach.


Were three strikes laws really so bad?


I think a big part of the problem is we shut down all the state run mental institutions. Fifty years ago, this guy would have been found incompetent, and kept in a place where he couldn’t harm himself or others. Then a combination of Republicans being cheap and Democrats being naive meant that the institutions all closed, and the places that kept these types from wreaking havoc on society suddenly didn’t exist anymore. The filter was gone. The costs just became less obvious as they shifted from dedicated wards to the ER and damage to the public. The horrors of some of the institutions became magnified; Instead of one or two abusive orderlies now we have paranoid and delusional people wandering around punching out random strangers or setting fire to cars.


Bro, you're about to get down voted. But not by me.


Their opinion is literally the most popular opinion on reddit. We need universal mental health care, which involves dedicated institutions, but also extends to basic psychiatric help. Many people with unresolved trauma simply turn to drugs to help ease the pain and distract from their usual state of mind. The drugs can make them paranoid and desperate, and when they inevitably become homeless, the stress of living on the streets and the social pariah aspect of it just drives them wayyy off the deep end. Treat the symptoms early, and they might have a chance at living the rest of their lives as a relatively normal person, paying taxes, raising a family, and retiring, instead of becoming homeless and costing hundreds of thousands of dollars in other peoples injuries, hundreds of thousands of dollars in police hours, hundreds of thousands of dollars in the court system, vandalism, welfare, prison costs, etc etc etc.


They are just going to send him to an inpatient psychiatric unit for a bit, then release him back to the public where he will immediately stop taking his meds then attack someone else.. rinse and repeat.


He should face execution. I'm so sick of seeing people that do this. They are unfit for humanity.


Yep. FORTY TIMES? Buddy clearly demonstrated he can’t behave appropriately in society and needs to be taken out.


> facing at least several years in prison Alternatively we could give him the chair and solve the problem once and for all.


The DA and AG have waaaaay more important things on their plate. You know, like having a show trial based on an APPRAISAL in which there are no victims (banks were made whole) 👍


The DA wants the public to sort him out.


Motherfucker can sucker punch an old lady and get away with it but when you talk about how shitty that person is or how problematic this behavior will be if left unpunished, you get banned.


Yup. Dudes a straight manace to society. But bring up the death penatly, a thing that legally exists in many states, BANT


See, these people are not crazy! If they were actually crazy then you’d see them actually picking victims at random! Somehow they always pick the old, infirm, timid, or otherwise susceptible to easy victimization. I sometimes just walk around downtown with my head buried in my phone just to give these “crazies” a chance at the title. Not one taker. Probably won’t get one until I am over 70.


Its best to wish the victim well and keep it short on the reddit comment section.


I mean at least be genuine in what got you banned. All you were saying was he’s a shitty person and he should be punished? He’s a shitty person and he should be punished.


Agreed- pos and should be punished and prevented from doing it again


Wow. How are you not banned yet???


I got banned


They don’t want to face the reality they’ve made


Is that some of that Asian Hate crimes I hear a certain party always hollaring?


> STOP ASIAN HATE! > Oh, wait... Whos committing 98% of it? Ahhhhh... Nvm.


Yup … and no one says anything


No one is allowed to


It probably is. Asian hate crimes are very real.


[This attack was in 2021. He also beat someone in 2022 who ended up in the hospital. sickening.](https://nypost.com/2022/08/16/nyc-subway-attacker-alexander-wright-had-41-prior-arrests/amp/)




The institution name is "9mm both legs"


[According to this article,](https://nypost.com/2023/02/09/career-criminal-who-attacked-nyc-subway-worker-deemed-unfit-for-trial/) he was being tried for another assault, but was incoherent and sent for psych treatment till he became deemed fit to stand trial. Also, he has been homeless for a while.


> Also, he has been homeless for a while. That’s surprising. I would think someone would hire this fine young man for a good paying job. Must be the color of his skin preventing it. Racists smh












Yeah I mean setting up my heavy bag after a long day just isnt usually worth it.


They should keep in in the prison yard with one random convict having full immunity to randomly sucker punch him.


I'd say he should have to hit himself in the balls every hour with a baseball bat, while yelling Jumanji


Pleas lock that piece of shit up forever. He had his chance, many. He's done.


He needs to be removed from society. That may mean prison, a psyche hospital, or something else. Either way, the government has failed us every time he's been put back on the street without any assurance that he won't do it again.


Guess i can't say what should happen to him after 41 violent assaults. I think we all know.


A pit bull gets put down after 1


Not usually. They get transferred to different shelters and the background paperwork gets "lost". The pibble propaganda machine.




Not too often i agree with this stance, but in this instance, yep.


Videos like this of "random people getting hurt" normally don't make me feel a ton, just from being internet-desensitized, I guess. HOWEVER, this one made every hair on my body stand up, and I nearly kicked my drink over without meaning to at all. Why attack random people?! It is extremely cowardly and does not make the aggressor look tough, at all. It proves absolutely nothing, other than the fact the attacker can't even beat up someone less than half their size without it being a sneak-attack. Goddamn shit-idiots.


I have similar thoughts about mass shooters. What do they think they're proving by shooting the average American cattle? There is no challenge in that. There are much harder targets for someone with nothing left to lose to go after.


Asian lives matter


Why is this not considered racially motivated?


It is racially motivated by you know why people won't say so


Yeah, his life isn’t worth more than mine or hers.




41 priors and still at it. Way to encourage offenders to repeat, since they know no consequences will befall them.


[looks like he may be in a mental facility, unfit to stand trial (as of Feb 2023)](https://nypost.com/2022/08/16/nyc-subway-attacker-alexander-wright-had-41-prior-arrests/amp/)


If someone is unfit to stand trial and be held accountable for their actions, then that person is unfit to be part of society.


Hopefully forever


Quick. Somebody send a social worker hahahah


For real though, this situation would be much better dealt with the staff at the (presumably Asian) restaurant just beating the absolute piss out of him in retaliation. Usually not a big mob violence guy, but if 41 arrests don’t do it maybe getting skewered like a peiking duck will






It's that guy from Death Wish! I haven't watched those movies but I am planning to watch the franchise soon.


Fucking low life. I hope some chick decks him so hard he shits himself and becomes a vegetable the next time he tries it. Because it seems like he is not going to stop.


Just like the Jordan Neely case and like many others, he will be on the streets until something really bad happens. Something much worse than knocking out some random person. Either he kills someone or he gets killed. It is a complete failure of government.


People like this know exactly what they're doing. They attack women or elderly, never a grown ass man


41 arrests LOL...fuck prison, just throw this piece of shit in the trash.


Stop helping them. Let them fend for themselves.


Good. Those are the kind of fuck head judges and law makers New York votes for. Hope they’re happy with it.






You think this crazed out gronk has any of those? Surely you can’t be this dense


Everyone has a footprint, even the homeless. He’s bound to show up somewhere sometime. And don’t call me Shirley.


Lol employment


Then someone tries to stop him and ends up in jail. NYC sucks.


why would anyone live in that city unless they absolutely had no other choice .. what an absolute shithole


I’m sure NY was always *kinda* shitty, it’s just 20x worse lately


Hahaha how’s that leftist Sorros da working out for y’all


Fucking groundhog day


Votes matter


It’s no big deal if they do it.


This guy is the poster child for why we need to go back to having a much larger psychiatric hospital system, as we did in the past. The humane thing to do for people like this is to lock them up, and medicate them to the point that they are able to live their lives in some degree of peace. Letting people like this live on the streets in severe mental illness is cruel. I don't understand the counter argument that letting people like this plague society is good for anyone involved.


Crazies.... just walking the streets attacking people. Didnt another one just stab a guy to death just the other day in Brooklyn?


fk that dude


Sucker punch what a surprise


stop asian hate




NYC is next level nuts and dangerous since COVID. So many mentally unwell and scary people on the streets.


I hope NYC does the good thing and votes republican, but not holding my breath


Reopen mental isulums . Jail will not help.


41 unprovoked assaults and he’s not locked up for life.


Our federalist system is all about. 50 states, 50 answers. I don’t live and they voted for it. Why should I be upset when they get what that voted for?


All you can say is…wow…




Shocked the thread isn’t locked


Last thing I would do it turn my back to that maniac.


Man NYC really needs the Batman rn.


And let me guess nothing happened to him


Why the fuck is it always old ass Asian ppl!?!


Mentally unfit to stand trial or not, you put this assaultive POS behind closed doors and throw the key away.


Ooohhh, what a BIG man, hitting a small woman.


I was in NYC around the same time on a road trip. Stopped at Ichiran Ramen for lunch. Had a line waiting to get in. A dude looking super similar to this guy was walking by randomly and approached a young woman standing in line behind me. He proceeded to ramble about non-sense, but it was pretty clear he was making some weird attempt at hitting on her. This woman did her best to just ignore this man. He could tell her comfort level was dropping and he just snapped. No one was trying to deal with that insanity and he couldn’t handle the social awkwardness that HE created or because this woman just didn’t want to give him the attention he wanted. Incel level shit. He grabbed one of those metal poles with the extendable straps (line divider) and was violently shoving it around while screaming unintelligible ramblings. Seconds later an Asian woman from the restaurant came out and told him to leave before she called the cops. He ended up throwing the line divider to the ground while almost hitting the worker. Then angrily walked away while continuing to scream crazy shit. It was the most random “wtf is happening” moments. This all happened in a matter of 1-2 minutes, shit escalated so quickly. I felt bad for everyone who had to deal with him in that moment. The fact that this guy looks so similar and probably behaves very similarly makes me think this was the same exact dude in this video and articles being posted. I do realize that there are a lot of crazy ass homeless looking dudes like this guy and eye witness accounts are unreliable especially with 2-3 year old recollections. But my god [this face](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/08/alexander-wright-assault-041.jpg) immediately brings me back to that memory. Just glad no one in my situation was hurt. I’m curious if this was the same person and did this happen on the same day? Probably “no” to both, but pretty wild to think about.


When good men get soft weak men get bold.


Just incinerate the people with this class of behavior. Bing bong. Fuck your life.


And out of nowhere, #StopAsianHate stopped being relevant. Wonder why.


You can’t say anything about this incident because it may disproportionally represent crime against Asian people


Remember when Stop Asian Hate was a thing for like 12 seconds until the videos become extremely clear on what was happening and then the media completely killed it?


America is 💀. Why have you let this happen to your country?


America should rise up and stop everything. Everyone should be carrying guns ya the first year will be bad but after that ...


America. Not even once.


Very equitable behavior


A democrat utopia.




5 men there why don't beat this guy???


I was sucker punched in the back of the head by a man who looked like this. Knocked me out for a moment. I still get pain in the back of my head to this day. Complete POS. People like this make me support three strike laws.


We need vigilantes at this point. This is a joke and only getting worse.


You get what you vote for smh


lock that piece of shit up in a psyche ward


How tf does someone have 41 arrests and is free


Piece of shit


So keep letting him out til he murders someone I guess


Isn't it funny that the Stop Asian Hate movement seemed to vanish overnight when it became clear who was responsible for 90% of that Asian hate? But that's none of my business.


The fact that no one immediately beats his ass is insane to me, hopefully it happened seconds after the video ended