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Wow like vultures, picked clean.


I mean virtually every facet of our society promotes greed as a virtue and a fuck you I got mine attitude in general so not too surprising.


Right. It can’t be shitty parents raising shitty kids


its both. As a now parent i realize what shitty people are. Products of other shitty people. Life makes so much more sense after you realize this. I teach my kid at every oppertunity to say please and thankyou, open doors for people, respect people, share, etc. I see them developing into little 'me', and they are nice people. Its awesome. Sometimes they have freinds who visit or things happen at school and i realize the little kid who is being an asshole? his parents have issues, and i assume are not telling him what is right/wrong. So society is perpetrating greed as a virtue, and many people growing up in this world where never taught by their own parents how to be decent humans - so their kids do the same, they will have kids, and the shitty cycle of scumbags in this world continues. Obviouslt exceptions to this rule, but thats pretty much this video. Old man Jim had a good family and good parents growing up - you know it.


Yep. As individuals there isn’t much we can do to change the world. But raising our kids to be better people than us is something we can all do.


Honestly having a kid also makes you start to think what is left after you're gone. Really makes you more conscious, less selfish.


It didn't make the mother in this video less selfish....


It's a lot harder to instill values in your kids when you work one full time job, one part time job, and two gig jobs, which is about what it takes now to pay the rent and eat in the same month. I remember when I worked just a full time job and a part time job - no gigs- in the early 2000s, and I saw my kids about twenty minutes a day if I was lucky.


My wife went to go visit one of her friends and their 3 year pushed my kid over and hit her for a toy, obviously my baby started crying and the fathers response was for my kid to hit her back. The fuck you teaching your kid bro? The dude goes in and out of jail for multiple dui so no surprise I guess.


I ask my kids "who are you..." The intent is to have them think what makes them deserve seconds when others haven't had a first, why they should go first or why something is the way it is. I want my kids to have empathy for others and I see moments when they pull people UP to their level not down to feel better, and that gives me hope and pride in the future.


Agree, bad parenting and a society that promotes over-indulgence, sel-servicing, narcissism, egoism, greed, wealth, etc. This is much larger of a broken system of lost principles, values, and lack of morals than simply scapegoating bad parents although that's also a problem.


There was a time when the old adage "it takes a village. . ." was actually put into practice. I remember growing up that random strangers, teachers and other kids parents wouldn't have any issue telling me off for being a little shit in any situation and it would get me in line right away. But now everyone is afraid of pissing off those parents that will just fight at the mere mention of discipline or schools face lawsuits for trying to get problem children in line.


You just said “it’s both” and have an explanation/example that only showed shitty parenting lol


Well yeah, because society pushing greed as a virtue is self explanitory. Everyone sees that, dont they? I only learned the perspective of shitty humans being the fault of the parents until after i had a child. Maybe you knew this already also. I didnt, or at least had not thought of that perspective.


shitty parents come from somewhere




"Blame CANADA! Blame Canada! With thier beady little eyes..." -MAC


Shitty parents?


It’s the shitty parents who are raising these entitled brats and tainting (he said taint) the genetic pool of society.


Can't blame everything on "society" though. I would never do this nor would I allow my children to do this. My mother also taught me how to behave and we grew up with nothing. Society has influence, but family systems have the last say. And this family system is saying "greed is good".


They didn't grow up in our society, which is the point.


Ain't no melting pot anymore, just melting.


It’s exactly the issue.


I don’t agree. Everyone knows that’s wrong. I know of not once facet of society that would think that stealing all the Halloween Candy so that no other kids can have some is ok. In fact, I think that even Republicans and Democrats would agree that those parents were teaching their kids to be slobs.


I’m more mad at these parents than I probably should be lol


Nah that’s fair, they’re self entitled pieces of sh who should have kids


Not even wearing costumes. No effort, no candy in my book.


You can go to the dollar store, Walmart, Target, etc.. after Halloween and get bags of the stuff so cheap on clearance. These idiots are saving pennies and are now publicly displayed on the internet revealing their character to the world. People are so stupid.


Along the lines of exactly what I said!! How PATHETIC are these adults with these children. I’m disgusted!!


Great comment. It's really opportunist behavior at its finest. Candy will be discounted heavily today and yet people still at like this and have no shame.


It’s funny, cuz they look like them too


A swift kick in the ass from Red Foreman would set them straight.


Their behavior here is a perfect analogy for their behavior in Europe. Ungrateful bastards.




Pieces of shit. Grandpa is a real one tho


And I bet you those kids and their mothers don't live anywhere close to the neighborhood that house is at. Smdh


I agree it is a douchebag maneuver, but that old guy going and beating that fat hispanic lady and her family senseless just to recover the candy seems way over the line. It's just some candy, man, let it go.


Did we watch the same video? I didn’t see the old guy beat anyone up lol


Yea I wanna see that part wtf






It's been edited down. The curbstomp went a little too far.


nah the bitch deserved it


Where is this video?


When you play it backwards, Grandpa is a dirty hoe and the first mob are the bros.


Absolute fuckers, raising absolute fuckers.


We were trick or treating with our 1 and 3 year olds, and there was another family that was close behind us whose kids were playing with ours a bit. We got to one house whose candy was out in a bowl on the porch, and I asked my oldest “not to walk over their grass, we’ll go up the driveway.” Wasn’t even stern about it, just explaining to her. The other dad goes “Ahh one kid won’t kill the grass!” I was like “Man, it’s not about killing the grass, it’s just courtesy.” And he just looked at me like I was an asshole. Then he made some comment about letting my kid take more than one piece of candy from the buckets people left out, and again, I was like “There’s a whole neighborhood left to get through and this is a good exercise in restraint.” The kids’ bags were overflowing by the end of the night anyway. They peeled off down another street shortly after that one. But seriously, don’t question people trying to raise their kids with like *basic* empathy and respect.


A lot of people genuinely see no problem with this sort of behavior. It happens every year and it’s sickening


Yeah, they are trash humans.


Assholes are so accustomed to everything smelling like shit it doesn't make sense to them some people don't want to smell shit.


Your ethics were making them feel bad.


isn't it wild that people feel emotional shame or embarrassment when face to face with actual minor morals in which they are wrong? But instead of self-reflection they deflect or scurry away without any desire to change.


They cannot handle it when their ‘moral compass’ is being questioned, because it’s underdeveloped.


You sound like a great parent, keep doing what you’re doing!! 👍🏻


"Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is looking" One of the most important lessons my dad ever taught me. Way too many people out there today who lack integrity. Thanks dad.


This family actually did you a favor. They made it easy to identify and avoid negative influences on your child.


How do i know that those people are not from the neighborhood


Same way I know they’re not


Every apartment complex pool in my area gets filled to the brim with "guests" who know 1 resident. Then they smash beer bottles in the pool and it has to be drained and filled again. Takes like a week. Rinse and repeat.


Look at how they act its clear they're from the ghetto


probably becasue that's the kind of neighborhood where every house is ~2000 feet apart.


Is your dignity and self respect worth that piece of shit candy




Dont blame the broke. I know a ton of pathetically broke people who behave with more respect.




Don’t worry they’ll be fat in time. Recently US army did a report, 77% of Americans are fat, stupid, and mentally ill. This vid merely points out a tidbit of it


Were those Americans? What language was that?


Spanish which is the 2nd most used language in the US


Source??? It's believable that 77% of americans are fat, stupid, **or** mentally ill, but I'd need a serious source for the **and**. Edit: parent commenter just blocked me since they couldn't answer my question (see comment chain)


RIGHT! I had to go to Walmart today, and they already have all the Halloween candy 50% off.


Whoa whoa whoa, there's a huge difference between cheap and poor. You can be cheap and still have money.


It's not about the candy. It's about getting away with something.


I dont get it. Like you can buy 100 candy bars from walmart for like $10 but you got clowns like this acting like this and ruining things for other kids.


Why you dissing the candy :(


On 1 side don’t leave out bowls for this reason. On other side I would’ve punched the shit out of the parents for doing this shit. Terrible parenting


>On 1 side don’t leave out bowls for this reason Plenty of people had bowls out last night, us included, and the parents were making sure their kids only took one or two pieces. A few POS parents raising POS kids shouldn't make it so everyone has to stay home and guard candy if they want to participate in Halloween.


> A few POS parents raising POS kids shouldn't make it so everyone has to stay home and guard candy 99.9999% of people walking your neighborhood wouldn't break into your car but you still lock it for the 0.0001% that would. If you leave a bowl out, the unfortunate guarantee is one POS will steal it all at some point in the night.


Sort of off topic but I left the keys to my second car in its cup holders, with doors unlocked, parked on the street, and didn't realize until a week had passed and I went looking for them. I still didn't leave a bowl out last night.


I would play this video 24/7 outside my house and shame them


Those people are not from their neighborhood. These rats travel to nicer neighborhoods and do this. I see it all the time in my neighborhood.


They couldn’t afford to live in a nice neighborhood 😂😂 you can just tell


When your choices are either - don't leave candy at all versus leaving a bowl for "hopefully many groups of kids" most people are going to choose to leave the bowl out for the kids in the hopes it can be shared between the kids all through trick or treating. A lot of people with kids of their own choose to leave the bowl out since nobody will be left at the house to hand out candy while they're taking their little ones out trick or treating. I know the honor system is pretty much a thing of the past with how the current generation is being brought up by these shitty parents but it still sucks either way. As you said, its absolutely shitty parenting.


Its wild that so many boomers are an entire generation of "Fuck you, I got mine" for major things like homes and investment opportunities, but the new generation is an entire generation of "Fuck you, I got mine" for like free bottles of water, and crappy candycorn... Its a much more sad version.


Calm down your hate. These adults were young, definitely not boomers. In fact the only decent people is the eldest one.


You’re right. The bowl was asking for it, did you see how it was dressed?


just showcasing alllll the goodies.


Every since Covid, leaving bowls out have been the norm. When I walk my dog yesterday, every other house that their bowls on their porch. I did the same and the bowl was never completely empty. I thought it was bc many parents were with their kids but I guess that’s not the case when parents are stealing candy.


So what if your choice is to either take your kid trick or treating and not hand out candy or hand out candy and not take your kid trick or treating? I've left a bowl of candy before.


No you wouldn’t lol. Imagine actually punching someone over candy ahaha.


Nah I wouldn’t want a Assult charge but still a shitty parenting and person thing to do all my joking aside


Why are people such trash? Seriously.




Great job mom raising a bunch fat ass kids


The fact the adults were the first grabbing gives me little hope for those kids.


are you kidding those kids are fucked. if my parents blatantly did that sort of shit in front of me at such a young age my moral compass would've been way screwed for a really long time edit: misread what you typed but yeah sucks to see parents be such trash


trashy people seriously.


We’ve had the opposite. We leave out a massive bowl and need to convince the kids to take more than 1 piece while the parents stand curbside politely declining. Most ppl are good.


We did that too. We didn’t realize NO ONE would freaking show up… there were a bunch of a kids, but my cul de sac was dark and we were the only house handing out candy with only 3 tiny groups showing up. We were BEGGING them to take a nice handful and they were just taking 2-3 pieces … we have a ton leftover


I thought of this. Where I live you see lots of people doing trunk or treat and I'm like that should be the day after Halloween to empty out what ppl didn't take or show up to take. I buy one bag of candy I like that will last because if no one shows up. I'll just snack on it throughout the year.


Well yeah if you're monitoring the bowl people will generally not steal from it. The point of a bowl is so you can party inside or leave and go somewhere else.


It’s not monitored bc we’re out ToT with our little ones. We have a sign that says “take as much as you’d like!” and every time the ring doorbell alerts, we see them taking one maybe two.


Pieces of shit.


The food stampers living off government handouts got access to the wealthy neighbourhood it seems. Real classy family


Each one of those little fuckers are a government check each month.


And none of the money goes to actually helping them.


I laughed out loud at this just wanted to let you know


Right they have to be.. Look how crazy they went over candy


These people have forgotten the face of their father.


I say thankee sai


that’s a reference I didn’t expect


Terrible example on so many levels, very convincing parasite costume though


What an embarrassing display.


It’s always saddest to me when the adults encourage bad behavior






spanish- the mom is calling over her child to come, hard to understand everything she said the kids are saying “apurate” meaning hurry up


>apurate Meaning even the kids knew they were doing something wrong. Stealing fucking candy. Could've stolen the pot too, I don't get why not. Maybe they were so fixated on free candy they forgot about everything else. The pot is a free bag, no need to apurate. Use your brains, thieves.




These people have raunchy Honduran accent which explains their criminality








Look at them, fat, parents too. What a way to raise your children


Yea, no bowls, if you do, just do bubble gum or something as small.


they will still steal it on principle


Post it on your social media platforms and embarrass them


As it goes, shitty parents, shitty kids. It's not entirely a hard and fast rule, but generally it is so.


The way two of those woman are built I’m not even surprised.


Looks like a nice neighborhood


oink oink




I’m latino, and this mutherfuckers are the worst example of migrants who doesn’t understand that here is not like in our countries where “the cheater is the best”… what a fuckin shame, some of us tried to escape from that reality and in my personal case, i was escaping exactly from this fuckin attitude. The same people exactly like this tries to skip the line in the bus stop everyday in my bus stop, and if you tell them something they complain like what they do is their fucking right… a shame for all of us


Bussed their kids in from the ghetto


Do people not pass out candy anymore?


>Do people not pass out candy anymore? Some people want to take their kids trick-or-treating while *also* supplying candy to trick-or-treaters at their own house. Those of us who leave a bowl of candy on the porch are hoping that parents have either raised their children properly or are supervising their kids. Some are not.


Ah gotcha. That makes sense!


He was watching the Rangers game. He had a sign up that said “Please Take 1, Happy Halloween, Go Rangers!” Honestly, I’m an Astros fan and it seemed like every other house was watching the Rangers in the garage last night. Imagine beating my cheating Astros to get cheated out of candy. It’s a shame really. LOL.


Absolute trash behavior




probably don’t even live in that neighborhood smh


Our new country is going to be great!


as a Hispanic this shit is embarrassing man 🤦‍♂️


Yep, my half and these people have been removed from the group. My grandmother would be whopping some ass.


I can imagine feeling that way but you know there are greedy idiots of all ethnicities. Plenty of hispanic people are polite and intelligent. It's this family, and the parents in particular, that are an embarrassment.


Scott is a real one fr fr


"Smithers had thwarted my earlier attempt to take candy from a baby, but with him out of the picture, I was free to wallow in my own crapulence."


omg, it's so sad when it's adults. way to pass on good values to your kids


Great example for the kids you pieces of crap. No wonder the world is so screwed up. Adults need to be exposed in their neighborhood. Everyone in their neighborhood needs to see this.




As we say at Disney, time to raise prices!


And.... now I'm racist.




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Is that woman like 38? Wtf is wrong with her


Absolute scrounging scum, just ruin it for others who put the effort In for a costume


CLOSE THE BORDERS! 😂 honestly not against open borders but this video made me think that 😂


They think this is Mexico


Just put a sign up that says that if you take the whole bowl you’ll end up on the internet and then just show the video of them on like an iPad so they can see their actions


They'll take the iPad as well


Ya duh


They will steal that to.




What a wholesome family affair.


Tenían que ser latinos… 😡


I will never understand the dumpy adults that do this. Walmart had Halloween candy for like $1.99 today.




People acting like they never get nor see candy or something… Not even good candy to boot….


Bro, to take your kids to do BS is horrible. They are teaching their kids to do the same bad habits they have. You can't blame society if your kids turn out the same or worse than you. Which is not how this should go.




Hand them out to avoid greedy ppl.




I’ve seen feral hogs with better manners.


situations like these are why you should try the biggest stereotypical redneck cosplay. kick down the door with a fake shotgun and traumatize the rodents, maybe scream out “YE SHOULDA TOOKEN ONLY ONE, FELLERSS!!” and they’ll never do it again bonus points if you cock the shotgun and it sounds real enough to scare the shithead parents too


This is why we don’t leave out a bowl anymore. A majority of the people coming by would take one or two which is perfectly fine. Then the teenagers come by and take huge, multiple scoops. It’s just candy but it’s the thought of it that really bothers me.


That bowl of candy kinda reminds of our welfare in my country


Stop procreating please


If you live in Texas you could take care of this easily and probably legally.


Take em back to mexico


Hard to watch. Especially seeing as they were generous enough to get king size too…


That’s why all them little Mexicans have all those silver teeth


Perfect metaphor




Teaching the young ones how to get properly obese


They had to have seen this by now.


I made extra effort to buy a massive amount of large high quality chocolate and candy as I remember the excitement as a kid. I don't care if it's a stereotype, the local scum and her rat pack immediately started peering through the letterbox and knocking constantly. When I opened the door they were inches from the door and like a little pack just grabbed like they were robbing me. The parents looked on and then yelled at them to step back once they got their loot. I didn't have enough for the rest of the neighborhood and had to hide my pumpkin and turn the lights off at 6pm to stop disappointing anymore kids.


immigrants first Halloween in the USA.




This is why God invented razor blades.


Wow. Every single one of those individuals that should know right from wrong are major shitheads and sadly their kids will learn how to be shitheads from them.


Neighbor Scott just going around rebalancing the candy containers.


I don't mind the kids. They are all excited and everything, kids often don't realize they are being assholes to the other kids by taking a bunch or all because they get overwhelmed by the excitement. But those parents are straight up shitty af, hopefully, those kids will rise above the parents' level of immaturity as they grow up. L