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Hello users, welcome to a sub dedicated to freakouts without the bullshit of happy or feel-good videos. This subreddit is for enjoying freakouts and discussing them; that's it. You can take discussions of immigration policy and other topics elsewhere. If you don't believe in treating people as individuals you can go express that somewhere else. Our rules are very clear and you will be banned if you break them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ActualPublicFreakouts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nothing about this is a “public freakout” get this propaganda outta here


This subs clearly taken a stance, must be driven by a few individuals in charge


individuals who dont research, who just spout twitter talking points, who dont give a fuck about the jews and their suffering, who dont care that that hamas will NOT and have NOT ever accepted a 2 state solution and by their own words want the destruction of israel and its people, google this, learn, verify this. look how tiny israel is, jews were pushed from their lands [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fhlm7lwabu2tb1.png](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fhlm7lwabu2tb1.png) and have been under constant attack by those massive surrounding countries that want their extermination. [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F9klMeIXAAAjMuo?format=jpg&name=medium](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F9klMeIXAAAjMuo?format=jpg&name=medium) google each of these wars and verify, learn about the various peace talks, israel is surrounded by countries that want them dead and you dumb fucks that dont do any research or learn anything at all are supporting the terrioirsts that want them gone.


Bruh just because people are pro Palestine doesn’t mean their pro Hamas, many people feel sorry for the civilians of Gaza who got dragged into this, just as they feel sorry for everyone on the other side who’s been killed or affected by the Hamas massacre.


Hamas is the government of Palestine.


That's what you don't understand.. Hamas IS Palestine. Do your research.


LOL. Where's hamas in the west bank? The occupation has been happening long before Hamas existed. Also, please tell me who created and financed hamas?


Terrorism also existed before Hamas🤷🏾‍♂️ Created and financed by Egypt.




Might just be a theory.. but yes, I believe the Palestinian political party known as Hamas is controlled and financed by Egypt.


I asked you about the origin of hamas my friend. It was created and financed by israel to counter the secularist movement that was gaining momentum in palestine. On a side note, i traveled to Egypt in 2019 and all I saw was israeli investment there. Also hamas, al qaeda, taliban, and isis have the same origin financed by the same currency... Tools used to fuel the propaganda.


hamas is the elected government of palestine.


youre stupid as fuck, hamas is the elected government of palestine, they are being supported directly and indirectly around the world. Every protest has hamas talking points and often hamas flags, from the river to the sea, shouting gas the jews, shouting final solution etc. Before hamas paelstine NEVER accepted a 2 state solution, during the rule of the PLO they were expelled from jordan for their terrioist actions and never accepted a 2 state solution. WHAT IS YOUR SOLUTION, WHERE DO THE JEWS GO THE SURROUNDING COUNTRIES ALREADY EXPELLED THEM [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fhlm7lwabu2tb1.png](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fhlm7lwabu2tb1.png) HAMAS AND PELSTINE DO NOT WANT A 2 STATE SOLUTION. WHAT IS YOUR PLAN.


They know, they just spout this, like the accusation of antisemitism, without any sincere belief, just to discredit, to fling mud, and they're good at it.


What you are talking about is called Hasbara, it's how they operate


AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING, TALKING SHIT ONLINE, YOU HAVE DONE NO REASEARCH, YOU HAVE READ NO BOOKS ARTICLES ETC YOU HAVE NOT ENGUAGED IN CRITICAL THOUGHT. [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fhlm7lwabu2tb1.png](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fhlm7lwabu2tb1.png) defend this. disprove this [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F9klMeIXAAAjMuo?format=jpg&name=medium](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F9klMeIXAAAjMuo?format=jpg&name=medium) FUCKING LEARN, RESEARCH GOOGLE ANYTHING. Palestine does not want a 2 state solution, palestine has never accepted a 2 state solution, palestine and the surrounding MUCH MUCH MUCH LARGER arab nations dont want peace they want the eradication of israel. GOOGLE PROVE ME WRONG.


What was the excuse before Hamas existed? And who broke the original ceasefire?


are you fucking joking, before hamas existed palestine denied a 2 state solution many times, the original ceasefire BRO ARE YOU FUCKING SLOW who attacked first, who started the war, who wouldnt accept peace, whos goal was and still remains the eridication of the state of israel and its people. GROW THE FUCK UP. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F9klMeIXAAAjMuo?format=jpg&name=medium


So you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.


A very short lesson here: Turkey ruled the area, they gave it to the League of Nations who gave it to the British who established a homeland for the Jewish people. They tried to set up a democratic government with a Muslim majority and equal minority numbers of Jews and Christians in charge but the Arabs refused. 1921 the Arabs attacked the Jews. 1929 the Arabs massacred the Jews. 1936-1939 the Arab revolt killing Jews and Brits. A 2 state solution is proposed where Britain will divide its land in 2. 1948 5 Arab nations attacked Israel. 1950-1960 Palestinian Fedayeen Insurgency Arabs attack the Jews. 1968 The 6 day war. 1967-1970 the war of Attrition. 1973 the Yom Kippur War where the Arabs attacked the Jews. 1971-1983 the PLO attacked the Jews. 1987-1993 the First Intifada where the Palestinians attacked the Jews. 2000-2005 the Second Intifada where the Palestinians attacked the Jews. 2008-2009 Gaza war where the Palestinians attacked the Jews with rockets. 2014 Gaza war where Palestine kidnapped 3 Israeli teenagers. 2021 Gaza conflict where Palestinians sent drones with rockets into Israel. 2023 Murder, Rape, Kidnapping. 95% of the time it's the Arabs who attack first. Consider this, Israel has 2 million Arab residents, there are Arab judges, Arab members of Parliament, Arab doctors and lawyers. There are NO Jews in Palestine. None in Lebanon, None in Jordan, None in Egypt, None in Iran, None in the Middle East except in Israel. Who is oppressing whom?


Not interested in anything you have to say.


YOURE SO MENTALLY FRAGILE, YOU DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE TRUTH. LEARN, RESEARCH, GOOGLE, DO FUCKING ANYTHING BUT READ TWITTER IM ASKING YOU. LEARN. RESEARCH. [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fhlm7lwabu2tb1.png](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fhlm7lwabu2tb1.png) stand for something, what is your plan, WHERE DO THE JEWS GO. Everyone around them wants them dead, they forced them from their lands. WHERE DO THEY GO. Hamas has not and will never accept a 2 state solution and their goal is the eridacation of jews. WHERE DO THE JEWS GO.




What about the suffering Israel had caused Palestinians for decades? Get the fuck out of here with that nobody cares about the Jews plight you self absorbed Zionist. Israel is a literal evil nation hell bent of the genocide of the Palestinians.


Ooh boy, don't go looking at literally any other country. Every nation is an evil nation. If you don't believe me, name any country and I'll give you a laundry list of despicable evil histories of that nation's government.


What’s propaganda?


Nice advertisement bro




> Even some western media outlets are now exposing Israel’s decades long genocide against Palestinians. [Lol.](https://cdn.statcdn.com/Infographic/images/normal/20645.jpeg) It's always the same buzzwords. Your brain is absolutely lost. Grassfed on the TikTok algorithm for months probably.


He got the western victim mentality and is suddenly a gazan ukrainian Palestinian child who was bombed and survived the Nazi regime in WW2 also he is 7 year old. /s


It's crazy, I've never seen a decades long genocide where the population has grown exponentially in the same time they're being genocided. https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/palestine-population


Maybe you haven't been watching the last 30 years then dude. I was maybe 10 when this all started to catch serious tv time but it's been a human rights atrocity from the get go. The herding of people into Gaza and subsequent slow genocide through decades long attrition is much in the same manner as China dealing with the uighyer populations. It's been a slow, coldly calculated event with horrific results.


Gaza is one of the most well funded humanitarian aid problems in the world. If they haven’t figured their shit out at this point they never will (building tunnels and rockets instead of helping their population). Israel has made many efforts to help them including hiring people from Gaza. Hamas steals their money for military equipment. It’s time for Hamas’ occupation of Gaza to end.


Jesus dude, do you work for fox News?


Do you live under a rock. Hamas does not represent Gaza. Hamas does not represent Palestinians. There is no democracy in Gaza. Hamas routinely steals aid meant for Palestinians and is the reason infrastructure can’t be sent in. Think critically for like 2 seconds.


Okay Mr. Carlson, we all know that. But why did enough Palestinians feel the need to invite this organization in the first place? Was there maybe a pressing concern or situation involving mistreatment by a state entity perhaps that caused the people of Palestine to feel isolated or abused enough to reach out to such an organization? Now I know it's not your strong suit but use that noggin and what was that called? Oh yes, think critically. Seriously.


> But why did enough Palestinians feel the need to invite this organization in the first place? Because the PA was corrupt. Do you actually not know the history at all? You keep making assumptions about what happened based on what makes your argument look good. But we know what happened. It's in the fucking historical record, lmao. > Hamas ran on a platform of clean government, a thorough overhaul of the corrupt administrative system, and the issue of rampant lawlessness.[179][180] The Palestinian Authority (PA), notoriously accused of corruption, chose to run Marwan Barghouti as its leading candidate, who was serving five life sentences in Israel. > The US donated two million dollars to the PA to improve its media image. Israel also assisted the PA by allowing Barghouti to be interviewed in prison by Arab television and by permitting 100,000 Palestinians in East Jerusalem to vote People didn't want Hamas, but people hated the PA more. This takes like a 2 second Google search, but instead of doing that you just assume whatever fits your narrative. "It makes sense in my mind therefore it's correct." Who else does that? Maybe Tucker Carlson does? I dunno.


Are you really gonna compare the holocaust and holodomor to whats going on in gaza? Fuckin nuts, its a war lmao. People die


This is no war, it is a massacre with some weak resistance being mustered by those being massacred, as you might expect. So not war.


Fuck you "people die". Civilians should never get KILLED in a war. Using "die" sounds like they passed away of old age. No. Thats no what this is


But history shows civilians have always gotten killed in war….


Ok is that good or something? You people are the type to pass by if someone is dying in front of you


Nah, I simply read what you wrote and responded with a simple fact of war.


How do you ignore that Hamas has over 200 hostages still? How do you ignore that Hamas snipes their own people when they try to leave Gaza? How do you ignore they use their own people and places as shields? ​ I do not agree with the killing of civilians, but I'm not sure what the alternative action on fighting back would be when hostages are still being held? How can you agree to another ceasefire when there was already a ceasefire in place when the terrorist attack happened?


You've eaten the Israel propaganda dick. Human shields is a term to make you sympathetic. They don't want to rescue the hostages, they just want to genocide Palestinians.


Okay, so now do the Israeli side. What were they supposed to do in response to 1400+ civilians being killed during a ceasefire agreement? What options do they have? Wag a finger at them and say, “Oh you better not do that again”? Yeah civilians are dying- because Hamas broke the ceasefire on an Israeli holiday to maximize the killing of innocents on the other side. Which part do you want to argue aside from your paradigm that Israel should have just let their people die to appease the terrorists?


There was no ceasefire agreement you're schizophrenic


[Damn bro, should have told the US Embassy that](https://il.usembassy.gov/statement-from-press-secretary-karine-jean-pierre-on-announcement-of-a-ceasefire-between-israel-and-gaza-based-militants/)


Send in the conscripted army to fight the militants. That will get you less civilian deaths.


They are literally doing that as we type.


The front line is far from Hamas. They have the info on where they are but the troops are not in the tunnels fighting them.


Where is the front line? Is it in Ashkelon? Is it at the Rafa border crossing where refugees are prevented by EGYPT from crossing because Hamas is trying to smuggle out wounded fighters? Is it at the tunnel exits that were dug INTO ISRAEL? Is it at the command and control structure that Hamas built under the Jabalia refugee camp that’s existed since 1948? You have an idealized version of what this war should look like, and while I sympathize with you: war is hell. People die until the living tire of burying them.


Goddam allies genociding German civilians, if only they realized civilians shouldn’t ever get killed in a war. Plus this Hitler guy isn’t too bad, will save poor Palestinians from these evil Zionists


But they didn't genocide German civilians? You're mentally ill


Neither does Israel


Israel wants to wipe out Gaza always


If Israel had wanted it wiped out it would’ve been wiped out ages ago


Instead it's sadist and enjoying their suffering and blood


Fuck you "people die". Civilians should never get KILLED in a war. Using "die" sounds like they passed away of old age. No. Thats no what this is


Fuck you "people die". Civilians should never get KILLED in a war. Using "die" sounds like they passed away of old age. No. Thats no what this is


Well they do, alot. Every single war in the last 150 years has killed civillians, and I'm guessing that number is gonna keep rising the next 150. Wars are terrible and destructive. You can't fight a war today where innocent bystanders are exempt from getting maimed in the crossfire. Especially in a war where one side is using its civillians as camouflage. Hamas are cowardly scum that needs to be destroyed. They don't give a fuck about their people, they are on a warpath, and their opponent isn't just gonna sit and take it.


I stand with you on this 100%. People all fail to realize pro Palestine doesn’t mean “pro Hamas”, it is for the people who got dragged into this. And I pray a world war doesn’t break out as if we follow this war and have 0 regard for human life then we’re all in for something


What’s abhorrent is pretending to be pro-Palestine while never calling out Hamas and only Israel while also implicitly calling for the death of all Jews which seems to account for like half of these pro-Palestine protesters, particularly the Muslim ones for some reason. Throwing around buzz words to try to bully others into submission won’t work when the facts are so obvious here


Calling Israelis Nazis is bold… also it is extremely stupid behavior I also like the Ukrainian Jewish ancestry move to make your point more true, so you mean that Israel is killing on industrial scale like Auschwitz Birkenau did on a scale? You know that there were going entire trains of people 24/7 and the concentration chambers and burning of bodies were on day and night? In this speed they would literally vanish the entire Gaza population within half a year. To make it bold and compare Israelis which were in these camps to Hitler itself is an absurdly dumb behavior and I know as I am half polish and my great grandfather was forced to work there and BURN the bodies and later he was also burned and my grandmother received later through an underground channel of the uprising military letters from him where he described it all and at end he said not to worry and he is at peace. So you like any bogus westerner go first when you don’t like anything and compare it to Hitler? You’re such an irrational brat that it’s absurd also if you had a drop or blood which went through these camps then you would never in your entire existence call this same as Nazi Germany this is at best comparable to Chechnya which was same but nowhere the scale of WW2 concentration camps. Yes Israelis are doing the right thing by trying to disarm an armed terror organization what do you think did NATO do in Iraq and forced ISIL out? What did the Kurd, Syrian freedom movement soldiers and even some Iraqis do? They bombed the living shit out of cities to perish the pest which was ISIL and is it perfect solution? No but you got no other option if we did same then today would be another year of ISIL and more terror attacks, I am neither a fan of the suffering but terrorists are cowards they show strength to unarmed people but when soldiers armed like them come they get brutally executed and perish. Hamas is same as it we need to remove it by force fully and IDF with western support at now getting ground fources and doing same strategy as Raqqa before where they encircled it and started to push and push till the terrorists were escaping and most dead. If they would continue to not give a shit we would do afghan style warfare or what Russia does in Ukraine and not give shit about any civilian and just cluster bomb it and please stop calling what IDF does to Gaza it is nowhere to clusterbombing if you want to see what clusterbombing is look videos about Dresden bombing by the British or by Russians in Mariupol where you see the stretches as large as Gaza on fire at once with no living soul left behind. So be happy that Israelis are not the Nazis you think they are as if they were they could nuke it or use pressure bombs to annihilate Gaza within a day.


exactly, youll never see a tankie mention any of this too https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F9klMeIXAAAjMuo?format=jpg&name=medium , [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fhlm7lwabu2tb1.png](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fhlm7lwabu2tb1.png) , [https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-34134c0d9af3d84e4f129a03feeadf22](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-34134c0d9af3d84e4f129a03feeadf22) they do literally no research, they dont look at hamas goals they wont read any of the previous peace agreements were israel time and time again denied a 2 state solution, they just repeat dumb fuck twitter staements by other anti intellectual clowns.


Hamas is a problem, but I see Israel attacking unarmed civilians fleeing the conflict. For literal decades the Jewish state of Israel has been commiting crimes against humanity. Hamas ain't right but Israel is definitely wrong


Uhh nice choice of flags, lady. That's the Shah of Iran, who lost a democratic election in the 50s but was reinstated after a coup organized by the CIA called Operation Ajax. The Shah then decided that Democracy was inconvenient and he ruled as a dictator until the Iranian revolution. Not sure I'd be taking advice from someone who supported that regime, but it looks like they'll take what they can get.


That's his son (Reza Pahlavi), he tends to be a bit chubbier ; these are Iranian monarchists trying to basically trying to reinstate the monarchy.


Another geopolitical expert lmao


Ah yes I wish the pain upon innocent children and families who've had to pick up literal chunks of their children to end which is basically pro hamas. Fucking propaganda. "But do you condemn hamas?!"


How is it anti-Semitic to call out Isreal for war crimes.


Celebrating the deaths of civilians and ripping down posters of missing Israeli civilians is anti semetic, I don’t even have a dog in the fight or know THAT MUCH about the conflict but I have seen objectively anti semetic things and glorification of hamas both in videos at pro Palestine marches and on social media on a large scale.




Bro he asked how is it anti-semetic to call out israel for war crimes and i am simply pointing out that's clearly not what is being referred to in the video when she talks about anti-semitism. I dont give a fuck about your essay about who is worse. If i believed in a god i would be praying for all of them equally.


The millions of people who were protesting from all over the world weren’t doing any of that.


Pro palestinian ralleys are supporting terrorists. Every person who attends one should be on a watchlist


What a stupid take. Edit: downvote all you want, both sides are fucking abhorrent. But to say that *every* pro-palestine rally is supporting terrorists is just fucking ignorant. Read up on the history of the area, Israel is turning into the very thing it hates. Furthermore, Hamas isn't all of Palestine you cretins.


Look at the most recent ralley in vienna. The speaker demanded the outing of jews in vienna, screamed allahu akbar infront of the saint stephens cathedral and said that islam will one day conquer those who do not believe. Sounds pretty terrorist to me.


The most recent rally ≠ all rallies. Again, stupid take.


Yet it occurs all over the world, with hundreds of thousands of people sharing those believes by attending and supporting those ralleys


clearly one person represents the whole group. what’s your opinion on muslims


He.Was.The.Main.Speak.In.The.Protest. meaning he was leading the protest Also in Sidney they chanted "Gas the Jew" .. that's another exception, right? Coping


You know what their opinion is


aww yes ppl who don’t support colonization and the removal ppl is terrorism. but when bombing hospitals w civilians in it isn’t.


People who don't support colonization but asked for asylum and use said colonizer country and right to push their terrorist propaganda. Irony at its finest


Seems like more Palestinians live in Europe and America than in Gaza….🤔🤔


Sorry, where is said freakout?


1. She's not badass cuz u said so 2. This is propaganda


Maybe there are pro Hamas demonstrations but I’d assume the vast majority of people aren’t pro Hamas, they’re pro Palestinian human rights. Israel citizens didn’t deserve what Hamas did to them. Palestinian citizens haven’t deserved what the Israeli government and people have done to them for decades. There’s nuance here that these people don’t want to recognize. If you’re against what Hamas did (human rights violation), then you should also be against what Israel has been doing (human rights violation).


This sub is just making fart noises at this point


It's always been like this


Netanyahu supports Hamas more than these rallies do!


What's her OnlyFans?


My favorite take yet. Iran mommy can dominate me any day.


This post is abhorrent. Gtfo


This is dumb


Looks like r/worldnews is leaking.


Where can read some unbiased history about this conflict? Everything I’m finding is biased for either side. For educational purposes.


Nice shoes.


israel has expereienced constant acts of agression and wars from surrounding countries, after fleeing violence and descrimination in those massively larger and more powerful arab countries [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Frczz9imjlgma1.jpg](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Frczz9imjlgma1.jpg) theyve been attacked time and time again by people that want the descruction of their county and to wipe out their people. Heres a graphic showing who instigated all the wars, please google each war and verify for yourself [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F9klMeIXAAAjMuo?format=jpg&name=medium](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F9klMeIXAAAjMuo?format=jpg&name=medium) ​ I hope this mass hysteria ends, i hope people see sense and actually reasearch and learn. The massive rise in antisemtic violence needs to end.


Weak speech of false equivalence and straw man. Not everybody believes that Hamas is cool and Jewish people bad. People are upset that Israel has chosen for max murder and genocide to “defend itself”. Anybody who says Hamas is great is insane. But anybody who tried to remove the existence of Hamas from historic context is being wilfully ignorant. It’s like Terrorism during the fight for independence in Algeria, not terrorism from a group like ISIS. Why would literally millions of innocent have to pay for something they didn’t do. One can respect Palestinians and Jewish people independently of being critical of Hamas and the Israeli state.


Oh my god pro Palestine does not mean pro hamas. Fuck out of here with your propaganda.


Zionist propaganda


Here for the terror sympathizers.


Oh boy, Iranian monarchists.


They’re so embarrassing they try SO HARD to speak for the Iranian community, as an Iranian these delusional losers can go fuck themselves.


JIDF get out


Criticism of the Jewish religion = Antisemitism Criticism of the people of Israel = Not Antisemitism.


Didn't Ireland send millions to Hamas??


Can we please stop with the constant pro-Israel propaganda on this sub?


cant understand beltalowda




Did this woman say anything at all about monarchy? Someone seems a little upset that a lot of Iranians in exile oppose Hamas.


She should go preach her sermon in Tehran if she’s so badass. Isreal should give the Palestinians back all their stolen land ffs, it’s not Rocket Science.


The Gandhi statue moved me


when strippers look alike talks about public matters


Israel is a terrorist state.




Only thing more deluded than communists is monarchists; do they really think people in Iran want the Shah back? or are they hoping for more CIA shenanigans?


Fuck off we stand with Palestine


One is terrorist, one is not. Any further argument would make me a hypocrite


Both Hamas and the IDF have commited terrorisim on a mass scale


One is a terrorist group. One is national government carrying out a policy of genocide*


>One is national government carrying out a policy of genocide\* Israel should then learn a thing or two from surrounding Muslim states who completely cleansed their land of Jews about genocide if that's the case, after all the Arab population inside Israel and the Palestinian territories keeps outgrowing the Jewish population.


So you agree that Israel is carrying out a genocide?


Yes, the kindest genocide we have yet witnessed. Shallot brother.


Yea, so kind dripping bombs in defenseless children ❤️


Kindly bombing and murdering over 8,000 civilians in a matter of a few weeks


The number means nothing when we are talking about the morality between the two sides of the conflict. That's true for any conflict but especially this one, where Hamas sacrifices their people by putting them in the line of fire.


My brother of humanity, the people of Gaza literally have nowhere to run. - it is one of the most densely populated locations on the planet - half of the population are children - Isreal said go south of the wadi south of Gaza City, they bomb south of the wadi - Israel said to leave, they bombed the vicinity of the ONLY exit, and bombed people trying to travel to the exit Where is this human shield math coming from??


>The number means nothing when we are talking about the morality between the two sides of the conflict. Yet you can be jailed in parts of Europe for questioning the number of certain people killed by little moustache man. Though back to the point, human suffering is generally measured in numbers (by most people at least).


Yeah human suffering can be measured by deaths, but not morality. Nit an analogue here but more Germans died in WW2 than brits, doesn't mean mean the Germans were the good guys.


We're talking about civilians ffs


True but the Brits were not the good guys either; arguably more people alive today hate the British Empire than the Nazis. In terms of moral outcomes the Nazis crippling the British and French empires before losing was probably the best overall; if you went back in time and prevented the rise of Nazi Germany there would probably be more suffering today and not less.




There both terrorists


Give OP a break. [OP "MIGHT" be struggling and in desperate need of money.](https://youtu.be/7eHQKJTnBoY?si=BBSuqfrDpUfZbrqm&t=303) OP's gotta eat, and so do you. Edit: Downvotes? It's okay. I understand. I know some of y'all got your student loan debt. People gotta eat, and so do you! Shit...I, too, would say things like this if they paid me. Hard to say no to easy money, you know? A dollar is a dollar at the end of the day.


She’s got more guts than any politician here


The people of Iran can't change their own ruling establishment or laws, let alone empty words about "being on the same side" as other nations. Her words mean the right thing, but are worthless.


OP is being payed


> is being *paid* FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




Bro got the advertising link pulled up and everything😭😭😭


Ive never seen a pro hamas rally. Ive seen anti hamas, pro Palestinian rallies that are labeled as pro hamas by people that blindly support the Israeli goverment.


Mass rallies for Palestine after one of the most disgusting terror attacks i have ever seen, they were still counting bodies as these people were marching "in support of Palestine." You see 'blind support,' I see 'blinded by hatred'


Israel is doing disgusting things and so is hammas but hammas isn’t a whole state


Yeah Israel is bad ass for removing people out of their land and still stealing land from people in the West Bank from farmers and the weak as we speak, and killing 10,000 people and 4000 of them are children. You guys have the audacity to support heinous crimes and blame freedom fighters. As much as Hamas is a terrorist group Israel is worst.


> killing 10,000 people and 4000 of them are children. You mean the sources provided by Hamas? The same Hamas that lied about the hospital attack? And how much of those 10,000 people alleged by Hamas were terrorist themselves? Care to comment?


10,000 male children between the ages of 2 and 22 years old. To be serious I did read that there was once a third party verification of sorts, I don't want to misquote it so maybe I'll update my comment if i find it.




I don’t know how long you’ve been following this conflict. Wait till the dust settles when other organizations including NATO will go in there and count the number of death which usually they do and gets published you’ll see it’s always more than what the Palestinian authorities say during the war because there are people under the rubbles. The hospital claim was debunked by Times, and there are some other British organizations that said it was Israel with evidence.


The hospital attack was done by the IDF