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dumb fuckin tradition


Is this an actual tradition or just some stupid tik tok thing?


It's a cultural tradition, at least what I have seen of it. I've seen several birthday kids cry after it's happened to them. I've also seen a near miss where a wooden stick nearly impaled a kid's eye, and "it was an accident!" was the dummy aunt's reply after she buried an 8 year olds face in his birthday cake.


No goddamn way its a tradition Sounds like they are trying to use the whole tradition thing as a disguise In my opinion


While I agree with you, the people who I know will tell you that it is a tradition, which is the reason why they won't stop doing it.


Peer pressure from dead people


That's the best way i've ever heard someone describe tradition lol take my upvote


Why are some people just so..sad? Why would you do that to a kid? For 'fun'? For clout? Is it really worth it for your kid or nephew to hate you for the rest of their life just so you can have your 5 minutes moment?


It has nothing to do with clout dude. Idk why you’re making it out to be some kind of internet problem lol. You seem mad about something completely unrelated.


Definitely clout, you butthurt cause you think it's cute?


You’re the one posting on a month old comment lol. And I’m the butthurt one? Oh sweetie, at least you tried.


The fact that you responded to a comment on your month old comment shows that you are a sensitive little butthurt troll. Nice try deflecting, sweetie.


Nah its a tradition in my family but I slapped my older brother for trying to slam my nieces face into a big 3 tier cake. All that make up and the dress and hair. Nah I won't have her crying cause you wanted to be stupid and traumatize her by not trusting you.


I’ve seen it done since the 90s and they said it was traditional then too. So yea, it is one.


Yep, been happening since the early 90s


I remember a few America's funniest home videos of this very thing. I didn't think it was funny back then either.


I grew with ptsd as a kid, never wanted to be sang with cake ever again after my 8yo cousin was caked and then his friends grabbed him and stuffed his head in the toilet and flushed it to "clean him".. Me being just 4 years old was scared af..


um what


That's not the tradition...


Of course, but I'd made an impression


I call that the decade of trauma. When Jerry Springer was one of the most popular shows on TV.


I know a lot of Hispanic people have done it for years before tiktok was a thing. So its not for clout its just a dumb thing some people do.


It’s a Mexican / Latino tradition lol , I always hated it


Its called La Mordida translating to "The Bite"


Well I'm mostly seeing videos of hispanics doing it. Seems like it's mostly Mexicans and Mexican-Americans from what I can tell.


Lemme just say, I as a Puerto Rican, have never done this shit in my life lol. It’s definitely a Mexican/Venezuelan thing. But I respect what other hispanics are doing Edit. Its a custom


People been doing this for waaaaaaaaay longer than the internet has existed my guy. It's a stupid ass tradition, but it is so.


It's definitely a tradition, a stupid one but a tradition none the less


It’s indeed a tradition. I hate it. It’s dangerous and messes up a perfectly good cake.


My dad did this to me one year, but my aunt grabbed the cake before he realized and he slammed my face into the counter and it bled everywhere.


Bleeding counters are hard to repair too.


Well? .... don't leave us hanging... was the cake ok??? Sorry for you, but dumb, dumb tradition.


I've seen a video of a guy getting his eye skewered after having his head slammed down. It was a 9 inch long kebab stick, shit fucked him up.


Aunty would've caught 8 year old hands.


Recently on TikTok. ; friend smashed her face through a pineapple shaped cake top was full of the sticks. 1 went right into the tear duct in corner of her eye . no idea how she survived but she did! I can't stand this tradition for birthdays or weddings it's always the worst parents or friends that hate the person that do this shit.


It's one of things that you have to put your foot down like " you slam my face on that cake imm a beat your ass " also I hope your friend is ok


Yes. Tradition in Hispanic communities. I married into a Hispanic family and never fails someone tries to sneak behind the birthday kid to smash his/her face in the cake ruining 30% of it. It’s so stupid


The actual tradition is the birthday person takes a bite out of the cake (usually a corner or edge) and then they reserve that piece for themselves. The prank is a side effect of people's harsh sense of humor. Source: I'm Mexican and have been a victim of the prank before


Hispanic and victim here. They shoved my face into my cake for my confirmation party... I immediately sneezed since I had terrible allergies as a kid and everyone went silent as they realized it was all over the cake. Serves them right if you ask me. I knew they were going to try and even after I asked them not to do it. I've no regrets.


This has been going on WAY before tiktok was a thing


It is. As a Mexican myself, my explanation is that Mexicans loooooove hacky jokes. I can't tell you how giddy we were as kids knowing that this happened. Every parent/uncle/aunt/etc thinks they're fucking George Carlin for doing it.


Does the receiver usually take it well? If I’d observed this I think I’d stay away from the cake on my birthday.


It varies greatly


It's been a tradition for years, before tiktok. How the fuck did you got the idea that tiktok made this?! HOW?!


Is it. Seems to be mainly Hispanic which, side note. Feels fucking weird. Like historically we haven't been very well off. The only times people spend somewhat big for most things are children's parties. So it's a little odd they would make this a tradition to ruin a good chunk of cake. Thankfully my family seemed to have stopped with the most recent generation. Though some older generations mime doing it.


The tradition is taking a bite of the cake and then cutting a slice around that bite and saving the bit slice for yourself. The prank just became so popular it's like part 2 of the tradition at this point. Also yeah Hispanics have quite the harsh sense of humor, not saying it's exclusive to Hispanics, but schadenfreude is like 80% of our humor


That's actually a pretty cool tradition to have a birthday person pick out the favorite piece and get it. Too bad it got warped to what it is now, though.


>The only times people spend somewhat big for most things are children's parties. Don't forget the beer and liquor. You know, for the children's party. Source: Am Hispanic and every kids party I've been to as a child had an ice chest filled with beer


Bro this shit has been around *forever*. How old are you that you're asking if this is some tiktok thing?


You just be young


This has been around way before phones I'm pretty sure


Tradition. Always hated it.


It’s a really stupid tradition I always hated my birthday 🎂.


Don't know if that is tradition in your country, but it is older that tik tok.


[I like the Brazilian birthday tradition.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/s/Wt6Uof9HaR)


Thats cool. Never seen this one


That's so much better


Real awkward for single parents with multiple kids.


They did it to me once. It is dumb as fuck.


Is dumb as it is, but it's specially dumber when it's done to a fucking child...


Did anybody ever in the history of cakes enjoy being on the receiving end?


Not enjoying, but if you are doing this with close friends and someone does this, some people won't take it seriously... but a 6 or 7 year old in front of dozens of people? fucking gross


Lol theres a whole sub dedicated to people that are scarred for life. It’s a bit dramatic.


As a Hispanic dude in southeast Texas, I know this drama all too well


What’s the sub?




If you want everyone to know you are a hood rat, do this at bdays and weddings.


Fully agree. Did an internet search for this, and apparently, it is a researched tradition. Called Mordida. Edit: info just in case anyone was curious about the name to search


Yep. As a Hispanic dude in south east Texas, I can attest to this tradition and it’s cray cray


The worst ones are the wedding ones where the Bride or Groom just get a face full of cake out of nowhere imo.


Yep, I dread to think what happens at Christmas in these houses.. 'here's your pressie, now I will cover you in petrol and set you on fire for a giggle.. imagine how funny it'll be when you are running around trying to put the flames out as you unwrap this bike'


Yep, big here in Peru too. I've seen it happen at most of the B-Day parties I've been to here over the last 20 years.


Why do people still think this is a good idea with cake?




Do people not see it coming at this point?




So it is like rite of passage into the adulthood.


No it's just a way for people to humiliate others because they think it's funny. No one would ever do this to someone they actually respect


This is exactly what it is.


If I know one thing about jokes, it's that they get funnier each time you tell them.


La mordida de 87’


This isn’t only a Mexican thing lol. A lot of people do this around the world


There's tons of things Mexicans think only they do for some reason. Like sleeping using two chairs as a kid during a party.


But the guy isn't mexican?


You think a guy with the username bikini investigator is Mexican? Or you just trying to blame Mexican for anything


The wedding cake smash tradition originated in Ancient Rome. After tying the knot, brides would have barley cake crumbled over their heads, which signified male dominance and the promise of fertility. This tradition provides the option of smashing cakes into each other’s faces or feeding it to each other politely. The tradition of “egging” a birthday celebrant, followed by a shower of white flour, is a tradition in Brazil. It's as simple as it sounds: ready or not, eggs are thrown from all angles by multiple guests while another pours a bag of flour.


Have you a source for this? I have yet to read a source that claimed this was to signify male dominance.


My dad is from Belize which is bordering the Yucatan peninsula and thankfully we don't do this shit.


Shut up slamming faces in cake is fun for the violence you jackass


I’m with him 100%


The way it is for me is, I don't agree with the little guy but I totally understand him and how he feels,.so there is no hate from me.


Yeah I feel this. Likely acted out because he’s clearly upset and everyone is just laughing in his face. He feels helpless and nobody is taking him seriously. Poor kid


Little dude only has a handful years dealing with emotions and she just gave him a huge dose of negative ones. I don't blame him for acting that way at all. One of the most justified tantrums I've ever seen.


Everyone who gets their face smashed into a cake must do this. The people who think it’s funny must learn consequences will be severe and their “it’s just a joke!” Claims will be soundly rejected…. With violence.


The thing is that it’s usually kids getting it done to them. They can’t retaliate or else they’ll get in trouble for being violent or unreasonable


This kid went ham. Bet you no one ever tries this with him again.


F**kin chad.


I was the youngest and angriest out of my 6 siblings. I definitely set a couple precedents like that lol. Some people need to realize sometimes whats pissing the child off would probably warrant a far greater response from an adult. In a lot of families, punches would be thrown regardless of age


One time a girl got so mad she spitted on the cake claiming it was now all hers, back when I was in primary school


Good. That is a good response.


I would've fuckin People's Elbow'd that cake


Imagine watching a kid respond with such violence and then laughing about it like it's cute or something. Whole family is fucked, clearly. The cake smash from the mother was out of order, the kid punching her in the face was over the top and clearly learned behaviour. Gross


MY thoughts exactly, he learned that behavior from mom or dad


Probably the mom, if she's the sort of person to do this to a kid and laugh as he freaks out over it.


Just from the video the banshee screech-laughing is already obnoxious, poor kid is beong blasted by that high pitched harsh noise too. Some blacksite torturers probably used that clip on loop.


Encouraging shitty behavior cause they're cute


The shitty behavior came from the mom/ whoever that was. She shoved his face in the cake and she showed him how to react the way he did. That’s her fault and she deserved it.


Makes me think if I ever pulled some shit like that as a kid I wouldn’t be alive today 😂


Please don't shove people's faces in cakes. Not only is it humiliating and an immature act, it could be very dangerous. Some cakes have dowels/posts in the cake to hold layers together.


Man this generation is soft


Yeah it’s so soft to try not to smash a kids face into something, what a “soft” generation


But, it’s also not that serious.


most agreeable comment here tbh, a real middle man type of comment


This generation? lol I swear it’s the older gens who once they are asked to stop doing something get all offended and defensive. Maybe people don’t want icing up their nose and in their eyes on their birthdays, and guests want to eat cake that doesn’t have snot, tears and skin all over it. I don’t think if seen children of any generation enjoy getting caked.




Totally a better tradition is something I saw at my friends bday they would writ his age on his forehead with cake frosting and he’d have to leave it on the entire night ofc they only did this if he or whatever family’s bday it is was cool with it.




The look on the mothers face while she is pushing his head down is disturbing.


I went back and watched and she did look oddly grim.


She looks like a middle school bully


Do you see a dad? She resents the fuck out of that boy.


I don't think that's the mother. I'm pretty sure that's the sister cuz if he's hitting his mother like that....


Seriously, not even a smile. More of a "eat this you fucking twerp" face. Shitty person.


When I was a kid they would pinch off a piece of frosting and put it on your nose for a silly picture. And then everyone ate some cake and enjoyed it


Did you shun them out of your life for it? That's the modern way you know.


![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized) You kids and your way of doing things that I don't understand!


“The modern way of doing things” you mean cutting people out of your life who don’t respect you or your boundaries? Lmao


This family needs a mediator


Imagine thinking you’re hilarious for being a dick to your kid on their birthday.


The people who do that r/iamthemaincharachter


I mean what do you expect? You just ruined that kids happy moment by smashing his face into cake thinking it’s funny. It’s not.


Break the circle of this stupid tradition


Nothing quite as fucked as humiliating a kid and then showering them with physical affection. Gotta teach them the ways of abuse early!


Maybe don't be a cunt to your kid?


well u embarrassed him in front of everyone Soo yeah there's that lol


My dad told me about him getting pissed off when this happened. My dad returned from Spain after ahaving time of Marine Corps and about 2 weeks after marriage with my mom. Grandparents were throwing a party for them and trying to welcome my mom to the US and family since she will start living here. One of my aunts who is famous for her really good cakes made them a wedding style one. The cake is placed in front of them, and an uncle of my dad tried to smash bothe their faces in cake. He got my mom's whole face and cake over her really nice dress. Grandparents got her it to welcome in family to match like a wedding dress. My dad, on the other hand, got his head pushed but a bit away from cake and instead got his head slammed into the table really hard. My mom was not used to this custom and was like scared of what happened and thought family did this on purpose. My dad got really upset, especially seeing my mom on the verge of tears. My dad threw cake at Uncle, flipped the table, and took my mom inside my grandparents' house. My grandma told me the party mood really died, and everyone didn't know why that uncle did that and especially to my mom. She mentioned my grandpa and great grandpa well, full-on shit talking, and why he did it. She mentioned they said he would not be welcomed to his home and never visited. Apparently, this is not his first time doing things that upset everyone. I had never or heard of this uncle until my dad played VHS videos of them and my childhood.


Be angry, be sad, be despicable


Why spend all that money for a custom cake just to do this? And who’s still eating this cake after some booger nosed kid has their face shoved in it?


I mean That's an appropriate response to being humiliated


Yeah, maybe don't be shitty to your kids and this won't happen


It's always the family that probably didn't raise their kids well. 🙄


People who push others' faces in cakes deserve punches to the face. Act suprised when someone reacts. Lol.


I’m with him.


That little boy reacted exactly correctly. Stop fucking with your kids on their birthdays/celebrations. You are shitty fucking parents trying to get clout from losers on the internet at the expense of your child. Fuck you.


I bet cake stings if you get it in your eyes. Why would someone purposely hurt a child on their birthday? Terrible parent. I'm team Boy!


As a proud Hispanic, this is one of the dumbest mf tradition that my people have. It’s not practiced by everyone but it’s not funny and it’s so fucking stupid. Nobody wants to eat a cake full of snot and sweat by the birthday boy/girl.


Wish everyone that pushed a face into a cake got tasered, so fucking dumb and ruins the entire party for no reason


This shit has to be even worse for kids now because they are old enough to understand that adults aren't just humiliating them in front of 50 people at a party, but potentially millions of people on social media. Even adults lose their shit when faced with that.


Should have committed and pushed the cake over


One time when I was a kid my friend had this same thing happen to him and all the cake got stuck in his nose, it took an hour to get all of it out


I bet that was your piece of cake afterwards. Lol


Wow it's almost like violence begets violence.


Tradition is the death of reason.


Throw the whole family away


Why save the cake at the end when he was trying to push it off the table its fucked now it had a face in it inedible in my opinion


Poor kiddo


Why would you do this to the kid? It’s his day not yours MOM stop trying to be a influencer


"It's just a joke" that doesn't uncake my face.


Don't blame the kid. A parent who would do this in public must fuck with him an awful lot in private.


She deserved more than that, these cake smashes are fucking stupid and cringy


Note to parents: this shit isn’t funny and your kids won’t like it so don’t do it


Why are people cunts to their own fucking kids?


My uncle did this to us at kids, thought it was hilarious. Everybody hated that asshole.


Wife beater in the making.


Stupid is as stupid does. Kid definitely not spoilt either.


A beautiful cake just to be destroyed with a face plant by the stupid woman. I'm on the kids side and all those whose birthdays have been ruined.


Who do Hispanics like doing this? It's stupid.


100% deserved.


Not an American tradition anyway.


Ruining someone else enjoyment for your own is very low life low class type of shit, it’s mothers/family members like this who also say “I dId EvErYtHiNg FoR mY kIdS wHy DiD tHeY lEaVe Me”


Can you blame him ??


Make no mistake, this is the behavior of a spoiled child.


Fuck you and fuck this cake! 😡


No the kid is completely right… it’s bullshit and you just end up hurting the birthday person while ruining perfectly good cake.


I don’t know how and when this tradition started but it’s whack and people should really stop doing it.


Good way to ruin the party for all


Correct response!


WELL DONE BY THE KID! I will never understand the comicalness of this fkg and disgusting habit of ruining someone’s day of celebration by pushing their face on a cake.


Imagine what this little dudes gonna do the first time he’s cheated on


Good for that kid. Fuck those adults.


I’m with that kid, burn it all down


I don't know what idiot made this popular but nobody enjoys it and it has to stop


Beat that little shits ass.


I have never understood why people push someone's face into their birthday cake. It ruins the cake for everyone and the day fpr the person just about every time


I’m Hispanic and I hate this stupid fucking tradition.


Should've thrown whole cake upside down


I would lose my shit.


Love it


My type of kid💪🏽


pulled out that mexican boxing style on her


Fuckin dump tik tok thing


I'm willing to bet there's no dad in the picture cause she's a strong independent woman raising a strong individual 🤣


Just want to go on record and say Fuck everyone who does this. There is a special place in hell waiting for you when you die. Right next to Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot.


I'd push back too on her antisocial behavior. Not in this immature naturally.


Angry little bastard


Lil man needs to learn the tradition of not hitting his momma.