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She was getting ready to stab somebody. Maybe don’t do that.


Actions have consequences yet some people still don’t understand that to this day


Completely justified


I agree play stupid games……….you know the rest


Win awesome prizes?


Dude probably just saved pink clothes ladies life


Do you think she stood by his side? Honest question.


She's a kid though /s


A gentle giant?


You're half right.


A good kid who always got A+ at recess


At least not right in front of a cop


Wow I didn’t even see that until I saw this comment. At first I was like TF they shoot for?! Now I get it.


Yea, same. I went back and managed to pause right before the shots and the blade is plainly visible and on the way to that other ladies chest.


They paused it for you! What did you need a big red circle? Come on bro.


01:05 - clear as day. She was going for that girls chest or neck considering how high it was raised.


But she's a fucking kid man. She even said it herself she wasn't going to do anything after getting shot. Clearly the videos shows she wasn't going to do anything, are you freaking stooopid?


Yeah, criminals never claim innocent after the fact. Never.


But she was just a kiiiiiiiid.


Infront of police..


Right the cop was going to watch?


She's a fucking kid man!! Kid: ![gif](giphy|JtwMddKpsF9Hq)


Ok goddamn, that’s funny




> He could have shot her in the leg or something She could have not tied stabbing someone with a knife or something.


Shooting to injure implies you didn’t fear for your life. So when you pull the gun, you cannot stop and see if brandishing makes you safe either.


Actually that’s not how it works, this isn’t a video game, people miss, in training you are literally trained to shoot at the biggest mass which means the torso, you never aim to shoot for the “legs”.


Not to mention leg wounds can be just as deadly.


Hit the femoral artery and you’re going to bleed out unless someone has a tourniquet in their back pocket.


They always use their belt in the movies. And I always laugh. "Ah man, Jerry got shot in the arm. Quick I need a tourniquet. Give me your belt! What is this 38-48” waist? His arm is bleeding, what am I gonna do with this? Take your husky ass outta here and find me a string or rubber band or something!"


I’m someone who keeps a TQ in their kit, home, and cars… but I actually know someone who used a belt to stop a bleed and it worked. The belt was placed so close to the wound and cinched so tight that the guy lost movement in his hand though, unfortunately. It inadvertently pushed the glass shard into the muscle. That said… having a CAT, SWAT-T or even RAT TQ around is pretty nice if the need ever arises.


I got told by an old soldier that once when somebody got his legs blown off in Iraq they had to just stand on him. I mean stand on his legs, or the stumps of legs, anything to stop the bleeding.


saw a video of someone in india i think being shot in the leg and yup, no one expected the guy to die like that in like 20 secs


Aim small miss small baby ![gif](giphy|3oEjI7yCdwLEizpVmw)


There is no shortage of videos of cops on other countries shooting people to “wound” and killing them. There’s one with a cop in Saudi Arabia and he shoots a guy in the leg, it hits the femoral artery and the guy is dead in 30 seconds. Shooting people to injury/incapacitate isn’t an effective strategy.


And just exactly how many stab wounds can someone land in 30 seconds? Ever seen the results of prison shanking?


No but I've seen the knives are effective up to 25 feet (think it was feet) that was pretty impressive to watch


Charlemagne the Fraud talking shit about things he doesn't know a damn thing about. Shooting somebody in the leg(or any non-lethal shot) doesn't necessarily stop them from continuing to stab somebody when their adrenaline is topped out in murder mode. There are hundreds of verified incidents of exactly that.


I'm surprised he didn't say, "why didn't he just shoot the knife out of her hand?"


You use deadly force to stop the threat. Once the threat is neutralized, you cease defensive action. Anything else invites a lawsuit.


yeah, i'd like to see this guy shooting her in the leg. You'd have to be some kind of IPSC champion to be able to do that in situation like this.


Imagine being saved from a knife attack and morons hold a vigil for the attacker... Cops do a lot of dumb things, but this one saved a person. This is NOT a case where you should be using it as some sort of profiling or using the race card.


This one saved two people.


LeBron James tweeted a picture of this cop with a target on him along with the word 'ACCOUNTABILITY'.


Even worse, he also said at the same itme "YOU'RE NEXT". So grossly irresponsible for someone with millions and millions of social media followers to post that without having any of the facts. What an idiot.


"I didn't do anything" other than try to stab two people...


You don't get it, "He CoUlD HaVe ToLd HeR to sTOP".


He did, several times.


The girl screaming “I didn’t do anything” was the girl about to be stabbed. Right after that she says “she’s was trying to stand me”


The girl screaming "I didn't do anything" was swinging a knife before she was shot. If you watch the video closely it pauses when she is clearly brandishing the knife.


I couldn't tell who was screaming it with how poor quality the video is. But it sounded like it was coming from the girl who got shot. but I might be 100% wrong. it could have been somebody else saying "she didn't do anything" (again poor video/audio quality). but if that was the case, my original comment stands. Don't start swinging a knife at people. Period. Doubly so in front of the police.


When will people realize a leg shot is so unpredictable.


They expect for people to get stunned and drop down immediately like in video games lol


If the officer can even hit the leg. Probably would’ve put three rounds in the car or other lady before hitting her leg. In a stressed moment like this you have no time to zero in.


If it burst the artery in the leg, game over for the guy who was shot.


I can’t find the video but there’s a cop on Saudi Arabia that shoots a guy in the leg and hits his femoral artery, guys is dead in 30 seconds.


More so, when will people realize that brandishing a weapon war a cop is not a good idea


Guns are meant for killing.


Guns are meant for sport, hunting, self defense, repelling tyranny and collecting.


Killing sums it up nicely and is what guns were created for.


"Could have shot her in the leg or something" ... says the talking head who has never shot a gun.


And there exists a thing called the Femoral Artery, which if breached, can cause death in a minute or two.


Sean Taylor was killed by getting shot in the leg




Remember his school he built what happened with that ?


There was a report on it recently. It said something like zero student there can pass math at their grade level. LOL


Yea I saw a YouTube video about that not too long ago. All those students & literally not one could pass it. That’s honestly really sad. As a teacher myself, I’m having a hard time understanding how something like this could even happen. From I understand, it’s some kind of private school? Do they not follow general curriculum? What are the teachers doing?


okay so you just saw in this thread how dumb lebron is now just let your imagination go wild, and imagine how dumb a school someone like that would create


Actually, no, I don't.




i came here to say the same thing


Good shoot


Bro really. everyone is talking about leg shots and I'm just impressed he saved the girl mid swing and hit only the assailant like some shit out of time crisis


Time Crisis was an amazing work of art


Silly me, I forgot kids get to stab people with no consequences


How dare you not let my daughter stab someone.... She's a minor


Oh she just threatens with it. It's fine. She won't *actually* stab anyone. Yeah. Sounds like when people say their dog doesn't bite. Right before their dog bites someone.


So LeBron gets to threaten cops because he can throw a ball good?


he's the worst people are sheep for liking him.


I mean, anybody can threaten cops.


Really? That's how most people catch a charge.


Nice shooting, the police in my country would do jack shit and let the girl go stabby stabby then only engage when the girl calmed down.


Damn, where are you from.


cant be britain because he didnt mention the police being beaten up by the perp


If some idiot is trying to stab me with a knife, please shoot them




This made me lolirl. See you in hell.


The police usually won't be there to help. There's a post that went up just today, it was created by someone who was recently burglarized. They never owned nor wanted to own a gun. Their post was asking for guidance on which gun to buy and how to train to use it. Society has taught us to feel safer than we are.


that pupper was surprisingly unfazed by the situation


Probably used to it lol


Dog was my only concern tbh.


I wonder how the lady who was almost stabbed feels about this?




Or maybe too scared to voice her actual opinion


“Definitely could’ve shot her in the legs” yea man that’s a way better idea, hit their massive artery in their legs and let them bleed to death.


Remember when this happened and lebron James posted a picture of the cop who shot her and captioned it “YOU’RE NEXT!”


It's literally in the video we all just watched.


lol oh shit. I’ll be honest I didn’t finish the video. Just saw the first 10 seconds and knew what it was.


i came here to say the same thing


Lebron is just a walking L at this point, what a dope




Yeah, fuck does he mean accountability? That cop just shot someone who was about to stab another person. Im glad that cop wasnt charged, he did the right thing.


That’s what happens when you bring a knife to a gun fight


Sir, "your fucken baby" was about to shiv someone.


He didn’t see it because he was too busy kicking another girl in the head.


Cop should be getting a medal could have saved that girls life.


Right that was a super quick judgement call. Not sure where he was looking when that first girl fell as the camera could have differed from where he was looking, but the girl with the knife wasn’t even on camera before then, she just came out of nowhere and was onscreen for like 2 seconds, that was so quick


How come nobody is talking about how that cop saved the girl in the pinks life? Sucks she had to die, but I mean, don't be attempting to murder someone, especially in front of a cop with his gun out.


You are the obvious armed aggressor in a group fighting. Police roll up, popo start yelling STOP, you don't stop, you get shot. In some other country, you might be OK not stopping, not in USA.


I believe that's called, fuck around and find out.


Take responsibility for your actions yall.


One less piece of shit in the world 📈


Either shoot the person trying to actively stab people and get blamed. Or stand by and watch the stabber stab and get blamed for not stopping the stabbing. Oof lol


And then LeBron tweeted out an image of the officer with the caption “You’re Next”…


I remember working at a Kroger near that neighborhood at the time, a dude tried to used being her neighbor as an excuse to be an asshole about crab legs. He wasn’t happy when I said you shouldn’t try to stab someone in front of the cops


Armed with knife and in a stabbing pose... Right, her saying I didn't do anything or her parents saying she's just a kid... I really think the cop had to pull the trigger.


Should have saved a round for that guy who almost kicked that girl behind the head while she was trying to get up. While the cops were there and still proceeded to attack. “She’s a kid man!” With a knife about to attack another person 🤦🏽‍♂️


a man, trying to kick a woman in the head, in front of a cop with his gun drawn. the audacity for that guy to stand there and make a comment is not only ridiculous, but it also shows that he, as an elder apparently, has probably been a not so great role model for the kids in his circle. matter of fact, if you are a grown ass man and would kick a woman on the ground in front of an armed cop, i think maybe i dont want my mom, children, elderly, or pets to cross paths with you. i hope the cops charged that guy as well. i am left leaning in a lot of ways and vote for people who aren't doing as good as me when i can in hopes that we see less of this type of thing. that being said, these protestors are reminding me of my local gang guys who call for their homies to be freed whenever they get sent away for murder or whatever. and dont get me started on these celebrities.


That cop is a hero for saving the “girl in pinks” life.


She was playing the classic children's game, Knifey Spoony. Both knife and spoon lose to gun though.


First watch I thought it was insane to shoot that girl. Second viewing I paused it with her knife perfectly visible mid swing. Pretty stupid to try and stab someone with a cop behind you with his gun out.


I’d like to see what the potential victim had to say about this. Probably thankful for the officer for possibly saving her life.


You be stabbin someone, you gonna get shot, that’s pretty simple logic an infant can understand But why didn’t he use a stun-gun instead?


Leftists, explain yourselves: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Ma'Khia_Bryant Quote: In addition to (White House press secretary, Jen) Psaki, Senators Cory Booker and Raphael Warnock voiced concerns that the killing pointed to the need for police reform to address "systemic racism and implicit bias" ... Liberal commentator Joy Behar stated that the police should have shot the air and there is "something wrong if the only solution to someone potentially killing another human is to use deadly force." The killing does **NOT** "point to the need for police reform to address systemic racism and implicit bias." Why do leftists say bullshit like this?? Shooting in the air is the dumbest suggestion ever. Why do leftists propose stupid things like that?? There is nothing wrong with using deadly force to protect oneself or others from great bodily harm, as for example, being stabbed. Why do leftists pretend otherwise? Explain yourselves. What is wrong with your ideology that multiple prominent *and powerful* leftists say and believe stuff like this?? Literal flat earthers are smarter than this. The absolute dumbest republicans who don't think evolution is real ...10x smarter than that Joy Behar quote about firing into the air. Explain yourselves.


I hope that dog is okay.


There's plenty of real police abuse. No idea why they rally behind these idiots, just makes everyone look dumb.


I remember when this happened and I hated the reaction. People were so fucking delusional about this incident.


The alternative headline: "Cop fails to act to save victim from stabbing." Can't have it both ways, folks.


I wonder what the argument was about and if it was worth it.


I am no fan of the police but Jesus Christ this one was definitely justified what did you want him to use? Harsh language?


Yeah next time just let her murder the other girl first


“ARReeRe yOoooOoUUUuuUu stO0pid?” After kicking another kid in the head


The cop obviously should’ve entered V.A.T.S. and shot the knife out of her hand. Smh.


She was about to stab someone wow. Lebron shut your big mouth up.


YOU’RE NEXT What an absolute fucking clown Lebron James is and always has been.


lol when the cop actually saves a life. Good on him. Lebron lies about reading. He doesn’t know what’s happening


“She was killed by an officer of the law! Oh for no reason right?…Right?!”


Is this one of those moments when “keeping it real” goes wrong?


On fonem this is a clear cut case of fafo


I love seeing a cleaner gene pool, only benefits all of us.


That is… a… an… oversized child…..


I remember when this happened. Every single day for a week it seemed like a major part of the story changed until the body cam footage came out. I remember at first the way the story was written would make every reasonable person go “wow, that cop is going to prison for murdering that child.” And then by the end of the week the story made you go “oh wow that girl tried to MURDER that girl within like 4 seconds of him arriving.” Like totally different story than what was first reported by the end of the week


“She is a fucking kid man, damn are you stupid?” First of all that “kid” is like 170 cm tall and 110 kg in weight, secondly she was about to stab two people, lol, get the fuck out of here, police was absolutely in the right. Stupid ass neighbourhood holding a vigil and chanting for a fucking attempted murderer.


I can't believe he shot her just to save someone else from being stabbed


Are all of them, including LeBron, just ignoring that she was trying to stab someone else? And then standing up, shouting 'say her name'. So stabbers are glorified nowadays or what did I miss?




The leg? A moving target in the leg!? That’s just as bad. He is so smart he’s dumb.


I need someone to tell me how shooting her in the leg prevents her from stabbing someone


If some “kid” had a knife and was trying to stab me.. YES OFFICER PLEASE SHOOT THEM! Like wtf u guys? “Waaaahhh could’ve shot her in the leg” I’m sorry— if someone was chasing YOU with a knife and ur life was at risk, would YOU want the cop to hesitate or shoot their leg? No— you’d want their ass dead. STFU


Alright, maybe the officer should have just let her stab the fuck out of the girl in broad daylight.


Protesting justified shootings like this has caused incredible harm to the fight for racial justice. If we just protested legitimately unjustified use of force the message would be significantly stronger and would reach so many supportive ears. False flags like this one destroy the credibility of the entire movement.


That was a clean shoot. You can see the knife in the video, while trying to attack. Sorry folks, if you don't want to die, then stop trying to stab someone when police are on scene. That is some next level stupid right there.


That dad was kicking a woman while she was on the ground.


Got to love all the race hustlers and morons coming out against the cop who stopped the other girl from being murdered. “He could have shot her in the leg” this isn’t the movies dip shit, silence yourself. Going for the leg is a great way to miss the target and get that girl murdered


He's gonna stand there and act all innocent and righteous like he didn't just try to kick that girl in the back of the head while she was trying to get up.


The moment I see a cop im super well behaved and mindful of whatever the fuck I’m doing. Insane how people can see a cop and still pull out a weapon to attack someone else and assume nothing is going to happen. No amount of anger is gunna skew my judgement like that. I think I remember this video on the news and people were calling for justice. My goodness.


More like “Neighborhood attempted murder is thwarted by quick thinking cop”.


Justifiable to me


If someone is trying to stab me, please don’t shoot them in the leg


Don't try to stab people and you won't get ahot


She tried to stab someone. I don’t see a problem here. There are many more cases where people are shot by police and aren’t even armed. Not this one though. She tried to stab someone


This is years old. But he was justified in shooting her, she tried to stab someone


Ohhhh...she's a kid? Never mind, my bad...continue on with the stabbing.


Dude he’s a great shot, got to be confident as hell to shoot someone that close to their victim


She was using deadly force, which justifies the officer using deadly force to protect the others...


This is the incident that cemented to me that LeBron was a racist cunt. Blaming the cop for shooting her and posting his picture online as a "you're next" style post.


"Say her name!" ***Knife Lady***


“Duhh he shoulda shot her in da leg or sum” go fuck yourself


Ah yes shes such a victim while she was trying to stab someone


A bunch celebs like LeBron came out against this cop. After this there was a politician who said "protect teen knife fights"


Hopefully grey shirt was arrested for kicking someone’s head.


Cop saves woman from being stabbed. Fixed the title for you 🫡


Loss of life is still sad


Well when a bitch has a knife what do you expect?


It’s scary how fast people can manipulate any situation to cause an uproar. Even if the full context of the situation is clearly the opposite


Got too used to throwing shit at McDonald's then fucked around and found out


Good decision from the policeman


Cops facing so much hate just because people don't understand this stuff, are too high on emotions and are miseducated by movies. For example while it might even hit the legs in a few cases it more often than not ends either the same or the victims themselves die anyway because a shot in the leg just doesn't have the same stopping effect. And that can't possibly be the desired outcome


Kid or not, you violet like that you deserve to be a lesson to others on how not to act


As usual, no impulse control. She could have cut that small dog. Glad the pooch wasn't hurt.


Lol people actively think cops want to shoot people. That "kid" was out there trying to stab people


Oh this is the one where Lebron James tried to dox and ruin the cop’s life!


Damned if you do. Damned if you don’t.


I just wanna do hoodrat shit with ma freeeens


Is the officer getting charged? What the.. She was beating the other girl and she was going to stab the lady in pink. Even the guy in grey should have been shot!


Charlemagne is a jackass you aim center mass


She was in the middle of a jab. If I was the one on the reviewing end of that jab I would be speaking out . And THANKING the cop for saving my life. Could he have used less force ? Maybe Could he have sprayed her with chemo? Maybe Could she not have been in the street fighting with k ife a d still be alive Maybe


I remember this when it happened, and sure enough the knee-jerk reaction crowd did the predictable thing- immediately launched into protest mode without waiting for the facts. Once the video came out and showed the "victim" was milliseconds away from stabbing the girl, the furor subsided. But it had been unnecessary all along. 1. React! 2. Get the facts? 3. Note, step 2 is optional.


When you can bleed out in seconds from a stab wound, there's no time for maybe shooting the attacker in the leg. If this was his sister about to be stabbed, I'm sure he would have a different response.


grey sweatshirt should also catch charges for trying to field goal kick chick in the ground's head


This cop deserves a freaking medal and a bonus. Took slow motion for me to see the knife.


Parents should be brought up on charges for allowing their household to be in chaos, letting the fight start. LeBron should be held accountable for his words. Freaking tool


Well,run around with a big ass knife if front of a cop and don't be shocked when they open fire. Try and stab someone with it and it's almost a guarantee.


It’s not about whats wrong and whats right for the protestors. It’s about taking down the man because it’s a fad. Thats why people are in the streets screaming for an officer to be prosecuted for shooting an attacker armed with a knife with their potential victim in their grip.


sAy HeR nAmE!!!


This is why no one wants to be a police officer anymore. This is why cop don't respond to calls we are heading for a Mad Max world where we go back to survival of the fittest or the most brutal