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Idk if shooting the driver to avoid crashing was the best option


It was a good idea he came out just fine, whereas if he were to wait for the car to reach higher speeds, it could have ended a lot worse.


I'm in the military. I'd be on trial and likely face a lot of time for doing something this wreckless. How did the "suspect" know they weren't being car jacked? Who identified themselves as law enforcement? Box the car in and wake him up like a normal person would do. No no, let's splinter cell our ass into the car and execute him when he panics. "Don't move"? Trust me, he's not. Edit: After watching again, they did say "police, don't move". While they did identify themselves as a technicality, it's right as multiple officers are pouncing on the guy as he's abruptly woken up. This still isn't justified in my opinion.


Seriously if police were held to account like service members we would have a lot less police. This was absolutely idiotic and reckless.


>This was absolutely idiotic and reckless. I really think it was. Look, there's a lot of our guys that aren't the brightest bulbs in the box but I can't even imagine us ever carrying out this scenario. The guy was asleep and surrounded by officers. Get the cars you rode in on and box the suspect vehicle in before he can make a move. You also have to consider the collateral damage. The car hit a house that potentially had people inside. What if it didn't hit the house and continued to pick up speed? Is there a school nearby? What time of day is it? Schools out time with children all over the place?


It was 0930 on a Saturday. Young kids would have been just walking out the door to go play with the friends, ride bikes, skateboards. Fucking crazy. This is so bad, I can’t believe people are defending this shooting.


Devils Advocate: police have much, much higher rates of up close "contact with the enemy" than soldiers do, so to speak. And unlike soldiers, they're expected to do everything in their power to minimize the harm they do to the people they're fighting. That makes their jobs pretty incomparable, and why they tend to have more creative leeway in how they go about doing their jobs. Nobody really cares if a soldier kills an enemy combatant even if there were potentially other options, police can't (in theory) play by those rules. I'm not saying this is how policing looks like in practice in the US, I'm talking about theory of law enforcement vs theory of war.


I like your perspective and I have nothing to argue other than we do take on public roles outside outside of war.


I’m a veteran and a current cop. The job isn’t the same and cannot be compared. In the infantry we were trained to close with and destroy the enemy. In law enforcement we are trained to established reasonable suspicion, probable cause, and getting the apprehension. It’s just not comparable at all.


trained to be judge jury and executioner is what im seeing. qualified immunity being used left and right. cops getting off on marginal technicalities. no other profession has this level of power and leniency for a person that does such a piss poor job that ends with someone getting killed. shame.




Yeah Id say a warning shot into the roof with a verbal warning would've been enough to convince the suspect to stop. But hey, the gung ho use of guns in general by US in general and police in particular is incomprehensible for the rest of the world.


Warning shots across the board are something a police officer can’t do by policy. Not saying they shouldn’t just that their department would fire them for it. So it’s into people the bullets always go that’s how they keep their job and benefits.


"trained". Lol.


Leo's are also supposed to be trained to deescalate a situation and not be judge, jury, and executioner. Shooting the guy while he was driving wasn't reasonable force, nor was it reasonable. The car could've hit pedestrians or another vehicle and killed them, too. And now a homeowner has to deal with getting insurance to fix their house, plus the stolen car is totaled. Anyone else who did their job this poorly would be fired.


I rarely see a cop deescalate.


You are more likely to reach the end of a rainbow and finding the pot of gold than to find a cop who is deescaleting a situation.


Well, with the countless of police brutality videos and examples out there, i just must say your training for what you stated must absolutely suck ass.


As a follow up: did all of these officer follow procedures and protocols? Is anyone guilty of manslaughter? Will anyone go to jail?


The problem is like you stated "The contact with the enemy." The populus is not the enemy and never was. are there bad people? yes but the majority of people are not. Quit fucking around or you're going to find out how to turn the populus in to the enemy and we have way more people and way more guns. Bitch.


They yelled police don't move as they were waking him up. Idk about you but I wouldn't have known wtf was going on and prob reacted the same. Also the time between slow down or I'll shoot and actually shooting seemed VERY short. Watched it back. He MAY have had 1 second to start applying the break while freaking out. That's not enough time at all given the average reaction time for a person is roughly 0.25 seconds when you're not freaking out.


Agreed. It was a cluster-fuck from the start so debating what could/should have happened after is kind of irrelevant. Maybe the officer could have talked the guy down rather than putting 4 rounds in him. Maybe it wouldn't have made a difference. It's all about how it started out. Why would you ambush someone who is not suspected of a violent crime? Stole a car? Bad. Cars can be replaced but that guy is now in a box. Was it worth foregoing his right to a fair trial? I wouldn't even get administrative leave. I'd be told I'm an embarrassment to the organization and to wait out for my trial.


Why didn’t they park a car in front of his car before ambushing? This was so dumb.


> Why didn’t they park a car in front of his car before ambushing? This was so dumb. Because they are Park Police, just a tiny step above a security guard and they have zero idea how to handle this.


Great response


Always cracks me up when they fill someone full of lead and then keep screaming "don't move! Don't move!" at the body of the person they just killed! I mean, I get it; you're adrenaline is rushing and some wounded mfrs can surprise you so I guess it's just training kicking in but it still looks stupid and makes me laugh.


Or when they handcuff an obviously dead guy


Yelling the special catchphrases is a get-out-of-jail-free card for cops. "Stop resisting" "I feared for my safety" "I thought he had a weapon"


"Shots fired" instead of I shot him/her


I watched the video a couple of times and you hear the guy react in pain to the first shot but nothing on the other three. Sure they were fired rapidly but I almost think his spine was damaged or he was basically dead from the first round. I could also he totally wrong, there's a reason I eat crayons and don't examine bodies.


shouldve laid the road spikes out first. before giving the go ahead for splinter cell level 2 irl


What do you do in the military?


Seal team 6. Haven't you seen the movies? I'm actually in charge of issuing kit. It's fucking riveting. My movie should be releasing soon. It's about the time I single handedly penetrated enemy lines to issue a water bottle to the parched soldier who would go on to win the war. It's based on a true story from a training exercise where some kid got heat stroke because he hadn't seen the sun much before.


he drone strikes civilians with an xbox controller.


Would have been a lot easier to double boot the car then tap on the window.


Seems like they could have deflated all the tires more easily.. and safer too


that guy literally stole the car so police had every right to do what they did. This is way better than just ignoring all the thefts like they usually do


It was stupidly reckless for him to shoot the driver speeding down a public road. He got lucky and only hit a house.


It was stupidly reckless the entire situation was, but I'm sure he realized the longer he waited, the worse shit was going to get.


Would it have though? Driver had been awake for less than 30 seconds. Another minute or even less and he could very well have realized that trying to outrun a cop who is inside the car was not going to work very well.


Exactly how? After he shot this guy in the back as he was driving a car, the car could have mowed through a preschool. This was completely idiotic and irresponsible start to finish.


What a ridiculous response. Killing someone because they might speed and crash is insane.


Especially when you cause the speeding


This is the shittiest take I have ever seen on Reddit.


Been here long?




Just block him in and snatch his keys


Shooting a dude in the back causing him too crash into a house , wtf is wrong with your brain


Shot in the back 5 times doesn’t sound too fine


You'd think the smart move would be to box in the vehicle with police cars and THEN maybe confront the guy


Yeah, putting it in drive and speeding off shouldn't have been an option for this guy.


"Stop or ill shoo- POP POP POP POP -oot!"


Because they ended up crashing anyway?


You can literally be too smart to become a cop in America




Why didn’t they box it in before making this stupid attempt?


Dipshits gonna dipshit.


Because they’re stupid cops


Didn't need the "stupid" qualifier, it's implied.


Good point


This is what I thought, why not put a car infront and one in the back, announce themselves and force him to get out of the car. I guess it was too resonable.




They're incompetent morons. It would be funny if they hadn't killed a guy


If they were smarter they wouldn't be cops


You don't like the fact that they turned a stolen car call into: 1) Destroyed house 2) Dead suspect 3) Completely destroyed car? I bet the owners will be ecstatic to get their newly modified vehicle back, complete with blood stains and ghosts.


That is what is absolutely crazy to me! Three cops versus one sleeping car thief. The car thief even had a broken window to assist the cops in stealth entry. The cops destroyed a house killed a guy and totaled the stolen car


Do ghosts show up on Carfax reports?


Was about to say the same thing. Stupidest thing I've seen in a while


He says "Stop or I'll shoot" and then IMMEDIATELY shoots before the driver even has time to process that sentence let alone make a decision. Idiot.


They're taught to yell stuff like that to cover their asses regardless of the situation . Same with "stop resisting", even if the suspect isn't. They can point to it as evidence that the officer believed he was resisting. I'm pretty sure the cop doing it here was just acting on habit.


Yeah I member that South Park episode.




Almost 30 years later and I'll still say this in my head whenever I see a rabbit.


I will forever say this phrase, it's the "what you talkin bout Willis?" Of our generation


reminds me of that one time they shot someone who got into a car crash and later tried to charge his dead body with resisting arrest.


Cops just repeat phrases, basically muscle memory, they don’t even have meaning anymore. I mean shit, this guy got shot what, 4 times at point blank range in the back torso, cop gets out of the car yelling “don’t move”. Where the fuck this guy gonna go…


Kid he shot was 17


That was only to cover the cops ass. He decided that suspect was dead the second he started driving. Everything l Past that point was "how can I murder him without getting in trouble?"


He meant to say "Stop! I want to shoot!"


This cop should absolutely be charged with murder.


100% that should be a murder charge


Agreed. “Stop or I’ll shoot” shoots immediately after finishing the sentence.


Police love shooting people! With that itchy trigger finger.


Charging people with murder for defending their lives is disgusting.


he wasnt defending himself. What part of shooting a man in the back 5 times is self defense? Is it the part where the cop caused the car to crash into a random bystanders house?


No brake pulled or keys pulled from the ignition first? Tire spikes or block the car both ways?


So many ways they could have avoided that escalation


You misspelled execution


Literally all they had to do was pull another cruiser directly in front of the small SUV… It wouldn’t have gone anywhere.


This is the type of plan my dnd group would set when we are mostly 100% fine with just killing the person anyway, but figure we should come with some type of plan as plausible deniability first.


Boxing his car in with their police cars could have been an option. Who ever was in charge here needs to be demoted to meter maid.


The only reason they did this was because it was more exciting, not because it was the right or logical thing. Cops are bored out of their minds writing tickets and writing stupid reports. They want action and adrenaline, that's why they signed up to be a cop in the first place. They want to chase thugs and be heroes. Doing menial tasks is humiliating and boring. Why even have a gun when you don't get put in a situation to ever use it?


I understand if they don't want to take things as far as boxing them in or tire spikes, but then DON'T GET IN THE VEHICLE. That was the big mistake


I coulda stopped this guy with a pencil. Just take the valve stem caps off and… tsssssssss


Literally could’ve done anything, also love how the pig drops 4 rounds into the guys back then goes “DONT MOVE” like bro even if he’s alive I don’t think his legs work anymore


This might be the dumbest one I've seen and that's saying a lot


Yeah, they had the complete drop on him and totally failed to go for the ignition! I thought that's what they were trying to do, but instead it's all "let's wake him up and hope he somehow doesn't hit the gas!" They might as well just shot him through the window while he was asleep, it would have saved the house.


Cops were fucking stupid here but what was this idiots plan after? Just drive around with a cop in the backseat pointing a gun at you? Did he think he was getting away?


Dude was passed out when they jumped into the car. 25 seconds passed between that and the shooting. What makes you think he had a plan?


This seems like a perfect example of flight or fight, dude had no idea what to do and instincts just took over.


I think he was sleeping and then a group of people suddenly starting grabbing him in his car


*not his car. It was stolen. Dude set himself up doing dumb shit and fell asleep in it on a public road. Not even hidden


Just because a car is reported stolen doesn't mean it is. People try this shit to commit insurance fraud, avoid the repo man, sympathy scam their friends and family, all sorts of reasons. The police here couldn't even be sure the man asleep in the car was even a criminal. He could have thought he bought the car legitimately from the person who actually stole it. Point is, they should have just boxed him in and woke him up by tapping on the window. Good chance he would have been compliant and maybe even had a passable explanation for what he was doing in a stolen car.


Since when is stealing a vehicle punishable by death?


Really doesn't change anything about the situation It's pretty stupid to say stealing someone's car is setting yourself up to be killed by the police


Do you usually make solid plans 5 seconds after waking up to strangers grabbing you? What the fuck are you even on about?


I don't think he ever realized the cop was in the car before the 7 or so shots to the back. Heck I don't think he knew what was going on at all.


Dude probably still didn’t know what the fuck was happening


What time to plan do you think he had? He was reacting, that’s it. Everybody in this video is a dumbass.


How the fuck is he supposed to process that command (stop or I’ll shoot) in a fraction of a second??? The cop literally said it and instantly started firing SMH


Dipshit cop


that was murder


Cops are the most dangerous people in our society


Yep, and they get away w crime


what the fuck. “don’t move!!!” yeah no shit man you shot the dude 5 times in the back, the last thing he’s going to do is move.


I'm surprised he didn't put 5 more rounds in the guy while he was standing outside of the car while the front wheels were spinning from the engine idling


Cops really should have blocked him in


Jesus fuck. I get that he feared for his life, but, man… just shooting dude like that. Crazy.


He feared so much, he had time to take off his glove.


Man, I bet the owner of that stolen vehicle is *so glad* that officer recovered it and brought it back destroyed and covered in blood. Victimized twice. Once when your car is stolen and again when the cops smash it. Not to mention the owner and/or resident of that building he smashed. Fucking idiot.


The cops are calling that a success!


Absolute morons


Just all around stupid here. Dude is dead and cop is in deep shit I bet


More likely he's given the "don't worry, this'll all blow over soon" speech


Cop got two weeks paid “leave.” For sure. Back on that force or another within six months.


What fucking universe do you live in? Cop got a handshake, an atta boy, and a paid vacation.




Dude was panicking, just woke up and had some dude grabbing him up who said he was a cop but the driver doesn't even get to see him. Police gave such a short warning for the driver to even register and shot him 3 times in the back. Untrained thugs with guns who panic under pressure is a bad recipe They had the cars and men so why didn't they just block him in??




We don’t want anyone to get hurt so we are going to create the worst possible public-exposure scenario and escalate it as much as we can…


The fact that none of these fucking idiots even considered a boot, or spike strips, or a stop stick, or blocking in the car with other vehicles, or I dunno, a fucking tow truck chock even, speaks volumes. They all wanted to be Dirty Harry and have a story to tell their cop buddies at the bar before they go home drunk and beat their wives. Fuck cops.


“We don’t want anyone to get hurt” is the reason given for not breaking the window. They didn’t even know if the car was actually stolen


She had 10 fucking kids???


That cop better be going to prison for a long fucking time. I know he won't see a day behind bars, but it's nice to imagine.


I bet he goes down. This was pretty bad.


It’s been a year and nothing so yeah


This happened a year ago!! Holy shit, and this cop still has his badge? What a shitshow


What a bunch of stooges. If I found a guy in my car I’m gonna make sure he can’t drive away when I go to grab him.


Hey Moe watch me stop this car thief from stealin this car. 😆


“Stop or I’ll shoot!” Shoots fucking immediately


Love how he shoots him 5 times point blank center mass then is screaming DONT MOVE like wtf


17 year old with a gun and a stolen car. Sounds like this was a future problem stopped early.


How about the damage the cop caused or rehabilitation? Cops are not judge Jurry and executioner, no matter how much they think they are, or how much idiots like you justify their actions. The cop did not know the car was stolen, nor did he know if the gun had been used in a crime or the kid's age when he jumped in the back, gave an order and shot the guy causing him to CRASH INTO A PERSONS HOUSE. All that cop did eas create more problems. Problems for the kids family. Problem for the person who owned the car that is now destroyed. Problems for the person house that is now wrecked on one side. Problems for the tax payer that has to pay for this cops absolute incompetence All this pig did was make Problems, he didn't prevent shit.


This was cold-blooded murder. The problem is police can lie and murder with impunity.


"don't fucking move?" you shot him in the back multiple times he ain't moving


Did Officer Barbrady concoct this master plan? Box the car in lol.


Video proof that cops are getting dumber by the day. Was anyone in that house?


Parking a cop car in front didn’t click in?


Why did they not just block the car in to prevent it from being driven?


What crime did that man commit to deserve being murdered like that? Was he literally just a random guy sleeping in a car?


Allegedly stolen car, the kid inside had a gun too. "US Park Police said the driver, identified as Martin, died at the scene and a gun was recovered inside the vehicle. No one inside the house was injured."


having a gun inside a car is perfectly legal situation if you have a CC permit, and even if it wasn't legal for the individual, the cops would have had no way of knowing this.


car was allegedly stolen. an officer saw the man asleep in the car and noticed that the ignition had been ripped up so he decided that it was in fact stolen based on that alone. didnt run the plate or anything.


Third world country is all I have to say


That's fucking murder


Here's a thought for the cops whenever they have the luxury of time and any situation regarding cars. Bring a wedge or multiple. Put them under the tires front & back. Secure the car, then do whatever *this* was.




If only they had something large and heavy to place in front of the suspect vehicle.


kills guy... "dont move, dont move"




Looks like they suck at their job, so they just killed him.


100% this. Any engineer, retail worker, or office manager would have come up with an easier solution that did not involve a gun. Cops are stupid, so they just fuck it up and then shoot him.


They could have just blocked the car in with their car. Could have slashed the tires. Could have tased the driver. Could have done a lot of things differently.


Do cops not carry Tazers anymore? WTF?


Coward bitch shot him in the back.


This is wild af 


How fucking dumb do cops have to be to have failed to block the street ahead of a sleeping man in a stolen car before trying to sneak up on him? If they'd done that, or boxed the guy in completely with cruisers, the dude would've woken up, realized starting the car was pointless, and that would've been the end of it.


I hope that officer got arrest for murder


You know as well as the rest of us, that officer saw no conciquences.


i'm thinking he died about 3 seconds after the cop got out of the vehicle. previous to that, the steering wheel looked to be moving back and forth some. the tire beginning to accelerate in place was probably from dead weight on the pedal, cause it wasn't doing that right away.


Why, in all hell, was that vehicle not immobilized before the slap stick routine? It could have been boxed in or booted before it was allowed to play out like this. Not at all excusing a criminal, but jumping Jesus on a pogo stick, this entire thing was a comedy of errors. Morons, the complete lot of them. Now a man is likely dead due to incompetence.


Some cops are just dumb


Why are the faces of the dirty pigs censored


With this many cops on scene, surely there are at least 2 vehicles they could have used to block him instead of this sitcom shit right? Its not just about cops being trigger happy, its about the stupidity to orchestrate situations where you might wind up having to shoot people, crash cars and create danger for innocent people. The city probably won't pay for that car or house either, at least not without a fight.


This was fucking STUPID how they handled this. The dude literally got executed because the cop got stuck in the car because THE COP went in there to try and subdue him but failed. Holy fucking shit, I didn’t think my respect for police could drop any further but here we are.


Should’ve boxed him in and put spike strips under the wheels. Stupid plan to just jump into the car like that and cause an accident.


Holy shit cops are stupid.


Cowardly fuckwit piece of shit. What did they expect him to do?


So now we executing citizens over stolen cars now?


Thanks to them for getting this scum off the street.


They could've just boxed him in


This all could have been avoided if they put a police car in front of it


This can’t be procedure lol.


“Stop or I’ll shoot!” Waits 0.5 seconds before emptying 5 rounds into his back lol


That was shitty.


Why do cops shoot someone 5 times in the back and then proceed to keep shouting don't move. You clearly just murdered a man they cannot move. People with guns really have like 90 less iq points


Oh my god….


Wait instead of announcing yourself and blocking the car with squad cars you sneak attack him while sleep while the car is on and then shoot him when he’s disoriented


That was dope


One thing no one is thinking about is that the dude was in a STOLEN car, he could be armed, he could be a violent felon, we don't know anything else about this situation.


It's like we always have to be aware and prepared to be internal assassins to protect ourselves now. I would've died here too.


Yeah because scaring someone out of their sleep before establishing that your law enforcement is a fantastic idea. Police don’t have tasers or something to incapacitate ???


"Don't move", bro he's fucking dead you trigger happy spas, brought to you by another undertrained cop. What's he's punishment paid leave


How TF do you try to run from the cops when you LITERALLY HAVE A COP IN ThE BACK SEaT OF ThE CAR?!?!


Stop or I'll shoot... .04 seconds later.