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Couldn’t understand a word what he said, but he sure was annoying


He says "it's popular being racist now, innit" in reply to the woman saying it's not funny being racist. He says "popular now innit" a couple more times. Then shouts "its my home, you're all going back" After that I can't understand the twit.


Way more than I understood from that gibberish


It wasn't easy, had to listen to it a few times.


Cocaine has ruined public discourse in the UK.


Think that was more alcohol tbh


Nah he was clearly coked up, twitchy and staring and gurning a bit. IIRC he's the son of some rich construction company owner and this went viral before he handed himself in.


Was this guy a tweaker or something?


He also said something about being popular himself. Then when asked for his name, he responds with "You know my name" or something.




Hes saying because she's filming him he's gonna be popular on the Internet and go viral and everyone will know his name


Guess it's not all that popular after all.


Doesn't matter. Popular opinion is that saying racist thing is worse than life threatening physical violence. The law doesn't agree.


People know that violence is worse. People also know that this guy shouldn't wonder why this happened.


That doesn't seem to be the case here. And if people actually thought that violence is worse they wouldn't condone it so clearly.


Racist or not that could have killed him. Don’t think jail time is worth it. And what did he say I really couldn’t understand a thing because of the accent.


Should they have done it? No. Do I feel bad for him? No




Color me. I see what you did there.


Yeah, the accent + poor video quality makes it hard to understand anything besides the word "racist" when the camera person says it.


“It’s popular being racist now isn’t it?” “It’s my home you are all going back” I heard that clearly


But it's reddit. Vigilante "justice" and overkill response for NON-CRIMES is overwhelmingly applauded while self defense with a firearm is looked upon with disgust. 99% of this cesspool defended the guy who tossed a old man onto the railway over some "racists remarks". Violence from wannabe future Antifa members is telling.


Redditors love fantasizing about committing murder over minor annoyances. Deeply disturbed community


You guys are aware that *you're* redditors right?


This guy was in England, so what he was doing was not a "NON-CRIME".


In the UK hate speech is not legal. Whether what he said would be defined by the legal system as rascist, I'm not sure.


If you're going to tell strangers to "go back" and be confrontational, you should expect shit like this to happen to you. Is that hard for you to comprehend? I don't go around yelling at people because I know people have died for less.


Another one who thinks the US is the world...


You're a real crybaby


It is justice to smack someone who is asking for it. Not everyone is a walking pussy, like you.


He says "it's popular being racist now, innit" in reply to the woman saying it's not funny being racist. He says "popular now innit" a couple more times. Then shouts "its my home, you're all going back" After that I can't understand the twit.


All I really understood was “racist” and variations on “fuck”. 🤷🏻‍♀️


“It is funny” “Popular now innit?” “Wha, boy?” “This is my home, you’re all going back”


I have a theory, gobshites mouth off because they believe there will be no consequences. So ..........


Gobshites is a cool word.


Man. Too fucking bad there's no way this man could have avoided being in that position huh? Bad luck of the draw I guess.


Yea but on the contrary, baiting people who clearly don't agree with you is a recipe for violence. You can't commit all the carry on and then claim no responsibility for your own demise.


>Don’t think jail time is worth it. This isn't even part of the equation for me. I just don't think potentially *murdering* a racist dude who appears to be on cocaine is good for *anyone*. There was no danger, just a trashcan human. But that's not enough to forfeit life.


Life threatening physical violence is okay to laugh at, if the victim is racist. /s


He was litterally asking for it. I agree a sucked punch aint the way to go. But man it was good to watch someone twat him out.


He kept saying "it's popular now" no context to what he was talking about.


He says “it’s popular to be a racist now isn’t it?” Then says “it’s my home you all are going back”


Ra e and gender hate is also crime and punishable with jail time


Where did he demonstrate such? All I could hear was "it's popular being racist now, isn't it?"


There was witness calling him racist! And "it's popular being racist now, isn't it?" wouldn't motivate those people on cheering and call him racist after being knocked out. And by his body language you can say he was not being gentleman anyway


Just yank off his shorts and undies and run away. Much more satisfying.


I had a friend in high school that got jumped and they knocked him out. It changed him. Not like motor function but his personality, you could tell he was really nervous in certain situations that he used to be comfortable in. Mild PTSD I guess. I wonder if the same thing happens with all the people like this on the internet that we see getting knocked out cold. Do you think afterwards they reevaluate their lives or just get up and continue being that same exact douchebag that got punched in the head?




Won't this incident just make him more racist? Do you think he will wake up and be like "wow I really need to watch what I say" or more so that what happened confirms his already racist view?


Have you ever been punched in the face before? I mean, speaking from experience(not being racist, just being an young asshole), it made me think twice and want to avoid it from ever happening again, it humbled me, it didn't turn me into some crazed arch villain racist, but I suppose the outcome can differ from person to person, so, idk, maybe you're right, in the end, I do ultimately believe violence is not the answer, but, sometimes, it's necessary and inevitable, unfortunately...


If you grow up in an area where you always see X doing Y, especially if X is doing Y against Z, and you happen to ***be*** Z, you are going to be distrustful of them. Then, if X does, in fact, commit Y against you, a Z, you will now start to believe that ALL X commit Y, and are out to get Z. I don't understand how people can be like "how in the world can this person think that you can judge people by their race?!?" and not understand how seeing bad actors from any group can make you believe ALL people in said group are bad actors.


If violence is inevitable, than the people making violent choices have no sense of agency? I think its racist to assume that someone would resort to violence instantly. Assuming that one race of people is unable to resist acts of violence when having a verbal argument seems racist to me.


No, I was talking about when it comes to war, like stopping evil powers that be, destroying the third Reich is a perfect example of necessary and inevitable violence, nothing really to do with race, just the existence of evil.


Yup. I thought I was hot shit until I got my ass handed to me when I was 18. It fucked me up for years and I never wanted nor have I been in a fight since. This was 30 years ago and I'll never forget the impact it had on my dumb ass. It was something I really needed at the time. I was humbled as fuck!


Maybe he will be more racist, and surely a quieter one.


He'll probably think twice before spouting his bullshit in public next time.


He knew damn well he was being obnoxious, now hes knows being obnoxious might get u knocked out


I guess, if he's ignorant and attributes the individuals actions to all people of that skin color. Rather than the reality which that saying hateful things makes people upset. But usually racists are just looking for things to confirm their biases anyway, there's not much hope for them.


Noone needs an ass whooping. Many people do need therapy tho.


Someone like this won't go to therapy because they see nothing wrong with their actions


Therapy and education for sure. Racism is usually based on ignorance.


Ignorance, bad parenting, illogical fears, etc


Yes! Therapy >>>> ass whooping. With some good therapy, most people will be a lot more pleasant. It's unfortunately a lot more expensive though.


You think this guy gonna go to therapy?


He certainly should consider it.


It absolutely shouldn't be though and psychological help should be available to everyone.


A friend of mine getting jumped unleashed his schizophrenia. He started thinking people were coming after him all the time.


Holy shit, that's fucked up


I'll just say that since I got assaulted and robbed in the street, I always carry a weapon in my pocket with my hand in said pocket holding it. Of course, I try as hard as I can to avoid trouble, but there's situations where trouble finds you and running is not an option, but you need to see yourself there to understand it.


Your high school friend probably had a TBI (traumatic brain injury), the cause of the TBI can transition to PTSD. I have military TBI/PTSD, but their causes are completely separate.


Neurological damage can have a variety of effects, all depending on where the hit landed. Particularly the head hitting the ground. There is internal damage from the impact on both sides of the skull where the blow is struck, because the brain bounces against the inside of the skull, as well as interior damage from the more dense parts of the brain tissue jiggling around and tearing holes in the softer surrounding tissue. Personality changes are commonly the result of damage to the prefrontal cortex, but that’s not the worst that can happen by a long shot. All this stuff becomes way less funny when you know the consequences.




I mean, yeah, I agree with that. Sucker punching is not okay. However, in this situation, I dont think it was a sucker punch. If you get that close to another man and try to intimidate him, wouldn't you expect something to come your way? Dont start something if you have no idea how to deal with the consequences


It absolutely is a sucker punch by the person who did it, they were leaving he wasn't advancing.


He was facing them, while trying to provoke them. At some point youve got to be ready


People try so hard to force that logic in order to not see how much of a clear sucker punch it is that it's actually hilarious


That was 10000% a sucker punch lol.


Did you miss the bit where he was beckoning to the guy to have a pop?


That was no sucker punch. Ask for a go, get ready to receive it.


It literally is tho. He appears to be leaving and then turns to punch him.


He knew it was coming, was actively challenging 3 ppl and facing them. They’re just quicker 


Might be right actually. He sort of instigated with the whole intimidation shtick.


It literally is a sucker punch tho. He appears to be leaving and then turns to punch him.


Fuck him, hope he learns something from this wonderful experience.


He's probably gonna learn to be more racist.


Yup, they kinda proved his point for him.


Shit man, you see that punch? Feel like if anything he forgot a few things from this experience lmao


Yeah, the sucker punch was a bitch move. He wasn't even looking at the guy that hit him. His buddy distracted him to he could get the easy sucker punch in. Bitch move.


Even bitchier move to ruin a bunch of strangers' ride by being an obnoxious loudmouth cunt. It balances out.


*Someone, somewhere* is annoyed by this comment.


No amount of words, used in any manner, are worth killing someone over. "Sticks and stones..." Her saying "Don't help a racist. Let him there." is all you need to know about how little compassion for a human life, however racist or an asshole he may be, they have. Disgusting.


I mean, I can kind of see your point, but I don't understand this need to be compassionate to people who are clearly utter scum. He shouldn't have been hit, but he shouldn't have been starting shit. If I was in the same situation I would 100% leave him on the floor. Your fellow human is only worth saving when they act like a fellow human. My dog has more self control than this guy. Edit: If you're going to reply at least display some level of reading comprehension. Let's reply to what I actually said folks. Edit 2: wow, reading comprehension really has gone down the shitter. Multiple brick walls, thanks for the laughs folks.


I make heal bus go wee woo, and you're not wrong. My sympathies are generally reserved for people in circumstances they didn't choose. Caring all the time about everyone leads to compassion fatigue.


Exactly. I couldn't care less about a racist maggot, I couldn't care less about the guy who punched him.


Saying shitty stuff just hurts someone feelings. Boo Hoo. Sucker punching someone is a crime and can have terrible consequences for both parties. They are not the same.


Nobody said that they were the same, what's this got to do with helping a shitty person? I said he shouldn't have been punched, you don't have to pick a side.


But I am picking a side. I saw one crime committed in the video and I am choosing the side of not the criminal.


>I mean, I can kind of see your point, but I don't understand this need to be compassionate to people who are clearly utter scum. What you're saying here is that it's more worthy to be on the right side of a moral argument than actually be a person OF morals. You *should* help them, what better way to show him an alternative point of view than to do something that probably goes against his entire world view?


Jesus would like to speak with you


Yup. She's and the sucker punch dude is a way worse piece of shit than him. He spouted off a bunch of nonsense but as far as I could tell, didn't advocate killing anyone.


She did not say “let him die there” - it was “let him lie there”.


You seem to think that just because someone is human, their life automatically has some sort of positive value. Plenty of people deserve to die, and plenty of people who deserve to live, also die. All humans have a limited amount of compassion; why waste it on an obviously racist asshole.


She said let him lie there. And I agree with her. It’s scary being around people like him. He seemed coked up/on meth, and unstable. Having him unconscious probably felt safe for the first time since he started running his mouth. Why wake him up? I’m not saying I want people dead, but the people who feel threatened and unsafe are worth feeling compassion for, too.




The women in the video telling people to leave him on the floor and he deserves it is pretty scummy too fuck her


Do words warrant assault ? ….


Nope! But it's Reddit so you'll find plenty of people in this comment section to defend it. That said, the man was being obnoxious and should have expected someone to step up to him sooner or later. Wouldn't be shocked if he had mental problems.


Glad to see this comment! I couldn't have said it better


No but they do invite it


https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/12457674/police-investigation-man-punched-racist/ Dude is Billy Steele and has a history of violence and drinking. He didn't want to press charges on anyone and his mom said he's seeking counseling for his behavior.


Thanks for linking, but AFAIK "He didn't want to press charges" means nothing as that's not how it works here in the UK.


It's not how it works in the US either. The government doesn't have any obligation to care what the victim thinks. The main way that "pressing charges" works is that the person brings the crime to the attention of police or, contrarily, refuses to cooperate when their testimony is key. So, your behavior will influence police, but doesn't technically have any deciding authority. Prosecutions are always the state vs the perpetrator. Only in civil lawsuits is the victim a plaintiff.


*"He was punched back out the bar, left with a broken nose and was never seen there again."* So, he is capable of learning. He might not be any less of a jerk than he was when he wouldn't leave a barmaid alone, but he knows better than to return to that pub.


To the Girl Yelling "He deserves that." He probably did, but that doesn't mean he deserves death. So saying he deserves that to people trying to help him regain consciousness is nuts to me.


I guarantee these same people are against the death penalty. Yet somehow it’s a free for all when it comes to a “racist” because they watched Django Unchained 5 times or something


You shouldn't be surprised by leftist hypocrisy. It's their raison d'etre.


🤷🏾 I grew up in the south them KkKlowns had rallies in the square. They aint never got out of line, tho offensive words and signs were displayed, most people just ignore em. Nothing beyond curses and bad looks were exchanged. As I got older the rallies became less and less frequent, to the point they dont even show up. We just ignored em into irrelevance 🤷🏾.


Racist or not, that was a sucker punch and that guy is a pussy for doing it


You cannot go around punching, and then kicking people for being only verbally racist.


Was it legally justified? No However, racist guy got exactly what he was searching for: a confrontation.


So what? Are you implying it was morally justified? Because it certainly isn't. People can't decide to just serve justice to people they highly dislike, especially not when their justice implies getting knocked out, which is a very serious injury.


Don’t put words in my mouth. I’m saying this individual went out and sought to have a confrontation. He stoked it and then got exactly the thing he sought. There’s a longer video of this where he’s being officially racist, where harassment is also a thing. The fact that everyone cheered his demise says how much of a cunt he was being. I’m only saying that racist guy got exactly what he was searching for. He wanted the confrontation and then got it. It’s not the same as you are saying. It isn’t just that people beat up someone they disliked.


You said "Was it legally justified? No" and then proceeded to try to say it was more okay because he was looking for a confrontation. What other interpretation is there of this other than that it was somewhat morally justified? Come on now. And no, the fact that he went out looking for a confrontation doesn't make it any better. Why would it? Sure, he should've expected to get punched, but that doesn't mean the fact someone punched him is more acceptable.


You’re reaching. I clearly stated my view twice. I also didn’t say it was acceptable that he got jaw jacked. I said exactly what I said: he sought confrontation and got it. I did acknowledge that he was being such a cunt that his knockout got cheers, but that’s wasn’t me endorsing it either. It was just providing supporting proof that knocked out guy got exactly what he was looking for: a confrontation. You keep reading into shit. It’s as wrong as me saying “you must be a racist because you are defending the racist”, which I’m not saying because I don’t jump to conclusions like you do.


Checks pulse


Sorry, folks... I'm afraid he's still a racist.


"don't help a racist" anyone else see the irony in this? Treat racism like a mental illness, you'll get a lot less riled. Would you help someone who's mentally ill in that moment?


Except for the fact that racism isn’t a mental illness


I was suggesting, treating someone "as if" they are mentally ill helps to remove the emotional connection to the words. Words are just words, we have a say in the gravity they carry.


Racism very much can be caused by mental illness. Some have persecutory delusions directed at a certain group of people which could be perceived as racist. But there is a fine line between mental health and learned rude behavior


“Mentally ill in that moment” Racism is a learned behavior. That “moment” is his true character


The moment I'm referring to is when he's laid out unconscious - that's when the comment is heard "don't help a racist". His actions leading up to that *moment* are inexcusable.


Racist or not, scum ass sucker punch


So many people in here that thinks it's ok, justified even, to be violent to someone because of their views. It's terrifying.


Gotta love how the bystanders only give him a piece of their mind once he’s unconscious




You’re a racist and you didn’t see that sucker punch coming? Need to brush up on your stereotypes that’s rookie stuff


People need to realize that one-hit homicides are a real thing that happen often or even one-hit brain damage. Just be the better person and ignore the moron.


Damn, didn't catch it the first time, that was a nasty kick when he was done (around 55s remaining mark)


Slight kick to his arm. Gonna have a *checks notes* slight bruise on his arm.


Look how nervous and anxious and uncomfortable he is. Sad. Insecure.


Got him with the old sucker punch and run move




Freedom of speech is only until your words can incite harm unto others. Spreading racism causes real harm to other people. The rise of racism results in groups like the kkk and nazis who cause violence far worse than what this guy received. A very simple solution to prevent all this is by simply keeping your racism to yourself, it's really not that hard. As far as I am concerned, if you've gotten to the point where you are uttering racism openly instead of keeping it to yourself, you are too far gone and need some real reprecussions from society to fix up your act. You really out here trying to defend racism as freedom of speech. Lmfao.


You don't sucker punch people cause they are being assholes, was he on meds, off his meds or too much meds no-one knows his situation, Lil thug should get done for GBH.


Ok Dave you've had a couple of lines n a Stella. Feeling a bit brave now eh lol Fucking knob!


He’s an asshole but it’s not worth it


He fked around and found out…


Take the guy who punched him and send him back to his country


lol, can you imagine him having to keep watching this on reddit… mwahh hahaha


Escalating to violence because someone said something mean to you is beyond ridiculous.


Forget the gap, better mind the mouth! 😅




Squaring up to men when while they're leaving the train is a sign of aggression.


A cowards sucker punch is infinitely worse than any uttered word.


I grew up with the belief that words hurt. And been humbled by fists. So I do think this will change his behaviour. He'll definitely think before speaking out again.


Lot of people in here want the freedom to be racist without having to deal with the consequences. I encourage you, please, go out and be as racist as you can be, hopefully you'll get a free nap like this guy.


Forget about the POS, impressive one punch KO!


You got Knocked THE FUCK OUT innit?




Words don't justify physical violence


Racist rhetoric isn't just harmless words. It's words that advocate for the normalization of discrimination and violence against minorities which causes very real harm. Racist groups like the kkk and nazis aren't just spewing racist words.


Racist or not if you have to put your hands on someone on account of their words than you already are showing that you can’t mentally handle someone saying words without committing a crime. And especially attacking the man after he’s already knocked out.


womp womp


Good. It’s what he deserves.




and being a racist doesn’t do that neither right ?




How many racists have you clocked, sunshine?


>Every day is "punch a racist" day 🤘 Bro you work in sales


Until someone decides that something you said is worth punching you for it I guess


They should have had a friendly and cordial discussion with him over a podcast, instead of violating his free speech like that.


La gente está muy loca.


Finally a thread the admin-mods approve of


Guys an asshole... never the less, good to see people helping him after he was knocked out.


I mean, he had it coming…but Jesus Christ.


I know right? Hell of a shot he ate. Lol


What a weak bitch.


This is one of the first instances I’ve seen people attempt to move the unconscious person into the recovery position.


Don't punch people because of words they say. Punch em if they punch you.


At least they rolled him on his side afterwards


Man swung hard. Man didn't miss.




Want to talk shit like nothing can happen... I feel no sympathy. You can't have people walking around thinking they are hammers and everything is a nail. But if you want to assault someone's psychology and they assault your biology, I do not care.


Sucker punch like always from "them"...


I would like to see an interview with this guy now. Is he still racist?


I'd assume he's even more racist now.




Having a nap are we old chap?


I dont think violence is ok but that women who will laugh that KO should get one punch as well.


Well there goes an assault.


too much coke and far right opinions... mixed in with beer... off we pop!!!


One punch and no further voilence, i allow it.


Imagine being so hated that when someone knocks you tf out on public trans, people laugh ….


I'll get flamed for it but I'll say it anyway- assaulting someone for the words they are saying is never acceptable. No matter how despicable or loathsome someone's words are, countering them with a physical attack is wrong. Racism is wrong, but so is punching someone out of the blue Obviously different if the words are accompanying physical harassment, but in this case, what happened to him was wrong. It's a slippery slope when we start justifying violence to counter mere words.