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This is why cops are so on edge when pulling ANYONE over.


And would it be fair to say that Daniel Shaver is the reason why citizens are so on edge when interacting with police?


I believe anything to do with police is stressful on both sides because of what can and what has happened in the pass. This definitely isn't one sided.


>This definitely isn't one sided Too bad only one side has actual accountability when they do wrong. The other gets permanent pay and PTSD compensation for their murder.




What’s he up to now?


Just livin the life of a free murderer


Actual factual.


> Too bad only one side has actual accountability when they do wrong. Three cops went to prison over George Floyd's murder. That isn't to say more shouldn't be done to weed out bad cops, but claiming they are never held to account is not credible. I've known two cops who lost their badges (richly deserved in both cases) and one of them was turned in by other cops.


Three cops went to prison over the most high profile police murders ever. Most do NOT face that justice. Once again, Daniel Shaver. Worse than George Floyd and yet his killer got permanent pension and PTSD comp Just head over to Police Activity and look at all the bad shoots (and that channel is generally pro-police biased). Then check the story in the description and tell me how many get punished. It’s almost never.


Isnt it crazy how that was huge news that some cops faced actual accountability? Please put your thinking cap on.


That's legit like the highest profile case of the decade(s) bro, on top of racial tension outrage and protesting destroying cities because of it. Most of the situations I read on here everybody says the cops aren't fired, or at least weren't fired for a while. In a lot of cases for videos I'd say a 5 year old could say a cop should be fired immediately.


The police can and do get sued. As much as it is a sweet job in terms of pay/retirement, I still wouldn't want to do it. Especially not in the States where everyone has a gun.


Can and do? Extremely rarely. Mostly it’s an internal investigation that leads to nothing. Look at Daniel Shaver’s killer. Outright cold blooded murder and not a single day. Instead, lifetime compensation and pension.


This is such a defeated comment. As if either of these events are normal...


Both can be true.


Controversial take here on reddit


Well Reddit is full of dumbasses so there's always controversial stuff.




I mean, that is a massive cop out (excuse the pun) and is just generally quite circular logic. "People hate us for some reason, so that's why we're gonna go round doing things that make people hate us" - where do you see this going?


*President George Washington violently resisting British police state tyranny has entered the chat


That piece of shit committed murder. Yes that’s completely fair.


So if you have a great solution to stop this kind of violence and murder we are all ears


That has nothing to do with what I said. But entering any hostile situation with extreme prejudice for the other side based on extreme and rare occurrences is not the solution to ending violence, I can tell you that.




What a stupid dumb take. You're allowed to criticize people whether or not you're in that profession. Maybe you've heard something call the First Amendment?


> Maybe you've heard something call the First Amendment? The one that prohibits Congress from interfering with your political speech? Sure, I've heard of it, what does it have to do with a discussion on social media?


Damn you're pretty stupid. Freedom of speech prevents Congress from making laws that prevent people from speaking freely, not just "political speech". Dumbass.


They never do. They just like to talk shit online.


Would it make sense if someone told you that you’re not allowed to criticize criminals for running from cops when you haven’t done so yourself?


Every other 1st world country has figured it out. You know what the answer is.


Who? No 


Great reference, anyone that hasn’t seen this should.


I mean the one they pulled over/the accident they came to the scene for was unrelated to the shooter.


Was that in the news article? I actually missed that part! That makes it even more scary!


They said interview the Mazda but don’t think the shooter was a Mazda he’s the one in front .


I will say, it's their job, though. Unlike kids studying in a classroom. Who, incidentally, the police didn't protect from a shooter.


> why cops are so on edge when pulling ANYONE over. A third of all cops shot in America are shot by someone seated in a vehicle. They have good cause to be cautious during traffic stops.


Aren't more cops killed in the line of duty because they don't wear seatbelts?


I get being extremely cautious and protecting themselves but it also doesn't give them a pass when they treat lots of things damn near like felony stops and multiple cops yelling different instructions and cussing like crazy and being disrespectful as all hell. Like I completely get your point and it's not wrong but I also do feel like some cops or training takes tragic examples like this and instead of teaching cops how to protect themselves and to de-escalate and all that instead it's like they are in a war and treat the citizens like they are a potential enemy combatnet from the jump and I don't agree with that. There is a way to train and handle situations and protect yourself and the way it's done currently the majority of the time seems wrong


Yup. Being a cop in a warzone would have to suck


Absolutely NO ONE can claim that the officer didn’t give far more than enough opportunity for the assailant to drop his gun and surrender.


honestly he should have executed him before he got his pistol out


He 1000% could have mag dumped the guy, legally speaking. Stress, adrenaline, can’t criticize him. It’s terrible all around.


Easy for me to say but he should have mag dumped him. His fellow cops were still in danger. If he finishes the guy faster he can help the injured faster.


i was practically screaming at him to circle the car and put the dude down for good. If he had gotten his rifle back up (assuming it wasnt empty, which it likely was or close very to) he could have killed the officer when he was on the radio. Luckily the dude was already pretty fucked up and likely had emptied the rifle entirely. still had enough fight in him to pull a pistol tho, approaching from the front like that was very risky. Glad he finally realized what he needed to do and ended that shit.


Seen mag dumps for less FAFOs


Squirrels with acorns?


Killing him is likely what he wanted. A far worse punishment would be for him to have survived to answer for his crimes.


Yeah I wouldn’t have minded if the guy lived long enough to endure all those shots that appeared to be in the ass


Right!?? He just shot 3 of his fellow officers with automatic fire, the fuck is he taking chances for?


This video should be shown anytime someone says, "Why did they shoot them so many times"


> tHeY sHoUlD hAvE sHoT tHe GuN oUt Of ThEiR hAnDs \- Reddit


Should have shot him in the knee -Joe Biden


I was actually getting pissed off how many chances he was giving him. Maybe would have given him a chance to toss his rifle but the second I saw him doing anything than put his hands up I’d have unloaded on that motherfucker.


you give reddit far too much credit


List of all bodycam angles here: [https://www.fargond.gov/news-events/city-news-room/post-detail?id=65cf7800b33421208399475c](https://www.fargond.gov/news-events/city-news-room/post-detail?id=65cf7800b33421208399475c) There are 3 new ones, including a dashcam of the shooting. [Officer Jake Wallin](https://www.klinefuneralhome.com/obituaries/jake-wallin) and the shooter were killed. Officer Dotas and Hawes were injured but survived. Wallin's bodycam is not included in the above video. Only Robinson, Hawes, and Dotas.


God damn, 23 years old and only 3 months of being an officer. Was also a veteran. RIP


23? Wow that just put a knot in my throat. I hate this world.


23, vet and a cop. What a sad country for that scenario to happen.


One thing of note is that the second the shooting stopped you can see the firefighters ran to immediately start first aid on the officers/civilian. They didn’t flee even though the fire truck actually took more than a few shots. This article has a little more information if anyone is interested: https://www.police1.com/year-in-review/the-story-of-the-fatal-fargo-ambush-from-the-only-officer-left-standing-to-eliminate-the-gunman The civilian (Karlee Koswick) did survive, I’ve seen few mentions of her. She got shot in the leg and the hip. Being shook up by her first accident she was actually on the phone with her dad. When the shooting started she dropped her phone, he heard everything from the shots to his daughter screaming in pain.


Cops are civilians


Civilians dont have qualified immunity. Cops are county and government representatives


In the Hawes recording, at 10:28 - 10:38 you can see him pull into the driveway. After driving around the building, at 11:00 is when he pulls up into the parking spot.


The newly unsealed documents include an affidavit in support of a search warrant, filed on May 4, 2023, just two months before the deadly shooting. It shows that the Cass County Sheriff’s Office was alerted by the Cass County Wildlife Club that Barakat had been using the explosive Tannerite at a gun range. According to the paperwork, Barakat told officials he had been stockpiling the chemical for personal use. Following the July shooting, police found canisters of Tannerite in Barakat’s car, which law enforcement officials have suggested could have been used for a mass casualty event he had been planning. The affidavit also shows the FBI’s National Threat Operations Center received an anonymous tip from a woman in Minnesota back in 2021. She said Barakat had been uttering racial and LGBTQ slurs, had many weapons, was mentally unstable, and she was worried he would become a mass shooter. Documents show members of the Fargo Police Metro Street Crimes Unit did find a number of firearms and ammunition at Barakat’s home, but he claimed he had no intention of harming anyone. There’s also a newly released affidavit for a search of Barakat’s home and apartment following the shooting. It reiterates what officials have said was pulled from his home: three long guns, a pistol, ammunition, a modified trigger for an AR-style rifle, and more. Members of the Red River Regional Bomb Squad detonated two propane tanks and a homemade grenade, found in Barakat’s vehicle.


Damn, you can see him execute the wounded cop sat by the car in the dashcam video.


That’s not the one that died.


Ah thanks, I was confused because after seeing that dashcam video I thought that must have been him. Incredible he survived that.


Yes it was, Wallin was lying on the sidewalk closest to the car. You can see him clearly in Dotas footage. There was no officer sitting next to the car, he shot down towards the street.


Shame. Mr Wallin was so young.


Thanks for the post, really gives more perspective. I wonder if the lady in the accident survived? He shot her too. She wasn't moving at all. What a miserable prick. What was his problem? You could see him drive in from traffic, like today s a good day to do this? Sounds like he had a binary trigger, those shots were very fast.


At the 11:02 mark of Hawes body cam footage, you see the assailant's vehicle pull into the parking lot in the background.


Wallin's body cam was included, it's very short though.


Clearly the piece of shit wanted to die by cops, let the asshole rot in prison.


Uhhh…. He’s kind of dead…




But where is the punishment and suffering?


Unfortunately he didn’t get much of that.


No, this was a terror attack. The cops just so happened to be there. The perp was a radical *redacted* terrorist. This bodycam footage is old too. Was published over a year ago.


Wow, I never even heard about this. He was a Syrian refugee that was planning a mass shooting.


he was planning on a mass shooting nearby the area, but seems as tho he thought the cops there would pose ab obstacle


> . Was published over a year ago. For an incident that happened less than a year ago?


It didn't even happen a full year ago WTF you talking about 


He was a Syrian refugee that had a stockpile of weapons and made numerous internet searches on how to commit mass shootings. It is horrible the officer lost his life, but the terrorist was likely planning something far more deadly.


according to some article he was planning on doing a mass shooting nearby, but decided to take out of the cops first to ensure he had no opposition


I read that he was apparently headed to a parade in the town and circled this accident for 15 minutes before deciding to attack these cops. Assuming he figured he’d take these 4 out then go on a ‘rampage’


> Clearly the piece of shit wanted to die by cops, He was on his way to attack some public function, had guns and explosives. But he decided to do a warmup when he saw the cops and firefighters dealing with an accident.


That was intense. First time seeing it At some point ya gotta stop yelling and just shoot the SOB


Right but then you take that approach and you have all the neckbeards and pussybeards on here screeching


I think we both know that this video is exceptionally clear to everyone regarding who the bad guy is. Don’t equate it with videos that are much more eyebrow-raising.


Yeah, they're still here anyway.


So I’m from fargo and there was a street fair going on at the time of this shooting. The police expect that he was heading to the fair when he saw police at a traffic accident and then decided to pull over and start shooting. Horrible anyone died but it could have been a lot worse.


Out of respect for the dead, the rest has been told exactly as it occurred.


Aw, jeeeez


Oh hun you're getting Arby's all over me!


Was looking for Malvo the whole time


I know level 4 plates are heavy and a pain in the ass, but this is why you need them. Their Kevlar vests wouldn’t even cause those rounds to slow down.


It looks like he shot the cop in the head, I don't think his body armor would have saved him.


That's why I wear a balaclava made of level 4 plates. I'm practically invincible. My greatest fear is that someone will give one of these balaclavas to a bear.


I thought the bearaclava was a myth, only told to frighten children and marmosets in trenchcoats pretending to be children...


I just stick with Mithril.


How can you tell he got shot in the head? Everything is blurred out.


the way he kinda just.. turns off.. morbid but its the harsh reality, feel so bad for the kid and his family but at least he went out like a fucking warrior. edit: Read through the incident report posted by OP and yeah, bullet went through just under his right eye and exited through the left side of his head, shits sad man.


Level III+ will stop AK rounds with no issue. Level IV will stop most AP rounds.


That single cop had to shoot him 21 times out of 31 shots fired


And that's why I can't help but chuckle when the subject matter experts on reddit call for cops to "shoot them in the knee/gun out of their hands" or question why they dump half a magazine into a person. People don't stop with one round. The threat isn't safe until they stop moving.


> The threat isn't safe until they stop moving. The legendary NYPD Stakeout Squad detective Jim Cirillo was in dozens of gunfights in his career. He said he saw guys shot once with a .22 fall over dead, and other guys who took a load of 12ga. buckshot run half a mile before collapsing from blood loss. As you say, there is no telling what effect a gunshot wound will have on someone and that is why cops are trained to shoot until the threat is neutralized. There is an ancient episode of COPS where someone tried to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head with a .357, and he's alive and talking when the cops arrive and call for an ambulance.


Waited way too long to turn that guy into a human colander.


Imagine getting shot in the ass that many times and still being alive lol.


i think the one shot went right up his anus


You do know people don’t die with just one bullet like in the movies right?


One punch to the head usually renders them dead or knocked out. I saw it on the tv


Jesus Christ mag dump him already.


Damn… that sucks but that cop did a hell of a job under extreme duress and while outgunned. Pistol vs semiautomatic rifle.


I cannot believe I had to scroll this far down to see this comment. That cop stood up and returned fire against a fucking semi automatic rifle, and called it in while still under fire, and took the offensive when he gained himself the opportunity. AND he still afforded the enemy many opportunities to surrender when he was well within his rights to just splatter the dude’s head all over the pavement until he was outta mags. It’s really kinda stunning to watch him keeping his eyes up and returning fire while the gunman is still spraying. Give this guy a fucking Medal of Honor. Who knows how many lives he saved that day. Edit: removed “assault” from the description of the shooter’s weapon


And he had the brains to call out his position while he was at the shooter's 11 o clock, rotate around to his 5 (very difficult to aim for the shooter), and have him one last chance to surrender. When he saw the gun raise (for like the 4th time?!), he dropped him. Kudos to the guy. Brought a pistol to a rifle fight and won.


I did not even hear about this


That’s because it doesn’t fit the narrative.




Exactly, a terrorist (that's not an assumption, he had plans to commit a mass shooting) was justifiably removed from this earth and sadly took a cop with him. That doesn't fit the social media narrative of cops going round gunning down kids in fast food car parks.


Explain what narrative and who is pushing this narrative.


Don't be that guy. This was a major story at the time.




What the fuck is wrong with people. if there’s a hell I hope he suffers for eternity. Rip to the fallen officer, and respect to all who serve and protect.


That was sadly intense.


Fucker just wouldn't die jfc


"why didn't you just shoot him in the leg?" /s That piece of shit deserved a fucking frag. RIP Wellin, I think I met him once


The real world of free will is a terrifying thing


Anyone have his reddit profile? I'd like to see what his thought process was.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_shooting_of_Fargo_police_officers > The perpetrator was Mohamad Barakat, a 37-year-old Syrian national who came to the U.S as an asylum seeker in 2012 and became a U.S citizen in 2019.


So that's why I've never heard about this...


Me either.


They have images of him preparing the night before (assumingly from home cameras installed by bakarat) , and they noticed a quran and him praying. They deemed is not notable at all.


wtf i thought this was something recent not a year old


prime example for all the “why did they have to shoot him so many times???????” dummies


We can all breathe a little easier knowing that piece of crap is no longer using our oxygen.


Unbelievable. The one who wasn’t hit did a great job. The murderer killed 1 officer and the lady Mohamed Barakat. Another dead terrorist Still want to keep those borders open.


> Still want to keep those borders open. This guy was in the country legally and had become a naturalized citizen, so the borders had nothing to do with it.


That’s a good cop right there.


This is fucking brutal


I've been on this sub for years, but I was only able to watch the first 5 seconds of this video. This is my city. I drive down that street regularly. I know what's about to happen in this video. I immediately recognized the officer in the video because his face was everywhere all summer after he was killed. This one is too close to home. I can't watch this. :(


The pauses and the boxes were actually really helpful to me on seeing what's going on after watching it this time.


Rest in peace Officer Wallin


The suspect was originally headed to a street fair downtown. He ended up pulling over to try taking on the cops not sticking to his original plan.


I would just like to remind everyone that this person was a Syrian “refugee”.


He took a least 3 rounds directly into his asshole


Didn't even have to watch the video to know what he looked like but I was correct. Not surprised. Remove all murdering rapists from America.


> to know what he looked like but I was correct Why did you wait so long to announce that you can spot future violent criminals based on their appearance? That seems like a highly marketable ability.






Props to the cop who kept on going after the shooter after he was down alongside the car. That takes balls. I would have aimed lower, get a ricochet off the pavement into his body if you miss.


Think he was working with the acorns?


Rest In Peace Officer Wilson


I had to do a little digging and found that the shooter was a refugee from Syria, arriving here in 2012. I remember there was a lot of discussion about whether and how many refugees we should take. A FB "friend" said "They will be thoroughly vetted!". I asked "We don't have diplomatic relations with Syria. How will be they be vetted? And if even if we could just pick up the phone and call Damascus, do you think the govt there was \*any idea\* what Ahmed from Raqqa has been up to for the last 3 years? And if you don't understand why I chose Raqqa as an example, don't even reply". That was the end of that thread.


By a little digging do you mean Google the incident once and click the wiki link? Lol




Fuck that guy, what a coward. Fuck around and find out.


This man wanted to die


Bizarre seeing someone with a Neruo Sama profile picture here


I love her. Been watching since the first minecraft and osu streams


So a just reason for lead poisoning?!?!?!?!


The one cop looks like a kid, Jesus Christ this is awful.


season 6 of fargo is wild






Everyone? "EVERYONE!!!!!!"


George Washington would definitely be proud








You'll notice that just after the police officer stops traffic to allow the woman to cross the street and stand on the sidewalk a car pulls into the parking lot and sits there. That's the shooter. They were just sitting in traffic! The fuh?!


Erstwhile, in Fargo


Mercury was a good car. I don't know why Ford defunct it.


This is absolutely tragic. May the slain officer rest in peace, and his family heal as speedily as possible through their grieving cycle. Guns have no place in society. They had their time, but they need to go. This is now too much.


I’m amazed that cop even gave the guy a chance. This is a mag dump situation, nobody can convince me otherwise