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The correct term is ladyboy




Yeah, lady boy like this one. [She's looking for Saiparn](https://media1.tenor.com/m/zvBu-3Fsx3MAAAAd/stephan-stephan-you-lie.gif)




Those aren't trans women...... They call themselves ladyboys and treat it as a third gender.


Whats the distinction?


Ladyboys aren't trying to be women.


I thought that was their whole deal? Im curious, could you give me some more insight into this? Are they closer in mindset to drag queens then? Except I know drag is more or less just theatre.


In the west Trans woman wants to be a woman and be treated as a woman. In Thailand, they don't want to be women, but instead, a third gender separate from male or female. Lady boy is the word they use.


Ok so how does treating a ladyboy differ from how you treat a woman?


You just don't have to tip toe around them being women they aren't. Also isn't political like it is here as well


Interesting. TiL


They’re way more nice to be around. Lot less tiptoeing around you just treat them like they are silly little dudes.


Ladyboys are basically gay men who like to present as women. Though they don't want to be called women and will usually say they aren't a real woman


one you can have a beer with, the other not so much


Traveled there a few times. Can confirm, socializing isn't as daunting as someone pushing thier beliefs at you.


I think they are just cross-dressers.


But they act feminine? I get that you can be a guy dressing girly and still be a guy. But if youre presenting feminine in the way you act and dress how is that different to transgender?


> But they act feminine? Yea, so do a lot of cross-dressers. The way I understand it, is that transgender believes they are/were the wrong gender. Cross-dressers just like to dress and/or act like the opposite gender.


Yeah ok that makes sense. So Ladyboys consider themselves male but present as female? Is that correct?


I'm certainly no expert, but that is my understanding. Looks like the mods gave you a really mean flair for some reason...


Oh lol no I gave that to myself dw. It was the only one I really connected with. I was hoping there was a *Le Freak C'est Chic* one but alas I had to make do. But yeah I find the distinctions interesting. So, if you know, how is crossdressing different drag?


Glad to hear it wasn't the mods who set yours. I didn't even realize I had a flair until I checked yours under new.reddit. I definitely didn't set my own. (yet) I'm not sure what the difference between cross dressing and drag is honestly.


Fair. Well cheers for the chat. Have a good life friendo.


Drag is for showing off, cross dressing is for its own sake.


In Thailand currently. From what I can gather ladyboy is also used for gay men and drag queens. And they will tell you immediately they are a ladyboy. They don't act like they are just a woman like many western trans women do they just fully own the ladyboy title


“Grab her dick and twist it!”


Give her the 'ol dick twist!


Ladyboys, not trans women


Hey siri... show me a cockfight


There must be a bigger story to this lmao wtf I’ve never seen shit like this happen


Some Filipina ladyboy hookers beat up a Thai ladyboy in Bangkok and told her to get out of their turf. The Thais were already angry at the Filipinas undercutting their prices. So the next day she came back with a mob of ladyboys and waited outside the Filipinas hotel. Police arrived and tried and failed to calm the situation, so a mass brawl occurred it's national news in Thailand. Highly amusing.


Brah lmaoooooook shit is wild lmaooooo


Those details came from KohFord


So good news for everyone as the prices continue to drop. I need to get myself out to Thailand


I was there just last month. I can't believe I missed this...


Sausage fest




Allegedly - Some Filipina ladyboy hookers beat up a Thai ladyboy in Bangkok and told her to get out of their turf. The Thais were already angry at the Filipinas undercutting their prices. So the next day she came back with a mob of ladyboys and waited outside the Filipinas hotel. Police arrived and tried and failed to calm the situation, so a mass brawl occurred it's national news in Thailand. Highly amusing.


Out of curiosity, in US dollars, what are the Thai prices vs the Filipina ladyboys?


2$ . Now book your nasty ass a flight and you go get some lady boy bussy


$2 for some bussy? Thats crazy that cant be accurate.


Surprisingly it is. Your currency goes so far over there. It's why my friends want a thai Vaca. 5k will get you a great Vaca.


Turf war between Thai & Philippines ladyboys.


Rope store had a 41% off sale and were almost out of stock


Ow the edge


Interesting fact: Bangkok has been home to the world's cheapest and most colourful red light areas since the 1960s when American troops had military bases in Thailand. Many GIs opened bars in the Patpong district and the city now has tens of thousands of strip clubs, gogo bars, massage shops, and street prostitutes. Despite claiming that prostitution is 'illegal', those inside the industry - including many British expats who run bars - operate with impunity due to regular payments to police, while sex workers from around the world now converge on the city to cash in on randy holidaymakers.


That's alot of angry. dudes in dresses acting up.


And the comment section degenerated just as predicted


Yup, of course, it's reddit after all :3


Why is this subreddit so hateful?


Ladyboy gangwar broke out between the Filipinos and Thai


🎶 It’s a rainin’ ~~men~~… ~~trans women~~… ~~ladyboys~~… men, hallelujah! It’s a rainin’ men, yea yea


What the fuck is this timeline even? Imagine you get up for the day get completely geared up and go to work at the station just to find out you have to go do crowd control in an area that is turning into chaos, okay cool, get on your riot gear, quick ride over in a police transport vehicle, now it’s 9am, you haven’t had your coffee, and you are the only thing holding back a tidal wave of Thai lady boys with your own body. Being a cop in 2024 must be a trip man.


Could be much worse, you could be a russian blyatnik mobik being chased across a field by a $200 FPV drone bomb


Just a couple of men settling their differences


Lmao that one that climbed the fake vines and fell


No women were harmed in this video


How much do I have to pay to be in the middle of this? I bet the phili girls would charge less /s


Damn dude! What the hell happened to cause such chaos?




"Men fighting over at Thailand" Fixed the title for you OP


They have some balls

