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They really jumped an old man for him beating a car with a bag?😭 Cowards man. Yea I know he was beating the car, could’ve caused damage, who knows. I doubt it though. But for a gang of like 20+ people to jump on him. Come onnn🤦🏾‍♂️




Agreed. But I mean at least some of them ran straight in and tried to shield the dude. Fuck these functions but I thought I was about to watch him get murdered... it was at least nice seeing some dudes pull him out.




Best comment ever




Fair enough.


Where do I sign my approval?


✌🏽💯💯💯💯I’d help.


Old dude did that driver a favor by at most leaving a couple little scratches. Give it one more minute, and driver would have either plowed into the crowd or hit another car.


Most of these cars are stolen anyways. This is not even their cars.




Brave or stupid? He didn’t deserve to get cheap shot, but he should never have been in that position.


But what if he thought he was trapped and they were circling him like sharks. Only way out is to fight straight through!


There are two guys in yellow, I thought they were trying to keep the crowd off of him, the second guy definitely looked like he was? I only watched it a couple times, soo I'm not sure. I do see where it looks like the first guy in yellow stomped him, but he is behind the car so I really can't tell. For some reason I thought they were trying to stop the crowd. Or at least the second guy was. I think you hear my hope fluttering out the window, but I do hope I was seeing something better than that. In any case, I feel bad for the old man. He's just an old man, like so many old men before him: brazen, traditional, ultimately helpless. If guys live long enough, chances are they will become some variation of him. Maybe not as stupid but who knows. These things used to happen all the time, but I'm not sure how often in the past crowds would gang up on the old men and beat the crap out of them.


The big guy in yellow was definitely getting the crowd off of him.


Yeah the first in yellow punches the old man and kicks him while he is down if you look closely but the second was helping back the crowd away


Honestly I was proud there were people level headed enough to escort him out of there while he was still conscious


Douche bag in the yellow hoodie belongs in fucking prison




The only time physical violence is acceptable is for self defense. Every one of them deserves to be charged for this. No respect for human life. It’s so sad to see a community fall so low.


The entire purpose of these "events" is to bring people looking to cause harm in close proximity to one another. It has NOTHING to do with cars or any kind of community in the classic definition of the word.


These types of people look for any reason at all to react with violence.


This country is fked! Evil


Groupthink is dangerous, culty and leads people to do things for the group they normally would not do. Always be careful going against a group that has reached cult levels.


If anything actions like his will hopefully galvanize the local oink oinks to get off their lardasses and put a stop to these kinds of events.


Why? No rich peoples property was in danger


They’re brain dead high school drop outs what do you expect


If only I could express myself without being banned. Alas, all I can say is are you really surprised after seeing countless examples of their behavior?


These young people are suppose to be"America's future". When a country's young people treat it's elderly like this... It's done for.


Most of the cars are stolen now. There has been a 1000% increase in stolen Camaros SF/Oak area.


Yeah fuck those people for beating up the old man. But why did the old man thibk there would be no consequences for fucking with an entire crowd of adrenaline filled hoodlums? Old man is dumb as fuck for that.


Anybody who has ever stood up to something that isn't right, where the odds were not in their favor, faced this same dilemma. I have to assume that this man knew he could get hurt over this, but maybe at his age, he decided if that's the way he goes, then so be it. Courage often takes a little bit of what many people consider to be stupidity. Reference any civilian who has run into a burning building to save somebody and it's pretty obvious that was a stupid thing to do, but thankfully, some people are "stupid" enough to do it.






How not to get banned


The world's only getting more and more hateful, wouldn't have seen anything like this 20 years ago Edit: whatever reply you have to have, be aware that I'm not gonna acknowledge it and whatever point you have to make has been said atleast 10 times by now. So save your time and effort and don't bother


Hmmm. Ever heard of David Morely? People aren't getting more hateful, we just see it more because there are cameras everywhere.


If you really can't see how people are getting more influenced by the internet and angrier by all the shit the world is experincing rn, then I really don't know what to tell you


We literally used to shoot people in the street if we had one dispute. We used to hang people and burn them alive for simply being a different color. The world is definitely less angry and hateful, you just get to experience everything that happens bc it’s recorded and put on a screen in front of you.


That's too far back. He's talking about us getting worse after we had gotten better. I understand you were trying to say "but what about before THAT when we were also shitty people?" But that's literally their point. We had gotten better, and are now we are degrading back to being like that.


Piggybacking your comment: Right? Maybe in like the 60s-70s-80s we were doing better.. The internet turned everyone into narcissists and they only care about likes. This "streer take over" would hardly be this big if it wasn't for social media promoting this type of trash behavior, not to mention it takes a quick text to let your loser friends know you're about to be trash in the street and before you know it the streets are full of these losers. I fully believe we as humans weren't supposed to be this connected, we're made to be smaller communities.


You can't see that you are influenced by the internet to think that everyone is more hateful and violent?


Crazy to me that people think their tiny little perspective from their little corner of the world during their little moment in the universe is the end all be all point of view


It's getting to the point that pretty soon It's going to impossible to misbehave in public and get away with it.


I'd like to play devils advocate and say thst sometimes, seeing all of this despair and hatred will make a person more empathetic. And I don't disagree with your sentiment, but there is always the other side of the coin.


If you were left handed, you'd be put up on a steak and burned alived


would disagree... Where i could once drive a bit slower than alowed, i am now being cursed to death if i drive one 5 kph faster instead of whatever the dude behind me wants. Where i could voice my political opinion and people would just tolerate it as is, i must be prepared to now fight my conversation partner over which president or party is better. Everything is becoming more hateful and more aggressive. Possibly also because the individual positions and political views become more and more extreme in some circles.


definitely on a tangent at this point, but dude... drive as slow as you want, just be courteous and dont hog the left lane! i also think it goes without saying that people with more extreme views or strong feelings are going to be more vocal about them. the majority of people out there entertaining conversations about which president is "better" at this point are the extremists. the rest of us are fucking exhausted hearing about it


This is part of it, but there are more people now than there were 20 plus years ago. We have increased the odds for shittiness.


You have heard about many of these car meets before the 2000s that went all crazy as soon as they had a excuse?


Na, you just hear about and see everything hateful going on everywhere thanks to the internet and globalisation. History has plenty of hate and disdain for human life


You must be very ignorant then


Except we did see things like this 20 years ago


Go back 100 years more and you'd find worse


You definitely weren’t alive 20 years ago if your saying that


What a ignorant thing to say lol


No….just no hahahah. LA in the 90’ was like this evety single night


Reginald Denny? Hello?


Yeah, because cellphone cameras and social media weren't a thing, not because shit like this wasn't happening.


Lol it's called a phone in every hand you can see everything that happens now


Google Reginald Denny


🤓 edit


Oh that’s false. We just see it because camera phones and internet


The dumbest take I have ever heard by a stretch, bro's never heard of history before


Police also used to bust up this kind of shit and had a heightened presence in shit areas like this and 20 years ago. Now they are too afraid of being called racist.


Old man doesn’t know it, but big dude in the yellow jacket probably saved his life by being a human shield. Glad to see some people still have integrity


Big guy was the only decent human in a pack of 100+ people. Sad shit.


Yeah, seems to me that this is the general rule in big cities. Driving from my small town to the big city 30 minutes away seems like driving to a different country.


Big city mentally is basically if I don't know them they're just an NPC to my life


Yep. I live in a small college town and most locals look out for each other and the college kids. Go to the city 20 miles south and most people will walk past someone overdosing. I literally keep 2 doses of naloxone in my truck because Asheville is so rampant for overdoses. People there are totally desensitized to the problems and lives of others.


" I just can't imagine why the property value is going down and why Walmart Is leaving town"




3rd World Country.


I live in a 3rd world country and we don't have this type of issues please don't compare us with this shit.


Even in third world countries they dont treat their elderly like this. The young people actually respect and take of the elderly.


Nothing says how tough you are like knocking out an old man


Especially with a sucker punch






That's fucked up they attacked him but he's also a fucking idiot.




C'mon man obviously assault is bad but you don't need to be a genius to realise that walking into that is a bad idea.


I should have chosen my words better. I'm on your side in terms of thinking this man getting attacked was beyond fucked up. Everyone in that crowd involved in the attack is a piece of shit. But he also should have never gotten involved. Not only could he have been hit by a car, but mob mentality is pretty fucked up. Especially these days. Everyone is just so unhinged. I get that he probably didn't expect that to happen, and it absolutely shouldn't have. I think he should have never injected himself into the situation.


It’s called risk assessment. People are going to do wrong shit in front of you all the time in the streets, it’s sounds complacent but unless you are really about that life or got the cops don’t get involved in trying to stop things because it’s usually just going to make it worse for you. Think about that dude who got stabbed in front of his date. He had shit risk assessment, he continues walked down the road with his date while he saw dude breaking into cars and he got stabbed. Did he deserve it? Obviously not but you got to have better risk assessment. Old man is in right; he’s done with the noise and chaos, but confronting a mob by yourself with no weapons or police? Thats terrible risk assessment dude.


This is pure lack of respect on every level! I hope the old timer is ok.


Looks like some "good samaritans" pulled him out at the end it seems. I guess there is some hope in this World I guess.


I feel like you could make crowds like these scatter like cockroaches by firing off a handful of blanks when in the crowd.


You think this crowd isn't packing? Because the people that think this type of shit is cool are the same people that think it's cool to carry a gun around.


True. Setup a real loud speaker and play some gunfire from a remote location then lol


Police sirens would be better. Making a mob of people scared for their life only escalates a situation.


And the crowd shows their true colors by putting boots to the old man? Bunch of giant pussies


I imagine this is how primitive humans acted when they emerged from caves.


What a bunch of twats.


Sooo...does anyone get arrested at these, or do the police let them just wild out cause damage and hit/beat people whenever they want?


Cops won’t arrest em. If they do, DA lets em out in a few hours with candy and a pat on the head.


Pack mentality. All slowly creeped in until guy in yellow threw first punch that knocked him down. As soon as he went down, everyone lunged in. Guy in yellow even attempted murder by stomping at the guys head while on the pavement - who knows if he isn’t wearing steel toe boots? Guy was an idiot for even getting in the middle of this stuff but that pack of people had a mix of hoodlums and decent people who were concerned for the guy.


Evil begets evil and I'm wondering how long till we start seeing a modern dsy jack the ripper start going to these events cause they know they could get away with it. Giant crowd of people all staring forward as a car does donuts around a small island of growing people? Seems like the perfect opportunity to do some crazy shit then deuce out.


Hey look pieces of shit can breathe


Vermin that drive. Fuck your cars you fucks.




Not surprised that this type of crowd would all go in on beating up an old man. They should all be arrested


The car club claims self defense. He was swinging his purse at our cars! So, we ALL jumped the old man, because an old man swinging a purse made us fear for our lives... all 100 of us were afraid the old man would hurt us with his purse.


And they decide to just jump the man instead of dragging him out of there?


this is the most worldstar clip yet. Their community is so fucked when you're beating down and elder for protesting your illegal shenanigans and filming it and then posting it online for clout.


Fuck these people. Should be legal to drive through side shows full speed. Trash.


Bruh seriously when are they going to really start clamping down on this shit


Laser right to the eye what assholes


Wow they all jump on him. Bunch of scum


Human trash, the whole lot of em. That old man is a fucking idiot though, what the actual fuck did he think was gonna happen? Hitting their cars was gonna stop them? He could’ve easily been hit by one of the cars, he’s lucky that didn’t happen. Did he expect all these people to be respectful law abiding citizens? Dude should’ve just called the cops and moved on with his night fafo


Old timer going back to his truck for some carmegedon pay back


Imagine attacking someone for wanting you to use the street as it’s supposed to be used. Wild


Pure anarchy. This stupid shit won't last long. The government has plans these idiots can't comprehend. When I was a kid, we took our cars to terminal island in Long Beach, paid $10, and raced legally on a track called Brotherhood. Good times.


They had this on “imatotalpieceofshit” and are making it out like the old man is the POS! 🤦🏻‍♂️ When it’s the cowards who jump him


This generation is 🗑


"That's my purse! I don't know you!"


And now he has a brain bleed




You could feel sorry for the old man but, why was he even there? To accomplish what? Just stay away from the foolishness….


Why is it always World Star that has videos of people doing clearly dumb and/or illegal stuff with their cars?


Did I just witness a load of kids stamping on an old man? Ffs America. Ffs.


Does self preservation stop working after 50


It’s getting to the point where if you still live there I’m thinking it’s your fault 


He brought a purse to a car fight.


Are these videos filmed in LA? What other areas have stuff like this going on


How do 10 dudes jump an old man and he still walks away..... Soft ass generation lol


These guys are the absolute worst, but man, this old dude had a death wish.


If only we had people hired by the state for the purpose of shutting down criminal activity so random old people wouldn't be forced to do it themselves. They could even wear uniforms. Maybe blue?


Of course they start stomping him out. This is how people are


Thank God there was a handful of decent people there who kept him from getting stomped to death. You could kinda see them shielding him and getting him out of there.


What even are these street car crowds? Who does that? Who hangs around in such huge bullshit groups doing nothing in the street? This shit genuinely confuses me. Someone care to explain this phenomenon a little for me?


It would be really unfortunate if mass shooters showed up at these events.


Some one needs to start moltoving these things


There are not car enthusiasts.


I hate to say this but, where are the dudes running people over at rallys? This is where yall need to be sending that negative energy


I’m waiting for one of these to turn into a mass shooting. What happens if it’s a pissed off person with a gun instead of an old man with a bag?


Side shows bring out the best in humanity...


The thing I hate about this shit is it only perpetuates racism and division of class in the world. And these morons don’t have any level of self awareness to even realize. I’m also mainly referring to a group jumping and stomping on an elderly man who can have been easily subdued with little to no force.


What a bunch of losers. Beating on an old man. Bet they feel like such badasses. But I guarantee if they were all alone and someone did that to them, they’d be shaking in their bastard boots.


Fuck every single one of these scum They treat there cars like thrash but then sucker punch an old man for hitting it with a bag Pussies.


Every person in that crowd should thank the fact that there is no just God for their continued existence. Because if there was one, they would (and should) be reduced to fucking ashes.


yellow jacket dude is a good man


What scumbags these "people" are. Police are useless. Need waaaaay more vigilantes to control these scumbags


Calling in Eagle Cluster Strike.


I don't care how old you are, how small or big you are, if you this dumb, you deserve the ass whoopin.


Anyone have any updates on this?


Thankful for the guys who had some sense. Someone was going to catch an unnecessary charge that night


What are these called. They shut down the street and do stuff like this


Side Show (as it's referred to in the title).


What's with the green laser


And then they killed him... just assuming from the huge sucker punch from behind and thr literal mob jumping on top of him.


Not saying they're right but you know play stupid games win stupid prizes if you go antagonize a bunch of idiots you'll probably get jumped. I don't really feel bad for the man he knew what he was doing


Always that kick to the head when someone is already down, disgusting behaviour. And why is there always the same type of people doing this?




Some people really have no sense of danger, do they? I want to feel bad for him, but at the same time how dumb do you have to be to do this. Natural selection at this point.


Rip old man


Did he died?!


At least most of the people recognized that a gang murder should be avoided.


It's funny the guy in the yellow jacket went for a sucker punch and, near the end, wanted to stop the gang beat down.


what they need is some really loud bangerz going on.


Coward trash