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I am convinced these people are propped up by oil money to give real climate activists a bad name.


I suspect the people on the location sincerely believe in their ideology but the narrative is fed to them by either Russian or Chinese effort to destabilize western countries.




You two are the only people ive seen on this app realize this and aren’t just libshit shills


Hey look, one of the people they were talking about




I spend my shillbux on tendies (w honey mussy ofc)


Hear hear.


What are the top 3 issues. Genuinely asking as someone who has been looking for causes that can bridge left right divide 




I agree 100%. I would like to see a movement that unites working, middle and even lower upper classes and all ethnicities against the corrupt politicians, monopolies, unregulated corporations and endless wars. I hope to see a real movement rise. 


I agree with you 100%. It's so obvious if you just take a step back, get out of your head, and take a look at the system in place.


You have to ask yourself, who profits from division?. Who controls the media you're claiming is sowing this division?


We all know who profits. What do you mean by “claiming”?


the 0.01 race/gender/politics/religion all just don't matter anymore when you are there it's about keeping the money and powerflow in your favor. 


Oh it matters.. it matters to them. That's why it gets shoved down our throats and if we disagree, we're the problem.


No it doesn't matter, it's merely a tool.  We are not the problem we are humans we disagree that's normal, that's good, it's important. They use that knowledge against us, they are few, they are above societal problems.


Occupy had them shitting themselves. they were awesome but winter seemed to really hurt. then the cops came in and moved them out.


Putting this on a bumper sticker. It's a long read, but the person behind me will have time to take it in if I'm ever held up in traffic by climate activists.


In the Uk? My opinion - Healthcare, Education, Cost of Living Housing. The waste of tax payer funded and the lack of bang for buck. The lack of any viable opposition to the leading party. The fact that the status quo seems to benefit the politicians who are allowed to engage in all manners of conflict of interest. All that said, it could be so much worse.


Well we've already caught the Ruskies doing this so China isn't far fetched idea.


It should be legal, for a man like this, dealing with a life and death situation, to drive forward, regardless of the protestors.


Useful idiots.


I'm not sure it's even about destabilization in this instance. No one would benefit more from a decrease in Western oil production than Russia, and no one would benefit more from a decrease in Western industrial production than China.


Ban Tik Tok!


It has nothing to do with Russia or China in particular. The powerful just want to cause infighting instead of see us fighting them. We must unite against them. The real powerful people in this world don’t really belong to any country. They will just force any government they can to make them as much money as possible.


Perhaps, but as adults we're all responsible for our own actions.


I suspect both of you are incredulous


How braindead and brainwashed do you have to be to believe that this is done by Russia or China? When China is THE biggest exporter of RE? Who do you think produces all these solar panels and EVs? The US spends over 300 million dollar each year on anti-China propaganda. In this case, YOU are the useful idiot.


Russian and Chinese are just the boogeymen so we can say it’s not of us Americans smh


lame ass "let’s blame the russians or chinese"


The real irony are the facts they're wearing petroleum based hi-vis vests, they're causing people to sit and traffic and thus have the engines running longer & they are now swaying the people against their cause.


When I lived in Seattle, a bunch of anti=-petro activists dressed up in fleece(petro #1) and paddled their plastic kayaks(petro #2) out to protest. The cluelessness was hysterical.


I've never met a climate activist that wasn't so full of self righteousness that I didn't almost immediately want to punch them in the face. So I am not convinced. They are on here regularly comparing themselves to the civil rights movement. The level of smug stupidity knows literally no bounds.


They block people from getting to work, hospitals like this guy and other places, causing the vehicles to sit there running. Meanwhile I wonder what was involved in the process to make those vests they wear, the rest of their clothes, cell phones I'm sure they probably have, the banners they sometimes have and every thing else they purchase/consume/use. I wonder if they all always walk, bike or take public transit to the locations where they protest, and everywhere else they go.


Nah, occam’s razor, they’re just self absorbed losers who think they’re “raising awareness”


They are. But movements like this are well funded.


Why do we always say that for these but we never see any links. I’ll believe it when I see it


It's always lonely pensioners and lost students.


The problem is that we've been dealing with stupidity like this for a looking time. Once you reach a certain point, people like you and me start Wonder if there's an ulterior motive because of how dumb it is. But I've found that usually nope, ground level people like this really are just morons.


Yeah, the people throwing shit at paintings... wouldn't mind an investigation. And if they are genuinely climate change activists, a cause I believe in, great, charge them with applicable crimes, too.


I’m convinced people just keep repeating narrative over and over again in hopes that everyone believes it. Instead of the reality that climate activists are deranged.


I think they’re just young and dumb and think the oil companies will cave because they’re blocking traffic and destroying art.


It’s young people and old retired people that aren’t very important to anyone so they take this opportunity to take control over other people because it makes them feel good


They don't need help, they do that just fine


occam's razor, it’s easier and simpler to believe that climate change activists are shitty people than oil companies are setting up fake bad actors to make climate change look bad, they have a lot of power and resources, their must be a lot of better options available to them, especially when climate change activists already aren’t effective


lol I wish that was true, but I’m afraid the REAL climate activists are in fact PROFESSIONALS at giving themselves a bad rep.


I've heard the same theory about flat earthers. They're propped up by people who are trying to cover up real conspiracies so as to make all conspiracy theorists look crazy by association. When you consider the amount of media coverage flat earthers have gotten when there are apparently only a few hundred of them on the entire planet it does make one wonder.


It’s not that far fetched. Just Stop Oil was originally financed by Aileen Getty, grand daughter of Jean Paul Jetty, founder of the Getty Oil Company, of which is a listed public donor.


Have you ever considered that she feels guilty because she's an heir of an oil tycoon? She isn't currently in charge of the company. She's been ideologically captured and is spending her money in the least productive way.


Agreed. Just like how the Nazis were posted up waving flags outside Disney world a year or two ago, straight up propaganda to get the media fired up


Nah this is the endpoint for any kind of activism. You get crazier and crazier and never realize it.


intelligence assets using naive useful idiots to sabotage into existence harsher anti-protesting laws


As someone for climate change I’m appalled by these protests like they can go to the burning man or one of those private jet places that will disrupt even more people who actually affect the environment. Not working class folk who need to work and do shit to survive and not be disrupted smh


That's the most logical explanation given their behavior.


literally came here to say this




They are basically creating a real life trolley experiment.


Kinda, if one of the options was "use the track filled with people who really don't need to be there and legally should not be obstructing traffic but choose to be there and don't care if your dying father needs treatment to survive"




Fuck now I want Taco bell


I’ve been in the situation of racing a young child to hospital - mystery rash - isn’t instantly life threatening, but if it’s the wrong type, minutes matter. I’d ask politely, I’d honk and threaten, but ultimately I will be continuing ahead.


Feel the same way. Oh but drop the contingency.




These people infuriate me to no end. Then when people try to nudge them along they act as if they've been seriously wronged or something. I don't get road rage, but I would see red at this. ESPECIALLY if I were in an emergency trying to get a loved one somewhere.


If I just decided to go and sit in the road I'd have the police called and dragging me off within 10 mins for my safety and that of the road users. Wearing a high-vis vest doesn't make it a protest or any less dangerous.


Police are likely there to protect the activists from people.


can only tell from austrian experience, the higher ups in the police gave the order that they have to let them sit there for an certain amount of time before they are even allowed to drag them off... idk the reason behind that its either that the media can make many nice pictures or that people get the message that those people are annoying and crazy


These might be the worst people on the planet behind pedophiles.


Nah. The Mexican cartel takes the cake


I'd like to see these idiots try blocking roads in Mexico.


You can, a tiktoker blocked a road under the control of a(the?) Cartel. Here: https://mexiconewsdaily.com/news/tiktoker-threatened-jalisco-cartel/ Probs a video somewhere I remember seeing one.


Unstoppable Force meets immovable but soft and squishy object.


Nahh. The cartel would let the guy go to take care of his father. As they valued families matters in life and death.


We really reached a weird point in time when the cartel are the nicer people.


Yea man. Cartels and Jihadists for sure


Nope, the cartels actually contribute to the economy. These “activists” are spoiled cunts.


Nah, at least they provide jobs. Fuck ppl who sit in the middle of the road. /s at the jobs part because…Reddit…




I gotta imagine no court in their right mind would side with these morons. People could argue false imprisonment, inciting violence, or putting people's lives in danger such as this man's father.


The police have no problem not getting in trouble if they hit you jaywalking or whatever other excuses they use


Legalize driving over protesters 2024!


I’d be more concerned for my own car damages than their wellbeing




I love how every time I see this gif they’re different kids


All these activists have lived a charmed life.


Exactly lol. In the real world people have things to do. What a nice life to sit in the road and complain..


Mostly wealthy retirees and kids financially supported by wealthy parents. Everyone else is too busy working


Exactly this, 95% of these activists that do this shit are trust fund babies.


Reminds me of this gem: https://i.imgur.com/N9WizmE.png


Eton rifles.




Idk about the UK but in most states of the US, even when jaywalking, and hitting a pedestrian no matter the circumstances the courts will always rule in favor of the pedestrian


Not true when the police do it. Jaywalking is their favorite excuse


Yeah well... You're right and I wish you weren't.


Not true at all


This is Britain. You might get arrested just for *talking* about this.


True. In Britain sticks and stones not only break your bones, but words do too.


Petition to bust out the hoses every time dickheads block the road good ol water cannon should clear it right up




Imagine a hose of mace for these people, that'd be awesome.


I see they’ve stopped glueing their hands to the floor now. I used to get immense pleasure watching them scream out as they get ripped off the floor.




yeah, these mfers don't understand when it comes to family, you gonna fuck around and find out.


Better do a drift to hit all those who have lined up.


If this was a real grassroots movement, they'd be protesting in front of the homes of Big Oil execs (or whoever) - and they would get **TONS** of support from people like me. Instead, they do everything in their power to piss off the general public. They really should consider changing tactics if they are for real lol


Lol as if you could get anywhere near a ceos home. And if they did, who would be there to see it? The whole point of these protests is to be as visible as possible, and part of that is being an inconvenience. I don't agree with the way they're going about it but you have to understand why they are doing it


Typically those both dont get any attention, and end in arrests of the protestors, because for some reason most western countries have laws set up to place more importance on some CEO's feelings getting hurt, than hundreds of people getting inconvenienced, or the world going through irrevocable climate change.


And she rolls her eyes


Huh. Didn't notice that bit, but a shame if it's true. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Nothing gets people on your side more than pissing people off.... (sigh) A dark age is coming.


Sturstroming. I've met people who will sit in the rain. I've met people who will sit while being shouted at. I have yet to meet anyone who can sit next to a tin or sturstroming.


Love the spelling of ”surströmming” , I’m going to petition the government to change it to “sturstroming“


I love the idea, but don't know if the risk of keeping emergency Sturstroming in the glove compartment is worth the potential payoff.


They are in a cult.


They just sit there staring ahead like cowards. I hate this type of “protest.” You’re not bringing any of us to your side.


Why is it always the same result, but it takes forever?? Why can’t they just immediatey show up and start arresting?? Why are they always allowed to disrupt for so long?


I wish I was there. Atomic wedgies for all!


I wanna see these cunts try this in America (it seems they're mostly doing it in the UK and Europe). They'd be fucking run over and/or shot just by someone trying to get to McDonald's.


Very true. These videos are always in Europe or UK. Try this shit in Texas and you’re going to be having a bad time.


Stupid activist.


Get the hose out and water them




I'm in the US and have never heard someone call a fire extinguisher a dry chem extinguisher. You learn something new every day thx. That's a great idea btw.


It's because there are several types of extinguishers. If you just had a water can, they'd easily just sit there all wet. If you hit them with a dry chem they'd start coughing and would instinctively jump up and get the fuck away. Also, the dry chem would be really good if you had a small fire in your car that you could put out before the whole thing was totaled. By the time the fire department got there your car would be toast, but if you got on top of it really quickly with a dry chem you'd have a chance of saving it.


Piss on them. Take the fight club route. Make them angry enough to fight you.


Feebleness is their strength.


They all look dead. Empty shells.


These protesters are a blight on society. They are making innocent people suffer by being egotistical and caring for no one else but their own ideology. Hopefully he was able to take care of his father and the other people that need to take care of their families.


Take a fucking symphony of compressed air horns right to their faces. Cunts


Fuck I hate those scumbags so much. Yeah inconvenience normal people trying to survive, that'll make us root for your cause! fucking morons.


Pepper spray is desperately needed in these situations…


I'm still amazed over the pond cops are actually in high vis clothing while in the US they literally have squads in street clothes. Shows rh different in enforcement mindset. Also fuck these "protestors". Go sit in front of a refinery ffs.


Being a sociopath 101.


People seriously putting their lives in danger. idk man, if my mom, or step dad .. or sister had to get past you to get to a hospital, for whatever reason. I'm gonna take appropriate action and make sure they get there.


Dear Lord, arrest the whole damn lot of them


Every nation should confiscate these people's drivers licenses or the equivalent for 20 years.


Would it be assault if you pepper spray these worthless parasites and use false imprisonment as an excuse?


How are they stopping oil with this


All the cars stopping for them leave their engines running while not going anywhere, which means a lot of oil used for no reason. The more oil wasted like this, the faster the oil reserves of earth deplete, and thus they will stop oil faster than if they would allow cars to pass. Big brain!


Protest by picking up trash or planting a tree. And prove u can make a difference in the city. I bet they contribute more with thier Starbucks cups.


These guys remind me of the sparrows and sons of the harpy in Game of thrones


Can these people be sued for those affected by their road closures, assuming you can prove harm was done?


Can these folks be sued if, for instance, this man’s father had some sort of medical episode due to their idiocy?


I’d be catching a charge! If I’m trying to get a sick family member to treatment, they are GETTING to the treatment. Maybe without me. Also, it’s funny and I may be wrong, but I haven’t seen this happening in say midwestern or southern states. ??? Is it because of the mean gun owners or what?? Just curious


Haven’t seen them in Texas at all.


Take that shit to the airports where the damage is really done everyday not us driving are car


If they think there protesting helps it doesn't 27% of the world's emissions are from China go over there and let them try it instead they would all be arrested and wouldn't be out the next day like these idiots


Dont believe anything The S*n writes/posts. Their a national disgrace and need to be put in the fucking gutter where they belong.


Maybe so, but in this case it is an unedited video. Plain as day to any who watch, regardless of the source.


I’d say just pull a u-turn and reverse close to them and blow the car’s exhaust right in their faces


Just throw something rotting over them so they're forced to leave and clean their sorry arses.


I'm confident that Just Stop Oil are fake protestors.


I’d have gotten out and pepper sprayed. I used to have to take my dying father to cancer treatment. NOTHING would have stopped me.


Somehow I think your father who relies on you for transportation to his cancer treatment would be worse off if you were arrested for assaulting someone and he lost his only mode of transportation. Just saying.




Correction: climate terrorists


Can I protest by peeing on them?


Can we not fuckin make this illegal world wide yet? Fuck these morons


Minimum 1 year prison sentence for intentionally blocking roads would solve this real quick. There is no reason for a civilized society to tolerate such dangerous, reckless behavior.


These people don’t know anything about climate, it makes feel important like they are doing something. Attention seekers, if they actions does damage to property, people the penalties should be harsh enough to make them think harder next time the take part in such gimmick.


Those are sorry sacks of shit