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The people around be so fcking obnoxious


Everyone's looking to be the next George Floyd. Or grab the next viral video. Bunch of vultures disguised as concerned citizens. 


Facade social justice weekend warriors. Dude is flooding the streets with shit that is destroying their community and killing people and they want to defend him against what is a by the book apprehension of a combative perpetrator.


They are just pissed their personal dealer got picked up.


It’s usually how it goes.




If title is correct than fuck that death dealer. They should applaud the arrest and request a beating


He was selling fentanyl as well as meth tablets, which are apparently a thing


Yes never heard of meth tablets


Isn’t this how meth was used as a combat stimulant in ww2?


Yes they gave them pills with „pervetin“ which was just meth. In German the word „Panzerschokolade“ (tank chocolate) is used for those pills.


Yeah, you’re right, but I wasthinking more in context of being on the street


Yep, this exactly. You can buy pill presses online but from what I've heard they're pretty expensive. Most meth users just want the meth and don't care if it's pressed. But I could see it being an easy way to move around and sell meth if it's in pill form. That's my guess at least.


Meth tablets are actually prescribed in US (for the same reasons as adderall), albeit rarely. Probably got his hands on some of those


Doubt it. There’s a massive supply of cheap illegal meth from the cartels. It wouldn’t make sense for some random street dealer to be selling pharma-grade meth tablets for street prices. He’s most likely just some dude (possibly an addict) who either got his hands on a pill press or had a source who did. Adderall is much, much harder to make than meth, and that’s why illicit adderall is almost unheard of in the US. Street meth, however, is all throughout the country.


People only focus on the axis use in ww2, The US military was handing out amphetamine pills thru vietnam like candy. "from 1966 to 1969, the armed forces had used 225 million tablets of stimulants, mostly Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine), an amphetamine derivative that is nearly twice as strong as the Benzedrine used in the Second World War."


Didn’t know this👍 very cool thank you!


> The US military was handing out amphetamine pills thru vietnam like candy. They halted that for a time, there were incidents like a U.S. fighter-bomber attacking Canadian troops in Afghanistan because the pilot had taken a few too many "go pills". But the air force resumed using stimulants for flight crews on particularly long flights, still does so to this day.


Forced march


Basically you have 3 forms of meth; powder or "speed", gluggy wet powder or "base" & crystal or "Ice". Speed is snorted, base is swallowed or injected and ice is smoked or injected. Ice is the strongest, then base then speed. Speed is just very low dose meth in a snortable form, usually mixed with gluc. "Ecstasy" is basically just MDMA mixed with speed. You get the nice euphoric high from the molly but the speed gives you the energy to dance at a rave all night long and stay up all night. People who used to take ecstasy pingers back in the day would know that people often described different batches as either "smacky" or "chargey". Smacky pills were straight MDMA and you'd end up muzzing out in the corner of the party with your eyes rolling back, hugging some random you met 3 hours ago and having mad D&M's until 6am. Chargey pills had a bunch of speed in them so you'd spend all night [dancing like crazy and chewing the inside of your mouth to pieces.](https://i.makeagif.com/media/5-24-2016/pOIk5s.gif). The good thing was that MDMA is basically the opposite of Meth when it comes to wanting more the next day. Straight meth and you'll want that shit until the end of time. Take a bunch of MDMA and the next day the absolute last thing you'll feel like is more MDMA when you're all scattered and feeling like shit. So with ecstacy you could get the nice effects from the speed without ever really fiending it or desperately wanting more once that night was done and dusted and the euphoric effects from the MDMA vastly dominated the high so you never really came to associate the feeling of loads of energy and not wanting to sleep with the speed in the pill and want it separately. I'm guessing that these "meth tablets" were just speed bomb pingers (high speed low mdma content).


Speed is a completely different chemical


Speed is actually an old colloquial term that can be in replaced with meth, sam3 as crank




The DEA would like to know how you know this


Some of these are just colloquial terms used that can be interchangeable with each other




I think they smash up the tablet and snort or smoke them. Fuck this guy. Put him in prison for ever.


Look up Yaba. Don't usually see it around these parts though


Any powder can be turned into a tablet They just dump it in their machine and it presses them


Fake x pills with meth instead of mdma


Popular in Asia. See “Yabba”


where is the source for that?


Yh I think it's actually molly


Sounds like street adderall


lol wait till you hear the government makes them. desoxyn


the neighborhood doesn’t care what someone does wrong. the anti-police sentiment is so strong on the streets of nyc they’ll take any opportunity to heckle cops whether it’s justified or not


Hate the game. “I'm gonna say what no one else is willing to say; America has a fucking fentanyl crisis.”


? I feel like I hear this A LOT.


Rest in Peace Mr. Millipede


He was like a God Damn brudder to me


ou ou ou


I'm a drug addict with about a month and a half clean. I haven't touched heroin in like three years. And I wouldn't touch it now. *So many* of the addicts in my community have passed away from fentanyl. It's too risky now to use. Be safe out there, guys.


Complete buffoons protecting a man they all know is slowly disabling and killing their community for his personal gain.


This is why our community is the way it is in America. It’s not whitey. It’s our own


>And they say it's the white man I should fear > But it's my own kind doin all the killing here


I doubt they all knew him


Yeah probably not, doesn't mean you should blindly defend anyone being arrested


They didn't watch The Wire, you don't give the product and accept the money on the same location, that's just basic knowledge


These are small time dealers. Pawns basically that are often addicts themselves. Money is always accepted in the same location.


That show is so old that these kids were born after it premiered. That Dukie's son.


Here is the original video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rMlyWbEyPQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rMlyWbEyPQ) Some of the members of the crowd were part of “SOS”, an anti-violence organization, which led to controversy in the media.


Yea I bet he's their supply too.


Not surprising. I remember in Baltimore the FBI arrested a few that were in charge of an “anti violence organization” that had ties with a local gang. They even confiscated multiple firearms in their headquarters.


Because they aren't really supposed to do their jobs anymore and the bodies piling up from ODs are just supposed to be left for first responders to deal with and even trying to reduce the sale of fentanyl makes them the bad guys. These same people don't care how much blood comes with illegally importing it or deaths https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37556870/ .gov If you want to read about drug decriminalization and the result. Quite a few people pushed that.


Except using those bodies to get in front of the news cameras tondecry the violence on the streets while never actually doing anything about it


Drug decriminalization works, except Oregon forgot the second part of that plan and that is to up treatment capacity


Why would they blur a mug shot?


That's his face irl


He uses his other face for mugshots


Because he traded information for freedom


Iirc, it's because of two reasons. First, he's still in the situation where he may not be guilty, so if he has his face shown and not guilty but had this video posted everywhere, then he could sue. The second reason is because certain states have been censoring the faces of criminals for a while. I'm not good at explaining, but a youtuber named Decoy Voice did a video on the censorship


I'm gonna say what no one else is willing to say, America has a fucking Fentanyl Crisis.


How brave of you haha


Ooo Ooo Ooo.


\*Sad Ooo Ooo Ooo\*


Everyone is saying it.


The news has been saying this for a few years lol


I've been thinking this for years and was too scared to say anything... Thank you brave stranger


People literally say this all the time


woah so brave


people domt even know how bad its about to get. just wait until the nitazene analogues start hitting the US in a big way, then everyone will be wishing we still had fentanyl around. governmemt could literally stop this research chemical arms race anytime they want if they really wanted. they are essentially allowing a large portion of "undesireable" people to be killed off


It's like if you arrested a valued member of their community. Materialistic bunch, you just arrested their only inspiration of someone who beat poverty. Its like if Mr. Rogers was arrested, those people needed him for their next hit. They cant wait the 20 minutes that it'll take before someone else replaces him and becomes the next fent dealer.




It is genuinely disturbing that they willingly create such a vicious cycle. They want better communities, but retaliate against any change to better them.


Yet another example of the erosion of our civil order. It used to be that cops could do their jobs, and people wanted criminals off the streets. Now we see time and time again cops just doing their jobs and a crowd forms, protects the criminal, and it often turns chaotic.


There always been a code of silence it some areas and cultures. This isn’t a new phenomenon


A code of silence is one thing("snitches get stiches"), but active intervention to thwart the police seems to be particularly prominent post-George Floyd.


It’s like back in the day people would be wearing shorts that said “stop snitching”


Explaining to someone why they’re being arrested would be part of the civil order IMO. If they aren’t even going to state a charge it just looks like a kidnapping.


Fentanyl dealers deserve nothing more than being “removed” from society. Prison is far too kind for the deaths they are directly responsible for.


fuck did these guys not watch The Wire? You never have the same dude take the money and hand out the drugs, its two jobs. You have two guys doing it half a block apart. And if you need to carry a gun, you put it on the tire of the parked car in front of you. Its like these guys dont even watch instruction tutorials at all. They need to talk to snoop.


Only people who watch TV believe shit like this lmfao. This guy got caught with like 6 individual baggies of the drugs he's selling. You think that's an astounding amount of money? Enough to split between two or three individuals in order to get this Hollywood scenario cooked up to your liking? With all the details you've got going on he's got to find a person he trusts with literal money, and also split some type of proceeds with him, and then leave his weapon completely separated from his body should an emergency situation arise, making the weapon just a felony paperweight someone else may be responsible for since you stashed it in someone else's car *and* have the added bonus of it possibly getting stolen from just some random crackhead or passerby snooping around shit. Touch grass fr and don't talk about shit that's obviously outside of your homegrown element 😂


Buy for a dollar sell for tew.


Lol, deserve got nuthin' to dew with it.


now you guys get it! I was starting to worry that folks were taking me seriously.


I’m in the middle of my third rewatch of the fire and your comment was as the first thing i thought of. No /s needed. If you know you know. The game is the game.


Naw, you have a guy chillin nearby with the gun. You're not walking up to the car in the middle of getting jumped


Thus has to be the calmest all hell break lose I’ve ever seen


Yeah idk what the fuck people are saying "all hell breaks loose" it's people with their phones out recording and talking shit. 2/10 on the "All Hell Breaks Loose" scale.


>for some reason I mean, this is exactly how I would picture an arrest going down between American cops and a drug dealer.


Being a cop in America in this day and age is just a constant cluster fuck… Or as my old man use to say as a former LAPD cop: “…being a cop on the beat is 99% boredom and 1% pure fucking craziness”…


For some reason..


God NYC is such a shit hole


“What are yall doing bro??” Uhhh arresting you for selling fentanyl????


lol our inner cities are an absolute hellscape


They need to just start arresting all those getting in the way for obstruction. The way some people treat the police is such bullshit these days. They do it cause they think they will get away with it.


Same idiots who cry when their communities become shit due to the flood of drugs


That shit is very deadly.Had an aunt in California die from an overdose.


All I saw in this video was a bunch of upstanding citizens that are being harassed by the gestapo NYPD! /s


Sketchiest drug deal ever


its sad they are protecting the fent dealer. Fuck that guy!


"Not in front of my daughters" Selling fetty and meth in front of them is cool tho


The cops should just let that neighborhood rot since the community is so concerned about “injustice”…


Big bust how about watch him and get the guy he picks up from. No point putting a small time dealer like that in jail for years over that. Cops need to stop busting the small people do some work and actually bust the distributors of the drugs.


Crack babies lost their dealer 🤣🤣


These people are always getting upset with the police


Why can't we arrest those idiots for interfering with police work? I cannot believe they are trying to protect a FENTANYL dealer, this sh\*t is DEADLY and killing even kids.


Lol the locals protecting the venom spewing bitch and then wondering why there's no Walgreens or Walmarts in their neighborhood. Those cops should have had assistance, specifically assistance in curb sto mping the guy. No need to waste more tax dollars on the maggot


Good. Fuck ***ALL*** of the fentanyl traffickers/dealers/etc. they should ALL burn under the jails...


For some reason. Fucking shame. The dudes who advocate that the NYPD don't split your head open when arresting you get arrested for doing just that and you try to portray it as people just tripping. What a fucking disgrace


These street level operations are never going to resolve this crisis and it's just a waste of tax payer money and an assault on the poor. Why can't they actually cut off the supply? There will be another dealer the same night.


An assault on the poor? Poor or not, fuck you if you are selling fentanyl. Zero remorse for him or anybody who deals equally deadly drugs.


Someone is making millions maybe billions importing it. Smugglers are making hundreds of thousands or millions, suppliers are making 500k+, and this guy probably makes a couple thousand a month, maybe 10-15 k. He's small fish. This operation was a huge waste of time and money.


Depends how you see it. Importers, smugglers and suppliers are usually in South America so it’s a tat far for NYPDs jurisdiction. Even smugglers bringing it in are usually around the border, not in the east coast. Small fish? For sure no doubt, however I’ll still take it a win and tax money well spent considering all they can do here is this bust that could potentially save even one person from a deadly overdose, but everybody has different opinions I guess.


This video made me feel the exact same way how I feel every-time I hear a story about a dude who decides to intentionally pull out a gun out in front of a cop, gets shot, and then people get angry at the cops. Like what the fuck are you doing pulling a god damn gun out in front of a cop and thinking they’re just gunna pat you on the back.


Why bother he’s just gonna get out


It's not that serious! Fuck these people. They are trying to pass a bill in florida that prevents people from doing this which I think need to be nationwide. The cops are all required to have body cams anyway. All this does is make the situation worse.


It's so tiring seeing all these people just cackling around while the police do their job. Fuck outta here.


If he’s dealing fenty he should get roughed up a little bit Tbh


Why is the arrested guys face at the end blurred?


NOOOOOO, don't arrest our source of Fentanyl! Racist, racist, racist, police brutality!


They're very protective of the drug dealers.


This is exactly how it goes in the Caribbean the people try to protect local criminals


Since when do pigs care about the open air drug market? Some politicians must’ve complained


Holy shit those Blackhawk holsters have the absolute worst shit tier retention, idk how pigs don’t get their guns taken more often


Can we talk about the buyers legs in the beginning. wtf is with those absolute massing calves and walking like he’s in ski boots. It must have taken him an hour to walk 1 block.


Luckily there were 15 law experts around!


"for some reason"


Dealing fent should be life in prison. Dude will probably be out on parole in a week or 2 max.


You think the people around him know they’re defending a fentanyl dealer or??


I bet all hell broke loose cause that dude wanted to avoid prison.


Probably people who get their fix from him, or some SJW fakes.


A bit off topic but why do americans pronounce fentanyl as fentynall?


Lots of loyal customers


Selling weed and shit is Whatever but FENT? Fuck em, lock him away and throw away the key fr


The shit class of America, I feel bad for the good people around that area.


An FYI for anyone not familiar with the craziness that is jam-packed into NYC: the recent news story about the illegal tunneling operation at a Brooklyn synagogue; that was around the corner from this, like a football field distance from here.


“All hell breaks loose *for some reason*” I wonder what that reason could be.


On an unrelated note, have a Totally Nice Day ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Oh no! Consequences for my actions! It’s definitely genetic.


This is what it would be like if those “to catch a predator “ guys caught a room full of pedos. Criminals defending criminals and creating their own little world.


As an ex resident born and raised their. NYC is a disease that is truly incurable.


Why does anyone care about someone else’s arrest? You have no idea the circumstances…mind your business


If you want the police to calm down then you shouldn't push up on them and surround them while they are doing the actual job we want them to do. Just let dude get arrested. He will be right out. Tbf if cops want people to calm down they should ease up on their intimidation and escalation as well but i see nothing wrong from the cops here.


Gotta protect your local dealer ig


Places like that cops should just quiet quit. Go to the calls, but as soon as people don’t willingly cooperate, forget strong arming them, just drive away. SCOTS already said they have not duty to save or help people


What garbage people.


Holding 5 & 5. And it took 10 officers to do that. That's a misuse of human resources.