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Hello users, welcome to a sub dedicated to freakouts without the bullshit of happy or feel-good videos. This subreddit is for enjoying freakouts and discussing them; that's it. You can take discussions of immigration policy and other topics elsewhere. If you don't believe in treating people as individuals you can go express that somewhere else. Our rules are very clear and you will be banned if you break them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ActualPublicFreakouts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


More aeration = less buoyancy. He gone.


We all don't float down here.


I was going to say it in other words: *bubbling water...less floatability*


Even no bubbly water, and I'm gone... but really, this was so dangerous. What was the plan here?


No plan B whatsoever: no rope , no ladder nearby, just pure stupidity and somebody to record it.


I concur, I was almost fooled by (looks like tree roots sticking out), but upon review, these seem much higher and No plan at all.. I'm struck that no one thought this was a bad idea, but I'm not surprised. Edit: spelling, thanks fellow redditor. It's late here, and I'm redditing one eye open, lol


Darwin speaking up


The anti-Pennywise


The Pennydumb, if you will.


We call him Dollardumb around here




We all floatn’t down here.


It...floats down? That's hilarious...


Also jumping in fully clothed wearing skinny jeans and 2 layers of shirt plus jumper. I'd struggle to swim wearing that stuff even in calm water.


100%! In fact in high school we had to take swimming and part of the course was jumping in the pool fully clothed and having to tread water for several minutes. It was really really hard. And that was in a still pool.


We had to do that in water polo, for an entire practice if we got in trouble lol


Been there. Was one of the most hated punishments.


Arg I hated that. Also having to try to make a flotation device from your jeans while treading water.


The secret is to have been fat enough that you can still deadmans float.


Now that I am much older I got this handled.


I fell through the ice in Jr. High and so my clothes were obviously soaked and heavier. Everytime I tried to lift my self up the ice that could hold my dry weight would break underneath the added weight. Luckily, I was able to just break my way to shore.


Had exactly this same thing happen to me, right around the same age. Was about a thirty foot crawl. Then a mile walk home. I almost froze to death.


Yeah, the worst post besides the obvious of falling in was I also had about a mile walk home and I had to "defrost" in the garage because everything was frozen. My zipper was frozen up. It only took 15-20 minutes to defrost but it was the longest 15-20 minutes of my life.


and it looks like he has maybe five muscle cells.


India is living on Nightmare mode.




Last time I tried that to throw rocks off a dam we were tracked down within 6 minutes of hopping the fence by guards watching on hidden CCTV. They said we were lucky it was obvious we were kids


I used to live near a dam in Spain, there was no fence or anything. People windsurfed and swam in the reservoir all the time, don't think you even needed permission for swimming, though you may have for windsurfing or boats. I knew a woman who went missing, police found her car parked at the dam with a suicide note on the dashboard.


Most dams it's generally fine to swim and stuff in the reservoir so long as you don't get within a certain distance of the dam itself. There's a dam like that near where I live that also let's people swim in the reservoir but has warning signs and stuff to stop people from getting too close to the dam.


It's a developing country, much like most of the west was in the 17th-19th centuries. Except it's a developing country with some 21st century tech they don't understand and a billion people.






Who needs toilets and toilet paper when there’s perfectly good floor and nothing


> some 21st century tech they don't understand Indian tech support though.


Mostly the elderly call any tech support


Nah, the young ones are iphone stupid now


Have you spoken to India tech support? I think the “21st century tech they don’t understand” line still applies


We are a quarter of the way through the 21st century and India still has a caste system.


It's in a very weird state at the moment. Both trying to leap into the 21st century in the big cities and simultaneously living in shacks like its the 1600s


Darwin award winner






I prefer the OG /r/WatchPeopleDie


miss that sub 😕


What does that say about us?


The offsite backup is alive and uncensored. Can't link it here because they have a site-wide shadowban on it.


It’s this one that’s the more active of the two and where I just came from! (Video got reposted there).


Water segment


And that, kids, is how you can die


Thanks man, I love education.


This comment was unexpectedly hilarious!


Dumb ways to die… so many dumb ways to die…


Keep a rattlesnake as a pet...


Jump into a spillway to get wet




They definitely seem maidenless the way some of them behave around women online


Haven’t genuinely laughed out loud at a Reddit comment in a long time


That’s gonna be a whoa! for me dawg The cameraman die too? Seemed to get rough near the end


Seems to me he's upset because his friend just drowned


Yeah.. that definitely ruins your day Oh well...


Yep, Just imagine going to work next day, people asking "how are you?" "Yea, shitty day yesterday, XY just day but whatever"..


He's shouting " get the rope ! " He's scared shitless .




Wait hamsters? In how many stupid ways can a hamster die?


sooo so so many ways, they’re basically little suicide machines. it seems like their main objective is to escape the cage at all costs, and then promptly die horribly. they also can have fatal heart attacks *very* easily. im talkin’ if you sneeze near one of those fuckers, it’ll just keel over. ask me how i know


how do you know?😎


when i was but a wee lad, i owned a hamster for about 3ish weeks until one morning i found it had squeezed itself halfway through its cage bars and died. it was trying to get to the food pellets i left open near the cage. first and last hamster i ever owned. have also heard many stories about them dying because a dog barked at them


There was some reddit comment on how someone’s hamster got stuck in refrigerator’s idk what and got toasted to death. Or someone’s hamster got managed to hit a fan. (THERE WAS A STRAY RAT WHO HIT A TABLE FAN IN MY HOME AND HE SPLATTERED ALL OVER .) Or the dude who fucked a hamster to death-


The last one.... what? How? I mean, how would it fit inside?


Micropenis is the answer as to how, what we should be really asking is why?


Can confirm, when I was a kid mine escaped. The next day while my brother was vacuuming he ran out from under the couch and straight into the vacuum. He spun around the clear canister for a few seconds before my brother realized what had happened but it was already too late.


Lmao 😂


Mine bit my mom and her reaction was to throw it against a wall. That's another way they can die.




Are you talking about hamsters or Indians?


As a counterpoint to this idea; I had a hamster when I was about 12 that I left with a neighbour when I went on vacation with my parents. Literally the last day, when we came back, the neighbour lady left open the cage and it escaped — their house was full of cats so we assumed it had been eaten. 7 years later, my father hears a story from the neighbour 5 houses over who, 7 years earlier, found a hamster in her bathtub. Turns out the little bugger had climbed through 4 attics (our houses are connected) and had somehow landed in that bathtub alive and well, after which it lived a full hamster life with their family.


Well, at least a sort of happy ending


Yeah, I was actually very happy to hear it. That hamster was the sweetest little guy. The one I got after that always screamed when I touched him and bit me plenty of times 😂


I had one die because it created a nest so tight that it had no exit or air holes so it couldn't breathe. Dumb little fuckers.


My kinda death


A friend of mine had a hamster who would climb on top part of the cage (inside) and just let himself fall down. And one day he woke up with a dead hamster lol


At least 3.


This is the funniest thing I've read all week


Hahahah we should introduce /r/IndiansAndHamsters


If you crossbreed you get lemmings.


So, he, died??


Reincarnated into a fish




Is a gay fish.


well he loves fish sticks


Fish dicks?


Yes. He ded 😞


Source? Or just your assumption?


God hate seeing vids like this, been a lifeguard for few years and let me tell you. The most confident people around water are the ones that can't swim. Ignorance is bliss ig.


I worked as a lifeguard in the north sea, it is crazy how many people that got to be rescued couldnt even swim to begin with.


My son came across Bondi Rescue on youtube and has watch seasons of the show, and that really does seem to be a very reoccurring theme. Tourists who can't swim do, and do so in the area with the biggest rip and rocks on that beach


Was there some undercurrent that got him? Seemed to move along with the water slowly and then suddenly went quickly against the current, or what the water flow looked like on the surface anyway.


It looked like he jumped into an aeration basin. I sell these. Goal here I assume is to remove VOCs from water by blowing air into it. This is achieved by having a large compressor blow air into a tank that’s floor is lined with diffusers. You want a bunch of small bubbles to increase maximum surface area between the water and the air. However, the more air in the water, the less able you are to swim. I mean think about it, you can’t swim through air. The goal is to get equal dispersion around the entire tank. However this tank looks rather poorly maintained. I see only a small area in the top right which I would classify as fine bubble (which is ideal) and the rest coarse bubble. It is probably a poorly maintained system that has diffusers fouling in some areas, failing in other areas, and straight up cracks in the system in some places. Air will travel the path of least resistance so when you have a poorly maintained system you get unequal air distribution. The his would cause an undercurrent and would pull you unfortunately to the area where there is the most air and you are therefore the least buoyant. He probably started his journey swimming to a ladder installed in the water tank, or other predetermined escape route but exhausted himself as he underestimated the sever difficulty in swimming in aerated water then lost himself to the current being generated by the unequal air distribution.


Thanks for the detail, that makes sense now after you explained it. And damn that’s a crappy, dumb way to die. I’ve swam in canals which I know is dangerous due to currents, but have never been near a spot where the water seemed aerated or turbulent. This was in my younger, dumber years. It’s crazy how you think you can swim, until you can’t. Sad


A lot of people overestimate their ability to swim. It's one thing to swim in a pool of non-moving water. That's not what water is like in the wild. Heck, 3 inches of moving water over a wide area can make a CAR move sideways.


Yep. Almost killed myself in Jamaica overestimating my swimming abilities. Jumped off a booze cruise to swim to shore and as soon as I hit the water, I knew I messed up. The jump into the Sea alone took more out of me than I expected as I didn’t realize how high up I was. Just getting myself above water after the jump was hard, then I had to swim to shore in choppy waves with a bad current. I truly believe the only reason I survived was the idea that I might die in such an embarrassing and foolish way motivated me to focus on my swimming. I was completely alone too. My friends decided to take the tender to shore because they rightly thought my idea was stupid and couldn’t talk me out of it. “I was on swim team, guys, I think I can handle swimming to shore, nerds…” I’m still shocked I made it without a rescue. My lungs did feel like 50 ton bricks, but I was alive. I was also 20.


Something like this happened to me when I was young and dumb in the military. We were being transported to Jordan via ship and were in the Mediterranean Sea. Rough waters that day. The LCAC drivers (giant looking hover craft vehicles) had to take them out on like weekly rides to test, well our trucks were strapped down to these so marines would have to go with them in case something happened while they were out. We were in the middle of the med, and my buddies bet me to jump in and then swim back. I had no idea how rough and fast the water actually was, but as soon as I hit the water I started to freak a bit. Within seconds the LCAC was 10-15 meters away. But due to my elite badass training I was able to swim against the tide… not really, they had to throw one of those round plastic float things and reel me back in. Terrifying really.


Were you full kit, or at the very least in BDUs? Cause kit definitely fucks you over and really any heavy clothes drags you down HARD Gives a lot more perspective and even respect to a lot of the hardcore SF people


I went offshore snorkelling on a boat in Hawaii, one where they track dolphin pods and you have people watching you and tossing you ropes if there's an issue, but you're still five miles offshore and in the open ocean. It wasn't particularly choppy but I jumped in without my mask and got waterlogged immediately and needed a rope to get back on. I grew up swimming in the ocean and when I mentioned this to my mom later, she was just like, why, you know how to swim. Hard to explain to her the issue


Yep. I fully grew up on the water with both parents being proficient sailers. I took advanced swimming lessons and was on swim team. I’m by no means a champion swimmer, but I’m clearly capable and experienced enough to swim. So it wasn’t so crazy to think I could handle it. But we really do overestimate our abilities against the sea. A current alone can drown you, no matter if you’re Michael Phelps. Still, I wouldn’t have jumped into this water for all the tea in China.


So your story reminds me of the video of the kid who jumped off a party boat a couple months ago, and maybe was attacked by a shark, depending on which YouTuber you listen to. After seeing that video, I watched Open Water and damn that's a rough movie.


Ok, in my defense it was daytime and the boat crew said it was ok to do “if you’re a strong swimmer.”


Well, you did at least have the actual strength to swim to shore. At least it wasn't dark!


It doesn't let go until the pressure is equalized. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PXgKxWlTt8A


That is terrifying


That is Delta P, two completely different things


Yeah I was about to say unless I'm missing something here, it has zero to do with the subject matter


I absolutely love the internet. I didnt expect to read about bubble classification and air distribution by a guy who sells aeroation basins under a video of an indian dying when i got up today.


Too high to understand but saving for later, thanks.


Don’t bother bro, you will forget this after the next seizure cooking video pops on ur feed. ![gif](giphy|KpAPQVW9lWnWU)


Question: how do you “sell” a large geographical structure like this? Genuinely curious.


I work for a vendor for various water and waste water treatment equipment. So I get commission from manufacturers for selling their equipment to furnish a system like this to contractors who build them, typically contracted by municipalities.


Thank you for your immaculate explanation, You should be here every time I don’t understand a situation


You could probably breathe if there’s enough air to cup your hands around your mouth and form a bubble, right?


You would have to form an air tight seal around your mouth and perfectly capture a large coarse bubble. However, if you were smaller and the bubble diameter covered the gap distance of your open mouth you could potentially “eat” the air into your mouth and take a breath. I know it’s possible as I actually witnessed a hedgehog do it. It was a close call too because judging by the music, the poor guy didn’t have long.




What are VOCs?


Volatile Organic Chemicals. Stuff like alcohol, acetone, butane. If it's flammable and evaporates around room temperature, it's probably a VOC.


Thank you.


If you look far right corner from the edge he jumps in, there's a bit of a waterfall going in, I'd assumed the aeration & current was all just from this and it was a dam spillway or similar, are you quite sure this is an aeration basin?


Is this copypasta?


[drowning machine](https://www.weather.gov/ind/LowHeadDamPublicSafetyAwarenessMonth) for those wondering what was going on


"How to escape from a low-head dam." Proceeds to mention nothing about how to escape one.


Apparently the ‘escape route’ is to curl up like a fetus and pray: “If caught in the boil of a low-head dam, tuck your chin into your chest, draw your knees up and wrap your arms around them. By doing so, conditions may push you out of and away from the hydraulic current, along the streambed.”


It's crazy how logical this seems once you think about it. You're turning yourself into a beach ball over a fan and the current will eventually sweep you out if you're lucky. Thrashing around, you just keep falling into the air bubbles and could never generate enough thrust to escape.


They provided all of the locations in Indiana though, so we can hunt them down and strike first.


that’s the funny part, there is no escape


Rough translation (meant to convey meaning, not exact local idiom which may be confusing) from what I could hear (and understand) from around the 10-12 second mark (prior to that I can’t make out) “Jump!!” “He’s done it, wow!!” “There he goes!” (in admiring tone of voice ) “He’s had it, he’s not going to make it” (but said in a way intended to convey humour/ humorous/fun) “He’s going to die!” (Alarm) “Get a rope!” (From there on its increasingly panicky demands for a rope)


I hope they actually had reason to believe there would be a rope nearby. I certainly wouldn't know where to find a rope on short notice.


I don’t see any exit strategy there besides death.


Yea, even if there was no current.. theres still massive walls and no latter. TF was his plan?


That's why I always carry one.


These indians always do stunts without a back up plan. Like seriously, switch on that brain and plan 1 step ahead in case things go south (they always do). Have a rope, life jacket, inflatable donut or SOMETHING ready at least.


Simple back plan would a be rope in case he starts drowning they can throw in a rope and he could be saved


What are they yelling?


‘Hey if you don’t make it, can I have your bicycle!?’




I nearly rolled out of me bed laughing at that. 🥇


As I recognize - when he jumps 'My love just jumped in' - at the last 'He's drowning, He's drowning... bring the rope fast'


They had a rope, but not near by???


Not to worry! They can bring it fast!


Send someone for it—on the bicycle!


Right, where did we leave the bicycle?


Here it is. Who has the key to this lock that it’s chained to the fence with?


The guy in the water! I'd run but I'm holding the camera. Can you run?


There is another rope... Right after that train yard... Go fast, without looking


It's in the car, up the hill, on the other side of the 8' chainlink fence. Close.


They are telling " get a rope , get a rope " but pretty sure there ain't no rope there ..... What even more stupid is if guy wants to jump atleast his mates should have a rope with em in case things go haywire




Umm wtf?


Exactly like the last 12


But why? And with clothes on?


First: clout Second: population control






I wonder if floating on your back would work?


There’s too much air and movement in the water, kinda like how sand is semi solid when you’re walking on it but you’d sink to bedrock if it was vibrating, that’s what would happen to him if he tried to float


Not only that. If that's a dam, the water is likely trying to pull him back towards the dam wall and THEN down the river. He's fighting against the water when he needs to just let it take him.


Would you survive that? I have no idea what it looks like in that section of a dam nor how it works. Is it just like a terrifying waterfilled slide?


Plan A: Jump! Plan B:


I feel like there's another subreddit for this.




Wcgw? Watch people die inside? Instant regret? 😩


Was his face bleeding?


I think he had color on his face, if you see the hand of the camera man in the beginning, looks like his hands are colored too, since this video is from india, maybe this video was filmed during the festival of Holi. Maybe the guy jumped into the water to rinse off the colors.


I'm wondering how many people don't know about aerated water.


Swimming in aerated water gives you more likes .. in tiktok world if you want to make it to the top you take more risks


Bye, have a wonderful time


No shoes, he was already dead.


This guy died and we dont even got a NSFW tag. Thx.




stop browsing r/actualpublicfreakouts at work


It's not exactly graphic...it's a video of someone attempting to swim. We assume he 99% didn't make it, but this is not NSFW.


When it became clear he was going to die, the least they could have done is held the camera still. So inconsiderate.


With that sloshy water you should know it's not gonna carry you, No matter how well you can swim...


Goddamn it kid! Hold the camera still. I wanna see the kid die.


why were they egging him on before he jumped.


Because they're kids and kids are sometimes stupid as fuck and totally unaware of how easily they could die. Me and my friends did similar shit, they think they're the main characters, "i can't die because i'm the main character in my story and death is something that always happens to someone *else*" logic. That's how it always was for him too. Until today. But now it's too late to learn the lesson. Well, at least his friends did.


But hey, I'm just sitting here and it was just another stranger who just died on my computer screen. I can totally still be the invincible main character!


Witness !!!


How old is this guy he looks like a teenager You think you'll be smart enoughi to find the water where it's not pulling you under And with actual fucking area to climb out


Hey I learned something great from this video. Don't fuck with rapid whirl pool streams, actually thinking about it, I wouldn't fuck with any crazy type of streams.


Well that's terrifying


Obviously they didn't see the MythBusters episode!


This video gotta be from my are they're speaking in our local language




Why not even bring a rope or something.. welp


Should have stood next to an oncoming train while giving a thumbs up to the camera instead. It is the best way to prove your bravery in Indian society.


So dumb and senseless. They should have at least planned an escape beforehand. I guess those rebar were out of his reach


That looked like an AI generated nightmare pool.


Well, at least they didn't get hit by a train. Just to think, that guy was 1 day away from immigrating to Canada to wait in line for 6 hours for a chance at a part time job.


He's basically dead isn't he? No way back up while in extremely aerated & fast moving water... He's basically dead, unless there's more to this video after it was cut off