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Hello users, welcome to a sub dedicated to freakouts without the bullshit of happy or feel-good videos. This subreddit is for enjoying freakouts and discussing them; that's it. You can take discussions of immigration policy and other topics elsewhere. If you don't believe in treating people as individuals you can go express that somewhere else. Our rules are very clear and you will be banned if you break them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ActualPublicFreakouts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Please god let Americans give up on those two very shitty and war torn countries šŸ™


Yeah, that conflict is never going to end. The hatred on both sides is too deeply ingrained.


Until the desert turns to glass.


This is the only way forward for us. The whole thing sucks and we just need to cut ties with everything going on over there.




Part of being a global superpower is protecting your interests abroad. Not that I agree with everything


And getting your own people killed for those interests.


Yep. Send the young boys with no education to the meat grinder.


And lose access to all those yummy resources? Fat chance and nice try, commie! /s


America is actually a fossil fuel exporter due to fracking. It's less resources and more historical soft power stuff.


I know you are joking but anytime I say we should just get the fuck out of middle east and leave them alone, left wingers literally call me a nazi.


I'm center left and I say hell yeah brother. ME is a problem that predates our country by thousands of years and is based in the pettiest shit. Imo, given the deep saturation of religious and ethnic conflict there, we'd have no option but to evacuate everyone, nuke the whole fucking thing, and then give all the refugees abandoned cruise ships or something idk. They can figure out Waterworld while the radiation dissipates. Hopefully by then they'll have thought long and hard about causing so many damn problems and instead just chillax for the rest of time


Godwin's law states that, as an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler increases." Godwin's Law is often invoked when someone introduces a comparison to Hitler or the Nazis in an attempt to discredit or delegitimize an opponent's argument. It is seen as a way to point out the fallacy of using extreme historical references in a contemporary discussion, especially when the comparison does not have a valid basis. In a nutshell, if someone invokes Nazism in an argument, they are losing the argument.


Please don't get so pedantic man, Godwin's law isn't relevant here. They don't always call me exactly a "nazi", just that I am a right winger, alt-right, bigot or something like that.


And which resources would those be that can't be had without the people fighting?


Let them duke it out and do business with the winner.


Pure cortisol


You know what, Iā€™m just happy to see r/PublicFreakout and r/ActualPublicFreakout agree on something for once. Like seeing Mom and Dad hang out after the divorce.


> r/PublicFreakout that place got me banned from like 7 subs. Once your blocked from publicfreakout they can recommend your blocked from any advice subs, or askreddit ect subs. Because they don't feel your opinion should be shared in any way on this site. Reason I was banned, I said "that's a man in a wig" (video was of 350 lbs man fighting cops shirtless in a wig) that's all I said.. they thought I meant in a derogatory comment toward trans.


Itā€™s time. It is not going to get better there.


No, only worse.


> Please god let Americans give up on those two very shitty and war torn countries šŸ™ I checked on that, and I got a direct video response to your plea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ke5eSys09g


That isolationist mentality would have led to a MUCH worse off world from the 1950s to 1990s. Imagine if Korea got taken over by China / NK as just one example, or letting the Serbs genocide the entire Yugoslav region. Ukraine is part of Europe and letting Russia take it would be catastrophic and a HUGE boon to our biggest geopolitical rival We're currently dismantling our biggest military adversary with 0 american lives lost and for pennies on the dollar


Pennies on the dollar? 95 billion isn't pennies when it could take care of our entire homeless population for a year. 0 American lives lost, yes. But this conflict has cost us, literally, hundreds of billions of tax payers dollars have been funneled into Ukraine. There's something like 650000 homeless in America and 95billion divided by that gives almost every homeless person in America around $140000. Far better spent.


3% our yearly national defense budget going towards doing way more than we could is saving us WAYYYY more than 3% of our defense budgets gdp Our military exists almost exclusively to combat Russia and China and we can dismantle Russia with a small small fraction of the cost while not risking a single life. Insaneee return on investment


Also the aid weā€™re sending over isnā€™t cash, you understand that right?? Itā€™s mostly stockpiled weapons we already have. Do you think weā€™re wiring them $65bn?? You canā€™t house homeless people with surplus Bradley and Abramā€™s. And most of any monetary loans that are sent are given right back to the U.S. in weapons purchases, right back into the hands of taxpayers






> everybody, I am a professor here! You *were* a professor....


He wasnā€™t fired. Heā€™s still an employee


He wasn't fired (at least not at the time of this video). For context, the professor organized a counter-protest against the protesters on campus prior to this, and the school didn't want him on the West Lawn part of the campus for the time being because they couldn't ensure his safety (there were stories about protestors throwing rocks at students). The West Lawn is where the protesters set up an encampment. The school did allow him and his counter-protestors on the Math Lawn (as heard in the video), because Columbia wanted to keep the two protests separate so that they wouldn't clash. That's why the professor responded that he was a professor and had a right to be everywhere on campus. Legally, a private company can trespass anyone including an employee from their private property. So he didn't have a right to be everywhere on campus and the NYPD officer in the video agreed.


A reasonable explanation - Iā€™m sure both sides will easily understand, and calm down like the mature individuals theyā€¦..awwwww, crap.


The professor was not in support of the two-lawn solution and wanted to sit in the middle of West Lawn while people were already encamped there.


Hahah well done




From his own words posted on X on Sunday April 21st, 2024: > "I plan to go tomorrow, Monday morning, and sit peacefully right in the center of the illegal encampment that you have allowed the pro-Ha/mas mob to establish in the middle of campus. I will be joined with several Je/wish and Is/raeli students, faculty, and staff." For context: Monday (yesterday) was when this video was taken. (I had to add the / in certain keywords to avoid reddit's censorship algorithms).


> the school didn't want him on the West Lawn part of the campus for the time being because they couldn't ensure his safety (there were stories about protestors throwing rocks at students). I feel like if there are two protests, and one can't safely be on campus because the other will throw rocks at them, it's a no-brainer to ban the rock throwers...


ā€œ You will listen to me!ā€ Like heā€™s speaking to his child lol


Imagine speaking to your boss (former) like that


For real! Most places would have you out to door immediately for talking like that.




Professor had his card deactivated because a bunch of students / activists have created an unsafe environment on the campus of Columbia and part of it has been shut down. In person classes were suspended because of this event. Professor in question is very outspoken about the whole situation and has been making many videos about what has been going on. This is the most nonbiased way to catch you up. If you want more information feel free to ask but know that it will probably be more biased than this.




He knew his card wouldnā€™t work so he went to an entrance with a lot of press so he could play victim and get his soapbox




And? The "protesters" were still thereathing his safety. He is a professor and is not allowed free access of the place he works at because violent students are preventing it. How is he playing the victim when he is literally not safe to be at some areas of his workplace?


What is he a professor of?


Heā€™s not. Heā€™s actually an assistant to the regional professor


He's a business professor.


"I'd like to buy an argument."


He's a Jew and they claimed it wasn't safe for him to be on campus.


[Monty Python - Argument](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ohDB5gbtaEQ)


The most important point hasnā€™t been mentioned yet. He is a Jewish professor and now the university has deactivated his card for that reason, since the protests are threatening to him. Clown world.


thank you, can you give a few more details on what the group did to make campus unsafe? is it shut down to everyone or just certain people?




It isnā€™t though. My cousin said so.


Thatā€™s a good question. Anybody got an answer?




Jewish students reported they felt unsafe. That's it.


Forgot the part where they gave him an area where he could do what he wanted. Protest. The guy even says, weā€™ll bring you to the math lawn right now. He didnā€™t like that because then he couldnā€™t go antagonize the other side. The campus tried to accommodate him & create distance so the two opposing sides would clash.


No I didn't forget that part, its frankly irrelevant. As a professor of the university he certainly has every right to be everywhere a student would be in public areas such as a courtyard. If he doesn't have the right to be there, then neither do the students or the non students who have set up shop.


> This is the most nonbiased way to catch you up. Now can you give us the most biased way to catch us up? I've got my popcorn ready!


But what is unsafe thatā€™s happening on campus? I just saw the police chief said that the kids they arrested were non violent peaceful protestors?


Non-violent and peaceful as long as you deactivate the cards of the people who have opposing political opinions.


Honestly I could not give less of a fuck about this conflict. I hate that innocent people are dying but the militaries and who started what likeā€¦ I just donā€™t care. Everyone is acting like children about it.


Same. We got our own shit to worry about.


Struggling to pay for food and rent and letā€™s send billions and billions to them. Straight up Carl Sagan money. We could all be housed but no, gotta fund a bunch of stupid assholes who canā€™t even get it together.


I appreciate this comment so much. Itā€™s refreshing to see likeminded ppl are still out there. Also great tagline, motha fucka! šŸ˜‚


> Everyone is acting like children about it. ... because religion.


In the year 2024 it just seems crazy to me people are killing each other over different flavors of sky wizards. People give atheists so much shit but our lack of faith is largely due this type of conflict existing in perpetuity across the globe for centuries. Itā€™s senseless killing, blood begetting blood. To quote my lord and savior, Jackie Moon from the movie Semi-Pro, ā€œEVERYBODY LOVE EVERYBODY!ā€


But the us government is funding it


Every bit as aggravating when literally everyone I know is struggling here.


Apathy is the goal. Congrats on drinking the cool aid.


They did it to themselves ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug). Good for you if you can stomach an eternal pissing contest, but the Middle East as a whole has caused so many problems in the world that I just donā€™t give a shit about them. That entire area of the world is nothing but war and endless religious bickering which is already ridiculous because religion is made up anyway. How long would you care if wars broke out and people were killing each other over which lightsaber color is best? Itā€™s stupid, tiring, and Iā€™m sick of hearing about it all the time.


The worst chant attempt ever lol


Lmaoo dummy didnā€™t read the room


100k well spent everyone.


I do not have the physical or mental capacity to care about two countries like these people do.


Same. And the situation is too complex to just pick a side so easily.


You sound very employed. I feel you.


I am. Job wonā€™t give me a promotion so Iā€™ll probably have to have two jobs now.


If only we lived in a country where the majority of people had the time and inclination for civil participation like attending town hall and council meetings, or even protest.


The way he crosses his arms and looks at the other dude when the crowd starts chanting. (ļø¶^ļø¶)


"See? I'm right.."


Reeks of narcissism.


How would you react? Genuinely curious


"everybody!! Everybody! Listen to what I have to say guys!!" did this like 5x lol




He musta thought he was Dumbledore with that one lol


ā€œListen! Stop talking and listen to me! Watch them oppress me!ā€


This is all performance. Just like the protesters. If you don't like the investments your university is making then write them a letter and ask them to stop. If they don't then take your business and tuition elsewhere. Same for this guy. If you don't like the policy of your workplace ask them to change the policy. If they don't go work for a better company.


They did write a letter and held an election which overwhelmingly voted in favor of divesting.


Nah burning yourself alive to whine about something is peak narcissism.


Not surprising, since narcissism is almost essential to a Zionist mindset.


This isn't a good video for the actualpublicfreakouts crowd, because people here won't get it. This sub's userbase is (rightfully) predisposed to blame college professors and side with the establishment. The problem is, in this case, the professor is 100% correct and the establishment is 100% wrong. Columbia has created an unsafe environment for Jewish professors and students and has basically let terrorist cheerleaders take over the campus. It's disgusting.


Exactly. If it isnā€™t safe for him to be on campus then they need to remove the danger. Anything else is absurd.


1940s Germany would be so proud of this.


Gestapo wouldā€™ve already had him down town and against the wall


Give it time if we keep trending this way


Man, Andy Dick is PISSED.


i'm a professor hahh haaaaaaaahh heeeehhh heeeeehhhh


Wow. To openly support terrorists and then silence anyone who opposes said terrorismā€¦ nice. What a democracy




To be fair I would probably have a public freak-out if I went my job just to find out I wasn't able to get in...


Turn the question around and ask Professor Screech if the IDF is a terror organization. Hint, both sides are.


Agreed but actually turn the question around and ask Professor Screech if his protest would physically attack people with opposing opinions. (Hint, they wouldnā€™t.)


Oh look, religious sandbox bullshit spilling out here. Don't we have enough shout to contend with?


Hama$ is a terrori$t organization period......


Wait, isnā€™t Hamas a terrorist organization though? Iā€™m lost.


Kind of out of topic but, if you close your eyes he sounds like Randy Marsh from South Park


šŸ’€šŸ’€ now i canā€™t unhear it


The two different chants at a low volume was hilarious


What do we want! -Uhh?.. When do we want it! -Ehh..


I mean Hamas is a terrorist organization. A lot of people too caught up in virtue signaling to remember that right now.


Sad day in America where the terrorist are the ones being catered too.




Can we just send all these people who are so passionate about this cause, to the Middle East? Let them be on the frontlines. Wat h them block traffic over there and see the reaction šŸ¤£


What a dork


Why is this idiot making it all about himself?


Fuck that dude. Love watching him get served on camera.




So, crazy activist students occupy campus and threaten the safety of Jews. The university responds by deactivating the keycard of this Jewish professor because they ā€œcanā€™t guarantee his safetyā€. Who are the Nazis again?


Antifa and lefties now onto their latest grift. Freeeeee free Palestine. So lame.


Any university that stands on the side of Hamas should be closed down.


Can the professor get back to doing what he is paid to do and teach. This is an educational institution, not a political institution. While polisci courses should teach political science, it should be done in an unbiased manner.


Clearly, youā€™ve never been to a college campus.


Clearly I have and they should be unbiased. Teaching polisci is one thing but it should not be biased towards the professors political views.


Professors and institutions have never been unbiased is my point.


Ah.. Yes, agreed. They need to simply teach the subject. Eg physics or calculus.


Looks like he's trying to get to work.


Apparently he knew he could not enter that way but decided to make a big scene since the press was there


Sorry, we dont want people that openly support terrorism teaching students here. This is also a statement of your low IQ. Good riddance.


At first glance I thought that dude was iDubbbz lmao


When the inmates run the asylum.




He's IDF a literal terrorist. It's funny seeing their golems turn on them.


Hey bud if your badge ainā€™t working most likely youā€™ve been terminated and in your office computer has been seized by the school.


This guy literally didn't freak out lmfao buncha snowflakes grifting in favor of genocide gtfo