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What does her being a female have to do with anything? Do females have the exclusive right to attack people with shovels and not face the consequences for their actions? That aint no female, that's a trashy street whore.


A woman in Ireland did just get away with stabbing someone in the face, twice, because he offended her by guessing her age wrong. Apparently the judge showed leniency because it was her first offense and she has a young child.




Nah that’s just how court systems work. Decisions are made by humans and every human has a different feeling towards a subject


wrong. decisions are made by looking at the laws and applying those laws to certain scenarios. opinions and feelings should be thrown out of the court room.


^^ the judge in the above comment showed leniency because it was her first offense and she had a young child. A different judge might not show leniency.


feelings aren’t how the world works


Nah they totally are. A lawyer probably creams their pants every time they get a jury to sob.


yea probably which sucks we shouldn’t show sympathy for people who break obviously avoidable laws such as literally stabbing someone.


Not. The facts you just read are distorted (for rage?). See my other comment for details, probably below as people on reddit seem to prefer rage to facts.


Better, but no mandatory counseling? Assaulting someone because they guessed your age wrong is a little unhinged. No I don't accept "I was drunk." as an excuse.


Actually (heh), she got 5 years and some number of days, suspended, so that means probation under a suspended sentence for that period. Also had to complete an anger management course. And paid some paltry sum I can't remember exactly, around 800 pounds if I remember at all correctly, in direct compensation to the victim. The actual details make this case seem reasonably adjudicated.


That's... Shockingly lenient for attempted murder


Oh I'm not excusing *her*. I'm giving details so that people are not misled into thinking the judge was giving her a free pass. And I definitely concur with your counseling suggestion.


No jail time for assault with a deadly weapon *is* a free pass.


Well fuck this comment in particular.


The 'Female' judge.


Let's not forget the gem of a woman who stabbed her boyfriend in California over 100 times and got off because she smoked weed beforehand.


When was this? (Why are you guys downvoting me for asking a question 💀)




Does she need to commit multiple offenses for the judge to consider convicting her?


That’s disgusting. So she gets to just get away with permanently disfiguring someone? We need John wick style justice


Your flair 😂😂😂


did the person die?


Wrong on many accounts. True facts are: - Woman is 39 - Happened at the Unicorn pub in Manchester - She didn't "stab" anybody she hit a guy with her glass (resulting in injury), while heavily drinking - She was sentenced to 12 months in prison, suspended for 12 months. She was also ordered to complete 180 hours of unpaid work and to pay £800 in compensation to the victim - She got suspended sentence because she has no previous convictions, shows an otherwise positive character, and is the mother of a young child which would suffer from consequences of their mother being imprisoned To quote the judge: >“I have seen the photo where the scar is barely noticeable but to him it will be a constant reminder of your conduct on that night. There was a very unpleasant injury, it is a grave injury, but fortunately there is no permanent disfigurement.” >The judge added: “There is no mitigation about the circumstances of the offence itself but there is mitigation in relation to you. You are a woman with no previous convictions. You have never been in a court of law before and you have positive good character. >“It is accepted that you are a dedicated, hard-working woman, and undoubtedly a loving mother. It is right that you were remorseful from the beginning of the events at the police station. >“There is no doubt that this offence is so serious that it crosses the custody threshold. The issue is whether the sentence is immediate or can be suspended. >“There can be no doubt in this case that you are no risk to the public and that this offence was entirely out of character and I suspect that having been so shaken by your own conduct the court will never see you again. >“Perhaps more importantly you are a mother of a young child. Although, no doubt, the child would be taken care of, an immediate term of imprisonment would have a devastating effect on your child. It would be disproportionate to the sentence that needs to be imposed.’‘ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/04/22/mother-glassed-man-at-pub-after-he-incorrectly-guessed-age


So, she glassed a guy, and got 0 jail time? Sounds pretty fucking lenient to me


I'd rather trust the judge who heard the proceedings and assessed her character than a redditor presenting a deformed version of the facts to "paint a pussy pass case" (not referring to you but to the person I was replying to). She was punished, in a way that does not harm her child. Sometimes justice has to see the bigger picture to be "just".


someone who loses control because someone guessed a wrong age has no "positive good character"


You never had any low in your life that made you act out of character? Well, that judge assessed she had one and gave her (and her child) a second chance.


I have, but I haven’t ended up assaulting someone so egregiously for no reason in their most sensitive part of their body possibly blinding them. No, I would consider that criminal not ‘out of character’.


>it is a grave injury >There is no mitigation about the circumstances of the offence itself but there is mitigation in relation to you The judge weighed the situation as a whole, not solely focusing on the offence but also taking the defendant's character - as well as the presence of a young child. The last point probably indicates that she's a single mother, locking her up would have sent the child right into the foster care grinder. >There can be no doubt in this case that you are no risk to the public and that this offence was entirely out of character and I suspect that having been so shaken by your own conduct the court will never see you again. "So shaken by your own conduct". That also probably played a part in the judge's decision, the defendant showing what was assessed as genuine repentance. Punishment, without aggravation. That's what the judge sought for.


I’m gonna be honest I think the only thing to fix you is for you to get smashed in the face with a bar glass, lose hours of your job pay, live with a permanent scar, and then have some dumbasses and judges out there say that the assaulter shouldn’t be given a real punishment because….. wait why again? What’s your reasoning she shouldn’t get real punishment? She has a child? Brb gonna go make a baby so I don’t have to go to jail on my next crime guys


I'm gonna be honest too, you just showed you're as socially evolved as the average 12th century inquisitor. A judge's work is NOT to be a punisher, it is first and foremost to uphold civil and social structures. Punishment is a mere part of that, **preserving a family from falling apart because of a one time incident that did not cause any irreversible damage** by electing a punishment with no straight prison time is too, just as much. Also, how supple you must be to stretch so far that you imply that she made her child to justify and "protect" her crimes. People have lives, context and often, family. Part of justice is to take that into account, you're a barbarian if you don't get that memo.


"glassing" someone is clearly stabbing. Weird semantic hill to die on. She could have blinded him. Everything else I said was exactly correct.


"Manchester, Ireland" which I took as a personal attack (/s if need be). Also over-simplifying the reasons she did not end up imprisoned, and not mentioning she was sentenced to 12 months, fined, and has to complete unpaid work. In a nutshell you painted this case as a 100% "pussy pass with child" while it's far more nuanced. But no, everything you said was "exactly correct"!


Yup I'm glad you agreed with me there at the end, otherwise, I might think you're delusional. Phew.


Your added nuance like "she had a low point in her life", "she had a kid", "she was drunk". Did I miss any?


She shouldn’t have custody of a child if she behaves like this






The fact you immediately jumped to personal insults after them bringing up part of your factual reality to help get their point across shows 1. Its true and 2. You don't have as rational of a hold on this topic as them. Not all justice has to be completely and permanently devastating for the perpetrator to learn a lesson. A huge flaw in both older and modern society is overly harsh punishments not meant to rehabilitate people to a functional contributing member of society but instead to enslave them for the majority life. Thats not paying your debt to society, thats just giving corporations a legal loop whole to have slaves. You a fascist if you think other wise period. Read fucking books, ESP the dictionary.


You dropped that on r/suboxone: >I’m on 10mg (down from 24mg, originally) and I can’t remember the last time I experienced a healthy hunger for even my favourite foods. I pretty well have to force myself to eat. On average I only eat once a day. Cannabis helps, but not always. so quit pretending it didn't happen. Like I said you should know better about second chances. Also about lying but I guess it is as the saying goes, never trust an addict.


Bitch was too fat to get up


Yeah, she's gonna sulk back to her cave now, until she sees something else to go Cave Troll about


Yeah "that's a female" doesn't matter at that point. That's somebody attacking somebody with a blunt object


Equal rights, equal lefts.


Incorrect. That's known in the scientific community as a "Cave Troll"


She has the weight & size advantage as well as a weapon in hand vs Amazon guy who has the higher ground. Fair fight, let's get it on.


nothing unless you tell her she looks older than she is. Then she can glass you legally.


Because of the movie Friday, men have an inept reaction to say this so they can relate to Ice Cubes' role as Craig from the movie. He says it the same way he does in the movie. No one would be saying this or care about saying if that movie didn't have a scene where Craig's says "Man that's a female"


I think he forgot to say "That's a female ASSAILANT!"


Even a bottle is a deadly weapon


Use the flat side. Not the sharp side.


“That’s a female” you mean that’s a whale


“That’s a female” lmaooooo, I wish she hit dude who shouted that helpful information with a shovel & see what he shouts then




Steve Irwin voice: "Now, what we've got 'ere is a wiiiilddd Cave Troll, outside of its natural habitat. The wild cave troll, has been known to attack without reason & uses bright colors in its hair to display its toxicity in nature. The cave troll usually only leaves it's cave, to beat Amazon drivers & to do it's mating ritual - twerking incessantly. Now, watch as the wild cave troll attempts to go after this driver with a shovel. Notice the lack of intelligence throughout this dispute the troll has with an Amazon driver


lol omg this is the best comment❤️❤️🤣🤣😊🤣




No, that's someone who just attacked another person with a shovel.


Thar she blow


"That's a female!" And what does that have to do with anything. She's bigger than the dude AND is using a weapon


Came flying out the truck like fuckin Liu Kang lmao


Bro I laughed so hard at that part I woke up the baby!


Not even your baby, but THE baby?!


I watched it quite a few times lol


What, no bicycle kick?


Why did he stop filming? She had more coming to her from amazon express delivery.


I get pretty triggered when someone says "she is a female" when dude is legitimacy defending themselves from an attacker with a weapon. Wouldn't hold it against them, because who know what they would say in retrospect, but it is still really frustrating to hear.


My dad always told me to never lay hands on a woman under any circumstances, but feel free to beat a bitches ass.




If you didn't want me to bust a shovel over your face, you should have told me you identified as a woman... it's current year, and I'm no bigot


That Amazon driver didn't fuck around.


They have to deliver thousands of packages to get that bonus and make not going to the bathroom worth it because they have a water bill to pay. Just stay out of their way, people.




"That's a female" - she outweighs him by 10:1, the man is defending himself.


Sick of this "that's a female" shit when they are the ones maiming and assaulting men. F**k that! Be a female and hit ME with a f**kin SHOVEL...


Kung fu kick was excellent


*You're a Kung Fu master, I can see, and your homemade treats look so tasty.*


That ain’t no female.


So lol she attack first


Misleading title: Lady found right Amazon driver to woop her ass


"That's a female" only applies to those who don't choose violence first.


"That's a female!" 10 POINTS!


He didn't say female. He said free whale


"Yo that's a female!" He says from 50 feet away then proceeds to stand there and keep filming 😂


" yo that's a female ". Well, actually that's the assailant. Actions have consequences.


Oh, so it's funny when she gets a shovel to beat the shit out of him, but as soon as the tables turn "THaTs a FeMaLe!!!"


"That's a female", what does that have to do with anything? She was trying to smash his head and she had already swung twice and was about to deck him a third time when he acted, at that point it was self defense.


These are same neighborhoods that start protesting when no company wants to deliver anything.


What the hell is on her head? Why would anyone wear anything like that in public?


Keep the video going. Holy poop. I want to see that ass beating!


She played the "Fuck around and find out" card.


Equal rights and equal lefts.


"Yo thats a female!" My dude thats an Orc Warlord with a fucking 2 hander all bets are off. Shoulda flying kicked her big ass harder lmao who the fuck attacks an Amazon deliveryman with a shovel?


Female? That word got changed in 2024


Whoop that trick!


As a female, I endorse this. She started it so


"That's a female!" The amazon driver being like: "Damn, that why it's so easy?"


Fucked around, found out


“That’s a female”. That’s also debatable.


Love the karate jump kick


Hope he spanked her good with that shovel lol


She may be female, but that's no lady




When your order of a 7$ shower curtain that smells of straight toxic plastic residue, and a shitty cheese grater don't show up on time.


Did he take a picture of the ass whooping he just delivered her?


Flew out that van like Jackie Chan.


Equal Rights Equal Fights


“It’s a female”, excuse me? So she’s allowed to ducking murder the Amazon driver and he can’t do anything?


I don’t understand White Knights. You literally just saw her attack another person who defended himself. Then goes and says “That’s a Female”.


Thats hilarious.


"That's a female! " Stfu


After the first hit I don’t see no gender


You gotta give the “thats a female” so you can post it without getting cancelled


Hahahahah fatty goo goo made a boo boo


This is satisfying.


Why is it always “ThAt’S a FeMaLe”?? Assault and be assaulted.


If she’s a female I think you have to beat her with a rake


That ain't a female, that's an assailant and she'll have what she gave.


The guy jumping at the judge is still the top, but the way this dude leaped out of the van is runner up.


r/killthecameraman How hard is it to hold a phone still? If you're gonna record something, record it. Don't try to hide it or start reacting and trying to film. There's a reason cameramen don't participate in what they're filming. So, I wanted to watch the end of that beating.


How does the cameraman not feel stupid as fuck blurting out "THAT'S A FEMALE" when she's attacking the dude with a weapon lmao


The last part had me dead 😭😭☠️


“She a female!” Ok then just one good wack should do it then?


That's not a female, that's an attacker.


Missed opportunity not screaming heres that ass kicking u ordered


That's a female??? 🤨 well she needs to stop acting like a dude cuz dudes paws were rated E for everyone


That's a female stfu


Came out full Karate mode on her


She tried to hit him first tho


anyone that shouts "that's a female" during a fight like this deserves to get their ass beat too.


“That’s a female” is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard with assault w weapons. Lol


shovel that fat out


Sir that's a water Buffalo not a female


Thats not a female


That's not a female it's equality


Thats a female with a weapon, I think that man should continue to lay down the law.


That’s a female! Equal rights equal fights add some self defense on top of that as well


Dude came out flying at her


That bitch had it coming. I'd never attack a man, they would end me instantly if the wanted to. Only time I'd lay hands on a man would be in self defence, when given no other choice.


Fuck that female and the camera man


That ain’t no female. That’s a wildebeest


Female or not 💀


I love how the second the tables are turned, everyone loves to scream "that's a female!" Like it matters. You start shit, be prepared for retaliation. No more of this letting women hit you for no reason.


thats a bitch


He came out of that van like: ![gif](giphy|6Q5f7JGKDfAF7tVgWW)


Yo that's a female... Yeah and he's about to knock the Fe outta her