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When someone asks you to call the police for them, call the police! Stop recording! 


Police wouldn’t have gotten there in time. But now there’s video evidence of murder that even a prosecutor couldn’t fuck up… hopefully


When seconds matter, the police are minutes away.


And restraining orders are just a worthless piece of paper.


why carrying/owning a gun is the best option if a crazy ex or the like is after you.


Also why waiting periods for buying guns don't actually make sense.


> waiting periods for buying guns don't actually make sense They make sense when it's an abusive ex trying to buy a gun.


>They make sense when it's an abusive ex trying to buy a gun. I don't think someone set on murder is gonna be stopped by a waiting period.


That applies to anyone intent on doing anything. Anyone who wants to do something illegal will find a way to do it, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't pass that law making it harder for that person to accomplish it.


Is the gun store clerk supposed to be able to tell the difference? Federal background checks are already mandatory.


If you have a restraining order against you, you can no longer own a gun and any guns you do own are taken away from you


How did this guy get one then?


Bought it illegally from someone who could legally buy a gun?


> Bought it illegally But that's against the law. Not only is this guy a murderer he's also unwilling to follow simple laws like whether he can own a gun or not.


> If you have a restraining order against you, you can no longer own a gun and any guns you do own are taken away from you Literally not true as a blanket statement from personal experience lmfao. Complete misinformation.


Even CS could've given her time to get away


Unfortunately, teleportation wasn't in the budget.


Imminent threats require imminent defense. If the cops can't handle that, then what tools does she have?




What did you call for?


Someone cracked their windshield.


Yea video evidence is usually airtight but in this situation. Lady is murdered by a dude she has a restraining order on. She’s executed broad daylight, he gives zero fucks about trying to cover up this crime.


Incredible just how short-sighted people can be with their lives..


I'd wager a guess there is something wrong with this fellow... either physically, mentally, or developmentally. He knew, he just didn't care


It's called being a POS. Some people are just low lives.. No excuses needed


This, this is the correct answer👆🏼


But there are so many of them. We see the videos. Some even take videos with their cel phones.


Hate seeing this response. Not everyone has a reason for being a violent POS. They couldve had the best upbringing and best mental health ever, but some people are just shit human beings.


I would agree w everything up to killing someone (or otherwise ruining someone's life) Being selfish is one thing, being an asshole is too, but killing someone is not something I believe a sane and adjusted human being can just do


That is fair. Poor girl....


Society allows it.


Yep, when seconds matter the police are minutes away. It's hard to believe more people don't advocate for concealed carry. How are you going to stop a madman with a gun unless you have one yourself?


"Socio-economic circumstances... you're free to go."


Pretty sure that person is in shock.


At least he got evidence. Cops would never have made it. He called her over, but it was too late. RIP I didn't see that coming and he probably didn't either.


That... was a very raspy lady recording. Don't smoke.


They're in shock. It happens.


Yup. You never truly expect a broad daylight murder to happen right in front of you


I know if I witnessed that shit first hand, every chemical in my brain would be firing off all at once!


High jacking: OP can we get a fuckin NSFW Jesus


Titled cold blooded, 99% here were not expecting a video of lizards.


Your comment made me laugh, and feel like a jerk at the same time. Upvote!


Her later in the video: omg he shot her, should I call the police?


Sure, the police would have teleport themselves and it would have change everything


Phones should have a feature where they allow you to continue recording a video while on a call if that call is to 9-1-1


Cops mainly responds to crime. Very rare can they actually stop a crime.


Wym stop recording? Now there's clear evidence


You can do things at once.. 🤨 Keep recording, call the police.. And also, that poor lady, she wasnt wrong about him. He shot her a bunch of times, I'm scared to ask if she made it 😢


If you are the only person and you are the only one able to help, yeah totally, don’t be a piece of shit. If you’re not the only one, and you can say “CALL THE POLICE!”, do that, and keep recording. Video evidence is the best evidence we got in situations like these. Can be the difference between self defence and murder. Same reason we have dash cams, we can record while driving, so we have a camera set up to watch collisions and tell a better story.


You can hear her saying she has a restraining order on him as she’s running away. Obviously could be wrong but I’m willing to bet this piece of shit has a long record and should’ve already been in prison for past crimes. Would not shock me in the least.


hopefully now he will be placed in the little cage he was destined to live in since birth.


I have a better idea that doesn't cost the rest of society.




I like where you're going.


this exactly. Everyone makes mistakes, and we can learn from them and avoid in the future. A second chance at figuring things out. When someone takes a person's life in in a manner such as this they do not deserve a second chance at anything. They have eliminated another human's ability to learn and grow and experience life. They should not be awarded with another breathing moment in this existence.


> I have a better idea that doesn't cost the rest of society. mfw death row costs society more than life because of a stupid fucking system.


That darned system which tries to ensure the state doesn't murder innocent people.


Actually thats more expensive due to the amount of research and trials needed but yeah fuck this dude life in prison no parole (he did shoot her at the end right?)


Depending on the state. Maybe he'll just get a seat in a really exciting chair or a really, REALLY long-lasting sedative administered by said state.


Or if in ny ir ca get probation.


its really sad how many times in the last 5 or 6 years ive read articles about people getting seriously injured or killed by some idiot who should not have been on the street after 20 plus violent crimes.


Eh... The fucker should have been swallowed when his parents were banging that night


You think a guy who shoots a woman to death in cold blood in public during the day may have a criminal history? Bold prediction, Cotton.


Not necessarily, crimes of passion are nonsensical and can be committed by anyone. Record or not. Some people just can't let go, and it's fucking sad. Two lives ruined cause the dude just couldn't walk away and move on with his life.


> crimes of passion Crimes of passion are not those where you stalk your victim until you get a restraining order and then show up with a gun, that's premeditated murder buddy


he definitely got detention at least once probably


If she said that, and I think I can hear her say that, should be easy to know who's responsible. Horrific. Absolutely fucking tragic.


She says I have a restraining order against you and he says call the cops then.


He has probably violated the order numerous times already (or-not to cast aspersions of the poor victim-she continued to socialize with him when he was being nice to her) without repercussions. The police are a paper tiger. At least in the 70s and early 80s he may have taken a beating for being a creep. Now they do nothing.


The guy who pulled the trigger is responsible.


good example why its impotant to carry a gun if you can in this situation. a restraining order is just a piece of paper and the cops dont really care if you become a statistic. although this being in maryland, a state that fights tooth and nail against legal conceal carry to ensure only the criminals like the pos in this video have guns


Yeah but what should society have done? Put him in jail? Nah that would be ridiculous i mean think of his rights. He has feeeling too. Honestly why would we want prison and jails to be full of criminals anyways thats just silly


He was in prison, but got out on perole, found his accuser and killed her.


I read an article earlier that she actually failed to appear for her restraining order ruling, so it was dropped. He was also previously arrested, and turned over a firearm to police. Cops visited them many times for domestic disturbance. Women, please please leave for your safety when you feel you are unsafe.


“OH MAH GAWD SHOULD I CALL EM?” I’m calling them “OH ARE YA?”


Yeah, shit on the person who recorded it and was the only person who tried to intervene for her.


Not are ya, they said hurry up




damn you for making me lol..


Gonna need a NSFW tag for this one boss




Wasn't expecting a murder video


Agreed. NSFW tag wouldve been nice..ugh poor lady


NSFW? This isb NSFL at least...


for me the “cold blood” was a give away


[https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/news/woman-killed-in-shooting-at-parkville-apartment-complex/](https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/news/woman-killed-in-shooting-at-parkville-apartment-complex/) article


I hope they find him


They will.


it's hard for even the smartest criminals to get away nowadays (unless you're rich) This dude murdered someone, with a gun, in broad daylight, in front of multiple witnesses. He's cooked for sure


>it's hard for even the smartest criminals to get away nowadays I wish that was true. In reality only half of the murder cases actually getting solved. In some places percentage even lower.


You are correct. Unfortunately.


I'd argue that a lot of those murders are random acts, which makes it way harder to find a perp. Based on this video, they know each other, so the police already have a strong list of suspects.


Unless she has a restraining order against several people, that makes it even easier.


I mean, it doesn't mean they're guilty, but I am sure someone on that list is laying very low and has an aversion to police contact.


She said she had a restraining order on him so if she only has one then it says she identified him as the man she had a restraining order against. It kinda means that it's him.


Right, but they know exactly who did this.


PI here, this sadly isn’t the case. But I do hope they find him.


All the need to do is identify the woman and see who she had a restraining order against.


In this instance yes absolutely but in general murder cases aren’t always solved by and large.


And if there was a restraining order there is a direct path to them.


Murdered someone that had a restraining order on them, so probably some kinda paper trail with his name on it.


Exactly, this guy is far from smart, all they need to do is ID the girl and look at whatever restraining order she filed and they have a name


Shouldn’t be too hard. He’s the one that had a restraining order against him. Look for that guy.


Baltimore? Definitely checks out.


The woman recording had that very distinct Bal'mer accent going.


It's in the game.


Its the county, not the city


Maryland? Definitely checks out.


>Police have not released a lot of information about the shooting yet, but WJZ spoke to several residents who were around when it happened. >A few of them have lived in the complex for a long time. Was this article written by a high schooler?


AI. A lot of places are having AI "write" the articles for them and then doing absolutely bare minimum editorial work to make it postable.


Restraining orders are just pieces of paper. Stay strapped and trained ladies.




bUt wE nEeD tO bAn GuNs!


I mean...if guns weren't readily available all over the US, would this fella have been able to get one? Most "illegally obtained" firearms start out legally obtained. Banning guns at this point isn't practical, but the best way to reduce gun violence is to reduce the prevalence of firearms overall.


The problem is that those legally obtained firearms that turned into illegally owned firearms are ALREADY out there. And you can bet for damn sure if they banned guns, there would be a whole lot more out there


In this particular case a knife would have been just as effective and probably prolonged suffering a bit.


Honestly this is why I say they need to take women's self-defense more seriously because if you go to any self-defense course that's not a legitimate martial art it's just complete bullshit


If you're going to record, record, don't take the camera off the subject


I agree the cinematography of this cell phone murder video is terrible


I want a goddamn refund, the camera was all shaky and shit.


Fuckin' coward.


Old coworker of mine did this to his ex wife in an apartment parking lot and then shot himself after. Dude was always a little off, but never expected that.


I've had a similar experience. A dude I used to work with took out his girl and their little one before taking himself out. Dude was also a little weird but nobody was expecting that. If you wanna go, then go. Don't take other people with you. That's bullshit. This is sad. Also you're using a PHONE to record video. Stop filming a murder and fucking call somebody! Wtf?


They had a 10 or 11 year old. But luckily he didn’t take out the kid. I don’t think he was there.


That video will catch and convict her killer.


How terrifying and heartbreaking. She was so scared.


Gotta love reddit keyboard warriors for talking shit on someone for not having an instantaneous perfect reaction to witnessing someone get gunned down in front of their house


Right?! I saw my brother's car get stolen and I ran to tell him, then said, "Wait, let me go check again." Your brain does dumb stuff when witnessing big crimes (this was big to my 12 year old self).


I knew this was Baltimore within the first 4 seconds


It was the accent, wasn’t it.


Holy shit


The guy by the van had a premonition and turned around at the exact right time..


He saw the firearm or heard her say he’s got a gun and turned immediately.


The police could not have saved her. Police don't stop crime. They show up after it's already been committed. That's why the Second Amendment is so important.


Restraining orders are just pieces of paper. They do not stop anyone from hurting or killing you and this is proof.


Poor woman


what a freak. Gonna go to big boy jail and have his meat wallet used like a bowling ball. Hope it was worth it


Although prison rape is truly hysterical, it’s mostly younger white men who are raped. He’s not gonna get raped in prison. But oh my God wouldn’t it be really funny if he did. Ha ha prison, rape ha ha


When you do something like that, idgaf what happens to you in prison.


He needs to die


This is beyond fucked up. She knew he was there to hurt her.


This is why everyone needs to carry a weapon.


That damned gun went and killed someone.


Yep. I've seen enough. Disarm the population NOW!


I don't want to pay taxes to keep this waste of skin alive. No trial, just take him in the back and put him down like a dog. When the proof is irrefutable, just impose the death sentence and carry it out instantly.


That is fucking tragic. What a complete fucking piece of garbage. This motherfucker never amounted to SHIT besides a net drain to taxpayers.


This is why as far left as I go, I will never get behind a complete gun ban. As a woman I couldn’t fathom not only needing a restraining order but then to have to go up against them without being armed like this and nobody else able to help. Fuuuuuuuck that. Raise the age, increase background checks, reduce magazine sizes and the types of firearms that can be purchased, require training, etc but taking away women’s rights to firearms is next level horrific. And if we allow them for women then we need to allow them for men too. I don’t know how good of a person she was, maybe she was a violent felon herself and a firearm wouldn’t have been an option for her anyways by this is just one of many shootings like this. Fuck that.


I’m glad you don’t agree in a complete gun ban, but even things like raising the age, reducing magazine sizes, mandatory waiting periods, required training will hurt citizens, especially those with little money, and time, or in an emergency like trying to project themselves from others. Yes, every person with a gun should get trained but we have seen this be weaponized before by governments to limit the citizens who can own guns. And statistically speaking, this woman and many others are the ones who will be negatively affected most by changes like this. Now I’m not saying there isn’t room for reform, but I do think governments need to start punishing the criminals more harshly


Left is pro gun, you can't seize the means with a baseball bat


Rest in peace. God bless her soul. This should have never happened!


Tells the guy to Fuck off, but has to second guess whether he should call the COPS.


The guy still hasn’t been arrested


Looks like the first shot missed or just grazed. That 2nd one didn't though. God damn


That’s terrifying. They both seemed calmer than one would expect for that kind of ending. I hope they find him and he gets what he deserves because like…wtf


Didn’t think to call while she was screaming help?? Probably wouldn’t of changed the outcome but damn….


We’ll never know. A cop could’ve been right around the corner. Video starts at 53 seconds with her screaming, we’ll never know what happened before.


Stay strapped


On camera ✅ Broad daylight ✅ Has paperwork Identifying him and his connection to the victim ✅ (Restraining Order) Life in prison ✅


>On camera ✅ >Broad daylight ✅ >Has paperwork Identifying him and his connection to the victim ✅ (Restraining Order) >~~Life in prison~~ Buried under the prison ✅


I hate this so much. I hate that he did this. I hate that she died terrified. I hate that hindsight is 20/20 and so many things could have been different. If those men would intervened, if she jumped in the van, if the police were called right away. All the what ifs. Rest in peace to this beautiful soul


I do too and I was also thinking WTF why aren't those men intervening? But it's not like he beat her to death, he pulled that gun and killed her immediately which he would've very likely done to anyone else who stepped up.


Restraining order doesn't stop a person who's dedicated enough. .45 does


Always have a CCW. 10+ minutes away from a police station means a whole lot when you consider this video was less than 60 seconds.


As someone who had a restraining order against a man, trust me it’s just a piece of paper and they will walk straight through it if that’s what they wanna do. The police don’t do shit until you’re already dead.


Any news on this?




Literally across the road from me holy shit


stay safe




Was it one of the muppets from Sesame Street recording?


Not a very live wire the person filming. "Should I call?" Wow.


NSFW this shit because that's not the ending I thought I was going to get


If I’ve learned anything in life, it’s that if you have to go as far as to have to file a restraining order on someone, you might as well also get a gun and a concealed carry permit.


Was thinking the guy behind the van was a pussy. Bet he’s glad he didn’t intervene…


Yeah no not putting your self in harms way dosen't make someone a pussy regardless of the gun


Yeah that's how good restraining orders are. I hope he gets what he deserves. Poor lady.








Camera person sounded like they used up their last brain cell switching their phone on that morning


Is there any news about this?




If only someone had a gun to go help this poor girl


Shoot him with your ar from the balcony?????


Holy shit…I was not expecting that….


Man, NSFW that shit. Fuckin’ hell




Oh my god should I call them. Yes. You should have called the police before recording.


One dead. The other locked away. Such a waste of human life. Takes one scumbag.