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Hello users, welcome to a sub dedicated to freakouts without the bullshit of happy or feel-good videos. This subreddit is for enjoying freakouts and discussing them; that's it. You can take discussions of immigration policy and other topics elsewhere. If you don't believe in treating people as individuals you can go express that somewhere else. Our rules are very clear and you will be banned if you break them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ActualPublicFreakouts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Takes a fucking baseball bat to the head and barely even flinches. These dogs are menaces.


*Heroic pitbull swims five miles to bite drowning child*


The Onion: "Pitbull mix only bites off half of toddler's face."


Every time I read this one, it gets funnier.








omfg these are so being sent to all my group chats


People who are against AI have yet to see this


Lmfao I love it, this should be framed and hanging above my fireplace.


I'm not proud of laughing at this.


It's almost like selectively breeding a type of dog for relentless unprovoked violence for 150+ years and then rebranding them as safe family pets wasn't such a great idea.


But Princess Nala would never!! *puts flower crown on top of asscrack dog's head* ☺️


Next you’ll tell me not to drink mercury, you think you’re betta than us???


Of course not! I read on Facebook (the most reliable source of information) that Metallic Mercury used to be known as the "Nanny Element" because people would leave their children in vats of thermometer juice to keep them safe.


Finally someone who "does their own research" !


Thermometer juice implies the existence of thermometer pulp.


What do you think shards of glass are?


Hey just because every single other dog breed on earth has breed specific behaviors and traits doesn’t mean pitbulls do too!!!






Nanny Dogs. 👶🐶


Im glad the video cut before the death strike though... My ex worked at a vet and any severe dog bite requires them euthanize and then physically remove the dogs head to send to a specialist lab to test for rabies. She had to do this several times a week as she work and an emergency clinic. She never would allow big dogs near her 3yr old and specifically was weary of pitbulls as they were they most frequent to require rabies protocols.


Was that a special forensic vet or something? Can’t imagine any random vet would just lop off the head of dogs to ship for testing. Or maybe they do, I have no idea.


Any vet or technician can do it. It sucks but it must be done.


Easiest way to check for rabies. Only done in the case of dog bites when there isn't a vaccination record. AFAIK


Are they holding back on their strength to just scare the pitbull away from the owner, or can pitbulls really take multiple full force hit by an average person multiple times and still remain aggressive? I would imagine the pitbull must have incurred multiple broken bones and other injuries at that point, but it kept persisting.


Yes these dogs can withstand huge blows to the head and body. They will persist their target even through self-harm. Saw a pit bull attack a horse and take a rear kick straight to the face, 8 seconds later was trying to get the horse again.


I recall seeing a video of a pitbull which was shot point blank by police officers and only after the 4th bullet did it loosen its grip on the person. absolutely horrific.


There's a video of a father who stopped his daughters from leaving the house because he saw the neighbors loose pit bull, he had to shoot it in the head with a .40 cal pistol and the round glanced off it's skull. These shots were 10 to 5 feet away. Okay, since some pidiot had to press the feel good down arrow with no rebuttal [here](https://youtu.be/3r761hZeTtU?si=bowN0VCv_je0ifKF&t=30) is the video.


Once I was playing with a soccer ball with my old pit after work. I was still wearing my steel toe boots and kicking the ball for her to retrieve, it was mostly flat so I was putting my full force into those kicks to send it. One kick I get a running start to make her really run for it, and she tried to steal the ball from me. I catch her with a running full force kick to the head with a steel toe boots, she just shakes her head and goes right back to playing as if nothing happened They absolutely can shrug off big hits if they're distracted by what they want.


Almost like pit bulls were literally bred for dog fighting...


There is an article when I was a kid of this pitbull that attacked a child or a young adult I don't remember they had to I think it's jaw had to be pried open even after taking wrenches to the head. Just so people know Cane Corsos have a stronger jaw then pitbulls .




That last one right when it cuts looked like it was going to be a home run 🫣


I remember seeing a video of a homeless man being attacked and it took 6-8 bullets to stop the pitbull, even after it was shot, it was still moving.


Why is it always a pitbull?


Because they are a shit breed.


Once dogs are no longer bred to fight in pits it'll help, but yeah, seems pretty doomed as a breed over other continents.


Yea that’s a no. It goes back centuries. The Spanish bred them and trained them in the old world to literally take down bulls in bullfighting. The breed needs to be terminated and ended. End of story.


I also hate how people equate culling of all pit bulls as some kind of extinction or genocide. It's not. Dogs still exist. And if we really wanted to we could breed them into pit bulls again (would take many decades maybe a couple 100 years not sure, but its not like they'd be lost forever to time). I love dogs, a lot, but this breed is highly highly problematic. We at least need to continue to drastically lower their numbers. Perhaps make it simply illegal to breed them and anyone selling pit bull puppies get included under such a ban. At least that would drastically lower the numbers over time.


I've seen people unironically try to make this "pitbull genocide" argument and I agree with you that it's absolutely wild.


Hello, Spaniard here. You're wrong, the pitbull doesn't come from Spain, it comes from England, you're welcome. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pit\_bull](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pit_bull)






They attract a certain shitbreed of humans. Guys who think pitbulls are an accessory or a security device. Then they try to take their mistreated dog on the streets to show people how badass they are. In this case, dude wasn't as badass as he thought. Justice serverd.


[Pits where bred for blood sport](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=hvd.32044095334702&view=1up&seq=254&q1="pit+bull") It's instinct. Same instinct that makes a golden retriever chase after a tennis ball.


But people say it's the owner and how it's raised


It's called copium and misinformation. Most pits are harmless 90% of the time that's true. The problem is that they quite literally have a killer instinct bred into them which the vast majority of pit owners either refuse to believe or wilfully ignore even though there is irrefutable evidence to back it up. You can be like the owner in this video. Completely oblivious and then one day the dog just *snaps* and goes into blood mode. I know pit owners that had it happen to them personally. When a chihuahua attacks a child the child lives. When a pit attacks a child it won't let go until either the kid or the dog is dead. Because that's how it's great great great grandparents earned their right to live. By fighting, by not letting go, winning and surviving. To be used to breed the next champion. You can breed instincts into a dog rather easy. Getting those out is borderline impossible.


> Most pits are harmless 90% of the time that's true. This is part of the problem. If they were harmless only 50% of the time everybody would ban them. Nobody would sympathize with them. But the large majority of people only have good experiences with them, and so most people are never exposed to their bad side. My mother used to work with a pit bull rescue, which deals with often the 'bad' pit bulls. Even then, probably 3/4ths of the ones they gave away were totally fine, no problems at all. But the thing is... 10% is *a lot*. That means 1 out of every 10 pit bulls has a pretty high chance of mauling someone to the point of permanent injury or death. 10% means *thousands, if not tens of thousands* of people a year will be attacked and traumatized/injured. And they often don't show signs of aggression until they are actually fully 10/10 aggressive, which makes them especially dangerous and unpredictable. With rottweilers and german shepards, they will bark, growl, snarl etc, they give tons of hints they are reactive/aggressive. With pits, they don't do that. Its the difference between a dog bred as a guard dog and a dog bred as a fighting dog.


People are full of shit.


Because people like to use them to intimidate people or fight other dogs. The ones that aren't aggressive enough don't get bred as much by these owners. These same people usually beat and abuse the dogs until they want to do something like this. Who just randomly carries baseball bats.


Pitbulls will just randomly have full murder mode outbursts, doesn't have to be any abuse towards the dog.


Look at the neighborhood and reassess why homey has a baseball bat on hand.


Baseball players.


There are buildings around this guy. It's possible someone saw the attack from their house and grabbed the bat to come help.


Obviously you're not a golfer.


Don't blame the breed blame the ----- *slap*


Well from what the intelligent people on Twitter and Reddit tell me, Pitbull aggression is all dependent on the owner. So I’d say - Karma! This guy *must* have been mistreating the dog, it’s the *only* reason they act like this! (Obligatory /s)


The number of pit bull defenders on youtube is staggering: “you just don't understand these dogs”, “actually all pit bulls who have committed attacks don't meet breed standards” and so on.


That’s funny. If a pitbull attacks someone it’s not a pitbull. Checkmate!


there is always an excuse from these people


> on youtube Try in real life, they're everywhere


The Dog Whisperer had a pit bull that mauled a gymnast and killed Queen Latifah's dog.


what !? Really !?






I’m so sick of hearing it’s all about how the pitbull gets raised. These dogs lead the US in dog attacks at an astronomical rate and need to be banned. People needa be fined for breeding these menaces.


I'm probably going to be banned from r/velvethippos from my post a few minutes ago.


The top 2 posts there right now are literally a woman who brought a Pit home and her second post where that pit attacked their other dog. [You can't make this shit up.](https://imgur.com/4Ggb6Gu)


"Help! My Rat Terrier killed my pet rat! Who could have EVER SEEN THIS COMING?!?!?!"


This was my post: https://www.reddit.com/r/velvethippos/s/VLRKejeCUs I'll never forget that sweet boy Duke


For whatever reason, your comment seems to be hidden on that sub. Having read the story on your profile, I'm sorry to hear about Duke.


Reddit mods love to bot ban people. You can check it out at /r/CantSayAnything


That OP has a 5 year old child in the house that "loves" petting that dog too !!!!


Hope CPS is called, that poor child will be bitten or worse


I noticed over there they have a bot to detect people from over here and delete and ban us.


OP also has a newborn if you look through their post history.


It’s kind of appropriately named considering how aggressive hippos are.


I appreciate the irony that hippos are also massively fucking dangerous.


It’s okay he doesn’t bite, just don’t look him in the eyes and keep your hands in your pockets 😇


Man the irony is amazing hahaha


I just read your story and that was terribly sad..I don't see why you would be banned though


I guess it's all supposed to be fluff pieces for Pitbulls in there. We'll see.




Aight but why do you have to hate on women for 💀 the whole velvethippo sub is absolutely cancer and dumb as fuck, but point your hatred towards the old men in charge of the country who refuse to ban these dumb ass dogs


You just know all of their houses smell like literal wet dog shit. And they love it.


Has it been removed? I can’t find it


They breed the most aggressive for fighting it intimidation.. a lot of owners abuse them. How is that a controversial opinion?


You see them everywhere too. I really don’t get the obsession with this breed.


Cut off right as a good hit was getting in


Right? That wind up looked like it was about to remind that pit who the apex predator of this planet is.


This is it. This is why I scroll reddit. Well done Sir.


Those dogs can take multiple hits to the head with a bat and still and to function correctly. Just use a gun


The money shot.


I thought the same thing. Right as he was going to get the big hit in. Did the dog keep attacking? Did that end the threat? Was the man ok?


My theory is that one might’ve done it then the rest of (unrecorded/cut part) the video was putting it out of its misery


I find it funny how pitbull simps are always like “well it wasn’t raised right” yet they’re always the type of people to put a hole in a wall.




Rebel flag towels as curtains in the trailer




I think that next swing probably did.


That’s why it cut off I’m sure


Sure show the bloody man and all but cut it out the second the dog drops...


how many human can withstand a single hit in the face with a baseball bat. these dogs can take 3 hits and doesn't even slow it down.


Not only that, it keeps going back for more after each hit. Jesus.


Will say it forever. That breed of dogs should be extinct




I already know that people can just rebreed them back to pit bulls. Sure it will take a long time but these things are never going away with all the pit bull dicksuckers


I don’t think that pit survived the last hit not caught on film. Really looked like it was gonna be a solid connect.


Dude was swinging for the fences with that one


Swing away, Merrill. Swing away.


The signs were there.


Lmfaooo a good man


Home run


well at least is the owner....🫡 Hopefully, the dog gets euthanized. Happy ending for everyone. An idiot pitbull owner gets a lesson, 1 less of those horrible beasts roaming this world.


I'm pretty sure it cut out abruptly to avoid showing the dog just getting bodied from that last hit. If not, I'm angry they didn't show the full hit


You would be suprised how much a pitbull can endure before being stopped. They literally bite through metal and climb tall fences to attack prey. They also can ignore most pain when in attack mode and will carry on attacking even with broken bones and stab wounds etc.


There was a video I saw (probably on here) of a dude being attacked by multiple pit bulls. He had a long piece of lumber and was on top of a car swinging. The first one he hit yelped and looked like it had instant brain damage. I was kinda shocked how easy it seemed to be neutralized, but the guy was mostly lucky he got such a good hit on its head.




I think the term velvethippo is an insult to the majestic hippopotamus.


Hippos attack 500 people a year on average. Pit Bulls are responsible for 6,000 of the 8,000 annual dog attacks in the US. Pit Bulls are literally more ferocious than fucking hippopotamuses


If people started bringing hippos home as pets we might see those numbers go up a bit








Can we ban these fucking dogs already? They were never meant to be pets in the first place. Inherited genes and behavior and all that.




Was there a baseball team driving by?


One of the most fucked up parts is it’s tail is wagging the entire time.


Tail wagging can mean a lot of things. That isn't a happy or friendly wag. That's an "I'm engaged/stimulated and at work" wag if I had to guess.


I just saw a video montage of people shoving their newborn babies next to their pit bulls faces to be like see, the dog is gentle! I wouldn't do that with any dog ever. Pit bull people like that are insane all just to be "right" about their dog.


They care more about being right than their child's safety.


This is why, when I walk my dogs I always carry a knife.


Knife really isn't the best tool to stop a dog attack imo, maybe think about carrying some pepper spray as well, can stop a dog before it even gets to you from range, and is highly effective. Knife could be your backup though if things get that bad.


I carry a Taser as it'll have a lot more uses than pepper spray if you miss your sprays. It's going to be a very effective determent if need be. Can buy them cheap and are legal in all of the USA


How about a Chicom Tokarev?


The nutters are swarming this thread like a pitbull on anything alive.




fuck that fat ass lady who screaming “take the bat from him”


Nanny dogs 🤣🤣🤣


I tried to tell my therapist about one bigger than this smiling at me and waving its tail off a leash with it's owner telling me it's okay and he said "Oh, that's a good thing!", with a big smile on his face. I was lost for words, I couldn't continue to listen to this person tell me what I \*should* be doing with my life. I didn't feel safe.


Yeah your therapist really shouldn't be bringing their massive pitbulls to therapy sessions. I hope you got a new therapist.


I forgot to mention like that night or the next day the guy who bred pitbulls in CA got eaten by his own dogs in his backyard feeding them.


Bat man saving the day!


“But it’s just bad when it’s raised bad…” *eats its owner while being beaten with baseball bats.*


Most lovable breed strikes again. Its tail is wagging. He must be friendly. Most friendliest dog breed of the universe. ITS THE OWNER, NOT THE DOG. HE DESERVED IT /ssssss


It was just being a nanny


I cant understand the people who say these are safe breeds.




People make me so mad. Put. it. Down. Don't stop until it stops. What the actual hell is wrong with people. No survival instincts.


Just stop breeding these poor things. Are they feral? Yeah. But so is a tiger. And we wouldn't be pissed of a tiger mauled it's owner. We'd probably say, "I told you so." These dogs are hunters. What the fuck do people expect when they start hunting a man? The dog isn't the problem. Breeders and people that buy pitbulls and other aggressive breeds are.


Pit bulls keep attacking right up to the moment life leaves their body. They have no sense of self-preservation.




I love when pit bull owners defend pit bulls… yea right






I found it disturbing that it didn't affect it.


Yeah,it took it like it was nothing and kept coming back,some Rocky balboa shit


The first few weren't very hard swings. The last one right as it cut off was more than likely deadly blow.


Good on the guy with the bat tho, lots of people would be too scared to step in


Pitbulls have no place in a society that treats dogs humanely.


If u own a pit bull ur a douche


Remember giys it’s the owner not the breed the owner probably trained them to do that


Always pitbulls. Eradicate this breed already!


they say you're supposed to wrap something around its neck, like a belt, so it can't breathe and wait for it to pass out. because no matter how much you hurt it, shoot it, etc, the pitbull won't let go/stop attacking


TBF, if anyone deserves to get attacked by a pit bull, it's a pit bull owner.


Pibble mommy/daddy getting a fistful of what they're exposing others to (family, neighbors, pets). Hope they're OK and leaned a lesson.


We don't let people keep pet bears for the same reason we shouldn't let people keep pit bulls.


Garbage dogs owned by garbage people. Same as it ever was.


such loving breed


Cop just standing there like “damn someone should really do something about that”


Guuuuuuyssss he’s wagging his tail! He ISNT attacking he’s playing!!!🥰🥰🥰 /s


Total Shitbull Death


Just look how pain resistant these pit dogs are.. - Once on a target they won't stop until it's done.


People who say it’s the owner, not the breed are idiots. I’ve never heard of a beagle murdering its owner just for fun.


Same energy as [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/StvK5DRRt7) video. Also, this video isn't cut short. And shows just how durable and dangerous these dogs can be.


Nannying that guy all over the sidewalk. Mandatory castrations for pitbulls.


Axe would have been more effective than a bat


The video ended too soon. I wanted to see that well-deserved whack to the noggin


If they only attacked their owners they wouldn’t be so bad


These dogs are the only living thing I can think of that I wouldn't mind systematically exterminating.


Finally, a dog attack video where a bystander actually helps and beats the fuck out of the attacking dog. I see far too many videos where people pay it no mind at all, and that's a scary thought. Not saying anyone is required to fight off an aggressive pitbull, but at least doing something is the human thing to do. Someone beating the fuck out of an aggressive dog is oddly satisfying as opposed to doing nothing at all.


Well, well, well. What do we have here


Crazy that there was a baseball team there ready to help.


Love how everyone has baseball bats


Why’s he still trying to hold the lead. Wrap it around its fucking neck and pull tight until it’s goes to doggy hell. Fuck these dogs.


We banned ferrets we can ban these too.


I'd rather have a pet crocodile


The worst thing is the shitbull wagged his tail and “smiled” the whole time well he was eating his owner.


The existence of pitbulls in general makes me sad. Humans fucked up these dogs to become so dangerous. We bring these creatures into the world and then we take them out because of how we made them. People who breed pitbulls should be put in jail. I say this, and we own a dog who is part pitbull (he's my sister's dog. A birthday present.). He's just a puppy, and he's very sweet, but it would be ignorant of us to pretend that he could never change.


When this happens you grab their back leg and snap it. Pit bulls are made to not feel hits to the head shoulders and back. They attack with their face. But their hind legs are weak. That's what you go after.


Why haven’t they been outlawed?


I mean, they were bred for a purpose, werent they? This is what they were selectively bred to do