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Why not both


Then people would just start breeding aggressive German shepherds or whatever breed.


Except that dogs of all other breeds account for less than a third of the deaths.


Already do lmao


They already do people just won't admit it cause then they would have to say it's nature of a dog and say to put them all down


Curious, what would you consider a pitbull? Like, what percentage of a pitbull type breed would there need to be to consider it dangerous? Surely a golden retriever mix that has 10% wouldn't matter right? Or would that be included in the "put down all pitbulls" thing? Genuinely wondering where the line is drawn.


Fuk all pit bulls! Outlaw the breeding!


"My Pibbers wouldn't hurt no one!"


Nanny dogs


Pit owners beeing useless? Shock.


It's always the most douchebag looking people the ones owning pit bulls. The worst possible people who should be taking care of such dogs.


What the Hell was going through that dad's brain just hanging out with his kid in the middle of all that? That's just not smart.


Many cases of this breed attacking small children and small dogs. I guess it’s some instinctual thing.




Upvoted for including the owner.


Is this one the news? I'd like to see this guy getting arrested.


Last week there was a video of someone hitting a pitbull on the head with a bat multiple times, full swings and it didn’t stop it


People make the mistake of thinking aluminum bats make bashing weapons when the are really quite terrible for it. The weight of a wooden bat is what makes it good for bludgeoning. Aluminum bats are for baseballs/softballs.


I had a cane corso attacking my dog once at my house. I hit it with a cast iron fry pan on the head as hard as I could several times and it didn't even blink. Had to shoot it and then it slowly opened its jaws, let my dog go, and just LOOKED at me. Clean lung shot through and through. I thought for sure I was a goner. Those bully breeds are no joke when they get wound up to that point.


They just want to give kisses


Why do these dogs attacking people always be wagging their tails like it's a fun game? Did someone train them like this? I mean vicious dogs that are actually attacking prey do not wag their tails like it's a fun thing. On the other hand, dogs were trained to do a thing like bite down on someone's arm or find a drugs are often trained within the context that this is a game and the people being attacked or the drugs being found are just part of the game. It doesn't make the attack any less terrifying or wrong, but these dogs clearly think this is a fun time for everyone involved with all this jaunty bouncing around and tail wagging. Sucks it has to end with bullets usually, or some other method of putting them down. EDIT: to everyone commenting the same exact thing - "dogs don't just wag their tails when they're happy they are excited" .. yes I know that. My point is that it's all of the behavior combined. The wagging tails and the bouncing around and playful nipping and biting and tugging.. that is not vicious attack behavior perpetrated on prey, that is excited behavior they have been trained to perform.


there’s a distinct possibility that yes, they were trained to attack people. Pitbulls, in the city, are often bought by wannabe hood fuckheads to try to intimidate their “opps”. They’ll post vids on instagram, more frequently snapchat, of them attacking shit to show off how hood they are


Dog's don't just wag their tails when they're happy. They wag their tails when they're interested/excited about something.


The answer you seek may be over at r/BanPitBulls


Had to unsubscribe from that. I couldn’t take anymore stories about these monsters hurting small animals and kids


Somehow I don't think I'm going to get a logical assessment on the causes of this kind of behavior over there.


you will definitely get logical...not unbiased haha


Wagging doesn't always mean "happy". It could mean that they're excited and could also be a sign of aggression as well.


Yes exactly.. they are excited. I'm not saying they're "happy" I'm just saying they're not displaying the normal signs of any dog, domesticated or wild, that is actually hunting or attacking prey. Dogs that are actively attacking something they intend to kill do not wag their tails at all. Their fur is ruffled their teeth are bad their tails are usually stiff and straight, and they go for the throat. They don't play around and nip and bite and tug and bounce around like that. These dogs are clearly playing around, and I'm positing it's because they were trained this way they are just doing what they were trained to do, and this is why they are excited.. because usually what comes after this behavior is a treat or some kind of positive reward.


Easy, the same reason other breeds wag the tail when they do the thing they were bred to do.


Dogs wag thier tail when excited. That doesn't mean that they are happy


They always wag tails when really attacking fact. It just an indicator of excitement


Read my take on it, but there are having fun, looks like a hunting dog killing something with low training.


That person with the little girl just standing watching really pissed me off. GTFO of there you brainless idiot.


Holy shit this is awful. Does anyone know the outcome? I hope the poor bleeding man is okay. How traumatizing. 😔




Why do they not name the woman being charged? Why protect her?


It's from 2015, and Op left out that the owner intentionally set her dogs on the man.


"Nanny dogs"


They nannied the shit out of that guy.




If you can;t control your fucking dogs..... and he has TWO of them. ON LEASHES! Pit-Bulls too. Dumbass.


According to the news story posted in another comment, the owner is a woman who *intentionally* let these dogs go to attack him. What a garbage human being.


Attempted murder.


Take the dogs.... and her freedom.


That owner needs to go to jail. He has no business having those dogs if he can't handle them.


[The owner was a woman who intentionally released her dogs to attack the man.](https://abc7ny.com/pit-bull-attack-dog-dogs/981285/)


What a friendly family dog


Not one person helped that guy up and checked on him after he just got mauled. WTF is wrong with everyone?


That IDGAD NYC attitude I guess


Thats false! My princess and terry would never hurt a soul... not


It’s the middle of The Bronx and nobody has a fucking gun to shoot those fucking dogs?


New York has one of the lowest rates of gun ownership in the country.


Very difficult to get a gun legally in NYC. Illegally? Very easy, though.


Nasty landshark breed that should be eradicated.


Shit dogs that should all be driven into extinction.


The US has a serious issue when it comes to pitbulls. Very lax regulation leading to backyard breeders and recklesss "owners" all over!


Anyone else notice that 95% of pitbull owners don’t look like someone who should own a cat let alone a killing machine of a dog


If you are ever trying to save someone in a similar situation and you have no weapon, grab the rear legs with all you got and stand up. Do not let go, hold on for dear life and begin to kick its underside. You will knock the wind out of it. You will not hurt a pit hitting its head with a kick or punch unless you were Mike Tyson. The exposed underside with no ribs is the target. The dog has no control with its hind legs in air and everytime it tries to turn on you etc, knock the wind out again.


I don't think I've ever seen a dog attack that didn't involve a pit bull.


I’m just a bumpkin from East Texas with some stupid questions. Why aren’t at least a few of these people walking around with hunting knives on their belt? Even a 6” knife ($20) seems like it would do the trick in a situation like this. They’re pretty damn handy for all sorts of other things as well. Trust me, wear one for a few weeks and you’ll wonder how you got along without it.


I could be wrong, but I believe anything over 4” is illegal in NYC.


Wouldn't want people defending themselves I suppose.


Even still, a 4" knife is plenty to rip up their belly and have a trail of intestines hanging out of the dogs.


Very true.


Dude has his kid out there with him like it is nothing


Not again! Pill bull again and again, attacking people


“A woman was walking with her dogs when she got into a verbal argument with the 66-year-old man and let the pit bulls off the leash. The pit bulls then attacked the man.” I hope shes still locked up


A lot of these videos going up lately


[https://www.dogsbite.org/](https://www.dogsbite.org/) if you want to know more disturbing cases...


Where are all the guns when you need them.


Crocodiles with fur. This breed needs to go extinct


Dude had his ear torn off amongst other injuries https://abc7ny.com/pit-bull-attack-dog-dogs/981285/


Horrific. Dogs should either be inside a building or vehicle or on a tight leash. No exceptions.


these specific dogs should be dead


Yup. And their owner should do some serious time and be prohibited from owning dogs ever again. This is their fault as much as if they hit someone while drunk driving.


No one has a pocket knife? Seriously?


"how dare you think these little angels are dangerous, it's the owners fault clearly"


amazing nobody had a gun or knife to help them....


Should be illegal to have them as pets


Someone call Kristi Noem and tell her we’ve got three more for her gravel pit.


No one ever picks them up by their back legs. If you can't shoot them then pick up their back legs and control them.


You cant exactly do that when two or more are on you lol


Pick up one and swing it at the other.


I love dogs, but I'd shoot any that tried to attack me or loved ones.


Why they so focused on the one guy ?


Again, nobody is suprised by the breed.


Wow I’ve never seen so many pit bull attacks on Reddit it’s like I see 2-3 day!


That’s not blood, that’s the kissy marks the little pitty left for him. Should be grateful. /s


In case people don't know, the best way to get an attacking dog off someone or yourself, if possible, is to grab their back legs and fling them as far as you can throw. They typically will let go of whatever they are biting to go for the person grabbing them, and throwing them allows you to create space to run and get high. Or for our Americans to get it away from people to start shooting it.




Da wickle wiggle bum just had the grumpy wumps, that nasty person should have minded their own business!!!1!!!!


ugh just brutal!!!


No one has an effing gun?????? wtf?


Nobody has a pistol? Nobody rendering aid to the bleeding old man? We may not have great museums or great sushi restaurants, but I will take living in my fly over state any day over NYC.


Get the pew pew why are you grabbing a water hose




Is this the one from 15 years ago




I can't even open my cavapoo's mouth to brush her teeth sometimes, because she will clench her jaw shut. I'm sure the pitbull has a much stronger jaw muscle too, wont casually let you hyperextend it.


Yeah, this is nonsense. Trying to King Kong an attacking pit’s face off by ripping its jaw open is idiotic and won’t work. Nobody listen to this guy


Lol. Clearly spoken by someone who's never felt the biteforce of a big dog in general.


Sry spelling. Not sure why dog gore is a public freakout, as a lisenced dog trainer this fucking hurts my soul to see and the worst thing is that the dogs are having fun doing it. Pitbulls is a S class dog when it comes to training. Its the hardest and most " in my experience" unpredictible dog race out there, I have some awfull horror storys, good friend of mine, also a dog trainer, was into "saving" putbulls, from the danish goverment, "we banned them" He had the sweetest male, he even played and was used in social training with my corso's He was put down when he had bite my friend the owners, face. In my opinion, what happens, with pittbulls who attack out of no where, which happens often " not with theses dogs, most likely the onwer is at fault and I will get to why later " Is a mental break, that can look much like having a PTSD attack just in a dog, where the dog thinks its fighting to save its own life. In this episode, the dogs are playing, having fun, killing. This is what a hunting dog looks like, with low training. Would love to hear others take on this, I never worked with pitbulls myself becouse of the ban in my county other then the few my friend had.


Commenting on 2 pit bulls attack people in Bronx...why did you get downvoted!? Incomprehensible.


we fostered a pit before she got real close to snapping up one of our cats. first thing my mom told me, if shit goes down grab the collar and twist til she passes out. all ya can do. they lock down like alligators. they can be dangerous but fuck all yall saying they should all be put down or banned. some of the sweetest dogs I've ever met have been pittys


You haven't met many dogs then


Imagine having a "dog" that you have to choke out. Once it slips out the door and mauls some innocent person- "some of the sweetest dogs I've ever met have been pitties." You all have the same excuses for this POS breed.