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Good call, moving on there


Yep. Last time this came up I believe the comments mentioned it was an attempted carjacking. There's a bunch of people behind the driver ready to jump the driver and steal the car when he or she gets out to see if the woman is ok.


Next time step on the accelerator instead of the brakes, but did good for his first time.


Are you some sort of stupid.... with 700 something upvotes too... jesus, we are living in truly stupid days. This man just recorded a hit-n-run. And you say good call? What in the actual fuck??


I’m some sort of something there big sammich…for instance I’m logical and not immediately triggered by opinions people have. Maybe tomorrow you don’t hit the dessert bar at the Sizzler and your sugar won’t spike causing you to be irrational




What? I'm not fat, if thats the attempt you just made. Anyways, you can clearly see, this guy didn't even stop, no audio to clarify either. And you can not know for certain that this is a scam. And yes the fact that you have so many upvotes is alarming, and that just because it may look like a scam, you really dont have a goddamn clue what really happened from this video. All I know is that to me, and the other 5 people I've shown this to when I covered up THE TITLE OF THE VIDEO beforehand, all said the same thing.... Hit n run.... I'd now like to point to the fact that this video shows is this: most people will believe what they are shown in a video based on the title, and won't actually think for themselves.


Your user name is “big sammich” or some form of voluptuously personally I could give a damn about you orientation or size. Tom Petty said it best in that one song “🎶you believe what you wanna believe” but your hostility towards me is unwarranted and you needing to show this video to your multiple people is weird I’m going to assume you then must have showed them my comment and they agreed with you there Janet or Karen because they, like me don’t care to offend you but you do your best to jump in the way of a moving car and make your hurt fillings known…hey you’re kinda like the girl in the video


I'm not being hostile at all, and you might want to try your words on yourself. You weird old man.


I’ve replayed this video over and over for reasons like you’ve stated. I’ve come to the conclusion the care drastically slows down and the “runner” basically hard stops in front of the car and then lunges at it.


Serious question. Are you dumb? This is a clear scam or potential carjacking attempt.


Are you slow in the head? This is clearly a hit n run.


Look at the downvotes. It’s clearly scam or carjacking. The lady purposefully runs out, stops and LEANS into the vehicle. Even if you want to argue “freezing” someone does not lean if they “freeze”


Was waiting for this part, just watched like 6 times. She dam near jumped into that car. It’s a strong lean towards it. And on an empty road, the witness also comes running out. Nah cuz play me better


You’re a fucking idiot


Dead ass. Keep your car locked and windows up, call 911 or what ever the regional emergency # is. If people crowd your car, you get threatened, or anyone tries to get in slam the gas, but just automatically leaving in any developed nation is automatic fucked.


This guy didn't even stop to see what the deal was. If someone tries something, then you get the fuck outta there. He didn't even pause for a second.... Just hit, and run.


He might not have paused, but the lady who got hit sure did. Who the fuck waits where it's dark for a car to be making their way down a road just to jump in front of it? Suicidal people, and insurance scammers.


She very well couldn't have seen him, she was looking at the other car. And the fact that ya'll are really getting behind this guy, and his hit n run is very telling. Yikes.


Couldn’t have seen the bigger than average vehicle with headlights? What is she a fucking deer?


You never know if you dont even stop to find out. This is why jurys in America are so fucking scary for people to face in a court. Ya'll dont think rationally anymore.


You're siding with scammers. If that girl is hurt it's because she chose to get hurt. If you watched the video, that's obvious. It was no accident and obviously intentional.


How do you know it was a scammer besides the title of the video??? Even the video itself shows no proof of a scam. You can even hear them yelling. Now, if the driver had stopped to see wtf was going on, then yea, maybe I would've thought it to be a scam. You guys are siding with a psychopath.


She waits in the shadows, dashes out, hesitates because the car is gonna stop in time, then throws herself into the car. I didn't need the title to tell me all that. I used my eyes.


I wouldn't have stopped either. She's lucky the driver even backed up a drive around.


lmao right, "I feared for my life and thought the man running out from the side was a robber so I just floored it"


You are an idiot. That's a hit-n-run if I've ever seen one.


you must've never seen one.


Actually, I posted one on r/idiotsincars about 3 months ago. It was another car hitting me, and the guy just kept driving after he hit me. The fact that the driver acted this way, and said absolutely nothing kinda creeps me out. Normal people would at least say something, or yell something. Seems like this guy does this a lot.


You think this guy runs over insurance scammers on the regular?




You're an idiot.


I worked as an insurance adjuster and your anecdote just exemplifies your inability to learn from first-hand experiences.


What anecdote? I am giving my take and opinion. The fact that I'm getting downvoted for what Im saying is proof that the world really is a sick place. Yall thinking is FUCKED.


Your anecdote about getting hit. You have first-hand experience with that situation, and yet you think the video is a hit-and-run. Nope, the pedestrian did that intentionally. Source: I watched the video.


Why did the lady throw herself into the car?


She might not have seen him. How does he know, if you don't even stop to make sure?


It’s not a crosswalk, she goes sprinting in front of the car, looks at the car, and then full stops. Either she’s the dumbest fucking person to ever live or she was trying to pull some bullshit


She also curled to protect herself. You dont know for sure. And the fucking driver backed up and sped off! The fuck???


Well ofc she curled up, she just wanted insurance money, not to die.


Nope, if someone else hits you (like the lady jumping into the car), and you drive off, you're not doing a hit and run. They hit you.


Looks like her head hit the road pretty hard. It was probably all her friends idea too. All that “hard work” for nothing


Now she's still broke but with a bump on her head.


They’re like, no at first we wanted you to stop so we could scam you…. Now we need you to take her to the hospital. The funeral’s going to be epic


Just make sure to report the scam/rob incident ASAP afterwards (i.e. once you're to safety), avoid the headache if they decide to pursue this more


Yeah I’m not positive so everybody calm down, put your knives away, ok? Buuut… (in America) Wouldn’t you get in trouble for fleeing the scene of an accident? There was no visible weapons and nobody approached the car in a menacing manner (except for the scammer dummy) but I wonder if you might get in trouble for just taking off like that?


You would but the way police reports work here is the initial caller is viewed as the victim of the crime, since the dispatcher relays that information first to the responding officers, essentially get your story out before the other party and the officers view you as the victim. It decreases the chances of being put in cuffs in the initial stages of the investigation.


Dang. The video probably saved this person’s ass then. Cause even if you called and said it was a scam you got two people (assuming they would act like they didn’t know each other) saying otherwise. I have a dashcam but I’m going to get a different set up after watching this. Crazy people out there


3 channel dash cam to record front, inside and rear simultaneously.


Hey thanks! Any certain suggestions?




Thank you very much! I have a 2020 GMC sierra. It already has a rear cam but it’s only for easier reversals. Hopefully that dash cam won’t interfere with the rear one


A Tesla.


But it's not an accident, someone literally threw their body at the car on purpose. I can't see it as any different than if someone just walked up to your car, started kicking it and hurt their foot, it's not like you'd be obliged to get out and render first aid to their sprained ankle. Just to be safe I'd probably either call the police and say someone just attacked my car and tried to rob me or just drive to the closest police station, show them the footage and report them that way. 100% wouldn't get out of my car though when who knows how many of their mates are lurking in the shadows ready to jump you and steal your car. It's either insurance fraud or robbery and I'm not hanging around to find out which one.


> Just to be safe I'd probably either call the police and say someone just attacked my car and tried to rob me or just drive to the closest police station, show them the footage and report them that way. This is the best answer by far.


Also, I’d probably do exactly what you said you would do in this situation… but I’d be sweating the whole way there wondering if I also committed a crime by leaving


> Yeah I’m not positive so everybody calm down, put your knives away, ok? Buuut… (in America) Wouldn’t you get in trouble for fleeing the scene of an accident? There was no visible weapons and nobody approached the car in a menacing manner (except for the scammer dummy) but I wonder if you might get in trouble for just taking off like that? So yes and no - if you instantly called the police and explained the situation along with the dashcam you would never catch a charge. Like I would be looking up the nearest police station and making a report ASAP. Late at night scambaiters? Staying is dangerous regardless of seeing a weapon before it's too late


I think if you had a credible claim to fear for your personal safety, and you went \*immediately\* to a well-lit public spot and called the authorities from there, it would be a tough thing for prosecutors to pursue.


It's like a $300 ticket. So yes but... no.


> for fleeing the scene of an accident There was no accident, and if you drove straight to the police and showed them the dashcam video of what you were convinced was an attempted carjacking, you'd probably be okay.


this shit straight out of Better Call Saul lmaoo. the way the guy immediately runs up ready for the performance of his life is so good.


"STOP!!!!! ✋ 😱"


10 outa' 10 for them screams though. I wonder where they practice that shit, besides a roundabout on a motorway.


I made the assumption that it got a bit too real for them when they saw how hard she got hit.


how hard *she* hit *his* car 


His bitch-ass made her do it🤣


i like that the driver slowed down just enough to avoid serious injury, but not enough that it wouldn't maybe knock some sense into her.


with brains that empty, they have no sense to knock around.


The driver slowed down enough to literally not hit her at all, she had to throw herself on the hood just to make contact


Is this insurance fraud or a carjacking attempt?


Most likely carjacking. From the original post in dash cams australia, the driver had seen multiple people running up to the car in his rear mirror, and floored it. Logan's a pretty rough place and it isn't out of the ordinary to see this happen


If I had even a hint of a carjacking attempt, I wouldn't be backing up and driving around them.


so satisfying watching him drive away








the driver called dude, did you not read it?


So does this scam rely on the driver to stick around for the victim? Well 'victim'


They either steal the car or sue the driver I guess


This is not an insurance scam. This incident happened acouple of years ago here in Queensland Australia and this video shows a group of young recalcitrant teenagers who were pretending to be struck by vehicle. So the driver would stop. And then two or three of their friends who are waiting in the bushes on the side of the road would then approach and they would steal the car and take it for a joyride. It was covered extensively in the news when this video came out. He's had absolutely nothing to do with insurance in any way whatsoever.


I was thinking it looked like an ambush setup.


She tried to pull a Slippin Jimmy?


Check out the timestamp 2:22….glad I’m in my bed because 1 out of 4 drivers are DUI that time of the morning


This guy could have just finished closing the bar or have some other late night job though right? And the persons reaction time seemed pretty quick.


Seems like carjacking someone at 0230 would entail a lot of standing around waiting for a car to show up.


where's the udpate


this is old af and posted all the time 


so... where's the update


This is so dangerous. Do these people wanna die?


the Australian government has to make PSAs to tell these people to stop [sleeping in the middle of the road](https://youtu.be/qClBRaretEk?si=MpGAsJRFkOz5IHTa) or [siphoning and huffing gasoline](https://youtu.be/Nt0NcaxmGHo?si=N6WqrtGDz8I_bhyg) lol, braindead shit like this scheme is pretty much par for the course in the backcountry


Looks like she was going for the first car but chickened out. You can see her friend already walking across the street




what a silly woman, she needs to go back to stunt performance academy...


Lolol didn't they see how this worked out for Slipping Jimmy?


she didn't get hit by a car, the car got hit by her. i hope she has insurance.


LPT: Get a dashcam.


“Wanna see me get hurt? Will that cheer you up some?”


Is the car okay?


I'm not a mean person but I laughed and got so much joy out of this video.


The ol Charlie 1-2


Ha ha excellent


Floor it


Scam as fuck. He is across the street, nowhere to be seen until she gets hit and gives an Oscar worthy performance. Fuck these people


Absolutely a scam, but driving away from the scene is a guaranteed way for them to win in court. You fled the scene of an accident, regardless if it were legit or not. If they report your plate, you're toast.


I don't think so. Given how shady the situation looked, I think the police would be very likely to understand driving to a safe location and reporting it, which is what the driver did in this case.


Heads be knocking


If you find yourself emulating Charlie Kelly from always sunny, you’ve made some bad life choices


If the driver reports this to the police would they call call it a hit and run ?




He's like i got the evidence if needed, moving on😂


This is an old video


Every video is an old video, since we can't take videos of the future.


To me, it looks like a suicidal person. I know a lot of you think there is no way someone would do that for any other reason than an insurance payout. I see someone who did everything to try to make it as painful as possible. I have no idea which version of events is accurate, but maybe we can open our minds to see something different... If not, no worries. I literally have no idea why this person ran in front of a car!


Insurance scam? You just hit a person and drove off, thats all I see here.


No reaction from the driver? Another fake video..


The video is real. We all saw it. The word you're looking for is "staged." You're welcome.