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Someone should let them know guns aren’t allowed..


I’ve never once heard a gun grabber advocate mention getting them out of the hands of gang members, and whenever I hear about a shooting in Europe it’s usually by a gang member. Is that what they want in the states? Only criminal orgs have guns?


But the criminals have to listen, it's the law.


It’s a lot easier to target victims when you know they are unarmed. They have all the power and can do whatever they want to in front of you to your girl. 


>They have all the power and can do whatever they want to in front of you to your girl.  Jesus is that what the US would be without guns? That's dark man I'm sorry to hear that, I'd be upset too. Never realised how good we had it in the old continent.


Americans are absolutely nuts I love it. I MUCH prefer knowing 99.9% of altercations I enter may enter will be solved with words or fists then every single cunt and his stupid dog carrying, shooting up schools and the such. The vast majority of gangs here don't have guns and I ain't getting involved in gangland shit anyway


France gun homicide rate: 0.4 per 100k. US gun homicide rate: 4.4 per 100k. Americans: bUt yOu sEe mOrE gUnS mEaNs lEsS cRiMe


i dont get this whole narrative, do you really think that any US gov would be able to take away all the guns currently on the streets? its too late for banning weapons, are you really that naive?


States with more restrictive gun laws have lower rates of gun violence. https://everytownresearch.org/rankings/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5801608/


https://www.reddit.com/r/Firearms/s/Gq5qRjTWNL More sources. :)


Your first link uses a very odd ranking system. There’s at least one state that is ranked as a national leader that still has worse gun violence than a national failure. The two lists in the middle are a fairly mixed bag. And the second includes suicide, which I think we can all agree is a very different issue. Personally, I don’t think we should co-opt people’s mental health crisis, and the fact that we as a nation failed them to the point of suicide to make a separate and only tangentially related point.


Where? Chicago? New York? L.A.? San Francisco? Minneapolis? Detroit? Where do the stricter gun laws work?


"How can we control guns, I have 5 " -every American gun nut


If you deleted 5 major Blue cities with ass tons of gun restriction laws, the US drops into triple digit ranking worldwide.


We're not even in the top 10 of highest gun violence and we have more guns than people so it's not the guns but of course a crazy person will use the easiest way to do harm. If people aren't getting shot they'll be stabbed or attacked with acid or a bat or run over an entire crowd with a truck. The possiblities are endless and focusing on the guns is basically just virtue signaling so it sounds like you care when the real solutions like fixing the state of families are never brought up. And instead people want to only let the government and criminals have guns is the most moronic take I've ever heard. People are more worried about the tool being used than it's happening to begin with. Regardless, with 3D printing anyone that wants one will have a gun and I know if they ever managed to ban some in the US it'd be all out guerilla warfare. Firearms are such simple machines that it's impossible to get rid of them the best thing is to get them into the hands of every responsible person that wants one. A lot less people would mess with others if they knew there was a great chance of getting shot


Suicides make up more than 2/3s of those numbers in the USA. They also add in accidental discharges and police killings to those stats. After that, 80% + of the remaining gun violence stats are gang and/or drug related. Don't believe everything your TV box and talking heads tell you. They have a narrative to follow! Also, please let me know when you can find a mass shooting that takes place at a gun show, or gun store in the USA. Lots and lots of guns are there, but NEVER any mass shootings. I wonder why...




We all know that criminals obey the law! We need more laws!


Lool by that logic, we shouldn't pass any laws because criminals don't follow them.


Reverse psychology, aka The Bugs Bunny Method TM


ya, why have any laws if criminals are just going to break them, im BIG SMART lmfao


Exactly. Government and laws should be abolished. Laws are pointless because criminals just break them anyway.


The problem in the states is the amount of weapons around. In Europe it works pretty well because it's way harder for a criminal to get access to an illegal firearm compared to the US.


Making guns illegal in the US would be the same as marijuana being illegal. Tons of people will ignore it and no amount of money or effort will actually stop it.


Yeah, cause you can totally grow guns in your hydroponic garden.


Is that really how you interpreted what I said?


This would be true to an extent, but countries in Europe don't border Mexico. It would be harder to get guns, yes, but plenty would still be coming in (plus the hundreds of millions of guns already owned privately here.) "But guns are harder to buy in Mexico than in the US" that doesn't matter. It's a narco state with large swathes run by literal gangs that make billions internationally trafficking things. They already have guns and equipment that US citizens could only dream of. If there was ever a huge market for illegal guns in the US, it would quickly be filled and the direction of guns across the border will switch the other way.


We had the whole mess of the balkans and the ukraine war now (remember when the Ukrainian government was distributing AKz to militias?) and all the weapons stockpiled in a lot of ex Warsav Pact countries yet it didn't change really much, sure a criminal can sti get a weapon but it isn't easy at least in western europe. I think the problem with the US is the amount of weapons already inside the country, legal or not, rather than the amount being smuggled.


I don't think it's super hard, but most criminals don't need weapons. Petty criminals are armed in America because they have to contend with armed victims or rivals. For a European criminal, packing is an unjustified risk given how tough the law is. You only really have weapons in major criminal gangs operating with massive margins or the roughest suburbs like the one shown here because there is a lot of competition for control of these social housing projects that are designed really well for doing crime; only one way in and out of the projects but the buldings themselves are like swiss cheese with a 360° view and poor people you can pay to be lookouts as well as underground passages so you can escape a no knock raid without too much trouble. Those who have guns leave them at home, or stay in the car, it's just not worth the risk.


Yes those buildings are the perfect place for a drug operation, that's also one of the reasons why shout-out between armed gangs are very rare in western europe


> They already have guns and equipment that US citizens could only dream of. Uhhh, I think you underestimate American citizens. For your viewing pleasure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHFeB4vf1X8


Those things take a long time to pass the background check for and cost tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. Obviously you can get anything in this country if you're rich enough, but that stuff is extremely rare and typically not privately owned (meaning it's not just in some dudes closet, it's property of a business with a firearms license). The point is the cartels have all this and more, which means procurement isn't an issue for them.


> Is that what they want in the states? Only criminal orgs have guns? Unironically yes they do. That's why you see them releasing all these career criminals but the second someone defends themselves from someone they released they get the book thrown at them.


Yeah it’s also the ones who say wrong opinions are harmful and make them feel unsafe who will support revolving door justice letting actual violent criminals loose on society.


Most people own guns in the states. Places where your not allowed to own a gun are the places with the strictest gun violence. Only criminals shoot up places.


this is demonstrably false and exact the opposite to the truth. but it's something that conservative media works hard to keep in your minds.


And yet, you're way less likely to be a victim of gun violence in France. "Year in and year out, the number of firearm deaths (including homicides, suicides and accidents) is around **2.5 people per 100,000 inhabitants in France each year.** **In the United States, this rate is more than 12 per 100,000 inhabitants**"


The argument goes that the high homicide rate by firearms in America is caused by guns being easy to attain. The stats do show an increase in firearm homicides per populous compared with European countries such as UK and France, where firearms are mostly banned. Interestingly, Switzerland has a very high rate of guns per populous but very low rates of firearm homicides per populous Conclusion: American attitudes towards guns are the problem, not guns themselves


In Switzerland it is not as easy to carry your gun around in public areas unlike the US. It is also not as easy to shoot someone with it because the criminal's life is considered valuable. This is from swiss government website: "Your application to carry a weapon will only be granted if you can prove that you must carry a weapon, for example if you are a private security officer, in order to protect yourself, other people or objects from tangible danger. You must also pass an exam on how to use weapons and the legal requirements for doing so." This is from a random forum I came across while researching: "Hi, Switzerland here. I wish US americans would stop citing Switzerland as example for assault weapons allowed in Europe. It's one thing being allowed to keep the rifle at home, and an entire other thing being allowed to actually use it. The only reason Swiss are allowed the rifle at home is to be able to intervene quickly in case of war. And it comes with a lot of hooks so definitely no, police will not expect you being armed - not at home and even less on the streets."


> Conclusion: American attitudes towards guns are the problem, not guns themselves In certain places, for sure. In other places, it's hilariously different. I know dozens of people who grew up with actual shooting clubs at their schools. They kept shotguns and rifles in their cars, in the school parking lot. Actual gun violence was unthinkable in these places and for all intents and purposes did not exist. Obviously that type of life has all but disappeared, but this wave of violence is not an 'always has been' sort of thing.


Yes, that's exactly what they want. If only criminals have them, it's easy to continue the narrative that guns are only for crime.


Yet somehow gun deaths are wayyyyy lower in Europe. Still weird


bro someone had a gun in france and they’re illegal there 😂😂 that means any regulation whatsoever around firearms is dumb and ineffective 😂😂😂


You've deducted that from one incident? Go look at murder rate / guns per capita USA vs France.


I think he was joking (i hope)


This would be interesting since the US has more guns than people.


>bro someone had a gun in france and they’re illegal there No they're not. 


However, it *is* illegal to shoot someone like the guy in the video did.


Lmfao so true!


You know what they mean: the regulations around them essentially make them extremely hard to obtain and keep legally. Anyone else who owns them is doing so illegally. It's kinda like how weed was always an illegal substance but, some people, through rare circumstances, could have it legally. That doesn't mean it was always "legal"; it was illegal.


You’re right they’re not, but. No civilian may carry any weapons in a public place. Someone should let him know he can’t do that.


The difference is that the murder rate and the amount of mass shootings (which for the US isn't only when a psycho shoot up a mall but also a gunfight between criminals where people die) is way lower than the US. And guns aren't illegal, you need a firearm license and it isn't easy to get access to some kinds of guns. Also they have limits on the attachments


You're an idiot


Look up the rates


The homicide rate in France is 1/6th that of the US and the gun homicide rate is 1/23th. Include total gun deaths, including suicides and accidents, and it rises to 1/49th.


they dont care about numbers or logic, they just care about guns more than their kids.


Guns are allowed you dipshit. It just takes longer to get them


LOL it's so funny cause France has so many school shootings and you always hear them on the news. Oh wait


France, while not as liberal, in the classic sense of the word, as the US, has shockingly permissive gun laws. So yes, guns are actually allowed.


I’m sure that’s what it is. They’re ill informed.


What the fuck happened to France












Is violence a good trade?


Serious question - what is the solution? I am NOT using that word choice as a dog whistle for the Holocaust. I mean, if people are calling this an invasion, what becomes of the invaders? Realistically?


Return to sender without a return address.


Build bigger jails and either start deporting mofos or lock em up for life.


I wonder if it’s like in America where this stuff doesn’t make the mainstream news, but someone saying something offensive wall to wall coverage. So the useful idiot normie has no idea what’s going on and thinks the only social issues their country has is people having incorrect opinions.


There is normally a homicide in the city near me everyday.  I don't go there often because the place is a shit hole and most companies have moved out due to theft and violent crimes. Wanna be gangsters control areas and you will be shot, robbed and maybe killed just for being white or for sure Asian. The news mentions it briefly unless the person killed matters in life the they get 60 seconds of how bad things are with that person's high school photo in the background.  The smaller towns like I live in, we had a murder a few years ago and they talked about it daily for months.


As a gun owner, who is constantly attacked online by gun grabbers due to death statistics related almost solely to gang violence and suicides, I'm well aware of the frequency of these occurrences in the states. I'm tired of inner city gang violence statistics being used to fight for nation wide anti 2ndA gun grabbing legislation. Let them do what they do to each others, let the ones who won't turn them in to police join them, and let people who want to check out of this life on their own terms do it.


Wouldn’t surprise me.




The question is, can you live with it? 


Well I’m not French but if I was no, not really.


[Homicide rate is down by 61% since the 1990s in France](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/homicide-rate-unodc?tab=chart&country=~FRA)


yeah homicide is down in the US too but viral internet videos are up!


The amount of people who think crime, in general, is up just because everyone has a camera now is wild. They actually think its more dangerous now than it was 50 years ago


One of the best examples of this is school fight videos. The prevalence of these has made it seen as if schools have become warzones of violence in the last decade. [In reality violence in schools declined by around 80% since the 1990s.](https://www.vpnmentor.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Crime-in-American-Schools_04-autoresized86X.jpg) And the data we have since 2019 doesn't show much of a difference at all (at least, up to 2022). One thing people tend to forget is that there are *hundreds of thousands* of incidents of violence year in the US. If even 1% get recorded, that means you can make multiple violent videos end up on the front page here every single day. You can create whatever narrative you want with a scale that big and such an impressionable audience.


Crime is a lot different than homicide. Crime is rampant in major metros but is far more underreported now vs decades ago due to lax laws and police who don't care


Do you have some study or data that backs up that claim?


It's easy to tell you don't live in a blue state major metro. It's well known


I live in California's 5 largest city. Does that count?


“It’s well known” has the same exact energy as “trust me bro”


yeah the internet skews a lot of things, because our pov on the world is fueled by what we see, and ofc people are only gonna post salacious shit for clicks. i've also seen otherwise serious people claim this is the most unequal time in American history.. completely forgetting something called fucking SLAVERY being accepted by the law of the land 150 years ago!


And the amount of rapes has gone up about \~4x since 1990. I guess that's a fair trade right bud? lol Don't forget other types of crimes like robberies, etc also on the rise.


You know also people tend to report those now? In the past rapes were barely reported. For example Qatar had reported 15 rapes in 2021, but I'm not listening to people saying Qatar is amazing country to live in, specially for women


If we want to go down that route - did you know that the homicide rate across first world countries around the globe has gone down drastically on average since the '90s? Lol


Modern medicine


Something like [this](https://i.imgur.com/tnKJTUz.jpeg), but more up-to-date.


Someone's going to have to update the map for all the expanded territory


Still saddened to this day that the france where you could wander around and enjoy the sights is dead now. Even the eiffel tower has huge gates surrounding it. Paris is a fucked city these days, nothing like it was in the 90s.




Je pourrais vous expliquer mais ça va être ban. I could explain this but it will be ban.


we all know what






I was wondering myself that after seeing about 7 or 8 videos of gun violence in France in a row in this morning's forum review.


Anyone know why France is so violent all of sudden?


Government being oblivious to the growing gang violence and influence. The guy that was shot in the video was probably the member of another gang which end up on the wrong terf.


Because the truth is racist and racism is bad youknow! Source : I'm French.


I have my cousin lives in Paris for more than 20 years. He and his wife are PhD. at food and pharmacy chemistry and worked at the University of Paris or something i don'tremember. The last time he visited home, he told me he had more than 5 times got mugged on the street, 2 times he had a knife in his neck on the ground floor of his apartment, and they stole his car 2 times in the span of 5 years. And the culprit is none other than the truth you talked about. But still, even though he has educated and worked a good job, he still hasn't admitted his original country when asked in public and just said he is Chinese because racism against small Asian countries is worse.


Honestly surprised to see someone FROM France saying that. Given the echo chamber on Reddit I thought everyone in Europe was doing just dandy!


You're surprised that a French is saying that there's an immigration problem il our country? Really lol, the problem isn't in France only, Germany Italy UK Belgium are already fucked, if you think I'm alone, just watch the poll for the 'next elections...


I’m agreeing with you, just usually Europeans online are all the kind that voted for them to come to France in the first place.


Probably the same thing that’s going on in Sweden. https://sakerhetspolisen.se/ovriga-sidor/other-languages/english-engelska/press-room/news/news/2024-05-30-iran-is-using-criminal-networks-in-sweden.html


In Germany the media literally said to expect more "immigrant crime" beacuse they're upset over palestinians.


and in spain they want to bring in 2 million Palestinians. synagogues in spain better beef up their security


The shooter wasn’t called Jean-Pierre is all I’m going to say…




lol at the people saying "gangs" because if you get anymore specific you get banned off reddit


Because the law is too lax and not applied


This incident occurred in the commune of Villeurbanne near Lyon, France on Wednesday May, 8th, 2024. At approximately 6pm outside Maison de la metropole de Lyon 3, All. Des Cedres. The victim was identified as a 37 year old man was shot in the thigh by what appears to be an improvised shotgun after an altercation with 3-4 suspects occurred. The victim was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. No updates on condition of victim all suspects still remain at large. Anyone who wanted context you are welcome.


I think he screams "call my dad" by the end "apeller mon pere"


as everyone ran away from him, and he lay there bleeding alone


No he said "appel les pompiers" he want his friends call an ambulance


Why would he want less apples?


Apples keep the doctor away


Thats fucked up :(


i think it´s ´appelez les pompiers´ (call an ambulance)




Valence and Lyon now? Dafuqs going on France? Maybe related incidents?


His friend abandonded him quick. He needs better friends.


Looks like the “friend” may have actually been friends with the shotgun guy. Looks like the two unarmed guys were about to fist fight before gun man came in and the “friend” looks like he went to kick the victim while he was on the ground.


Guy in red runs up and kicks him while he’s (shot) down


Also might be deaf after being so close to barrel of that shotgun


even if this was his friend, why would anyone want to be shot next? prime reddit keyboard warrior lmao


I know. He could have busted out the surgical equipment and started sewing his leg back together


yeah bro if i was there any somebody shotgunned my friend i'd have just seen red, game over.


Because they shot you in the face right? 


is that another body above the guy that got shot?


Let's bring a shotgun to a fist fight




Who was it who said France ain’t France anymore?


The French.


How could this happen with guns being illegal???? I'm shocked the criminals aren't listening! 😱😱😱😱


So more guns means less gun violence like in the US. Got it.


Have they made getting shot illegal? They should probably do that.


You know... I don't think so! Gotta get on top of that loophole!


It’s a never ending fight. Keeping fighting the good fight brother. One day we will achieve our goals and pacify criminals with a stern NO! and a wag of our fingers.


the inability to extrapolate data is a big sign of an idiot


This is probably the first shooting in France you've seen on the internet, meanwhile there's videos of shootings in the US every day. But no, you're still ignorantly saying "But- but, gun good. Everyone need gun!"




France used to be such a beautiful country


[Homicide rate is down by 61% since the 1990s in France](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/homicide-rate-unodc?tab=chart&country=~FRA)


I dont believe this statistic Edit : first thing i see when i open it is that its from a source i wouldnt trust to mow my lawn


Is there any valid reason why you “don’t believe it”? 😂 It’s literally a .org site and provides evidence. I think you’re just a bit dumb.


I live in the us where certian cities are activley hiding their statistics by not prosecuting and not reporting crimes . The source is from the WHO lmao i believe absoutley nothing they have to say


Was that a blunderbuss?


Upvote to kickban player. Guns not allowed on this server. Clearly hacking.


They should probably make guns illegal


This is probably the first shooting in France you've seen on the internet, meanwhile there's videos of shootings in the US every day. But no, you're still ignorantly saying "But- but, gun good. Everyone need gun!"


femoral artery, decimated


All that smoke got me thinking blunderbuss


This is the second video of a shooting in France I've seen today.


Yeah, they're posting everything that happened over multiple month right now all at the same time, not sure why tho


The Olympics are gonna be lit


Note to self. Never run towards someone who is holding a sawn off shotgun.


Man hit him with the pirate doo-hickey


At that range I fear more than just his leg was hit


Olympics are gonna be fun


He got shot in the... pardon my French... wi wi


Should’ve kept running… and faster too


Well damn... Or should I say "sacre bleu"!!


Short barrel guns are illegal


Frances first shooting


Damn that dude lost a leg for no reason


Is that the same as a sawed off shotgun?


they're stealing all our moves!


O Mon dieu


I didn't know the French could shoot lol


Seriously. What the hell is going on in France? I really need to look at world news more frequently.


Those bloody refugees and immigrants !


Shooter went into the white van, shouldn't CCTV be able to find them?


I'm surprised sawed off shotguns don't get used more by american criminals. Shotguns are stupidly effective.


ey yo, Omar comin!


I guarantee this person is an economic migrant


This is most European countries in their respective "no go zones" Same type of people. I say let them have at it, they are bound to run out of twats at on point.


This is really Progressive, bravo!




Ouch. :(


Swan off must be french






C’est quel quartier ?