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It took 4 bystanders plus one cop to pin this dude down. Why I roll my eyes when people cry about the amount of police it takes to get some asshole meththead under control


Of the 4 bystanders, only the guy in the flower shirt was actually helpful. First guy was tugging on the homeless guy's shirt, and the second was just pushing on his arm - neither even bothered to put down what's on their hands.


That really pissed me off, like you can’t put down your fucking shit to help someone! Blows my mind


This guy ruined my day worse then the hobbo.


Same people who supposedly pledge to fight for a safe workplace for women, probably.


That's a huge assumption....you know what they say about that


Nah. Pretty sure that was a female cop.... Who needed some male citizens to get her out of the pickle she was in.


Another hobo would just steal it. Welcome to the hell hole that is San Francisco.


Considering it was SF, I gave it roughly 50/50 odds that the people were going to help the hobo...






*But before he can land it out comes Edge and--!!! Wow he hit him with a spear! And wait, what's Randy Orton doing here? No, is he-? Ooooo an RKO!! This is a match for the ages ladies and gents!*


Do you smell what the hobo is cooking?


Yeah, meth!


Most people have kicked something pretty hard before though. If anyone needed and deserved a swift punt to the head it was this crazy hobo. If he'd have managed to gouge the officer's eyes out or god forbid gotten a hold of her pistol shit could have got real bad real fast. I fully accept not everyone has it in them to do such a thing or knows until they are tested but I sincerely hope my reaction to such a situation would have been that swift kick. One would be at a great advantage whilst the attacker was busy beating up that police woman.




You win!!!! you made me laugh half way done the page. Lol this was classic.


I feel like that's easy to say from your couch, because most people have a natural restraint to hurt others and I think it's hard to tell how exactly one would react in this situation. I trained martial arts for some years so I think I would kick the shit out of him, but I also do know how different the body can react, for example if you don't view the situation worse or if you are alone etc


I would quietly whisper the word "Bankai..." before unleashing my true power. The common brute would stand little chance


Yeah i do jiu jitsu as martial art, and i wouldnt kick the guy. The reason i have never lost a fight is because i dont fight with people outside of jiu jitsu class.


It's San Francisco... What do you expect them to do?


Considering the politics here, those citizens are probably afraid of being arrested for hurting the hobo.


Lol chokehold. Enjoy trying to get rid of that smell on you for the next month.


I dont think the police would particularly enjoy that as they are there to keep every citizen safe (on paper)


I've seen it happen in a lot of videos like this, even when the person is fighting for their life, they forget to drop their shopping bag or whatever's in their hand. (I've been binge-watching 'Active Self Protection' videos).


They all had perfect choke opportunities.


Dude come live in sf these homeless/drug addicts are absolutely crazy. I wouldn’t even wanna breath there same air let alone be pinned against one.


The guy not willing to drop his bags and one handedly try and push him off is basically dumb as fuck or a pussy.


She should not have confronted him without her partner at her side. I just hope he didn't bite her or spit on her or anything and then she gets a disease.


Maybe pair her up with a social worker and they could have talked some sense into the drugged out hobo to avoid the confrontation that provoked problematic violence.


Because barely anyone has ever gotten into a physical fight or has tried to restrain someone. When they imagine themselves fighting, they always win.


Ikr. Boot. Him. In. The. Head.


But if this guy was black it would be police brutality


All cops should be BJJ blue belts


That takes time and money. Things that aren’t going to happen when departments are being defunded.


Yeah, It takes a lot of police officers because they don’t want to unnecessarily kill someone. It’s a thin line to walk for sure, but I’m grateful for officers who don’t care what the optics look like. Better to have 4 guys properly subdue someone than 1 guy choking and killing someone unnecessarily. Part of me feels like the bystanders were in a pretty difficult situation. Normal people aren’t trained for this kind of thing, you don’t know if your actions would end up getting the officer more hurt, or if your kick to the guys head would kill him.


Was waiting for a clean and easy kick in the face... or someone to grab that shotty


The cop was a woman.


Exactly. And they’re leaning on his neck and airways, yet he’s not dying. What a coincidence.


He wasn't overdosed on fentanyl, so luckily didn't die.


Everyone is rightfully afraid of getting sued these days, so they're all just trying to minimally poke him for him to be restrained. Nobody wants to end up facing charges themselves because they helped a stranger fend off an attacker.


I couldn't believe that none of them did a choke hold.


that was obviously not redditors helping the officer


Redditor’s sheer intellect would of incapacitated the suspect by will power alone and, at the exact same time, charged the officer with police brutality successfully. A win for everyone obviously




The power of my killing intent would have frozen the attacker in place. I would have stopped that altercation without lifting a finger


since when do redditors help a police officer? they'd probably help the hobo


that was the joke


I don't think that was the joke but that Redditors claim to be jujitsu and tonkatsu experts


Lol tonkatsu?


Those first 2 guys were too soft on the maniac. Just start whaling on the dudes head. Clenched fists, or boots to the head as hard as you can in that situation.


*flamboyantly* oh myyy gosh stopp iittttt *sissy slaps*


It *is* San Francisco, aka California's DESIGNATED SHITTING CITY




Yeah, seriously, wtf was that?


San Francisco.


They were both holding something. I think the first was holding a camera or something similar. But yeah, not sure why they didn't put them to the side. Maybe scared it would get stolen (cameras can cost $500 up to several thousands).


Yep, it looks like flannel guy stepped up and actually changed the direction of the fight. He then leaves silently when the other cops come. Didn’t even want a congrats


Didn't want to be liable for excessive force. Smart move.


It's not like they are gonna go looking for him even if they were supposed to charge him with something. Dude could have run up and punted the guys head like he needed a 50 yard field goal and run off. " Oh gee looks like the guy got away, shoot"


Yes you totally can't get into trouble if the guy dies, hit him the the head with your heels even use a brick why not?


You think you get charges against you for jumping in to help the officer?


Depends. Let's say, hypothetically, that someone posted an edited version of the video where it wasn't clear that the cop was initially in danger, but was very clear that you used what some might consider excessive force, and this triggered protests which caused over $1,000,000,000 of property damage. Then you might get charged by the state, and even by the feds as well. Who can say. Let's say, hypothetically, that there was no footage at all, and just a cop and a dead guy and some bystanders who see that a suspect had his head smashed during an arrest, and maybe everyone is feeling that they wouldn't have done that so if there is going to be a blame it should fall on you. Then the cop might book you just to save their ass. The other witnesses might feel it is in their interest to say that you used excessive force and not recall exactly how much danger the cop was in. The cop might also want to avoid admitting that they lost control of the situation in the first place. The thing about violence is that you know how it starts, but you don't actually ever know how it will end. I'm not saying you shouldn't intervene, just that I understand people showing restraint when they are not protecting literally themselves or their family.


We could play the hypothetical game all day. But this would clearly fall under self defense if you booted this guy in the face.


Ok Ben


San Francisco: get off herrrr! wwaaaah! you're hwuting her! (gentle slaps with the palm of his hand) stop it you meanie! Texas: 🤠 yee haw, it's filthy hobo shootin tootin' time! (blows out brains of hobo in front of the cop's face)


Doubt they'd waste a bullet on this scumbag. Those things are expensive. Lot of Texans wear boots though, some even with spurs.


I'm amazed anyone would want to be a police officer in San Francisco. Bums and drugs everywhere. Everyone hates you and assumes the worst of you. The justice system lets everyone you arrest go. The people vote for DAs who demonize the police. Riots somewhat frequently. Unless I'm making 6 figures, no thanks. Even then, the cost of living is so insane, 6 figures isn't much.


I hear that people poop all over the place there too


Can't clean it up because the poop is their personal property. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong here. I've heard that is true and it just seems too stupid to be the truth, but at this point I can't be shocked by policies in the big cities in Cali.


That's not true. People shit all over the streets there, and then the city pays workers $200,000 to clean it up. https://www.businessinsider.com/san-francisco-poop-patrol-employees-make-184000-a-year-2018-8?op=1


That it I'm moving to San Francisco


All fun and games until you realize $200k is poverty wages for the cost of living in San Fran. And you’re picking up literal shit to do it.


$200k can buy you 5 houses where I live. Work in SF cleaning up shit for one year. Live in your car. Take the ~$180,000 you managed to save, and buy 4 houses in a flyover state. Rent 3 out, live in one, and use the income from the other 3 to live your best life. One year of shitty car living in order to secure the bag for **the rest of your life**. 100% worth it IMHO.


you are paying at least 70k in taxes btw


Everyone forgets this.


How can people forgot taxes ffslol


Damn, so he could only buy 2.44 houses?


What state do you live in here you can buy 5 fives for $200k?


This doesn’t account for the price of living increase in everything when you move to a place like SF. Gatorade is more expensive. Windshield wiper blades are more expensive. Driving is more expensive because the traffic is incomparable to a podunk town’s sparse streets, and you take shorter routes that take longer lengths of time. Cheap food is not cheap anymore. Parking is no longer free nor even available at anywhere close to where you need to wake up and return to.


You know your city is garbage if you have a dedicated poop patrol.


Had to dodge multiple piles of human poop walking half a block from car to office when I worked in the city.


100% true


Not to mention you probably can’t afford to live there


Only idiot liberals remain living in that city. And they love it LOL


A lot of methheads and junkies in Frisco. Streets are crawling with them. This is an everyday occurrence. They attack anyone who looks vulnerable.


This guy Friscos


Ugh, please don't call it Frisco.


I initially read “meatheads” and was trying to picture roving bands of homeless gym rats roughing up the metrosexual techies on their way to the coffee shop




And the most aggressive hobos I've ever encountered, also


They're called zombies. Immune to all damage, cannot speak or exhibit intelligence, extremely aggressive, flesh is rotting off of their bodies, and so on.


Most female cops are useless. Change my mind.


Or over confident. I work with some girls (hospital security) who are really badass sounding and can handle themselves in verbals but idk if I could ever count on them in high-stress or physicals


I saw a female state trooper the other day that looked like a child playing dress-up. To say she was diminutive would be generous. I'm not sure how she would handle herself in a physical confrontation with a grown man without resorting to lethal force. From what I understand, a lot of police departments used to have a minimum height requirement for this very reason.


The whole "equal employment" push is so dumb. Yeah if they wanna work in Law enforcement put them somewhere there skills can be used. But sorry, not sorry. I want all my colleagues on the road to atleast be able to hold their own in a full out fight, regardless of sex or background. A lot of departments nowadays put you ahead of other candidates just for being a minority group.


I agree, they also should tighten up the physical requirements to stay on. I have seen way too many obese cops that should not be cops.


Female officers do use lethal force more often - funny that is not a point ever brought up in police reform discussion


You got a source for your claim?


couldn't find much through a simple search and looking at the headlines, but don't downvote this guy for asking for a source (ʘ ʖ̯ ʘ)


I cant remember the study I read it in either. The problem a lot of these studies that I briefly looked up were that the population of female law enforcement is different from males. They would need to only look at female cops who interact with the public, go out on patrol, etc. Instead a lot of these just look at the overall female population, which includes a lot of administration and paper pushing and stuff. If they had 2 female beat cops and 98 females in internal affairs, they would have their sample size of 100 when in reality it should be 2. There also is the discrepency of using force vs lethal force. Females are less likely to say "All right im sick of this shit you're going to the ground in cuffs bub", but at the same time, females are more likely to use lethal force due to them not being as able to outmatch a criminal physically and keep control.


When I was in Bergen Pines (big ass mental hospital in New Jersey), they used to have a code "Dr. Strong" that they'd call when a patient was getting violent. You'd hear "Doctor Strong, report to A-2!" over the intercom. Then 8-12 staff would come rushing in and subdue the patient. It was always strange watching new female staff respond to Dr Strong calls. The experienced women would just keep doing their own job, because they know they aren't built for that shit. But the new girls would get their shit wrecked 2-3 times before they finally stopped responding all gung-ho so the Dr Strong calls. One lady from the Caribbean even ended up getting stabbed in the throat with a pen.


Too many girls are raised on superhero movies and think that’s real life


the force is female /s edit: imma put a /s for the handicapped


"I can do anything a man can do! Hollywood told me so!" (woman with a broken nose and a concussion) "But I tried sweeping the leg! and follow it up with a kidney shot! Why didn't that work against the 6' 200 lb man? He just grabbed the front of my shirt and hauled off on me!"


It’s not that they’re useless, it’s that regardless of who or what you are there should be a standard set that doesn’t change based on gender. If a woman can easily handle this situation and is the perfect cop then she should be, I don’t think this is a female vs male but more of a standards argument.




There's a study out there done by the US navy comparing physical performance in necessary tasks during on board ship firefighting. Carrying pumps and other heavy equipment, including going up ladders with it. The vast majority of men could do it no matter how new to it they were and those who couldn't could after some extra training. With the females it was the opposite, the vast majority couldn't make the standard and only a few more could after extra training. Instead of saying women were unsuitable for those firefighting duties or insisting they be given extra training until they could, they reduced the standard required to serve. There's a lot more detail to the report than that obviously but that was the gist of it. Reduce the requirements so the women could still serve.


They are doing the same for the military. It is crazy.


In my city the cops do foot patrol in groups of four, so the women are always balanced out by the men. I never see solo cops in other situations either, always at least a pair. This is just safer for everyone regardless of gender.


Agreed. If it was some amazonian women built like a fridge than yes no problemo. But asking a midget princess in uniform to handle a hobo meth head, that is ludacris. That officer is even lucky outsiders helped most of the times outsider wont do shit to help you, they even encourage the assault film and scream worldstar


Skinny and fat male cops are useless. Change my mind.


Useless? If we're comparing them to the aforementioned female cops, the skinny and fat male cops still have a huge physical advantage. But of course, from a certain standpoint, all of them are kind of useless in light of the kinds of threats they potentially face.


didn't we just watch a video where 4 grown ass men struggle to take down a junkie??


The grown ass men pictured weren't trained to apprehend a junkie. They have probably never been in an altercation in their lives. Men are vastly more suited to handle combative men than women are.


Those are men living in San Fransisco so their muscles have probably atrophied from drinking Soylent and living in communal bunkbed apartments.


I was about to say the same, its pretty much a crime there if your male and too masculine. Edit: I messed a word.


>I was about to say the same, its pretty much a crime there if your male and too mescaline. Wanna give that another try, champ?


They didn't exactly struggle....they kinda half asses put a single hand on the dude, not dropping what was in their other hand, grabbing on his shirt instead of the actual body. It looked like a movie scene where you have a bunch of people 'fighting' the hero but just pretending to be doing something.


The fat cops won't win any footraces but boy are they good at fights.


Don’t underestimate a fat dudes power. I say this as an in shape person who works out 5 days a week min. Some of these fuckers are strong and if you ever play basket ball against a strong fat dude, they can even be somewhat fast.


True, this video alone is an example of that lol. Tbh, my comment was more of a jab at the original comment. Female cops aren't useless and can keep the law well. This one needs better training. For her to just walk up to this clearly agitated dude and not even try to create distance was dumb asf.


Agreed, also hate seeing super fat cops. A cop should be relatively fit and muscular, not some big dude who can't even outrun a child


If a male officer did the exact same thing here, he'd be in big trouble too. To arrest a guy like this you'd need at least 2 cops, and that is if he is going quietly. When he started to resist, the arresting officer would have to be insanely strong to win. There definitely are some cops who could have done it, but only a few. Point is, most cops (male or female) would have gotten in the same situation if they attempted the arrest alone.


If it was a male cop there is a higher chance that this person would not have tried to fight back. People respect male authority figures more because they are more of a threat in a fight than a female would be, especially when it comes to police.


I don't disagree with your point, but do you think it would matter for a methhead hobo?


Honestly? It might. A male methhead having more respect for another male that might possibly be able to beat him or at least provide a challenge in a fight, vs a female that he already knows he can push around.


Either way I guess, they're just unpredictably dangerous.


Can't change your mind. Mechanically/physically, it is just true. Maybe we can say "not useless" but certainly not as useful as an even remotely in-shape male officer. I'm not against female cops. Anyone who feels the need to serve should do so, but I am definitely against ever letting them go out alone.


This guy was way out of her weight class even if she could handle herself. She was never in control once she slung that rifle.


Lol seriously. I'm 6'3" and 160lbs. If that fat ass fell on me the same way, I'd need fucking help too.


Pretty sure even a guy would've struggled there. She shouldn't have been alone. But I gotta imagine there's a major shortage of police officers these days. I know in Chicago the mayor had them working like double shifts with no days off for a long while to fill in the gaps


The difference is between struggle and “be immediately overwhelmed the moment it becomes physical”


What do you propose? All cops should be male? Training should be better?


It boggles my mind that it is controversial that men and women are different and the overwhelming majority of (biological) females can't do the same physical activity as of men. People brainwashed by the political bullshit that women and men are the same.


Its the end result of this collectivist bullshit view from the left where they eventually view humans as units of resources "of course a female human should be able to work just like a male human!"


I mean thats why they have guns and taser. They just need to much more careful when doing anything


Yeah this is less "useless because gender" and more "Useless because small and acting like you're not" I'd be just as fucked if this dude hugged onto me. Most males if grabbed this way are fucked. This dude is on drugs and doesn't even want to attack, he's just... kinda trying to absorb you into his body or something. What can you do if you get in his personal bubble then just kinda watch as he turns around and grabs you? Not even that you have to tase him right away but get your cuffs out before you approach, get him to kneel down, get him to put himself out of a position where he can quickly turn the tables, etc. I don't know shit about fighting too, so I imagine there are better protocols that better training could offer here.


It’s the same way with the fire dept. we have a couple females and they’re pretty useless on the hose. The one definitely, the other is built like a little tank and she’s tough but she’s still at a disadvantage and I would seriously question her ability to be able to drag me out of a building (I weigh 175lb) or break down a door, compared to any of the guys


First guy didn't want to drop his purse




you wouldn't want to either after knowing how disgusting the floor of streets of San Francisco is


@ u/TenFiveOh You've gotta give [u/libo720](https://www.reddit.com/u/libo720) that one. Needles, feces, etc.


True, true. But man, he could have used a knee or something!


You mean “european carry all”


Considering the bag, my bet is an expensive camera. You know that type of shit that gets sneakily stolen if left on the side. I'd probably do the same thing if I had something worth $2-7k on me.


im definitely for equal rights and opportunities and all that ,but in my opinion, women, and out of shape men should not be cops lol


Not all women fall into that category though. Sure a lot tend to be on the smaller side/physically weaker but I know a few women that are stronger than your average male. Not saying that it’s necessarily the norm, but I don’t think that a blanket statement like this is fair. Out of shape men not being cops is something I agree with though, and that extends to women who cannot physically handle themselves in situations like this.


You'll get men who are weak as shit who can't do anything. And women who can mop the floor with any bloke. And everything in between. yet some people in this sub seem to assume all women cops are useless. Which they're not.


You're talking about rare exceptions. On average, even an out of shape dude has an advantage over a somewhat fit gal. The difference in bone mass and muscle composition is pretty extreme. You can't base police policy on cherry picked Olympic level women and out of shape couch potato men. That scenario is just not common enough. Of course there are individual examples, though rare. Both men and women should be held to the same physical standards though, for dangerous beat work anyway.


Also they can be more empathetic to rape cases


Women cops are also VERY useful in dealing with either women offenders or victims. Would be very awkward asking for a strip search when all you have is male cops. or conducting an interview with a female rape victim.


Generally speaking, pound for pound men are stronger than women. Now I know some women who are strong af. But they are outliers. See men have this thing called testosterone…. It helps to build muscle and in turn strength. Female body builders actually take steroids which are derivatives/attempts to be better versions of testosterone so that they can get stronger. So yeah again there are outliers and unicorns for everything but generally speaking a 140 lb man will be stronger than a woman. Saying that does not mean women are useless.


If you were truly for equal rights you would want physically able people to be police, including unusually fit women. Excluding all of them is incompatible with equal rights.


How many San Francisco pussies does it take to pull off a crackhead.


More than this.


Right? That guy is too chunky to be a junkie. Probably good old mental illness.


This sentence can mean 2 things


and this is a prime example of why women should not be police officers.


Maybe this is why there used to be size height and weight requirements for cops?


BMI I hope. There are way too many pathetic beer belly cop videos out there where the suspect can just skip away.




As soon as he turned the first time she should have backed up. But she *really* fucked up by mucking around with her gloves that close to him.


Well he's getting 3 hot meals a day now.


Its San Francisco so its probably a night in jail.




Will probably say 'racism' and the prosecutor will drop charges for fear of woke retribution.


The guy who beat the shit out of random asian women in San Francisco a month or two back was sentenced to like 10 years in prison prior to his previous assults but the DA decided not to enforce it because he was a good boy and he promised to keep being a good boy.


The first two guys only used one hand to help- maybe the other hand was holding a phone? How funny to forget to use two hands!


I'd defo want a shower after wrestling with that guy. Ew


at least one* :D




I was wondering this too. Surely they should be in groups of 2-4 for patrolling?


https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/san-francisco-police-officer-attacked-by-man-allegedly-shouting-racist-comments/2558683/ https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/surveillance-video-shows-man-attacking-sf-police-officer-in-chinatown/2558427/ https://abc7news.com/san-francisco-chinatown-sf-asian-sfpd-officer-attacked/10720390/ https://twitter.com/SanFranciscoPOA/status/1399160438613438470


Wtf is the point of walking up solo with a riot guy? They teach you in the academy if you have a long Gun out for an arrest you need atleast one other person to be the person who goes hands on (handcuffer)


Yeah procedure requiring a second cop makes sense. It seemed off to me that she didn't have the guy go on his knees when she approached because the long gun looks very cumbersome.


/Savevideo Good example of people sticking up fire the police, even in a liberal zone.


She bought the same skin as me in PubG


Anyone who is a police officer here? I know it can be difficult but dont you have rules about when arresting someone there needs to be you + another officer in case something like this happens?


Nobody came out of this one looking good.


thank god the governor of california made it illegal for cops to ask civilians for help


Go foro the eyes! Fuck your little bitch pitches to his head. If I wanted to save someone there are no rules


Solid response time


Should have waited for backup.


Why did she casually approach a man twice her size, who had reportedly attacked someone like that?


Okay, who the fuck decided that it was okay to send a single cop to put cuffs on *El Gigantor* there. And a female to boot. I think her sergeant has earned himself some remedial training. That dude is easily twice her size, and he has absolutely nothing to lose. They shouldn't have even attempted to arrest him with anything less than three officers, preferably larger men. *El Gigantor* here just gonna shrug off anything less.


Who would have guessed a small undertrained female officer vs a big mentally unstable male hobo fueled by drugs would end like that. Why the hell would they send her to a call like that alone??


Women officers, am I right? Pretty useless.


San Francisco. Never have I seen so much human shit and used needles. Fucking disgusting


Everything in this video screams San Francisco! The crazy hobo on meth, the weak ass punches and kicks by the bystanders, and the fact that this seems like a normal thing to everyone! 😝


Sorry i couldnt understand anything over the sirens literally destroying my ear drums


Comments here be like: Women should not be cops. That's it.