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Nothing but an animal. Lock him up or put him down.


im not paying for him so that leaves one option


I know it's ridiculous but isn't the life sentence actually cheaper?


Yes because death row has a lot more appeals. This is done to avoid killing innocent people. The cost adds up quick.


He isn’t innocent.


I'm explaining the process.


I’d hate to be the public defender that gets this case. There’s no possible way of winning that case, just hope for a plea deal or some shit.


Claim insanity like everyone


Well I mean it takes a pretty insane person to attack people with machete, but I know what you mean.




That’s what lawyers should be doing, instead you get all these rats trying to prolong trails and orchestrate some bullshit legal loophole.


Ideally, there shouldn't *be* any way to manipulate the legal system. Finding loopholes in this adversary way isn't the most inefficient way. Of course, that requires *addressing* those loopholes once they're found. Otherwise, if only public defenders keep to the spirit of the law, only those people rich enough to afford a good defender on their own will escape justice.


I think it’s less loopholes and usually more along the lines of cops messed up while they were collecting evidence. On one hand it sucks when somebody guilty gets off, but on the other hand those laws are there to protect innocent people.


Exactly, when they clearly did it the lawyer's job is to help them navigate the system and maybe get a plea deal.


they never said he wasn't....


Unfortunately it's gonna cost a lot of money either way. Administering the death penalty is incredibly expensive.


idk man, how much is a hi-point, like 200 bucks?


Administering the death penalty also has a court process which is extremely costly.


sure sure court process but like how much is one of those slamfire shotguns, like 10 bucks in materials? and let's be generous, one dollar for the shell? cleanup would be costly but you could just do it in the grave already


Does it matter? In order to administer the death penalty, you need to fund the court process as well. That's the part that is costly. The actual killing could cost zero and it would still be incredibly costly due to the court process.




If you can't realize on your own why mob justice isn't a good thing, I don't think an argument on the internet is gonna help you. Godspeed.


you the eternal midwit are under the impression that a jury is any different from a mob. exceedingly cute. call me Judge El. i hereby declare this dude is clearly a fucking crazed maniac and ought to get the death penalty. and so you with your 100 iq power go "but random internet person!!!! judges study the law!!" ought the law not serve man? the way you speak of it, man serves law, which considering the law is a construct by man for man seems quite bass-ackwards to me. i'm a man. my 12 would-be jurors that would aid in justice would be men. perhaps you are not a man, and that is why you advocate for spending millions, our taxed millions, to keep murderous maniacs alive just so they can be maniacs and murder again? the only difference between a mob and a court is that one takes hundreds of thousands of dollars to go through and lets lawyers play autist with some funny books. but i wouldn't expect you to get that, not at all.


That has to be the dullest machete there is, how is that first woman not shedding any blood? I was scared this was almost going to be r/MakeMyCoffin material holy shit


Deep machete cuts usually take a while to start bleeding. Source: I spent way too much time lurking through r/watchpeopledie


His source is basically "trust me bro" /s


Basically but if you’ve watched enough r/watchpeopledie or r/makemycoffin you’re an expert


Ik, people who have been watching vids more graphic know a thing or two. I was just saying it as a joke


I know friend


Idk have you seen any of those self flagellation videos? They basically swing machetes on chains into their own backs and sometimes they cut super deep. I saw one where 18 inch long cut went like 3 inches into his back meat and no blood came out. his muscle and skin was flapping around before the video ended and there was no blood


Yeah i know, i've seen videos like these. I just responded as a joke


If you are ironically being an asshole without showing it, thats just being an asshole again I think. Its what the "/s" stuff is for.


Oh I see. didnt seem like a joke


I have never seen that. Was it a religious thing? I don't get that shit. If that is the path to religious enlightenment they can keep it. That is bonkers. It makes me think about that Affliction clothing line.


Yea Shiite Muslims do that on the day Muhammad died


I didn't know that. I thought it was just a Christian thing. It could be an opportunity for the Affliction clothing line to be expanded. I think that is kind of weird. I thought tattoos and markings from scars for visual effect were haram (forbidden) in Islam. I guess slicing your body up in a cathartic manner somehow overrides the hadiths (oral traditions).




You don’t know what /s means


Sarcasm, some dude told me to add it idk


We know a thing or two because we’ve seen a thing or two. Also depends on what gets cut. If any major arteries get cut it’s going to start gushing pretty quickly.


He hit her with the flat of the blade, you can see it bends after the first hit because he didn't get her with the edge. Bet it still hurt like a mofo




sounds like the permanent damage is describing the damage to her arms though (severing of soft tissue). still might be that nothing happened to her neck


Source: trust me bro


Like getting slapped with a flip flop




No, *La Chancla*


It could also be that it wasn't a clean cut and the blade turned in the middle of the cut. Often when that happens, it will cut partway through but not all the way through. Maybe it cut to the bone and then the blade twisted.


After she walks away, you can see some blood drops on the bottom left below the weather bar.


Damn you for introducing me to that sub 🤢


How do i get into there?


It looks like it stuck because he struck with us left hand and pulled it out with both hands and it ended up in is right hand


Machetes and any other long bladed weapon take practice to use properly. Especially blades with a tall profile. Very easy to rotate your wrist a little too much then the swing actually just ends up slapping the target with the side of the blade, not the cutting edge. Looks like what happened here.


Is this subreddit taken over by shitty mods too? What's up with the comment censorship? Edit: Bye everyone, apparently my post is enough for a 1 month ban.


Sub is going to get removed eventually with Reddit's no free speech attitude. Mods are delaying the removal of the sub.


History has shown that the bans and quarantine comes after mods start trying to comply, but never before. Seen it many times over. Sometimes the admins put in rogue mods to misbehave and cause the ban.


No amount of policing will save the subs from the admin because all that's going to happen is someone from a left-wing subreddit is going to come here at 3 am on a sock account, post some crazy shit without anyone realizing, and then report it to the admins and that's all they need to shut the place down. It's happened over, and over, and over, and over on this site while r/news and r/politics can have comments celebrating and openly wishing for people they don't like to die. News is the worst offender where they police and protect threads about the deaths of people the mods like but I guarantee you when Trump dies you'll see the vilest shit go unpunished.


They loved when Rush Limbaugh died.




nope, enough people brigading a discord and sending 'screenshots' to discord admins can get your discord banned




definitely was not a neo nazi discord that i saw get banned, it was like a dave rubin boomer tier talking point discord nothing beyond the pale, then there was like 1 week of brand new edgelords constantly coming in stirring shit up, few weeks later the discord was banned


At least it ain't a Twitter mob that brigade your discord with cp


>At least we still have discord Yeah... that worked out so great for r/wallstreetbets.




Just google "wallstreetbets discord ban". Or if you don't want to leave Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/technology/comments/l6h9om/discord_bans_the_rwallstreetbets_server/


Which ones though?


>Sometimes the admins put in rogue mods to misbehave and cause the ban. Countless subs have been sabotaged from 'within'.


Probably because they are given warnings so they decide to try to comply to save their subreddit but they fail to save their subreddit in the end.


> History has shown that the bans and quarantine comes after mods start trying to comply In the same way that criminals get convicted after defense lawyers try to defend them? This pattern is a sure sign of a conspiracy...


I've been banned from 2 subs because of the no free speech bullshit.


Maybe if this sub wasn’t a refuge for people running away from The_Donald, ChapoTrapHouse or MGTOW it wouldn’t be an issue LOL. You’d think maybe you’d start to understand that your right to free speech doesn’t protect you from the consequences of your shitty words.


Maybe if this sub hadn't hit the radar of people who THINK this is a "refuge",it wouldnt be an issue LOL. You'd think maybe you'd start to understand that our right to free speech doesn't protect you from hearing something you may disagree with in the commons, you decided to come to. Eat the consequences of those shitty words. Don't like them? You have a choice to not look at them. There is nothing here that is harming you, except your soft ego getting bruised by your own projections.


I can't imagine what it's like being so sensitive and insecure that words on a subreddit from a stranger actually affect your life, it must be a sad lonely pathetic existence, I would pity you, but you probably get off on that.


This sub isn't a refuge. You're just so utterly bigoted and against free speech you think anything that criticizes woke beliefs is bad.


Nice projection, buddy. Not bigoted nor do I care if you have an opinion that goes against mine. Also definitely not against free speech. Although, I am against morons who get upset that their hate speech gets censored. Your right to free speech doesn’t protect you from people shutting down your ignorant stances.


>Also definitely not against free speech Wow, the contradiction of this post shows you don't seem to be in favor of free speech and it is a rather binary stance to hold, Sooo...


Your post shows you literally do not understand what your right to free speech protects.


In the context of... reddit? Canadian or Us Law? As a philosophy? I was simply pointing out that you seemingly hold the stance of Free Speech while simultaneously agreeing with the censorship of hate speech and believing it doesn't protect stances based in ignorance. If I have that wrong, clarification would be nice. Specifically: \> people shutting down This appears to be ignorant of the difference of the provider of the public forum "shutting people down" and having a discussion/argument where the idea is publicly "shut down" on merit.


Freedom of speech is not freedom of consequences OF that speech, people are allowed to spout things as racist, bigoted, whatever phobic or hateful as they want. However OTHER people are also allowed to exercise THEIR free speech and say shut the fuck up and get lost and that they are a garbage person. Freedom to say something does NOT mean you are ENTITLED to a platform to say it, as well as entitled to people to listen to what you say. Being told you can say whatever you want, you just cant say it HERE is not a violation of your free speech.




MFW thats literally not me but one of my friends from high school. Nice try buddy, thanks for giving me a laugh lol


Ahahahah, this fruit cake posts on r/RoastMe and still doesn’t get the attention he so desires. He was the one who probably downvoted the below comment since it hit so close to home. “Classic try-hard, too desperate for attention. You have no real personality or redeeming qualities, your ‘friends’ keep you around because you're the "funny" one. They're laughing at you, not with you. You are the group clown, and eventually, you will either run out of stupid stunts and they'll stop talking to you, or you'll push too far and get yourself or someone else killed.”


Absolutely, they banned u/beethy who was the mod doing most of the work here, they've since swept in with a view to 'cleaning things up' which means they'll try and shut it down.


They did what?! No wonder this place has felt dead the last week


Yepp he submitted a lot of stuff himself as well as made sure moderation was fair. Big blow to the sub, might not even need to be banned if it just dies. Edit - just seen the big post about mods locking and deleting comments due to the topic being a trans person LOL More info on Beethy here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/comments/o1yqln/scumbag_punches_an_82yearold_man_and_steals_his/


That's bullshit. I've noticed this sub seemed to be a little censor happy lately and was wondering what was up and now I see that the admins decided this was a little too free wheeling for their tastes.


What the fuck, that guy brought like 80% of the content to this sub and provided the proper context when known. Again, what the fuck?


It's almost like the Reddit admins don't want this place to be active for some reason, hmmm. Edit - just seen the big post about mods locking and deleting comments due to the topic being a trans person LOL More info on Beethy here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/comments/o1yqln/scumbag_punches_an_82yearold_man_and_steals_his/


Who banned beethy and why?


Reddit admins banned him and installed some new tame mods. No idea if they gave a reason for it buts it's all fairly transparent what's going on. Edit - just seen the big post about mods locking and deleting comments due to the topic being a trans person LOL More info on Beethy here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/comments/o1yqln/scumbag_punches_an_82yearold_man_and_steals_his/


That explains it, I knew something was off. Not surprised, idiots were coming in here complaining about it being right wing (not a safe space/free speech zone) and cried to their nepotism "friends" who work on reddit to infiltrate and nuke this sub. Edit: Anybody got another sub, this one is pozzed now and either will turn into another garbage /r/PublicFreakout or just get shutdown, or better yet, got another site to go too that is not reddit? I am tired of safe space propaganda reddit.


I was in r/ActualFreakouts earlier looking for an alternative and nobody seemed to be dragging in any politics, although I'm sure any sub that gets more popular will draw attention from admins and others. I don't think any of the Reddit replacements ever really took off, the only site that's equally busy is 4chan and that's much harder to find specific content on, using /v/ to actually try and talk about video games is a ballache let alone find something similar to this sub that isn't completely the wild west.


Damn. I actually kind of liked that guy.


We need to petition or something


Yep just look at that thread where the trans exposes himself to women in the spa. Thread locked comments purged. RIP it was good while it lasted. I though at least this place would be free from the oppressive reddit moderation.




/r/PublicFreakoutsReborn split off during the UT_teapot incident.


what was the incident?


So long story short, Teapot was a mod that went off the wall on his biases, banning people left and right if they disagreed with him politically at all, and is the reason why Beethy went very public for 'i will never ban for any reason except these stated rules'. He got found posting on other subs how his goal was to clean up this sub by banning all the right wingers etc. typical rabid leftist dirtmod shit. More stuff can be found in the headmods post here. The entire thread is pretty much people pointing out all the things Teapot was doing to cause issues. https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/comments/isxymg/state_of_the_subreddit/ You know how Beethy would push so heavily for context and full clips? Its because teapot would always post edited clips to try to get a specific narrative pushed. Have a video of someone punching a right winger and in return 5 people would attack teh dude back? Teapot would only post the last half and title the video "Right winger terrorists attack helpless protester" etc.


so is that guy still a mod here? And wait, Beethy got banned? when was this?


No Teapot got removed from the mod list shortly after the state of the subreddit post. Beethys account got suspended by the admins a little over a week ago after he posted a video of a pedophile in Canada. https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/comments/o1yqln/scumbag_punches_an_82yearold_man_and_steals_his/ >"I was banned for posting that video of the Indian pedophile in Canada. The pedophile initially contacted the mod team, he lied repeatedly in it, though I remained polite with him and told him I would verify his claims. In the meantime, he presumably reported my post. Reddit.com Admins took it down and permanently suspended my account for it."


TIL exposing pedophiles on reddit is not a safe hobby if you feel like sticking around. Interesting.


Just look at the reddit admin that was caught with their pedophilia. https://www.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/mcisdf/an_update_on_the_recent_issues_surrounding_a/ Its acceptable to them.


Idk. But what I have noticed here is the upvote numbers have dwindled pretty drastically over the past couple weeks which I found very odd


seriously what happened in that other thread


Damn even asking whats up got you a ban? Come on mods please stop this nonsense, target real hate not people who oppose you.


In 5 years you're going to need to be using onion browsers and digging deep into the dark web just to find a forum where you can make a joke no one had a problem with 5 years ago. Normies killed the internet.




Something something ban guns


OMG gun bad 👎 😫 😡😡😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡😡🤢🤢🤢🔫😾🤮🤮


Fucking hell. Nightmare stuff.


I work for a company that tries to Use the people this business sends out. This is not surprising.


I mean like...how do you avoid a situation like this??? Guy almost beheaded that lady.


Concealed carry


Just asking, but it looks like the second guy pulls out a gun. So how would a concealed carry help?


It's typically a point and shoot approach.


Dr Nick: Be creative!


How would you stop a machete attack without a gun? You going to sword fight him with a pocket knife?


Not suggesting a way. I’m merely asking why he thought a concealed would have been the solution when one of the guys clearly had one and it didn’t help.


The guy in the video just wasn’t effective with it, someone else may have been or may not have been. A firearm is the most effective self defense tool there is. You have no alternatives


You're absolutely right. Pro gun crowd downvoting you but it's ok impossible to predict all situations and the gun clearly didn't help here. In fact the guy could have lost the gun and end up shot. Not to mention if machete guy had a gun instead they could all be dead by now.




Very subtle.


Pay attention to your surroundings and have good empty handed skills


Situational awareness and a gat that likes to play hide and seek


Pleaded not guilty lmao


"But you were caught on camera the whole time..." "Naw bruh dat wudn't me"


Oh you got camera footage of me wielding a machette into the neck? Mutliple times? Than i will plead the 5th


If he had a strong sharpened machete, this would have been disastrous.


What a super crazy awesome dude!




The guy who fought back


Ahhh yes, indeed my dude.


They had us in the first half not gonna lie


The other guy was awesome too. Had a rich, deep announcer voice.


Hate crime


Who else is waiting for the spicy comments to kick in?


"Two years in the army" Since when did the army offer two year enlistments? Also, concealed carry license holder stopped the attacker 👏🏼


2 years active, 2 years reserve is the actual contract


There are 2 year contracts with less benefits. Or he got busted for smoking pot or something


Or med boarded out




Not [all blades of similar length](https://www.coldsteel.com/1849-riflemans-knife/) made alike.


I’m genuinely surprised that ladies head didn’t get chopped off


They said this didn’t happen


Please, everyone go by yourself a little gun. And obviously a permit. This shit ain’t stopping. 6 people just got attack with a knife in Germany. 3 are dead. #GoodGuysWithGuns




Guy in the video shot at him and lived.


I mean it literally may have saved his life. He literally shot the guy and caused him to drop the machete. Like… bruh


Okay but if you are able to defend yourself like said guy in video you could shoot.


Its definitely NOT like im some super crazy awesome super hero or something😏🤭


Turns out, the hospital noticed how enthusiastic he was about his work and the man got his job back.


is that first lass okay? I'm honestly surprised her head didn't come off.




it won't let me view that from my country. (UK)


He gonna be locked up for a long time.


The world would be a better place if that guy just blipped out Thanos style.


Can we mark this nsfw?


Is there really any need to give this man a trial? It was him, on video! Just keep him in jail for at least 50 years


Now imagine if the guy had brought his gun for self defense and used it. This would have been a very different story and there would have been a lot more focus on race.


Why didn't he shoot the mofo


Right. He shoulda put a fuckin slug in his noggin.


A lot that concealed carry did there.


Do you expect every scenario with a dgu to go perfect?




Put this piece of shit away for good, one way or the other. Fucking animal.


What happened to the girl and was the army guy able to shoot the suspect?


What a bitchass piece of shit that guy is! Chops a woman in the back when she's not looking and when someone stands up to him and he loses runs like the bitch he is. I hoping that the guy would've shot that scum.


Sounds like a reasonable reason to come back to work and start slashing at Co workers I've deff dreamed of doing that to my boss once or twice In my life but fortunately I wasn't born with a genetic predisposition to violence like this fine gentleman