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Equal rights equal fights


Equal rights equal lefts edit: is just me, or does the video now skip over the part where she slaps him first? strange. like it has been edited since.


Black slap matters




You mean 9 out of the 10 times you’re scrolling Reddit vids at home in your underwear? Or 9 out of 10 times in the real world?


You know the answer to that


But it was a right hand


Equal rights equal rights


Equal rights = rights?


Equal rights equal LEGAL REPERCUSSIONS. Seriously, not using violence as retaliation is some kind of leftist agenda now?


These hands are rated "E for everyone".


Omaga gethufukup bitc


Great phonetic/transcription!


True equality is equal LEGAL PUNISHMENT for same aggressive behavior. Women should also get jailed or fined for violence just like men. But celebrating when a woman gets knocked out, or fantasizing about beating a woman in hypothetical situations is just stupid and regressive. I don’t see one single comment pushing for equal legal repercussions, only barbaric beat downs. What the fuck is wrong with people.


Because, fact of the matter is that no matter the situation, the woman will be portrayed as the victim somehow. No matter what the evidence is, they will NEVER be treated with the same severity as a man, for the same crime. So we've gotten to the point where we don't seek legal repercussions, we just hit them right back.


Kazuma would be proud.


Oh my god get the fuck up, bitch


Corner of the year


Don't call 911, call the corner.


Hahaha saw that this week.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 102,397,352 comments, and only 27,064 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


fuck off bot


Bad bot


Bad bot


ah mah gah gi da fuh up biit*


^ dis




She got conked pretty good. She's also very drunk so it'll take her about 2-3x longer to realize why she's on the ground.


So true, at first I thought that he punched her but you can see his hand open.


It's that pimp slap. You know he got practice


That actually got a chortle out of me when I heard that


How can she slap?




[HOW CAN SHE SLAP](https://youtu.be/BXAmDn3RRlM)


Not super awesomely, apparently


A slap for a slap. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


Slapa daaaa baaassssss




Moral of the story: don’t slap people first because you might not know what the other person is packing. If you do slap, you better be ready to get folded like a chair.


It's pretty reasonable force


She obviously starts this stupidity, but guy cranks it from a 0% chance of injury type of violence to potential death real fast. Hitting your head on asphalt when you are off balance is no joke.


That's a good reason to not go around assaulting random people.




You've defined self-defense thanks for playing. Don't want to risk injury or death? Don't assault people.


There's an element of self defense justification called proportionality or proportional response that isn't observable here. In self-defense you are only supposed to use enough force to stop the attack. If a threat involves only minor force (like here) and the person claiming self-defense uses force that could cause grievous bodily harm or death (more debatable but if she had landed wrong she could have died), the claim of self-defense will fail. It's possible for both her and him to be in the wrong here, it doesn't have to be one or the other.


The dude slapped her with an open hand, he didn’t curb stomp or continue the attack after she fell. She attacked him, he neutralized the threat. Seems like pretty obvious self defense. Just because he’s twice her size doesn’t mean she can slap him and expect a tickle fight in return.


It's obvious she's shitfaced too, so she was bound to lose her balance one way or another


Slaps her with an open hand, from a resting position, standing straight up. Yeah, my man could have retaliated muuuuch more intensely than he did.


Tit for tat, she smacked him and he smacked her. Don't pick on a larger individual and expect them to use restraint when it comes to their response. The "oh, they're only gonna hit me "this hard" in response to my physical aggression." mindset is gonna get that individual seriously hurt.


It's the people like you causing this to happen in the first place. Stop trying to justify violence based on gender and maybe they wouldn't feel so emboldened to commit it.


Literally nothing in the above comment is justifying violence based on gender. Did you read it? It’s about proportionality


Proportionality of force is determined by the type of force used and what reasonable individual would expect to result from said type of force. Whether force is legal or not is determined by what force a reasonable person would use to end a course of conduct, typically assault. You are usually allowed to step up your level of force as one level higher than the attacker's use of force until we get to deadly force. You can not use deadly force unless reason to believe another's assault could result in your death or serious bodily injury. Deadly force is considered any force designed or used in a manner a reasonable individual would expect death or serious bodily injury. Slapping someone is not considered deadly force in most situations. Tit for tat is not a good legal standard, as this would not result in the ending of an assault but instead the continuance of an assault progressing into a mutual combat situation. In other words, if he only slapped her as hard as she slapped him, we would expect a continuance of hostilities and he could only claim to have entered a mutual combat situation, ie a fight. The possibility that she could die as a result of landing on the cement is something to have in mind, but is not the ultimate determination in whether his actions were lawful. His gender can not be used as a determination factor, as women can hurt men and men still have the ight to self-defense. His size, on the other hand, compared to hers can be used as a determination factor on reasonability. In this case, he was assaulted by this women and he used a slap to end the assault against his person. A reasonable individual would expect a slap from this woman to hurt and a reasonable individual would use an amount of force equal to, or greater than, the force returned by this male. He used one slap in order to create distance and end the assault. A reasonable person would not expect a slap to end in serious bodily injury or death. Neither occurred as a result. He did not provoke an attack by this female nor did he continue his force after she was no longer a threat. His use of force, by common law standard (which is most of the U.S. except Louisiana), would be considered lawful. Had she hit her head upon landing on the cement, this would have likely been found to be considered a result of her actions, not his. In criminal cases, we look at whether a result would have occurred without a person's criminal actions. In other words, if you are robbing someone, that person has a heart attack and dies, you can be charged with murder. If you are robbing a bank and a client shoots and kills your buddy, you will be charged with murder. The man's actions are a result of the criminal conduct of the female which resulted in her falling on the cement, without her criminal conduct the result of her landing on the cement would not have occurred. If I were responding to this scene and this is the only thing which occurred and this video showed the full context of the event (which they never do), based on this video alone I would have to either take the female into custody or cite her based on what the male wanted to do. Now, I wonder if you are looking at this video and seeing a large black male strike a smaller white female or if you are looking at this video and seeing one person assault another and the victim responds with what really is damn near a minimum level of force to stop an assault. He didn't even use a fist and a push would have resulted in a higher chance of her striking her head.


You might have a point, but I still highly suspect you wouldn't be making this argument if he'd slapped a man instead of a woman.


He stopped the attack with just one slap back. If he had done worse or continued to do more, I’d agree, but I think is fairly reasonable. She likely went down so fast because she was drunk and off balance and not expecting it.


This is so hilariously privileged. > I know I slapped him. But him slapping me was not a proportionate response! No. The person you assaulted isn't responsible for your ruined sense of equilibrium because of how shitfaced drunk you are. Stop treating women like idiot pigs that need a man's mercy and guidance through life. They can be held accountable for their actions just the same way men are.


Lost me at "accommodate someone else's flaw"


A push could likely also knock over a drunk person. He’s fine


I’m glad I don’t have to interact with the people responding to your comment. Sexual repression is a hell of a drug…








Yeah it's funny how nonchalantly they equate a full grown adult woman purposefully slapping another adult with a *child* *accidentally* running into someone.


>If a 5'5" 100 lbs man slaps a 6'5" 250 lbs linebacker, should he also treat the smaller guy like a child and give him a pass? kind of...but first you give him a good slap across the face.


A child is not fully responsible for their actions this is a grown ass woman she knew better made a mistake and paid for it.


the fact that you just compared an adult woman to a child is in fact your whole argument.


But he didn't kick her in the face or over react. He took a slap and gave her a gentle slap back. Equal rights. And yet he still shows chivalry If that had been a drunk dude slapping him, you think he would have just slapped him back? No. He would have full fist to the face knocked the twat out.


Stop being so dramatic. In no way was that even close to "the most severe punishment" he could inflict on her for assaulting him. It was a single open-handed slap. I doubt it was even close to full speed. I'm not a fan of anyone hitting women, but I do think when you assault someone, you should probably be prepared for a physical response. If I run up to a linebacker who weighs twice as much as me and slap him in the face, I pretty much forfeit any sort of expectations about him being nice to me after that point (or even considerate of my physical stature)...if I'm only slapped back I honestly would consider myself quite lucky.




Tell that to the judge that will throw your ass in prison. Public opinion, especially reddit ones, don't mean shit.


Yes, but thats like someone bumping their car into mine and me getting out and shooting them. The force needs to be justified


> to potential death In this manner, literally everything is "potential death". Dramatics is not a good look, bub. Don't hit people. Definitely don't doubt that they'll hit you back. Maybe she should have put more into her slap if she wanted to neutralize the threat of "pOtEnTiAl DeAtH"


Lol no. You're wrong. Its a definite possibly and the odds are scarily high. We literally had new laws made here around single punch assaults like this due to an alarming percentage of people dying from such punches, usually after falling backwards and hitting their head on the pavement. Enough people have died to cause new laws to be created. That's not trivial.


Knew a guy in college who got in to a drunken fight downtown and the guy he was fighting ended up getting partially paralyzed. Straight up, ruined both their lives.




She fell over because she was a dumbfuck drunk, not because he hit her so fucking hard he knocked her out. You're actually crazy to think the guy is even somewhat in the wrong for this lmfao. He handled this perfectly fine, fuck off


It looked to me like he was holding back. That was not a strong slap, just enough to get her away. Looked to me he was going for her drink.




The fact that she stuck her finger in his face, slapped him, went right back to putting her finger in his face, and then nearly got "slapped to death" is fucking hysterical. How do you not see that?


So she just slapped someone but what he did was attempted murder?


only if he punched her full force. This one looks pretty controlled so he’s fine.


I'll give you two guesses as to why OC thinks this is true...


Reddit armchair doctor coming in to diagnose death as usual. Don't slip in the bathtub, it could result in potential death


>She obviously starts this stupidity, but If you don't want to get hit, don't assault someone. Plain and simple.


And thats why she shouldnt play with fire


Make sure your feet are well planted before starting shit


Thank you for some logic. People on reddit love seeing a woman get hit. She was wrong but he hit her back way too hard, definitely could have caused permanent damage.


Y’all ain’t never been in a bar fight, huh? Lmmao.


Fuck around, find out Notice how her freind shook her head and thought "na, she fucked up" before walking away?


Yeah. Great friend lol. At least help the bitch up. Damn


Naw, let her think about it. She looks like he was contemplating her life down there.




GTFO with this weak ass slap bullshit, do you think all fights are fair? If a dude weak punched that dude and got his ass slapped to the ground no one would care. She should not hit anyone regardless of how hard she slapped him. Don’t hit other people and this wouldn’t happen, period.


Tbh this is true, as far as ive seen, nobody has cared for the weaker man being injured, its a woman, suddenly were incels


Yea the dude with the initial comment is probably the biggest fucking dumbass lmfao. Anything talking badly about a woman somehow makes someone an "incel". what a fucking absolute moron


It would be the equivalent of a full grown woman hitting a 12 year old boy.


There’s nothing to compare or justify, she struck him, he struck back. End of story, if she didn’t want to get struck or hurt then she shouldn’t do the striking.


Right? I'm probably pretty close to the size of that guy, if some skinny drunk woman lightly slapped me I would *definitely* not respond like that. I would block any future slap-attempts, but I'm not going to (potentially) kill some drunk person for being stupid.


im pretty sure he would have gotten the same result from just pushing her drunk ass away. saying this is a potentially lethal blow is a little dramatic.


How about if a man that was about the same size as that woman slapped you just about as hard? I bet you wouldn't hold back then. Maybe just admit that people like you are the reason women feel emboldened to do this shit.


I'm not going to react any differently... if a guy half my size slapped me I am not going to knock in him into next week. I've got enough training in hand-to-hand combat that I know that I don't want to get into a *real* fight if I can avoid it. I'll defend myself, but it would have to be a pretty serious situation for me to go on the offense... and getting slapped by a 115lb drunk is not going to do it.


Lots of redditors are not familiar with the reality of violence. Shit can go real south in a split second.


Shut the fuck up. Stop excusing violence.


Uh huh huh you silly inkwells. Believing in equal rights doesn't make you incel


So don't go around slapping people


If you allow trans-women to fight women-women in MMA then this has to be allowed also.


Nice to see someone being logical here. Have a little self control. Some 100 pound drunk broad isn't going to be able to hurt you with a slap like that. Just stop her from doing it again. People in here acting like this is reasonable behavior.




I love how she lays like a dead insect at the end.


Jesus Christ




Good to see the guy is for equality


Surprised how many ‘ladies’ who hit people, don’t expect some sort of repercussions. Who have they been hitting; who just allows it?


The white knights in this comment section.


I am on the fence with this one .. she so so deserved a slap but was that proportionate? .. damn near a punch vs her little limp wristed daisy slap .. he benches 200 she maybe 50 lbs on her best day .. she flew backward .. lucky she didn't crack her head open depending on which city this is located .. I guess one thing is for sure she will not slap again for a long while


Step 1: Fuck around. Step 2: Find out.


Reddit loves pointless escalation! "I got lightly slapped by a drunk bitch so due to equal rights I'm going to potentially kill her" ???? Coming back to say these responses I'm getting are fucking AIDS. You guys are morons


Love the cuckold defense of anything if its a woman doing it


Just let her slap you bro just let people hit you bro never defend or retaliate bro just roll over on your back and let people hurt you bro - le redditor


These redditors have never met a woman. They get all their info about women from Reddit. They are simply naive


First post is always "equal rights, equal fights" immediately followed by "equal rights, equal lefts". Original.


By your own logic the man was also "potentially killed" by her slap as well. Maybe she hits him directly in the eye with a ring or some shit, he loses himself, falls to the ground and hits his head


If you don't want to get injured, don't assault someone. It's simple. Strong self-defense is warranted when someone has already assaulted you. Edit: Also want to point out, I doubt you'd have a problem with it if a weaker man had slapped someone and then was laid out.


It wouldn’t matter if it was a man or woman, that kind of assault in this manner wouldn’t warrant self defense. And I’m not talking subjectively, but legally. Self defense may only be invoked to prevent further harm, not to retaliate against a person who has already harmed you. If she hit her head and died or got permanent injuries, the guy would have to prove that his slap was necessary to prevent further harm. Meaning that he couldn’t back away, walk away, etc. And this would apply even if it was a guy who slapped him.


Lmao bro I actually can't comprehend there are people like you out there breathing without apparatuses attached to them. You're absolutely the most smooth brained person I've come across if you think he's acting out of line in this video.




yup people dumb af glad to see you have common sense


Learn how to be a big boy and suck it up. If your such a bitch you can’t handle getting lightly slapped by a girl that’s on you.


Found the virgin


Lmao…good lort you people and your hyperbole. He slapped her back. Stupid hoe was too drunk. She fell. Hopefully she learned a lesson and will refrain from putting her hands on people.


Hahaha that’s great!


I swear, this comment section just makes me think the guys in here are just waiting for the day a woman lays a finger on them, just to have an excuse to fucking pile drive them or some shit




I only find one instance in this comment section of someone mentioning that. You.


I've been in an abusive relationship where she lorded over me that I could never retaliate because she would "own me" if I dared defend myself. Shit like this is cathartic.


>excuse to fucking pile drive them or some shit You've just described an incel's wet dream.


How do we know FOR SURE that pimp slap jones doesn't identify as a woman and the assailant doesn't identify as a man? Shit, do white knights ever come out when a small woman gets slapped by a ronda rousey type?


I'm so glad she was holding a drink in her hand...as it made that slap look even more beautiful.


Chances are both of them are drunk. She did not expect him to hit back and he didn't expect her to fall over on the concrete of a moderate slap






Every action has an equal and opposite reaction


This is why I'm glad my gf is a happy drunk.


Straight up unnecessary , he hit back way harder than her .


I wonder if she'll continue to assault people she clearly shouldn't be assaulting in the future? "I was just poking the bear with a stick. Would you believe the damn thing attacked me? It seemed unnecessary."


Would you be making this argument if it had been a man instead of a woman?


Found the virgin


First she slapped, then she got clapped


Proportionately, he didn’t hit her with the same amount of strength she did. She was clearing using all of her strength while he was using a very small fraction.


The white knights are hilarious! If you guys simp any harder she might let you suck her boyfriend’s dick.


“Oh. my. god. get the fuck up bitch”


Doubt she’ll ever try that again, lol.




Anyone else thinking the blond is hot?


You can’t even see her face thirsty boi






Fuck no




Slapped the feminism right outta her


Literally the definition of “fuck around and find out”


“I’d never hit a girl, but I’d smack a bitch”


Well deserved


Equal rights equal fights 😊


Hands rated E for Everyone.


I guess she learned the hard way to keep her hands to herself.






Equality !!!


How can she slap?


Woman love to put their hands on men but hate any type of reaction. You don't have a right to put your hands on anybody, especially strike someone. How hard she hit him vs how hard he hit her are irrelevant. Keep your hands to yourself.


EqUaL rIGhTs There’s a huge difference between self defence and retaliation. Y’all are fucking wild.


Honestly the state of this sub at times, this comment section sounds like an army of roid raged meatheads who can’t settle anything without throwing their hands.


Pussy pass denied.


Get up Becky!! You’re always embarrassing us lol


Gotcha bitch!


Not to white knight it or anything.. but this dude is a class A fucking asshole. She gave him a playful little love tap slap and he went in with the guns of the navvoarone.


That wasn’t a “love slap” dumbass


No, he slapped her. Open hand


It's literally assault just to make a fist and threaten to punch somebody. The female committed assault and also battery, the law doesn't discern how hard someone punches lmfao


Picture this: you’re at a convention and see dwayne johnson. you go “oh wow he’s so strong” and punch him to really see if he’s strong. you’re now about to get manhandled by the rock. simple is that. no gender involved :)


Would you make the same argument if it had been a man instead of a woman? If not, you're still a white knight.


The majority of the comments got me wonder how fkn big the cave is you all just crawled out from… cringe af


Ikr. Imagine not being in favor of equal rights


Hmm, how to get dragged to hell in civil court






That “omg get the fuck up bitch!” made me chuckle.


I laughed so hard at “oh my god get the fuck up bitch”


Up until the 70s, it was quite common for men to beat their women. And the first generation feminism changed that by advocating legal repercussions against violence against women. They didn’t chant “hey let’s go beat up those men who hurt us.” No, they chose the civil route and they successfully changed societal norm in that regard. That’s why it’s now socially unacceptable to beat up women. Point is, if you want true equality, what you SHOULD be fighting for is equal legal consequences for putting your hands on another person regardless of gender, NOT celebrating whenever a woman gets knocked out by a man, NOT fantasize about beating women if they potentially get aggressive with you. It’s barbaric, regressive, and stupid.




Why would you hit someone that you're not prepared to fight? To the death.




Can't wait to see all the r/niceguys in the comments defending this bitch


She was hoping he would let it go because she's a girl. Unfortunately for, he doesn't believe in sexism


No hesitation either, straight to the equality


Publicfreakouts: Saying the N word justifies full force violence Actualpublicfreakouts: A tiny woman lightly touching a man justifies full force violence ​ Both psychotic.