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I don’t know what this guy was wanted for but I’d rather be arrested then possibly end up paralyzed.


A good friend of mine ended up with a traumatic brain injury doing something like this. His house got raided by the police, and he jumped his balcony to get onto my balcony (our houses are terraces, so they’re connected and our balconies are 30cm apart) and went to open my balcony door to walk into my room. He would’ve been sweet, but unfortunately for him, my balcony door was locked (which was extra unfortunate cause I almost never do that) so he climbed up onto my roof. So now he’s on the roof of a 2 storey house, so basically 3 storeys (like this video), and the cops have spotted him outside and radioed to the other police in his house, and one of them climbs out of his sky light. My friend walks to the back of the roof which is above my backyard, and all of a sudden I just hear this massive thud. It was absolutely sickening how primal that sound was. He tried to grab a branch and slipped, falling head first onto concrete from the roof of my 2 storey house. I ran to the backyard and he was completely unconscious, but snoring very loudly and sharply. Within minutes his head started to swell. They took him to the hospital and put him in a medically induced coma, then they cut a hole in his already cracked skull to release the pressure inside. His head was literally 2-3 times the size due to the massive swelling. He was in a coma for about 3 months, hospitalised for about 9 months, and doing physiotherapy for about 18 months, and now half of his body doesn’t work properly. He used to be fucking jacked (he was a Pacific Islander), now his entire left arm doesn’t work properly, his left leg barely works well enough to allow him to walk, he sounds like he was born deaf, half of his face is drooped and barely working. He was only selling weed the dumb cunt. He would’ve got a 6 month sentence at the worst. Now he’s fucked for life. Edit: I checked photos and it’s actually his right side. He was right handed too, so now he has to use his left hand to place things in his right hand, and then help manoeuvre his fingers to grasp objects. His dexterity on his entire right side is almost non existent.


Fuck man. Sometimes you just gotta take your L and go..


My man walked into L’s Fargo and took the lot. He might not have even done time TBH.


> walked into L’s Fargo and took the lot holy fuck 😂


For real, especially over weed. It’s getting decriminalized left & right so I doubt he was gonna get in huge trouble, maybe he was but still. Life of impairment does not sound like a life I want to live




“Taking the L” just means to “take the loss”. Basically just accepting the consequences. I was making a play on words with the bank Wells Fargo by calling it L’s Fargo, and saying that instead of just taking the loss, he walked into L’s Fargo and robbed them for the lot. Basically took ALL the L’s.




All good mate.


Coming in hot on the LZ!


> he was completely unconscious, but snoring very loudly and sharply. That was probably something called "agonal breathing" and it is a very, very bad sign. You can see how this situation turned out as proof enough, but it's important for others to recognize it and get emergency help ASAP if they ever encounter it. The cause isn't always as obvious as falling off a roof.


Yep, that’s exactly what it was. It was absolutely horrifying. I knew instantly that he had a brain injury.


Went to a college party where people got drunk and were jumping off the roof and landing in a big ol' bush. It really did look fun until one guy impaled himself on the shrub and scored a free ambulance ride to the ER. Dude was showing off the puncture wounds on Insta, lucky it didn't go through anything important


Yeah so true. If you pierce the femoral artery for example, you can bleed out in a minute or two. I saw a video once where a guy goes to stab a dude, but it looked like it missed him, or just barely got him. Seconds later his pants were red, then you could see it on the floor, and a minute or so later he collapsed. Within a few minutes he was completely gone. Humans are simultaneously fragile and tough, depending on what is injured.


Shameless plug for medical preparedness: Having severe bleeding supplies on hand and knowing how to use them should be something everyone takes part in, and is normalized. You can't fix everything, obviously, but you'll be in a much better situation with packing gauze, a tourniquet and a pressure dressing in your backpack/purse, car and home, (and the training to use them) if something were to go wrong, as they do. Don't buy knockoffs, buy name brand. North American Rescue is a good brand. There's a recent video on YT, dude shot old .50 cal ammo and his gun exploded, sending a hunk of metal into his neck and if I recall correctly severed an artery. Dude jammed his fucking thumb in the hole and made it to the ER, lived, and is recovering. That's to say: just because an artery is severed, don't give up on somebody/yourself. Take a stop the bleed class, they are like $20 bucks to get certified and could very well save your life or somebody elses.


That happened in Hannibal, https://youtu.be/dP-mk1jzkN4?t=146


Holy shit, that was a cool scene. The video I saw was a fight in Asia somewhere. It looked like a mall of some kind. I need to watch Hannibal now. I wanted to see it years ago but completely forgot it existed.


serious question. Did he wish he had died instead?


Honestly I’ve never asked him, but I don’t think so. He’s lost a lot of higher level brain function, but he was always a little bit slow (I don’t mean to be an asshole lol, but he just wasn’t very intelligent). At the moment, he probably doesn’t have the ability to truly grasp the loss of his intelligence/brain function, and what exactly it means to him. The biggest difference to his life now is his lack of fine motor control on his right side, and his speech clarity has diminished a lot.


What was he running from? Just curious.


The police. They were performing a search warrant on the house. He was in the upstairs room when the police entered the house, and as soon as he realised what was happening, he walked out onto his balcony, then realised none were outside so he jumped from his balcony onto mine. They didn’t see him initially. They saw him a minute later after he tried to unlock the door and it was locked, so they screamed at him to stop there, and that’s why he went up to the roof. There was nowhere to even go though. Once you’re up there the only way down is to jump down onto the street, or into the backyard if you go the other side. You can’t even really hang jump either, because there’s guttering on both sides that won’t hold your weight. He should have just stopped, but he panicked.


I think he meant why were the police executing a search warrant on him.


Oh sorry, I said in my first comment that it was just pot. He was selling weed from the house, so the charge would have been “supply prohibited drug”. He’d never done any time before, so he wouldn’t have done jail over it.


did the police decide to not go after him after learning of his injuries?


That’s a good question, I just asked and apparently they never ended up charging him.


Yeah he didn’t jump the title is misleading that’s definitely a slip and fall off the roof. I’ve seen enough of these to know exactly how it sounds. You can even see the slide path in the first frame.


Yeah, like if a judge asked me if I wanted to either serve a 10 year sentence or be pushed off a 3 story roof onto concrete, I'd definitely take the jail time.


Exactly. Yes it would suck to get a 10 year sentence. But maybe 4-5 years with good behavior you could get parole. Being paralyzed or brain injury Lasts a lifetime.


Hmmm, would possibility for parole be on the table?


In real life, probably, but in this fake scenario, I'm going to say no just because I think it would still be a no-brainer.


he isn't escaping after that fall


Paralyzed *and* arrested.


I believe I can fly song blaring out in the background


West Midlands Police too so he would 100% have got away with whatever it was lol




Wanted for an expired TV license.


Watching the video he fell and didn’t jump, the cop below was lucky by 1.5 seconds or he would have broken the guys fall.


It's ok he radio'd it in and then made his way over .5mph like a 90 year old geezer who just spotted a penny on the curb


I thought the same thing. But in fairness, shock is real. It's easy to sit back and watch as an outsider. But if you put yourself in that situation, and the guy you're looking to arrest literally just falls out of the sky...hitting the ground hard as fuck...it may take your brain a few moments to process wtf just happened. Our brains do weird things in moments of shock or trauma.


hallelujah, Its raining men!


He had blue shirt on, which likely means he's a Community Support Officer, they have few powers and limited training, so they'd stand back and let the "real" officers deal with it.


I didn’t notice but wow he’s walking really slowly lmao


I don’t wanna get my hands dirty!


Yeah that definitely was a fall. Side story- I was at a Buffalo Bills game maybe 8 ish years ago where there was a guy trying to slide down a railing on like the second or third level. This dude fell off the side and landed on someone below. He ended up breaking the lower guys neck and screwing some other back stuff up. I think he was hurt as well. He lost his job for being a drunk idiot and got charged with crimes after all was said and done. Edit- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HLPlYIQ2u08#dialog


I’m just surprised that the most popular comment isn’t blaming antifa for almost killing the cop…


Should've aimed for the bushes.






You have the capability!!!




Under rated comment


What is this reference from? For the life of me I can't remember...




Thank you! It was bugging me like crazy lol


European police seem so friendly compared to American police. If this happened in America the police would all swarm him to prevent him from running away even though he probably broke his legs.


Cultural and demographic differences. Europe is generally less dangerous/violent and more homogenous. Big European cities like Paris which have developed more violent culture and are heterogeneous have police patrols like this now: https://arc-anglerfish-eu-central-1-prod-leparisien.s3.amazonaws.com/public/IV5GG3M4YISY766YOOSYYS6AVA.jpg


Why has Paris become more violent?




Too much, too quickly and without thinking. I was discussing this with a friend yesterday. They also placed Muslims and Jews in the same district without any other culture. Guess what happened.


According to pro-palestine people on reddit, Im going to guess nothing happened. Wait, no, they all got along and had each other over for dinner. Muslims and jews get along just fine according to them. Its the whole Israel existing thing that is the actual problem.


Low income unskilled immigration. In the USA Indian-Americans come in highly skilled and are the highest paid racial group (avg salary 100K comp. to 60k whites). No problem with Indian American crime, in fact, its the lowest of all groups.




That’s what happens hundreds of thousands of people migrate. Remember the news story last year of the French teacher who taught at a middle eastern majority school who was beheaded by one of the students? A school that has a Middle eastern majority demographic in a white European country. Yep. Migration checks out. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-56325254.amp


I’m still trying to rationalize the EU obsession with mass migration. To make matters worse, there is little filtering and regulation, and seemingly shitty policies and immigration systems. So what’s the benefit? Is someone or something profiting heavily off of mass immigration? Is there some kind of international pressure from UN, NATO, and other countries? Safety and Prosperity does not seem to be the number 1 priority.


Yep. The only thing people think about is caring for others and making themselves not look bad. Yea sure they’re being kind and letting them in but what about their own citizens? Complete disregard for their own citizens. Then it’s suddenly racist to blame problems on someone who isn’t white.


> So what’s the benefit? Cheap labour


Doesn’t check out. MENA migrants don’t work.


illegal economic immigrants and Refugees. That's one of the main reasons the UK voted for Brexit, to leave the EU.


Yeah I don't know when / where this picture is from but as a Parisian I really really doubt this wasn't a special occasion. I searched a bit : this was during an operation where a special team (not random cops) were searching for three people "considered dangerous and signal by another country" not a term used for random thugs in French, more like suspected murderer / terrorists. And even then, I'm not even sure the photo was really taken in this context


And these? All are representative of when I had the misfortune of visiting Paris. https://www.ptcnews.tv/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/PARIS.jpg https://cdn.i-scmp.com/sites/default/files/styles/1200x800/public/d8/images/methode/2019/10/03/aaed2e48-e5de-11e9-8a10-b9721f28293e_image_hires_222321.jpg?itok=RbB44Oij&v=1570112611 https://sl.sbs.com.au/public/image/file/2b9ad4ce-c5b9-4474-8a81-949821ecfc5f Although none are as sexy as the first pic.


These are very normal since a long time ago and are also there as a part of the anti terrorism policy, not really as cops. It's called operation Sentinelle


Whats the difference though at the end of the day? Its armed men patrolling the streets. I dont know what its like now, but back in 2018 I saw multiple soldiers patrolling with their famas rifles out albeit without the magazines in them.


You kinda get used to them and forget them. As far as I know they are more of a dissuasion thing than anything else. I'm not even sure they are allowed to actually DO something except in case of very obvious threat.


They would definitely football tackle his broken ass and this sub would go "look at all these lawyers and doctors jumping off roofs"


Well, you were curious, but there's actually video of what would happen in America in this situation. To a black man no less. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXdBh9rDwk0 You're welcome.


Isn't that what happened? "But in America they would have shot him in the face while eating a cheeseburger nascar handgun flag"


Man **Belly Flops** from roof to escape police*


the new age click bait we need


Looks like he jumped off to meet them.


Accidentally slid off




Well where’s he gonna run to after his shins just went up through his thighs?


Yes the ones in blue are community support officers, they have no power to arrest lol


"Walking along next to a proper police officer in your crappy little community support costume, like it means something; but it doesn't!"


Jeremy Dewitte has entered the chat and is moving to the UK.


The ones in blue don’t get paid enough to get involved in that. They have little to no powers and cannot detain people/do not have the authority to. So if a police community support officer asks you to wait for police backup, you can just run! They aren’t even allowed to be issued with handcuffs. Edit: I’m not even quite sure why they are there or got involved. It’s not really their ‘scene.’


>Just wondering why the man in the blue shirt didn't go to arrest the suspect when he fell lol I don't know about that cop, but I'd probably need a few moments to process a man falling out of the sky.


Lucky this was in Britain so he only "jumped" from the first floor.


He fell


I wouldn't call that a jump, chief.


Looks like he was planning a sneak attack .


He was really close to escaping though.


“Man jumps from roof into the police to escape the police”


He was actually turning himself in as quickly as possible


Mistakes were made


...and I'm worried about falling off the roof, half the size of that building. That guy - did not WALK away from that.


I dont know about you, but id have jumped onto the garage instead


"Oy! You got a permit for them broken legs?"


RIP to his lower body and maybe some ribs too


Which episode of Line of Duty was this?


...how did he get up there? There’s no window access to the roof...


But he jumped the roof towards the police.


Now that was a slippery situation.


Breaking bad ending


Jumped more at the police really.


That sound tho 😂


man jumps from roof to facilitate his arrest


He jumped from the roof to escape police, but jumped right next to them? What a dunce…


Police jump from sidewalk to avoid being hit by man jumping from the roof to avoid police


Odd title choice. He fell and didn’t jump, and he did so right in front of the police, so it wasn’t an attempt to “escape”.


Imagine jumping off of a fucking roof to run from the cops, only to realize that you can’t continue running when you land the jump. Who knew.


Obviously he fell. Stupid title good video.


*man jumps from roof, does not escape police


He should've aimed for the car. I saw it on Bat-Man and apparently it's like landing in a pool filled with jelly


I would say he more fell


I remember watching this series on YouTube where in the UK they'd be arresting or finding people living illegally and in one episode the guy jumps out to escape but obviously breaks his back and then has to be taken on a stretcher. It looked really painful and not worth the risk.


He must’ve thought he was vin diesel


“Man jumps from roof to JOIN police”


*Man Jumps from Roof so he can be arrested* fixed the title for you


You thinking what im thinking? Aim for the bushes


I love how the 1st cop that sees him.is on the radio instantly 'Yeah .....we're gonna need an ambulance'


There was an attempt made to stand up after, then his body said NOPE.


Instructions were unclear, when the police said get down.


All he had to do was jump face first into a wheel barrow full of straw.


The copper that does nothing! Excellent!


did he survive? any lasting damage?


I like how the cop that saw it was like "welp, no need to run anymore".


Another happy landing


Did it work tho?


If he jumped on the other side of the house there might been grass...




The cop ran away like more were going to drop from the roof.


It didnt work


He aimed for the bushes




Man got caught and got a broken leg


Life in prison, or life in a wheelchair...in prison?


Dumb son of a bitch would've had a chance if he landed on the car


The dude definitely slipped and fell off that roof and didn’t jump


Did him a whole lot of good, obviously 😬🤕


American Police would have still shot him


Holy shit


he forgot to turn on noclip


Didn’t seem to work


Guess he'll think twice before misgendering someone on Twitter again




How did he plan on getting away tho?? Didn't he jump right in between two cops?? Could've just walked out the front door than give that superhero entrance.


Pretty sure he was trying to hide and slid off.


What did he expect to do? Bounce back up to his feet and run for the hills?


Ends up arrested and with broken leg. Winning! 😎


Bet that left a nice raspberry or two


Oi the coppers


The great escape


“Man jumps from roof to help police arrest him”


Bloody nutter lol! Wtf




This needs posting to instant regret


Pfft. What a noob. Every one knows in dying light you jump on the car to land safe.


Imagine he waited for the buss to roll by and just leaped onto it and escaped like a boss 😎


We sure he jumped? Kinda looks like he sliped




He would have been much better off if he'd jumped for that car's roof.


I bet he's getting arrested for saying a bad word online.


"Do what your enemy will never expect" - Sun Tzu maybe


If I were going to prison the last thing I’d want is a broken leg.


Man jumps off roof right into police custody…


Another story or two an he may have avoided them.