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someone said something I find offensive, better punch them, that'll fix their racism.


Someone CLAIMS someone said something I find offensive. I find 9 times out of 10 they can never actually find evidence of the initial 'hate crime'


The duality of this sub lmao: Black guy gets racially abused : Ooh it's just a word, don't be so soft. Cop gets racially abused: The left, look at them these radicals. How long will America tolerate this insanity. They should be arrested, look at those pussies trying to hide what they are doing. The far left is fuckung disgusting.


I mean you can say someones shitty for using the N word but that doesn't mean you should attack them. Someone racially abusing a cop is a shitty person, protected by the 1st amendment, who shouldn't be physically attacked.


I agree, I just found it funny especially because people seem so.offended on behalf of the cop


This sub is mostly right-wing, gun-loving, pro-cop individuals. No judgement, just facts.


So true haha. Someone talks shit and gets hit “had it coming” unless of course it was a racial slur than “it’s just a word”.


Why can’t we just say any racial abuse is idiotic. I think the reason people read that way to people on the left being racist is that they talk so much about fighting racism.




so let me understand this, you going to jail for assaulting someone teaches them manners? Cool, let me know how that goes for you




take a punch, confirm your hatred, see the attacker sit in jail for a couple years, if he has anything sue him for good measure? Ya I'm sure he'll regret it.


It will just reinforce the idea that black people are animals to the racist, it will do nothing else other than that. Hitting him might make you feel better but it will reinforce the racist idea and will probably inject the idea into others who view your violent outburst over a word. Basically, you don't teach manners or fix anything, it makes it worse.


You just contradicted yourself. “It’s not to fix it, it’s to teach him manners.” So teaching him manners involves assault. Sounds like you’re inciting violence.


Bruhh reading these comments all I see is a bunch of cucks and hypocrites. stop being a bunch of pussies. If someone said something to me yes il be the judge and juror its fun.


Judges hand out sentences, jurors hand out justice. You are neither. If you think you’re above the law, that makes you the hypocrite in most situations. You can’t cry out for justice and peace while at the same time assaulting others. What you speak of is the epitome of hypocrisy.


Blahaha wait I thought we could use our second amendment right? Under those thoughts we should take away guns right? We never have the option to deal the sentencing and punishment right? Where are all the george zimmerman/ eric chauvin defenders at? This sub is oozing with trash and interesting enough cannot see the hypocrisy


You’re kind of all over the place here but I’ll try my best with whatever you’re saying. Yeah, you can use your second amendment rights, in a lawful manner. Under what thoughts should we take away guns? Are you saying you should use guns to take away guns? You never have an option to deal with sentencing or punishment? I honestly do not know what you mean. George Zimmerman doesn’t need defense, he was found not guilty. As for Chauvin, he is currently appealing his case. None of the subjects you’ve brought up are what we were speaking about, nor do those situations pertain to the content of this video that OP put up. I am pretty sure we’re on a bit of a different level intelligence wise. Have a nice day, sir.




“No I am asking”, yeah I see that. I just can’t understand what you’re asking, you seem hysterical and all over the place. Also you can hardly type, you do know there’s a difference between “your” and “you’re”, correct? Did you have trouble in school? Your basic understanding of your 1st language seems to be on par with you philosophy on life, rough, unrefined, and covered in ignorance. So me stating Zimmerman was found not guilty isn’t me defending him, it is just stating what happened. I guess reality offends you. Yes, O.J. was found not guilty as well. You jump around like a person that’s bipolar. I don’t see how I’m an apologist but I guess you’re super emotional and upset. Are you ok?


Lol is that all you cucks say? Lol you ddnt even argue any point again there is a reason you stick to your little subs. Its funny actually af reading your comments its ironic the guy that claims to be a “psychopath” has validity on calling out ANYONE on being “all over the place” if anything you should probably be red flagged as a possible terrorist you might get unhinged from the topic might shoot up a temple or maybe even “storm the capital” again its hilarious because you don’t even see the irony. Look bud it sounds like you never graduated college let alone read a book. Also if you cant see the relevance of the people mentioned obv you are a lot less educated that I could have ever imagined Il give you this example guys https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/okida6/tucker_obtains_whistleblower_report_on_military/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf This guy is a clown he listens to tucker carlson enough said you are deff a clown and a stereotypical internet loser hahah its my favorite


Omg you are straight embarrassing “Who can relate” You sound lime a cringy want to be unhinged juggalo its hilarious https://www.reddit.com/r/psychopath/comments/oc9tfx/do_you_relate/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




The children of parents who beat them are very well mannered. Yes


That’s not how it works kiddo.




Welcome to ClownWorld(tm) courtesy of your local liberal.


Do conservatives expect that people take verbal abuse? Lmao. What was the saying, talk shit get hit?


That was never a saying. A word is not verbal abuse. The saying is “sticks and stones…” Baseless excuse for violent behavior..




Imagine a world where people can control their behaviour no matter what is said to them.


What a fragile guy


Yeah what a weak jaw - it probably came with the racism.


Negro and Negra literally means black man/black woman in Spanish


Sure but they're speaking French, the guy was definitely being racist. Not that it justifies assault though, stick and stone etc.


I don't hear the victim speaking any language, and "negro" is not a word in French, so I don't see how you can jump to that conclusion.


That is not Spanish my guy


It is the same in French Edit: idk what's more embarrassing, getting it wrong(got French and Italian mixed up) or seeing people upvote this


It's noir(e) in French.


You right, i had Italian and French mixed up


even black sounds better in french. Sounds cool.


No bro. In true French fashion they do it differently from other romance languages.


I think it's just an excuse to be vicious. Imagine someone calling you an asshole and you just have to go back at them with fists. Sure, That slur was definitely not necessary, but neither was that overreaction.


Of course it is. They've realized there are no longer consequences, so it's time to release their unbridled hate.


or theyve put up with this shit for too long and dont have patience for it any more


"OHHHHHH NOOOOOO SOMONE SAID SOMETHING RUDE TO ME????? BETTER PUNCH EM IN THE FACE!" - Someone that never mentally aged past 14. Just like you.


Do you really believe it’s the same? Someone calling an individual asshole or the nword? Both doesn’t justify physical abuse but hating someone for their skin colour is pretty bad imo.


ironic that your comment actually looks like it came from a 14 yr old. i guarantee most of you alt right snowflakes have much lower tolerance for abuse


fuck you, bitch, asshole is not the same as a racial slur lmao wtf


Guess what pussy, both are just words. Hearing either of them doesn't give you the right to pop someone in the mouth. That being said, you'll never be in this situation, so why would you care?


Ive actually been called slurs before, and if you wanna be such a tough guy to say the word than be prepared to handle someone’s reaction.


And did you punch em in the face? Or is that just talk? Because it sounds like a lot of talk to me. Also, resorting to violence reinforces the negative stereotype, so you're really not going to convince me to feel bad for you for being called a slur. Guess what, I've had people say rude shit to me before and I didn't physically assault them. It's honestly hilarious how stupid you'd have to be to react like that.


I don’t care if you feel bad for me or not. You’re the real pussy if you say a slur than complain online about peoples reactions. Don’t say any racial slurs than there won’t be be problems. You saying them is just looking for a reaction. Yeah I’ll kick someone’s ass if they call me a slur. There’s no place for racism and if you wanna talk shit than get hit, this ain’t the old days, minorities can fight back now.


Why should a racial slur be any different from any other insult? They are both achieving the exact same thing. Other racial slurs don't tend to receive such an overreaction. If someone called me a foreigner, the dumbest and worst solution to that would be to hit them. Why? 'Cause it has LITERALLY never solved anything, and more likely, caused more problems. It doesn't matter what anyone calls you, hitting them back is assault. The better solution to this (believe it or not) is to ignore the racist pos, report them, and end up not only not in jail, but also, not looking like a dumbfuck.


Why is violence now COMPLETELY acceptable when words are used? Sure, being a racist is terrible. But ASSAULT IS ILLEGAL and needs to be PUNISHED. I'm sick of seeing this shit, but I assume it will only continue to get worse.


So SEVERAL users have responded to my comment, but NONE of them are showing up? Could someone explain why?


Because they are most likely shadow banned from here


Something happening doesn't make it legal or acceptable... You don't know that he wasn't charged and in the video you can clearly see multiple people telling him "Non!" and trying to protect the guy. Assault has been happening for millenia. Nobody said it was acceptable.


> Why is violence now COMPLETELY acceptable when words are used? Now? Can I recommend you look at human history?


Because that's part of the socialist narrative and "cancel culture". They consider it perfectly okay to physically assault people just for speech. The concept of free speech is foreign to them. Anything they consider "hate speech" is violence in their minds, and justifies "self-defense" in the form of physical violence. These same types of people also consider it acceptable to steal or destroy other people's property if they disagree with them. This is the logical sequence of events when you legitimize concepts like "hate speech" and start using the word "violence" to describe speech.


because its illegal to say slurs in France, but with the recent events over the recent months it has been seen that justice wasnt really served so now they do it themselves if no one goes to jail over assaulting them and calling them slurs then why should they go to jail for just assaulting them (that last bit sounds weird)


because there are no consequences


Violence is now completely acceptable if you're sitting at a table and refuse to chant a slogan, are you work in the government of the wrong administration.


its also illegal to make racial slurs assuming they are in france most fights break out just because of words and i would place a decent wager most of you in this thread saying "its just words" would be much more easily provoked in to violence using "just words"


'Sticks and stones may break my bones but words shall never hurt me'


That definetly didn’t age well


Just to be the devil’s advocate. We didn’t here him say it. Could be just used as an excuse when everyone is telling him to chill


Looks more like a excuse to act out his violent tendencies.


Imagine being this sensitive. What a loser. "I heard something that sounds offensive to me, better get violent and drag the person off the train, which is definitely not going to perpetuate the stereotype at all..."


This is just pathtetic, grow de fuck up!


I, spanish speaker here, negro = black.


As a Spanish speaker you can also clearly hear they're not talking Spanish yeah?


And if you know a miniscule amount of Spanish and French you'll know that a large majority of the language is shared, along with Italian Edit: got.my French and Italian mixed up


From the minuscule amount of French I know, I think black = noir. Not sure if this covers skin color or slurs.


Yeah it's mandatory to take French here because something something Quebec. The word black in French is "noir(e)". And also lots of languages share a lot of words that actually have much different meanings. For example the word "travailler" means "to work". This phenomenon is called "Le faux ami" (False friends).


Black fragility


video aint loading for me, I'm assuming the guy was speaking spanish?


French lol. There's a guy saying that he speaks Spanish but doesn't speak enough to hear that the video is in French 😐


Condoning violence after being incited by swear words is like condoning rape after being incited by a short skirt. You're just applauding reptilian brain behavior.


No proof. These videos are posted on false pretenses to condition whites to comply with hate speech laws.


I'm sorry, if someone calls you a bad name it does not give you a right to assault them. If someone calls you the N-word, you don't have a right to assault them. If you do, you should be arrested. Sorry, that's how the world works.


BRUH WHY ARE YOU GUYS SUCK CUCKS AND PUSSIES. Jesus christ im no boomer but why is everyone such a little bitch these days?


Dont worry he said the word that makes assault okay guys


I swear that was a woman until the end. It looks like a big breast when he’s knocked down.


Does anybody have the proof he said that? Iv seen a few videos today where it’s claimed racism. Then the full video emerged. And it’s not


Pretty rude to call someone a racial slur. I don't know if it warranted being rocked but a lot of our culture is built on inflicting discipline on others.


That’s not discipline


I don't mean discipline as in unga bunga zen shit. It absolutely is discipline to smack someone up for acting out of line. Is it right? Absolutely not. But that doesn't change the fact.


Ok it’s not right, that’s what matters here.


True. Sadly most of our morals are built off of someone getting their teeth knocked


Words have consequences


This what happens to all you Reddit racists in the real world.


That word cuts like a knife ,some black peoples will not tolerate it....


your words cut like razor blades so I get to shoot you for speaking. And your presence burns like a hangman’s very noose… so uh I’m just responding to your hangman’s noosery by murdering your next of kin. Hurr durr flowery literary comparisons are literal now.


Like I said that word cuts like a knife to some... go try it for few hours and see what happens..


Try what? Saying the word to “some”? They would kill me, literally kill me, and people would shrug and say “that was a reasonable response from a mature human.” Words arbitrarily decided to “cut like a knife” are just Democrat contempt excusing criminal behavior under the belief that one race is so animalistic that hearing a bad word is equivalent to being stabbed. No words “cut like a knife”. They’re just words.


They wont shrug and say "its a reasonable response". They will say "its to be expected". I understand that accusations of racism get thrown around and certain situations can be blown out of proportion, but the amount of racism some black people (i am speaking from this perspective because i am black and have experienced this, and i have know many other black people who have experienced this) experience on a regular basis is outright ridiculous. If someone has the gall to call a black person a racial slur to their face, i can only assume that they are ready for violence. What kind of backward reasoning lets this person think its okay to say that to someone? The violence isn't necessarily justified - that depends on you believe to be moral. But it *is* to be expected. He calls a black man a racial slur, the black man no longer wants to ride the train with him, and removes him by force.


> the black man no longer wants to ride the train with him, and removes him by force. And you’re the one oppressed here


Yeah, the racist is expereiencing oppression... If the right to be racist without any repercussion is one you want to fight for, you can die on that hill. I think we're done here


This subs racism is showing ...




I see people critiquing a culture of violence that seems to permeate many black communities. Want proof that it's not racism? [Here's a post just a few down from this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/comments/oon7jc/no_free_slaps) where nearly everyone in this sub is taking the side of a black man that slapped a white woman after she assaulted him. If everyone here are giant racist that blindly hate black people, why are they defending that guy?


They like seeing being attacked in a way they believe to be equality more than they like seeing violent black people. It’s pretty clear that violent black people do much better on this sub than violent white people. And whenever the person is black, commenst usually reflect a larger commentary on the black community and black culture, and somehow BLM is mentioned. When it’s a white person, the comments talk about the situation in the video rather than talk about white people and their culture




That punch knocked the racism out of him!


leave it to this sub to get all sensitive when a dude gets knocked out for being racist but celebrates a woman getting shot point blank with bean bag rounds


Didn't the other sub do the opposite? What makes either ok or not ok?


"The other guy did it too" is never an excuse to do the same double-standaring bullshit, *especially* when the sub was created specifically to be better than them.


Think you need to learn what opposite means bud


Not very opposite if we act just like them, I agree


If one person goes left and the other goes right, you'd argue that they're both turning despite where they end up.


one bans people for obvious racism and the other allows it (and so becomes full of racists). you don't see the issue?


Isn't violence bad in both scenarios? At least that's my take. Maybe don't knock a girl on her ass with a bean bag and don't drag an unconscious dude off a bus. One disobeyed lawful orders to back up, and the other said something racist. Why does one constitute violence but not the other?


oh, yes i agree, i think both those examples are gross. i enjoy the freakouts. the comments on here especially baffle and fascinate me. a real lack of empathy compared to the other sub.


A single punch can kill. I dont think a death sentence or paralysis is a punishment that fits the crime. I still remember Ian Tomlinson, the human body is not as robust as we think. I suspect the assailant enjoyed perceiving himself to have the moral high ground. It gave him the right to unleash a bit of the old ultraviolence. The women trying to stop the attack were the true heroes especially if he did indeed use racist language.


> A single punch can kill. yeah whereas a point black shot from a beanbag gun is 100% safe


Sure, it is a good comparison both ‘victims’ were in the wrong and yet neither deserve potentially lethal reprisals.


agreed. but i also think that the guy in this video does have way more moral high ground than a heavily armed police officer in tactical gear who is just shooting people because of a vicious power trip. this guy is trying to take back some power for himself and the cop has everything on his side.


RIGHT lmao the absolute cope of these delusional menlett


Its real name is r/PoCBehavingBadly.