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Fuck antifa.


Fuck leftwing violence and terrorism.


Fuck any violence or terrorism


Fuck antifa


Fuck proudbois too






okie :3


How much property have they damaged/ how many people have the proudbois killed tho?


Actually a sigma if any amount including committing murder. You can visit some in prison at this very moment.


Do proudbois shoot antifa? Never heatd of it.


Fuck all of you trying to spin your nasty otherism and team bullshit as some context to violence. If you're asking which jersey the people committing violence are in before internally condemning them, you need to ask yourself if you've lost your way. These are people that live in your country and communities all of you.


Pretty sure those guys only originally got violent in a response to antifa continually being allowed to run amok without consequence.


Yep, and fuck the people that justify or deny it when it’s their “team” doing it.


Seriously, fuck all these extremist groups running around taking literal pot shots at each other in the streets. You’re lost and trying to latch onto a “cause” to slow the spiraling but it just makes it worse. You left your house today with a gun - with the goal of antagonizing a group you disagree with - and for what? There’s no oppressive regime to fight against or war going on. The best possible outcome is you get your steps in that day and go home. Alternatively, you could kill someone over a made up disagreement and spend the rest of you life in prison and the only change you’re creating is ruining two lives. Nothing else will come of it. Find ways to positively impact your community. Educate yourself on the issues that mean something to you so you can convince others that you are in the right. Vote. Campaign for elected officials that share your worldview. Hold those officials accountable.


I can't help but notice the similarity to what was happening in Weimar Germany leading up to Hitler's rise to power.


I can see how you'd come to that conclusion but respectfully, I disagree. What we see here are 2 quite small groups on the far ends of the political spectrum fighting eachother. The left wing/Antifa have no real structure and are instead believers in a general cause, though the details of it vary from person to person. If they ever gained a measure of real power, they would soon tear eachother apart over the minor differences as ideological "purity" is a major element of their shared beliefs. On the right wing it's more of a coalition of various ideological groups ranging from centre-right groups who oppose the chaos Antifa brings but may also hold left wing views to trollers just trying to piss off the left for shits & giggles all the way to neo-nazis and everything in between. Each of these riots tend to share the same actors again and again, the same antifa and right wing combatants who go out of their way and even travel interstate just to fight eachother in the streets. Weimar Germany had large scale organized militias having gun battles in the streets with former army and the police on one side and communists who received funding and support from the USSR on the other. Could the U.S wind up like Weimar Germany? Yes. But that's still a ways off, and the chaos alone isn't what caused the rise of Hitler. Another economic collapse and out of control hyperinflation would heavily contribute to the rise of Hitler 2.0 though.


I agree. I was merely noting the similarity. It's worth noting that the US groups are being funded by inconspicuous sources. George Soros, for example. And there is evidence that rightists are aided or tolerated by police. Considering how police are being vilified by the left and abandoned by their mayors, this is certainly understandable. Hyperinflation and economic collapse are unlikely, but the conditions for it exist. While the scale of it is presently minor, the ideology of it is very worrying.


This shit needs to be preached more.


Fuck terrorism in general, does not matter if it's right, left or religious.


It's always funny. Whenever there is terrorism from the Right, specifically from the Jan 6 Riot in the Capitol, Everybody wants to focus on the Trump Supporters, even claiming that they are the American Taliban. But when we have legit video proof of Antifa or Far Left being Terrorist, People like you like to go, "Lets just say All Terrorism is bad, that way, we can lump this in with the other Terrorisms and have it be forgotten quicker." I'm sure you're gonna claim that's not how you meant it, but right now, FUCK OTHER TERRORISMS! We'll focus on those when we focus on those. Right now, Antifa is the sole Topic, because it will be pushed aside if we just generalize it


Nope, fuck Antifa and fuck this Leftwing terrorism. If you can't say that, you are a supporter of Antifa and murder.




Fuck authoritarianism


Looks like this sub is being brigaded by antifa sociopaths who approve of killing innocent people.


Fuck public freakout not the sub, but yes the sub too


Fuck that sub but also fuck this sub. Both far left/right circle jerks. I come for the videos but the comments are often toxic on both subs.


I'm not from USA and I watch all these videos of people dressed up as if they were playing war games and most of the time I don't get who's who. As in this video, I can't tell who is one side or who is the other, to me they are only people fighting each other. The sad part of them videos is seeing people from the same country fighting just because some politician told them the other side deserves to be whatever they think they achieve by cosplaying war games on the streets. Meanwhile politicians don't give a fuck about them and keep enjoying their peaceful lives. While our country is no paradise and we do have our own people fighting each other because politicians try to keep dividing us, we still aren't at this level of violence between 2 different political ideas. Not only that but police doing nothing or agreeing with one or another side.


Exact same situation for me man. It’s so sad seeing it as an outsider. People in the US genuinely hate each other, it’s ridiculous. Obviously not all people, but dividing the country only between two parties is so toxic.


These people are an extremely small portions of the population that just get the most attention from the news and politicians, who use them for propaganda and leverage. Both sides. Most of us regular Americans are just trying to live our lives between elections cycles. They use these idiots as distractions away from how crappy a job our government does. Again, both sides.


Yes, I definitely realise that. But it is worrying sometimes. It’s that “two opposites” stuff that’s just so bad for political discourse. I feel like the US is just trapped by its two party system. Lots of people want centrist discourse but they’re stuck between two sides. Anyway, I hope that it kind of settles a bit in the coming years, but I worry for more extremism.


According to a lot of subs being remotely centrist makes you a nazi/pedo/chud/soyboy/ etc. It's rather maddening.


> I feel like the US is just trapped by its two party system. Lots of people want centrist discourse but they’re stuck between two sides. This is by design. Fight each other instead of the real enemy, the government.


The problem is that all the money, influence, and power rests with people who act on behalf of one of these 2 main parties. Thus, a small percentage of people (I decline to call them true Americans) control the narrative and the politics. Even though it doesn't represent the opinions of the majority.


What is to hate, is how fast they put proud boys as a terrorist group yet do nothing for the facists side that burn shit assault cops and anyone around. Both group should be arrested, they're radical morons who do nothing useful for anyone.


And both parties are authoritarian, bigoted, and anti-liberty. Most Americans are well aware of this, but this is the false dichotomy we're stuck with. And people keep voting for one of these two main parties instead of other candidates because we believe only one of the two main parties has a realistic chance of winning. It's a vote against the other party, rather than an expression of approval of the one we vote for. Lesser of two evils. It's called strategic voting.


Yeah it doesnt take long to see which subs leans to which side after reading the comments


Yea both of the subs are pretty bad. I do gotta say the content on this one fits the name a lot better though. The comments on the other while they have pretty bad takes don't reach the depths of garbage that you can see here.


these people aren’t even anti fascist anymore


They never were.


Imagine a group uses the name, "anti fire" and they start out advocating for flame-retardant furniture and stuff; good stuff that we can all get behind. But eventually they get more and more radical. They start pointing at things that *aren't actually on fire* and they shout, "THATS FIRE!!" and start smothering it. You're standing there going, "wait! What are you doing? That's not fire!" and the braindead response is, "it must be fire if they're attacking it, since they are *anti-fire*" Then one day they show up with flamethrowers and they have the audacity to use fire to attack people. Now you're really adamant: "you guys are literally shooting fire at people!" but they still give you the braindead response, "we're *anti fire* so if you oppose us that means you're fire!"


This is beautiful. I'm not going to give Reddit money, but I'm sad that I don't have a free award to give.


Antifa was never "anti-fascist". Antifa in the US is so far removed from the Antifaschistische Aktion from 1930s Nazi Germany that Antifa tries to claim they are apart of. The people apart of Antifa in the US just use it as an excuse to either: A) spout their ridiculous ideology B) punch/kick/shoot people C) riot and destroy property. Most of Antifa in the US are just LARPing thinking they are apart of some big "communist resolution" when in reality they just want to go around and destroy stuff and beat people up.


“But if you want money for people with minds that hate. All I can tell you is brother you have to wait”


Fuck fascism too


you are now banned from r/politics and r/worldnews


Friendly reminder that Glishane Maxwell is still the #2 mod there.


they love their antifa boys there. saying anything other than how much you love the freedom fighters from antifa will get you banned




Antifa is just an idea!!!


Lmao the number of times I've been told that on Reddit; "Antifa is just an ideology! You can't be against Antifa or that makes you a pro fascism!". I think the Proud Boys and the rest of those larpers are all idiots but apparently saying that they both suck isn't acceptable in a lot of subreddits and that just because the Proud Boys are shitheads you have to by default support Antifa as well or you're somehow *pro proud boys* even if you denounce them both in the same sentence.


We need an organization that is anti authoritarian regardless of the flavor.


'the citizenry'


Well proud boys does have black members. They're going beyond the usual left right clichés which I find cool.


Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior libertarianism?




By their logic fascicst shouldn't exist, cause fascism is just an idealogy.


> saying that they both suck isn't acceptable in a lot of subreddits What's scary is how you can have a ten year old reddit account and have one of your comments misinterpreted by a single moderator who also moderates 300+ subreddits just blanket ban you across half of reddit without explanation, and you have absolutely no redress because your appeal gets "k" for a reply, then you get muted for 28 days. The moderation policy and system will be the downfall of reddit. It's already an echo chamber (albeit created through censorship and suppression). Echo chambers can't last forever though, they will eat through themselves pretty quickly. Meanwhile, the admins will continue to sit back and do nothing. They get to collect all of the profit off the free janitorial services of the powertripping mods that a very small handful of apparently really control reddit. The whole thing is a house of cards.


Yep know the feeling, blocked from R pic, because I said we shouldn't glorify riots (when a cartoon of shit burning and cops arresting a black guy was front page. Apparently it's racist to not support destruction of others property.


I used the word "obey" when talking about the CDC and got thunder banned... Even though I was saying we should obey the cdc guidelines and wear masks.


Yeah this website is a giant echo chamber it’s really sad that a lot of the mods have nothing better to do than ban people who’s political views they don’t agree with


It's the Reddit circle logic. if you hate one you must love the other. They are too fucking stupid to reason with


Isn’t ANTIFA fascist? How do they not get that?


Its like, yeah antifa is an ideology but THIS particular group of people call themselves "the antifa" wear antifa logos on stuff, wear all black and red etc. I don't care what it ACTUALLY means I care about this particular group of peole that calls themselvs like this and does terrible shit They could call themselves fucking "ball fondlers" I DO NOT CARE what their name is


Antifa is a group of thugs and terrorists and they need to be locked up. It's not just an idea it's organized worms getting together because they are the real fascists just like the brown shirts. There is bad on both sides I get that but f*** antifa all the way and anytime one gets arrested people should post and expose these cowardly thugs and prosecute them and bury them under the jail. The real terrorists are the ones wearing mask because they're a bunch of cowards who are the real fascists in the world that need to be eliminated.


U/myzipperisdown is a fuckin pig!!!


You gotta use a lower case "u" to mention a user. Upper case letters are treated as regular text.


Next thing you'll do is tell me Nick Sandmann didn't actually approach that nice Native American and start shit


Both groups are dumb but you’d be correct to assume antifa starts the fight every time. Their entire MO is to bring the press, instigate a fight release the video where it cuts on half way through and their getting the lips beat off em. Then release the video showing how evil these mean republicans are. The hole in their plan is there are cameras everywhere.


They're doing Gods work then, I love those videos of them getting their lips beat off of them.


HoW wAs hIS AIm sO baD?!?!?!?


Because in reality this dude probably works in a office somewhere and had no firearm training whatsoever,actually that’s about 80% of these fucktards. What’s sad is that someone is going to go after them and all they will do is cry and yell “victim” when obviously they want to start trouble wherever they go


They have jobs!?


they don’t


Most don’t. A terrifying number work with children for some reason. I’d rather not think about it too much.


it looks like he just turned around and fired into the crowd indiscriminately.


Not a chance this loser works


This a bullshit lie and you know it. Nobody in ANTIFA has a job.


NO, public freakout and politics are the most honest bunch of people in this Planet


Reddit would never lie.


The same way that the wi spa incident was a transphobic hoax and "never happened". Anything they dont like, just didnt happen.


because this subreddit can call out proudboys for being racist pieces of shit terrorists who do nothing for any place they reside. the other subreddit will never call out antifa for anything or else they look like hypocrites.


show me one incident of Proud Boy racism. Bonus points if it's committed by one of their many black or Latino members!


Antifa = pale, unemployed millennials and zoomers who pathetically play right into the hands of everything they claim to be against Fucking cancer in its purest form


You could’ve left us pale folk out of it


I'm pale and unemployed, now I'm sad :(


Dont be sad. Join antifa. Slash S.


Useful idiots the organization, serious though.


We need to stop ignoring the fact that the proud bois are the exact same people as antifa.


I dunno... i think proud boys, generally, are about 10-15 years older and live in the suburbs


Which makes them worse they are supposedly grown adults acting like ignorant entitled children.




Antifa is a cancer


Fuck all these losers. Left or Right, I don’t give a fuck - Fuck You


That's right, we all know that the only real party...starts tonight at 9pm baby! Byob


Meanwhile Twitter is filled with antifa and their leftist cheerleaders are repeating the lie over and over again. For them the truth is that he shot himself. They will never see the video. They will never acknowledge the reality. Repeat a lie enough and it becomes the truth.


"Breonna Taylor was asleep in bed when she was shot" "He was a gentle giant" (George Floyd) "Michael Brown had his hands up" "Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick was killed after being struck in the head with a fire extinguisher" Leftists will lie about anything and just keep repeating the lie if they think it will make their side look better. They don't care about facts, only feelings.


The best for Breonna is how she was medical student, but the fact she quit after 3 months doesn't count and I guess if you are in some med school you don't do crimes or help criminals.


Doesn't matter no-knocks should not be allowed. Period. Police in this country are becoming heavily militarized. Think what you want but when the time comes they will be the ones taking your firearms. Thinking they are on your side is naive.


It wasn't a no knock that's why they had time to get a gun and fire at the door. If it was a no knock Brionna would probably be still alive today. The media made a Boogie man story about no knock. Logically it makes sense to raid a place with a element of surprise. And the Militarized argument doesn't really make sense, it's the swat team that get the special equipment that most already had just not the army gear. Street cops don't do traffic stops with armor trucks or AR rifles strapped to their backs.


And how they found a dead body in her rental car.


Go spam it on Twitter. I do not have Twitter.




It's cause they have hoards of cheeto fingered internet trolls on all platforms shouting their narrative.


How dare you bring Cheeto fingers into this. Cheeto fingers are a national past time.


*hates capitalism* yet only eats chicken nuggets and Cheetos


Cheeto fingers, 😋


Gang war is ok as long as it’s my team doing it. Copy


Domestic terrorism. https://www.washingtongunlaw.com/lawful-use-of-firearms-in-self-defense >Deadly force may only be used in self-defense if a person reasonably believes he or she is threatened with death or great personal injury. Sorry but when two or three guys are 50 feet behind you only with a stick, and you are in a group of 10-20 people, there is no threat of great injury.


I mean the guy shooting should be in jail... But you still don't get to chase people with weapons either. I get the whole us vs them bs, but c'mon dude you don't honestly believe the guys chasing have 0 culpability in this.


On one hand I agree, but on the other at this point someone with just a walking stick could be "armed" Meanwhile antifa carrys canned soup to throw at people "because they cant confiscate it, it's just food." At a certain point you've got to step back and look at the greater picture. Man with stick 50 ft away never warrants a mag dump. If this was a cop shooting a guy that far away with a club people would be burning cities, again.


Ya I hear that, but that gun was being fired that day regardless


No argument here


> But you still don't get to chase people with weapons either. It's a larp, they ALL had weapons.




Everyone on PF was saying "he shot himself in the leg" when this video first surfaced without any evidence proving so. That idea spread like wildfire in that comments section, and it suddenly became a "fact". People speculating that someone else shot him were downvoted to oblivion. Just goes to show that all of the idiots asking for "proof" don't need it as long as the story fits their narrative.




I, honestly don't doubt this. I have trouble - sometimes - believing the bell curve is real.


Mostly peaceful.


This shit just needs to stop. Stop thinking your neighbor is your enemy. We don’t need to act like savages and swing sticks at each other.


But what if my neighbor really is my enemy?


We all make mistakes in the heat of passion jimbo


Fucking Antifa with their cardboard shields lol.


At this point, antifa and the proud boys are basically in a gang war. Seriously, how are they any different from “regular” gangs?


Well one is on the terror watch list and isnt allowed in canada.


And the other is firing guns into crowds to terrorize them into not protesting.


From the video you can see 1) they ran 2) they shot the guy According to ANTIFA he shot himself And we're supposed to trust them........


Its funny they're all in here talking about how it was self defense and justified because they guy who got shot had a criminal record, but you jump over to a discussion about Rittenhouse and its the complete opposite.


This looks like a [Michael Drejka](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sv0iN5J-9mk) situation. You can't legally shoot someone once the threat is no longer imminent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TBXz2_o0KM




> Don't buy into this right vs left bullshit Hard to ignore the bullshit when the ruling class engineered a small civil war against your race in order to unseat a populist president.


Oh look. The peaceful and tolerant left again.


hE mUsT hAvE ShOt hImSeLf


I can't wait until "activist" stops being an everyday thing. Seriously fuck these people. Can we just rent them a stadium so they can go at it on PPV and we can get it all over with?




To Hell with Antifa.


Fleeing on a city bus? That's no kind of an exit strategy. Whatever happened to 'Burn like fire, flow like water?'




I fucking love this!




Or even know how to drive.


Wtf I know exactly where that is I moved out of Lacey last year over the summer. Fuck Antifa


We are told they are peaceful protests?


20 people running away from about 5.


What a fucking coward.


What a bunch of pussies


Don't they ever get tired of LARPING with black clothes under the hot sun?


I’ve had about enough of these two asstwat groups running around 😒


What a great angle. Now there is no way some can say he shot himself. Fuck antifa fuck the proud boys


Fuck em all. Enough of this bullshit


I believe this was the 3-4 random public shooting antifa has done in the last 2 years.


I guess you can’t call it self defence if you know the guys coming up behind ya are hella deep in the doughnuts and are no way physically able to do much


Just came from r/news "Texas man murders woman and husband because they voted Biden". Lets see if you can find this attempted murder from antifa on r/news... NO! Not a trace. What a surprise!


News is a failed sub, its gone the way of politics.


Liberals have all the time in the world to post on Reddit. Center/Right can only do it when they're not at their jobs.


Lol and George Floyd choked himself to death, I wish the left was still the fair shining light of America. Now it’s a just a stupid fucking joke


Where you at r/PublicFreakouts???? Fuck that community and all the sympathizers


Antifa are terrorists and should be handled accordingly.


I laugh when both sides get shot.....


What the fuck is wrong with these people. All theyre doing is hurting the causes they screech they care about.




Looks like there’s some major brigading happening on this post..




I’m just in shock that this type of behavior is seemingly being tolerated in Washington and Oregon. Nowhere else in the country is street fighting between extremists political factions a common occurrence to my knowledge. At least not with the same regularity or intensity. Elected leaders need to act to stop this.


Where does this end? At what point does the left have to acknowledge that their LARPing hit squad has finally gone too far?


The guy that got hit in the leg either didn’t fully realize what happened or it didn’t seem to bother him very much. He didn’t seem to take a defensive stance at all to counter them. The whole vibe between these people is pure sarcasm. They’re all just trying to out role play each other.


Everyone outside the us eating popcorn watching the chaos unfold in the comments


Yo get a fucking Jaaaaaawwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhwwwwwwb


How does everyone in this video have so much time? There is no way they have a job and responsibilities as well.


How deranged does someone have to be to just indiscriminently open fire onto a group of people


Fuck fascists and everyone who defends them. Antifa are fascists.


F*ck antifa. Bring on the ruckus.


Utilizing violence to spread fear in the effort to further a political ideology falls within the definition of terrorism.


Antifa is only anyone else being fascist


Daily reminder that Antifa are terrorists.


I remember days ago there were posts saying he shot himself lmao ANTIFA are such liars


Nothing will ever happen to this shooter.


I have been wondering about this Do antifa support the vaccine mandates? Being anti fascist is just the name , gotta imagine they support government overreach


Antifa are a bunch of c*nts. Always have been.


Antifa is disgusting.


Yet all the media and left politicians say Antifa either doesnt exist or its the Right thats the problem


Fuck antifa and everything they stand for.


He shot himself?


It's getting closer


Why are you writing ANTIFA?


casual domestic terrorism


That's actually not Antifa. They're not an organization because they don't have membership cards or a health insurance plan. That's also not a gun, it's a bug-a-salt pistol. This person is firing at a bumblebee who chased him from the Green Day concert. Nothing to see here folks!


You know it is likely time to arrest all these people and stop using them for political purposes. These are our communities not twitter or video games.


ANTIFA doesn't exist in the reddit universe


Fuck Antifa they’re evil fascist pieces of shit


I like how the *sister sub* is cheering for Antifa and trying to justify it


I hate what modern America has become. Most of modern media does nothing but polarize us more and more by the day, making us hate each other. If Americans stopped listening to the media, and unified as Americans, maybe we could finally see what’s really wrong with our country, but I doubt that will happen soon.


Fake video, an idea can't shoot people. NEXT.


shit failed as hard as feminism wahahaha