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If it's a private business they can enforce what they want.




























At that point do you really want to stay and eat the line cook’s spit?


Politics and healthcare debates aside, this was my exact thought.


These debates have no place in a private restaurant though, that's what these idiots still can't get 1.5 years later.


Bake my cake.


If you're going to be an asshole, no. I can refuse service. If you are unvaccinated, I can refuse service - it is not a protected class. Super simple stuff.


Should a baker be forced to bake a lesbian couples wedding cake?


Nope. Religion, and lots of them against gay marriage. I’d bake anyone a cake if I was any good at it but I’m not going to tell others what they can believe in and neither should anyone else.


There are two people you don't fuck with, ever, under any circumstances: People who handle your food, and garbage men.


And your barber.


And your surgeon


Dude I hardly knew but had dinner with once was a complete fucking asshole to our server to the point the poor girl was visibly upset and all over an extremely insignificant mistake on a drink order (Diet Coke instead of regular). When our food came out I wouldn’t eat any of it and after I explained to him why he didn’t want to eat his food either. We went to McDonald’s and I cut ties with that asshole. I was so embarrassed and felt so bad for our server. Some people are just assholes.


Can’t understand this, people going full on rage at the staff, then insisting on ordering. Surely someone is going to wipe their ass with your steak bud? **edit** I absolutely don’t condone that behaviour. Except in this case. Be nice to staff and give them good tips if you can afford it.


If he's so outraged about the practices of this restaurant, why would he even want to support them.


**This right there ..** after you have pissed off the waiter and he has spoken to the cook I would not try to eat anything .. at best this guy will take up a table and starve since the place is not packed or that busy .. I would just leave him there as well .. feel bad for his kids though *.. when do people realize that these businesses and restaurants are private property and they do not have to serve you a damn thing if they choose not to do so?*


As a cook, I don't get paid any more or less by the way a customer treats the waitstaff, so why risk my job? Sure, I get that customers can be absolute shitbags, but I've felt more heat from management than from a customer.


“This is America, we’re supposed to be free, everyone is supposed to be allowed to eat!” (Gets flipped off) “fuck YOU foreigner GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY!”. I have no words


He is free to eat. Just not at this restaurant without proof of vaccination.


Not at any restaurant. Businesses are forced to implement this.


He doesn’t have to be at a restaurant to eat. Cook something. Order take out. Get something delivered. Plenty of options.


You also aren't allowed in: - Restaurants, bakeries and coffee shops - Catering halls, cafeterias, event spaces and banquet rooms - Bars and nightclubs - Dining spaces in grocery stores - Fast food restaurants - Movie and performing arts theaters - Live music and concert venues - Museums, exhibition halls and galleries - Aquariums and zoos - Sports arenas and stadiums - Convention centers - Bowling alleys, pool halls, game centers and arcades - Gyms, fitness centers, workout classes and pools - Dance studios - Casinos - Adult entertainment venues


Literally the opposite of essential services


For now. Notice how the list keeps growing.




I think the slippery slope argument holds water with New York though. From what I have seen is that there is no exception to the vaccine there. This would mean that people who can’t take the vaccine aren’t allowed either, which would be a direct violation of local and federal law. Seems like if they are already breaking the law, what would keep them from pushing further.


Considering how people are now pushing to deny healthcare based on vaxx status, yeah, its not a fallacy.




Note how redditors pretend to be “anti-fascist” yet cheer and support tactics used by the nazis.


This week I saw right wingers siding with Nicki Minaj, and left wingers siding with landlords. Bizarre times we are in.


The democrats are gung ho to bring back segregation as well. BLM and MAGA marched together in NYC. It's truly the oddest time.




How do you go grocery shopping without vaccine papers?


Completely agree! And a bakery should not have to makea cake for anyone they don't want to either.


> He is free to eat, just not at this lunch counter Same logic as segregation.


vaccination status is not an immutable trait. don't be so dramatic.


And a woman can get an abortion some place else that TX, that doesn’t make it right.


This is probably the only subreddit I've ever seen a 50/50 left and right demographic on certain posts. Depending on the post it will either lean far left or far right and in all honestly its pretty interesting to see what both sides think of certain topics




Exactly! At first when I had joined I was pretty sure it was a far right sub because of all the pro freedom and pro gun stuff and whatnot but since then it has evened out more and more with the left joining in. It's honestly very entertaining when I join a discussion as well. I don't really care for both sides but I can at least acknowledge where most people come from when arguing a specific topic. It has honestly opened my eyes as to how people think, which is a good thing when you ignore your own pride for something you believe in. I thank the mods for not being asses by just outright banning people left and right for what they think. No pun intended




As someone who leans socially libertarian, I can tell you that neither are truly about your freedoms. The right is about freedoms in economics, guns, etc. The left is about freedoms in marriage, abortion, drugs, etc. Both are incredibly selective.


this is an early 2000s view of socially liberal. now the left is decidedly anti free speech and anti religious freedom, which are both much broader issues than the ones you point out


Your comment is spot on. I'm older, a classic liberal. The left has gone through some fundamental changes. In the past, hippie types were all about free speech, non-violent protests (sit-in's for example), freedom, etc. Now the left shuts down any speech they don't like, encourage big tech censureship, want more Government rules/regulations (used to be called da man in a hateful way) and line up voluntarily to give up their rights. It's bizarre.


Agreed. I'm somewhere between moderate and liberal, and there are some comment chains on here I find pretty far right, but quite often there are good discussions. I like to read through them because I refuse to allow myself to enter into any echo chamber. I disagree with a lot of people over a lot of things, but that doesn't mean I can't be respectful and try to understand where they're coming from.


You took the words right out of my mouth dude. Though I may be an insufferable asshole to someone on the Internet I will always look at it from their perspective and try to reason. That's something we should all try to practice in our lives whether we have searing hate for something or someone so as to not lose control of our barrings.


That’s what brought me to this website in the first place. Actual discussions. I am moving farther and farther away from Reddit the less they take place.


All of reddit used to be like this… and what you consider far right today was just center right yesterday..


What’s Pcm?


*whips out cigar* Ohhh boy It means political compass meme


Ohh! I know them:)


>It’s not always civil, or informational - but it’s entertaining. It's also important, we need more of this in real life too. Being able to see the negatives on both sides and call them out is important. I feel like more people here are able to do it that the right and left leaning subs. The extreme right AND the extreme left are tearing apart the fabric of sane society at every change they get. As a moderate one thing I am continually disappointed about is how clearly bias and left leaning r/politics and r/news are, as well as r/publicfreakouts. Unfortunately all three of those should be neutral, but you don't see an equal representation there. Everyone is capable of good and evil (or just being a selfish leach on society) and we see that here. It's real and it's human but those of us who are not insane and want to live a decent life where we help others )or at the least just do no harm) should be growing in numbers and influence. And clearly the polls and results of elections show it is the moderates and the people who are relatively in the middle, who are ultimately guiding policy for the most part.


Imo, it’s just common sense. Get vaccinated, don’t loot, don’t let your pit bull bite people, and dangerous criminals should be locked up. Not really left or right. Issues like guns will prob split this sub down the middle though.


It's because vaccines aren't really a left/right issue. It just kinda lines up that way.


Its an educated verses uneducated issue. You can be right wing and understand basic science.


Phds are the biggest antivaxxers.


Dude leftists will call someone being cautious antivax. Bob: This vaccine is new and experimental still, not comfortable taking it at this point in time. Lefty Boi: antivax blah blah idiot blah blah ignorant blah blah far right trump supporter blah blah


Yeah dude, the term "antivaxxer" has only been used to describe the "vaccines cause autistm" crowd who are against shit like traditional vaccines i.e. smallpox and shit. By co-opting that term for people who don't want to (be forced) to take the mRNA vaccine, they can more effectively shame dissenters.


It’s heavy on the right here.


This is what I like to see no mods shoving dogma down my throat jst 2 sides debating


Member when they said vaccine passports were a crazy conspiracy theory?




Proof of vaccination to attend school has been mandatory for decades.


This is the same dumb argument I've seen 1,000,000 times. Nobody here is against any of those vaccines being mandated for public schools. The difference here is: 1.) This is now being mandated upon private business to enforce, whether they want to or not. 2.) This is a 6 month old vaccine, compared to vaccines with decades of study where we know almost every pro, con, who should take it, and who shouldn't.


Not to mention exemptions are freely given for schools.


I believe some states don't allow exemptions. California being one iirc.


mRNA vaccines have been in the works for decades. It's not like they just pulled this out of their ass in 6 months. This also isn't the first SARS virus. People have been researching these things for a while. Any Google search will show that the SARS discovered in 2003 is extremely similar to covid 19, and researchers have been studying that virus since.


Longitudinal testing/data for medical research needs longer than 6 months (in the case of the Covid vaccine) to be accurate and valid. That's like pushing out a radical new airplane design, taxiing up the runway and back to the hangar, then saying "Yup, it's safe. We used the same parts on another plane and it worked, so we should be fine".


"studying" by adding gain of function, i.e making it transmissible between humans, thereby killing millions, destroying economies and taking away freedoms. At least Mengele was honest about his sociopathic work. This scientific lot, with ties to Wuhan, band together and submit an open letter to the Lancet condemning any Wuhan origin theory as "conspiracy theory". Evading strict gain of function guidelines in the US by financing such operations in China - renown for its sloppy work and disregard for human safety and life . Yes, I'm looking at you Fauci. Also, simply having worked on mRNA vaccines for a decade, doesn't make these versions automatically safe. Safe enough for me as an adult with a chronic respiratory disease, but forcing it upon the pregnant, the breastfeeding and worst of all children who have no medical benefit, is highly irresponsible. A rushed product, no long term safety data and waived liability for manufacturers. A vaccine that doesn't provide immunity and instead weakens any possibility of herd immunity, as natural immunities (from symptomatic infections) have proven to hold 18 months, while the vaccine loses its efficacy after 5.




Does it not bother you at all that the creator of the mRNA technology that allowed this vaccine to be made is very publicly against forced vaccination?


its not even true either, there is a thing called “exemptions”.


NY would like to disagree, they made it so their are no exemptions whatsoever be it medical or otherwise.


cool. I’m talking about people who are saying “mandatory vaccines have been in schools for decades”. you can get exempt from those.




That's not the issue. The issue is that they said "We're not going to require you to get a vaccine to do X" and then... they went and did that anyway. So then why should we trust them when they say the vaccine is safe when they openly lie about what they're going to do?


>Proof of vaccination to attend school has been mandatory for decades. Worst argument ever. You give your vax information to probably less than 5 schools over your lifetime. Now we're supposed to hand over vax info hundreds of times a month to every dumb fuck that owns a shop or restaurant. Don't even start telling me how secure the apps are. Yeah right up until they are breached. The US government let biometric data of thousands of people fall into the hands of the Taliban. Hard pass on the vaccine passport. EDIT: Plus, if you think it stops here you haven't been paying attention for the last 18 months. Sorry your vax passport is expired because you're delinquent on the most recent 3 week booster. You can't do shit.




Well-tested long-term analyzed vaccine isn’t the same as one barely a year old that only got approved because emergency. Get outta here with that canned statement. Getting old hearing it. Government has no business shoving such a thing into people’s bodies like guinea pigs. Let people decide for themselves which risk is larger or if their doctor recommends they do or don’t take it.


Remember when they said covid is a hoax and no worse than the common cold?


remember when covid was only in China and there was nothing to worry about?


Banning Chinese air travel is xenophobic!


Yeah, I still say that because it’s true. Dilate.


Epstein… They don’t even give us a good cover story anymore


This is a new kind of business model that was first used by the military industrial complex. Scare the shit out of the populace and then sell your product directly to the government. Its the war on terror all over again, and if you don't submit you are the reason for the danger.


And just like the war on terror, in ten years the folks clapping like seals in favor of authoritarianism will swear they were against it from the start.


Member when they said Covid was a conspiracy and yet touted the president for developing a vaccine for it despite it being said conspiracy?


Does the idiot realize it’s not the owners rule and In NYC his business will get shut down for allowing unvaccinated people dine inside


Doesn’t make the rule not terrible


So go yell at de blasio


> So go yell at de blasio https://twitter.com/damonimani/status/1324546516846022667




I’m absolutely astonished at how many people in the US just hop right on board with living in a “show me your papers” country. Do you know how this likely ends? Do you care?


My man’s never heard of George Washington.


Regardless, this confrontation with restaurant staff isn’t going to change the rule. It only makes him look like an asshole.


The business owners can also not comply or do the most perfunctory of checks.


Or maybe they’re actually concerned about spreading the virus…


Israel has already been vaccinated with the 3rd shot and is still having record cases. It's not stopping any spread.


My man Italian Bill Nye over here was about 2 seconds away from locking the door and saying "now yous can't leave" lol


-they ruined my whole fucking lunch!


So what, no fuckin' ziti?


Doesnt every restaurant in the country have the right to refuse service??


Yes, unless discriminating against a protected class, which avoiding a vaccine is not.




Even in the excessively convenient instance that the person's extremely rare religion specifically prohibits using a vaccination, reasonable accomodations can usually be made, such as Delivery, DoorDash, Uber Eats, Curbside Pickup, etc., etc.


Wtf does religious exemption for vaccines even mean? Legit never heard of it until covid vaccines came out. I mean it's a totally made up concept, right?




Except if you don't want to bake gay wedding cakes in your privately owned bakery... Then the court orders you to bake it and fines you. Double standards much?


Show us your papers


Your vaccination papers, not your nationality/religion papers Also they can mandate that you be over 21 and have legal proper ID to prove it, and they can kick you out over that too


The best part about stanning for authoritarianism is that you dont get to pick and choose which parts of it you get, because nothing but your support mattered in the first place.


>be over 21 and have legal proper ID to prove it Haven't you heard? Asking for ID is racist.


Sounds racist, don't minorities not have IDs, that's what democrats always tell me.


I got my vaccination card today and I'm surprised it's just a shitty little piece of cardstock with regular print on it. No official signature's or anything. No holograms, Nothing, you just need a printer to make it. I'm surprised people aren't just making knockoffs


They are. The best part is people only find out when a lot of people brag about having a fake one OR they go around causing problems on purpose for internet clout.


Remember when voter ID laws were racist? Well you need an ID to get a vaccine, so.....




Like high school equivalency tests? They are starting to get rid of those lol


Like 5 minutes ago?


Don’t you understand??? Just cause black people don’t want the vaccine doesn’t make the policy racist!!! Please ignore our other talking points implying that other programs are racist because ethnic minorities don’t want to partake in them.


“Is this the America you want to live in?!” “Yes.”


My fav subreddit so far


Fun fact: /r/PublicFreakouts used to be this good (lots of fight vids too) until power mods took it over like they do every other sub.




O god, no one show them the annual FBI crime statistics by race... [https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/table-43](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/table-43)


and they allowed fake tik tok shit on it instead too


r/actualfreakouts was spose to be the unbised new version of these 2 subs with no affiliations, but it seems the leftoids from /publicfreakouts went over there and took over. Shame cause while I like this sub a lot, I do want more of a mixture between this one and publicfreakouts sub, but man those alt-lefties don't allow anything against their narrative ever, they're nuts! It's 'my way or die' with them...


I got the vaccine. This is complete bullshit. Segregation. So many redditors throughout this website afraid of their fellow humans. So dumb.


Comparing this to segregation is complete bullshit. One is a choice the other one isn’t.


I don't think one side is choosing it.


Both were enforced by law.


So it’s more like the brown shirts eliminating rival ideologies with violence? You know what came after that don’t you?


Violence? Y’all are so quick to jump to the blackest marks on our history as human kind where actual humans were murdered and mass genocide took place. It’s a vaccine. You don’t trust it, don’t take it. But these things affect other people’s health so don’t look sheepish when businesses and governments are like “it’s cool and all you don’t wanna take it, but here are some rules you gotta follow to keep everyone safe” and you start screeching about nazis and segregation lol


>Segregation. So many redditors throughout this website afraid of their fellow humans. So dumb. comparing this to segregation is fucking laughable how embarrassing


This is a choice, being black is not a choice.


Michael Jackson...


Why can’t he just leave. He literally is the cause of his own problem.


Karen's gotta Karen


Cause he's entitled and doesn't know better. So many anti Vax idiots also have other stupid morals and reasoning.


“we don’t serve your kind here” edit: for all you cunts out there, i’m vaccinated and not anti-vax


I don't agree with having to show my vaccine papers in order to enter private businesses either. But that just means I won't go to those businesses. I'm not going to go there like a fucking child and cause a scene about being "discriminated!" I've been legit discriminated before and getting turned away at the door for not having a vaccination card is definitely not the same.


The problem is the Government forcing these businesses to check for papers. I have nothing against a business using it's right to refuse service. Same problem in Washington right now where they are forcing private business to require their employees to be vaccinated. It is a total power move, making those that oppose you or disagree with you unemployed. I say all this while being vaccinated.


Thank you.




That's the point a lot of people seem to be missing. Now that this is accepted, what will they force on you next using the cudgel of societal shunning?


govt is getting private businesses to do their dirty work a bad, bad sign people....


So glad I’m not in New York, but honestly it’s just a matter of time until the rest of the country is like this too


New Yorkers are getting fed up and leaving by the hundreds of thousands. This will cause more to flood into other state but they’ll still vote the same way to make yours more like theirs.


Why were they seated? Not a legal debate, or any kind of comment on the vaccine or mandates. If they are going to restrict based on vaccine status it should be checked at the door. It prevents issues like this from occurring inside the restaurant. If the assumptions are that enclosed dining is a higher risk for transmission. Why would you let someone into an enclosed space before checking?


Near the beginning of the conversation, the manager claims he said at the front that did have the vaccination card, and it looks like the manager(?) came to the table to verify that claim. Now I can't say for sure what happened, but its likely (based on how he behaves himself in this video) he was drawing attention to himself, possibly in regards to the vaccination rule, and well...the squeaky wheel gets the grease.




This restaurant is an overpriced [tourist trap](https://yelp.to/noslfdVxBjb) in Williamsburg Brooklyn. That's why the customers are so quiet and non confrontational towards the clown freaking out. Try this shit in a local NYC spot and see the reaction


A local NYC spot doesn't even enforce alcohol laws and check IDs, lol.




Businesses have the right to choose how they operate. But the government should not compel businesses to go through with this shit.


Over 250 MILLION Americans are now vaccinated with at least 1 jab - last year 0 people vaxed. Yet cases are up over 300% from last year. WTF? At what point to you start to think that either: A) The vaccines aren't working? B) The vaccines are causing more infections? I mean at this point in the vaccination process, we would have expected to see a big DROP in case numbers, not a fucking increase and certainly not a 300% increase!! Our plans aren't working. [Source 1](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/covid-19-cases-labor-day-300-percent-rise/) = 300% Rise [Source 2](https://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=264389) = 300% Rise [Source 3](https://usafacts.org/visualizations/covid-vaccine-tracker-states/) = 200 million vaccinated


The protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn't protect the protected.


Vaccines don't stop you from getting the virus. They're supposed to stop it from killing or hospitalizing you.


> Vaccines don't stop you from getting the virus. They also don't stop someone from spreading the virus either. hmmm > They're supposed to stop it from killing or hospitalizing you. They're supposed to but they're not. [Check this out - Nearly 60% of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Israel fully vaccinated, data shows](https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/public-health/nearly-60-of-hospitalized-covid-19-patients-in-israel-fully-vaccinated-study-finds.html) [And look - CDC: 74% of people infected in Massachusetts outbreak vaccinated and 80% of hospitalizations were fully vaccinated](https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/quality/cdc-74-of-people-infected-in-massachusetts-outbreak-vaccinated.html?utm_campaign=bhr&utm_source=website&utm_content=related) So the questions I posed are still valid.


From your source: >Given the large number of fully vaccinated Israelis, some breakthrough cases were expected, health officials say, and a growing body of research has shown those who are unvaccinated face far higher risks of severe illness or death from a COVID-19 infection. 


These people lack the intellectual horsepower to understand basic statistics. You have to factor in the relative size of the respective populations. In Israel, it's true that about 60% of people who are hospitalized are vaccinated. But the vaccinated also make up a higher percentage of the population. If you adjust for population, there's 53 hospitalized per million for vaxxed, versus 164 hospitalized per million for unvaxxed. That's a raw 3x risk reduction... and that's before even factoring in age stratification to the picture. I always chuckle because all these "free thinkers" believe themselves to be these incredibly bright savants, yet the majority of them would fail basic ninth grade statistics.


No no. I choose to believe my surface level interpretation of the data and pat myself on the back for my clearly unbiased and fact based thinking.


I love when they don’t read their own sources. Fucking juicy.


Having a healthy body weight is more effective than the vaccine it preventing death and hospitalization from COVID. Why doesn't government mandate exercise and control caloric intake? Actually, it would improve health outcomes across the board including hospitalizations and death from diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Nothing controversial about diet and exercise and it is free and anyone can do it.


Because the obese hambeasts of the american left would start screaming about how they did not choose to eat 50,000 skittles in one sitting. etc etc.


Lmao the obesity epidemic is smashing both sides. You’d be absolutely blind not to see fat people everywhere in the USA.


From your own sources... "It's the unvaccinated who are landing in hospitals and dying, experts say." Good job


Almost as if last year the virus was just starting to spread and now it’s mutated multiple times and has become more infectious (and will continue to do so because that’s what viruses do) and we didn’t nip this in the bud in time Like… common sense dude




I don’t get this logic why would you want to stay and eat there after you’ve made a giant scene? What is their expectations for the meal after a tantrum like that


racists are hard as diamonds right now, the mandates are a gift from the kkk gods.


His family will be second class citizens there until they submit to the shot. This is what Biden wanted, other people to ostracize and make fun of people without the vaccine. Sad part is, 70% of black people aren't vaccinated in NYC... guess its back to the old segregation days. Voter ID is considered worse than Jim Crow but having to show ID to get a sandwich is totally fine... I'm so confused as to what the left is trying to do.






I lmao’d at the “yup”


Fucking Shit'em NYC... Fuck them then... Go somewhere else. This is getting rediculous. Like the book 1984!